Game within game of online games

Chapter 719 Clear the screen instantly

Another example is that if you add extra time to lure monsters, if you lure less, you will naturally lure monsters more frequently, or if you lure less land, the wild monsters may be lured away by others, etc.!

Therefore, in order to improve the efficiency of spawning monsters, most teams will choose to attract more than ten wild monsters at once. If this is the case, then players who have reached level three will not be able to spawn monsters beyond level three. They can go up to two levels. Because there are too many monsters, the pressure on them will naturally increase! In the same way, players who have reached level 4 cannot spawn monsters beyond level 4. The most they can do is spawn monsters at level 3. The maximum number of players who have reached level 4 can spawn monsters at level 4. The maximum number of players who have reached level 6 can spawn monsters at level 5! This is already the limit!

The above rules are based on the wild monsters in the ancient cemetery. If they are based on ordinary wild monsters such as cliff caves and treasure caves, there is another standard, because these wild monsters are weaker than the wild monsters in the ancient tombs. , players can naturally increase their level to spawn monsters!

If a group of wild monsters are attracted at once to spawn monsters, then the maximum number of players with three levels to spawn monsters is level three. If there are more monsters, be prepared to wipe out the group! Players who have reached level 4 can go up to level 4 to spawn monsters, players who have reached level 5 can go up to level 5 to spawn monsters, and players who have reached level 6 can go up to level 6 to spawn monsters!

The above are already the limit. Going to more levels or attracting more wild monsters will only lead to death!

Why do richer people upgrade faster? With good equipment and the ability to spawn monsters across levels, how can it be compared to those losers who can't even set gems?

The problem faced by Wei Bin's team at this time is the problem of extreme monster spawning. The highest level of wild monsters in this golden spot is 74. After everyone used the intermediate sharp potion, the ignore level +3, the wild monsters instantly changed to 71. Level, and their collective level is 66, which is exactly five levels beyond the level of monster spawning, which is in line with their temperament of reaching the maximum level of five, and can maximize the efficiency of monster spawning! ????

As for their way of upgrading, they were even more ingenious. After everyone formed a team, they each started to spawn monsters according to their own routines, but Wei Bin was different. He didn't follow the routines at all! He ran wildly all the way to every corner of the golden spot. His purpose was simple, to cover every wild monster in the golden spot with a halo! He has only one purpose of leveling up here, which is to take possession of the degenerate halo as soon as possible. After he permanently possesses the degenerate halo, he will go to the ancient tombs to upgrade in places with higher experience!

And Wei Bin's behavior undoubtedly attracted the attention of all the wild monsters in the golden spot. Others were just brushing the wild monsters around them, but you were so promiscuous that you had to provoke the extra wild monsters! Originally, they could only face a hundred monsters at once. If you attract more than 200 monsters to them all at once, who can bear it?

"Take the monster!" Wei Bin yelled!

If Wei Bin dares to be so arrogant, he must be confident! Wei Bin has already formulated a combat strategy, that is, Wei Bin will attract the monsters. While Wei Bin is attracting the monsters, others can attack the lone wild monsters around them on their own. After Wei Bin attracts a large number of wild monsters, Everyone will burst into various damage-increasing states and kill monsters together. Since there are more wild monsters, it is possible to maximize the group attack!

Wei Bin gave the order and everyone went into various explosive states!

The empress of Soochow.

I saw the body of the Empress of Soochow glowing red, and the wind and thunder were already blessing her whole body!

Wind and Thunder: The fearless posture of the king, strengthens own skills, increases the skill damage, iron caltrops, annihilation in all directions, and floating light effects by 50, lasting for 10 seconds. Kill any target while the effect lasts, and increases the duration of the attack effect by 5 seconds. The duration is increased by up to 20 seconds and the cooling time is 80 seconds.

Immediately afterwards, Empress Soochow sent another death energy all over his body. It was his ultimate move that destroyed all directions. As the name suggests, as many as he came were killed!

Destruction in all directions: status, the understanding value will increase by 11 points every second for 15 seconds, and the cooling time is 80 seconds.

Then he used another move of Super Bloodthirsty + Nine Heavens Holding the Moon + Iron Caltrops, which randomly poisoned two wild monsters.

Nine Heavens Holding the Moon: Single-target long-range attack, causing a lot of damage to the target, and adding fatal poison, causing it to take damage equal to 10 of your attack power every second for 10 seconds.


It can be stacked up to 5 times and has a cooldown time of 30 seconds.

Caltrops: Single-target long-range attack, causing a large amount of damage to the target, and adding fatal poison, causing it to take damage of 10 of your attack power every second, lasting for 10 seconds, stacking up to 5 layers, and the cooling time is 30 seconds.

These two moves are linked to attack power. The higher the Soochow Empress' internal attack, the higher the damage of this poison! You must know that the internal power attack of the Empress Soochow under normal conditions is over 30,000. With the addition of Wei Bin's leader's Qibao Belt's own skill - the power of the leader, his internal power attack has directly increased to 35,000. This number, even if It is placed in the entire Middle-earth continent, and it is definitely among the top ones, because his gem-making style is unique and stands out from the crowd!

As we all know, the current stone-making style has been fixed. Players who have reached the limit of level 4 and level 1 are all pursuing attribute attacks, because attribute attacks bring greater benefits than internal and external attacks! Therefore, few people will inlay internal and external gems. They usually inlay double rows of attribute attack gems to ensure output, single rows of resistance reduction gems to output space for attribute gems, and single rows of hit gems to ensure hit rate!

But the Soochow Empress is different. He has a double row of internal attack stones, a single row of poison attack gems, and a single row of hit gems. Since the Tang Sect has poison linked to attack power, it makes sense to pursue extreme internal strength. Coupled with the existence of super bloodthirsty, the Soochow Empress directly inlaid a double row of internal attack gems! After becoming super bloodthirsty, the internal power attack is directly doubled, up to 70,000! This is an internal attack of 70,000. This number should not be available to players!

Immediately afterwards, the Soochow Empress teleported to the innermost layer of the team with a flash of light. This was his occupational disease. He was a Tang Sect player. Tang Sect did not have control-free skills, and he was in an explosive period. He had to Hide to ensure your own safety and ensure that your explosive power can be used! So in normal times, he would hide in the safest place to accumulate status and be ready to go!

Glimpses: The night-walking posture of a monster, performing incomparable movements, performing incomparable movements, teleporting to a designated area, the movement speed increases by 50 within 3 seconds after teleportation, the damage increases by 50 within 4 seconds, and the cooling time is 50 seconds. .

With the blessing of Feng Lei Wanjun, Destruction in All Directions increases by 17 understanding points every second. As the understanding value increases, critical strikes begin to appear. Until the 3rd second, the understanding value of the Soochow Empress increases. Breaking 100, a move called Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Needle blinded one of the wild monsters, and the damage increased again in the next 5 seconds!

Torrential Pear Blossom Needle: The Tang Sect's shocking and supreme stunt uses hundreds of tiny and dense silver needles to inflict 2500 damage and blindness to the target for 3 seconds. The knowing damage increases by 50 within 5 seconds after using the skill.

This increase in knowing damage is only effective when there is a knowing hit. If there is no critical hit, it has no effect. However, the Soochow Empress has already exceeded 100 knowing points at this time, and wild monsters of this level probably have the same effect. With just ten or twenty points of knowing defense, the critical hit rate is already very high!

I saw Ziyang Jueling, the empress of Soochow, firing his crossbow into the sky. Thousands of arrows were fired at a large number of wild monsters. All the wild monsters hit by the thousands of arrows lost half of their health! There is no way, the Tang Sect's explosive power is too high!

Thousands of Arrows: The damage is increased by 50, causing 4000 damage to up to 6 units within a radius of ten meters. The cooldown time is 30 seconds.

With the blessing of Gao Xinxin, the salvo of ten thousand arrows triggers a knowing blow, and the damage is increased by 50 for Wind and Thunder, Glimpse of Light for 50, Heavy Rain for Pear Blossom Needle for 50, and Thousand Arrows for 50 more damage, all three increase the damage. A critical hit with the help of skills!

The algorithm for bonus damage from multiple skills such as this is that the increased percentages are first added together, then multiplied by the base damage, and finally multiplied by the knowing hit damage, that is, the base damage is 1+0. 5+0. 5+0. 5+0.5)2 does not mean multiplying by three 1.5 and then multiplying


In other words, if there are multiple damage-increasing percentages, they are all added together, and only a knowing blow is multiplied by 2!

Immediately afterwards, the Empress of Soochow pointed her finger to the sky again, and the goddess scattered flowers towards the half-blood monsters. No one survived where the petals fell!

Tiannu Scattering Flowers: Group attack, causing 4000 points of direct damage to 12 targets within 10 meters around the target, which requires half an anger.

The skill of Tiannu Scattering Flowers has obvious advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that it is a group attack. Although it requires half anger, it is still a group attack! As long as it is a group attack, it will always be more cost-effective than a single attack! But the shortcomings are also obvious. It is a half-wrath skill. If he uses this half-wrath skill, it means that he cannot use the full-wrath ultimate move. Fortunately, the demand for the full-wrath ultimate move is not very strong in Tangmen!

Another disadvantage is that it has great limitations. Just like Wei Bin's Lingshen Style, it needs to specify a target first, and then it can center on this target and cause damage to 12 surrounding targets. In other words, This group attack skill cannot be used against open space! Stealth that cannot be used to blow up Tianshan!

But this skill undoubtedly has more advantages than disadvantages for the Tang Sect. The Tang Sect needs group attack skills! The Tang Sect's high explosive power is there. A single-point kill can only kill one person, but a group attack can kill a whole group at once!

Immediately afterwards, the Empress of Soochow pointed to the sky again. The blue light of the Ziyang Jueling Crossbow in his hand flashed, and a crescent-shaped ballistic trajectory was launched from the arrows of the Ziyang Jueling Crossbow and opened among the monsters. The flower is the divine weapon skill of Ziyang Jueling Crossbow - Wrath of the God of Death. Another large group attack. After the group attack, the affected wild monsters were half-healthy again. At the same time, they were also blinded. It’s the blinding effect of the Wrath of the Killing God!

Then, the ancient dragon soul of the Empress of Soochow dropped from the sky with a corrosive and poisonous move, and hit the heads of these wild monsters hard. Although this corrosive and poisonous move did not take away the other half of the lives of these wild monsters, it did They are not having a hard time either, and they are not too far away from death!

Two moves of group attack to kill a group of wild monsters, this is the strength of Soochow Empress! Next, although there is no group attack, the Soochow Queen's single attack is still scary. Two or three hits will kill a wild monster. How does this look like a leapfrog monster spawning? Is this the effect of leveling up monsters?

The Empress of Soochow is indeed very strong! But the Blood Sea Demon Lord, who is also an explosive profession, is no less generous!

The operation of the Blood Sea Demon Lord is relatively simple. He is super bloodthirsty + Yangguan Triple Stack + Shifting Flowers + Eagle Strikes the Sky. A pile of ice particles blooms directly in the monster group, and all wild monsters are affected. Losing half of your blood, is this a level-up spawning of monsters? This is clearly abusing children! After the eagle struck the sky, the Blood Sea Demon no longer used any attack skills, but began to attack normally!

Why did he do this? It's very simple, this is a detail that only expert players know!

Any attack has a forward swing and a backward swing. The shortest forward swing and backward swing are normal attacks. The casting forward swing and casting back swing of any skill are longer than normal attacks. This means that if 10 Within seconds, if you only use normal attacks to attack, you can attack 20 times, but if you use skills, you may only attack 15 times. In the non-transfer state, maybe using skills can increase the player's output within 10 seconds. A little higher, after all, it’s skills!

But the situation is different for players in the state of grafting. The grafting can be splashed, and the total damage caused by the splashing is definitely much greater than the skill damage. At this time, attacking a few more times will definitely be better than the damage caused by the skill. Using several skills will make you stronger, so the Blood Sea Demon Lord has been using normal attacks to output!

This is different from group attack. If you have group attack skills, you must still use group attack. The damage of a group attack is definitely higher than the damage of normal attacks!

The Blood Sea Demon King's grafting technique combined with the normal attack in the Yangguan triple state is still very scary.


Each hit will be a critical hit, and will also splash several units. After a while, a wave of wild monsters fell down!

If Tianshan Sect and Tang Sect are explosive sects, then Feng Yun Wuji, who is a member of the Beggar Clan, expressed his dissatisfaction. Although the Beggars Clan is not an explosive sect, Feng Yun Wuji has actually turned the Beggar Clan into an explosive sect!

Feng Yun Wuji relied on the high dodge brought by his eight steps to catch the toad, and hit the dog's head with a stick to instantly fly into the monster group, followed by a move that shocked Baili, and the upper limit of combo points +3, which lasted for 15 seconds. The upper limit of hit points reached 12 points, and then another move of Thousand Miles Rampant hit 15 players around him. The combo points instantly increased to 12 points, and the effect of Thousand Miles Rampant's Zhenwu Guiding Four was that for every target hit, it increased. 12 damage, lasting 5 seconds.

In the end, No Dog in the World + No Dog in the World was forced to end. No one could see clearly how much damage it caused, not even Feng Yun Wuji, because there would be an explosion when released. He only knew that when it was released, No Dog in the World would explode. After Thousand Miles Rampage hits 15 targets, the subsequent damage is increased by 180, the 12-point combo point bonus is 120, the damage of hitting the dog head with a stick is increased by 50, and the effect of walking on ice is doubled, no one can survive. ! The damage has already overflowed!

This set of skills can cause tens of thousands of damage even to a player who does not break defense and is resistant to attribute attacks. The reason is simply because No Dog in the World is a large-scale, high-damage, direct-damage skill!

There is no dog in the world: The unique skill of the Beggar Clan's unique magic skill, the dog-beating stick method, can be used to launch a devastating blow to 15 enemies within a 20-meter range, causing 5,000 points of direct damage to them and adding a stiffening effect. Cooling time is one minute.

No Dog in the World is such a violent skill! Don't underestimate the 5,000 damage. This is just the basic damage. The damage will be higher if it is multiplied several times. If this is not a direct damage skill, there will be nothing you can do against those players who cannot break through the defense and are still resisted to death!

As for the stiffness effect, the stiffness effect reduces the target's speed by 50, whether it is movement speed, turning speed or hand-raising speed, while walking on frost doubles the effect of No Dog in the World, directly causing the target to be unable to move or move. , turn around, raise your hands! It's just that these wild monsters are not qualified to experience it yet, because after No Dog in the World, the screen instantly clears, and none of the wild monsters around Feng Yun Wuji survives!




Everyone seemed to have forgotten the battle and stared blankly at Feng Yun Wuji who was like a god of war!

If it were Tangmen or Tianshan, I could understand that these wild monsters could be killed instantly, but you are just a beggar gang. Why should a beggar gang kill these wild monsters instantly? You know, even the Tang Clan or Tianshan, which have accumulated enough explosive status, can't do this. Why can you, a beggar gang, do it? Is this reasonable? Your beggar gang is not a sect! You suddenly killed wild monsters that were incapable of killing both Tangmen and Tianshan. Where can you put the old faces of Tangmen players and Tianshan players?

All this is due to the high damage of No Dog in the World! What a bug!

After there was no dog in the world, Feng Yun Wuji decisively started Sweeping the Universe. Sweeping the Universe was a group attack that lasted for 15 seconds. During the execution, he could move and was immune to control! Judging from the current level of this skill, it has actually entered its weak period. Its strong period is in the early stage of the game, because its damage is fixed. This so-called fixed does not mean that it is from beginning to end. A damage, but it means that the damage of this skill is not increased by its own attack power, which means that it has no growth potential. A skill that does not enjoy the bonus of its own attack power will definitely be useless in the later stage!

Sweeping the Universe is like this. In the previous life, its damage was extremely high, and it also had a deceleration effect. As long as you are stuck by it, unless you have a certain skill, you will definitely die! Even Unyielding and Self-rewarding can't save you, because the duration of Sweeping the World is as long as 15 seconds, but what about Self-rewarding and Unyielding?

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