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Chapter 765 Mount Olympus

Xue Muhua's demand for herbal medicines mainly focuses on low-level herbs. Xue Muhua's medical skills are very good. He only needs to blend some low-level herbs to have the effect of high-level herbs. As for those high-level herbs that cannot be blended to play the corresponding role , and then cultivate it through Shennongjia! However, there are very few of these herbs, and Xue Muhua’s demand is relatively low!

Therefore, the biggest beneficiary of the unblocking of Shennongjia land is actually Wei Bin! Wei Bin can completely invest in purchasing low-level herbs on the market, and then donate the herbs to the Red Cross Medical House Alliance. He himself uses Shennongjia to cultivate and collect high-level herbs. After all, Shennongjia is such an awesome artifact. If he uses it to give Xue Muhua Producing low-grade herbs is such a waste!

And as long as there is this Shennongjia, the source of Nirvana's medicinal herbs will have a solid foundation, and Nirvana's medicines will not be controlled by others in the future!

"Okay, I don't have much time. After all, this is just an illusion transformed by my obsession. I will disappear soon. Now, you two leave here first, Wei Bin, you stay! "Shen Nong said.

"Is this going to give out hidden rewards? Are we still trying to avoid suspicion?" Avril thought in her mind.

"Senior Shennong, do you have something to say?" Wei Bin asked when he saw Avril and Xue Muhua leaving.

"You are not an ordinary person!" Shennong said seriously. ??

"Ah? Why did the senior suddenly say that?" Shennong's words confused Wei Bin. He said that he was not an ordinary person. What was he referring to? Are you a reborn person? Or what?

"I can see that you are not an ordinary person! First of all, you actually have divine power in your body. This is simply unbelievable. How can you, as young as you, have divine power in your body?" Shennong seemed a little puzzled. Things are not something that humans should have. Even if someone does have them, they are definitely very few, and they definitely should not appear in a young person. Only those who have experienced hardships, traveled all over the country, and have rich knowledge Only those with experience can gain divine power, and Wei Bin is obviously not that kind of person. Judging from Wei Bin's age, even if he has been traveling around mountains and rivers since his mother's womb, it is impossible for him to gain divine power!

"Senior Shennong, I heard another senior say that according to legend, God once left a lot of divine power in our world. These divine powers may be large or small. They all exist in the form of martial arts secrets. The greater the divine power, the more powerful the martial arts secrets will be. The stronger, and the junior gained a trace of divine power only after learning these martial arts secrets, but this trace of divine power is too weak, even I can't feel it myself!" Wei Bin said.

"Well, what he said is right. In that unprecedented war, a lot of divine power was indeed leaked out, and it has been wandering in the human world to this day!" When Shennong talked about that unprecedented war, he couldn't help but feel a little moved, and seemed to recall some of it. It’s like a terrible past!

"I wonder what the great war that the seniors are talking about refers to?" Wei Bin asked. He had a hunch that if he could learn from Shennong what kind of war this was, it would definitely be a great opportunity for him. It is helpful to know that his current status is very special. He has been dubbed the Son of Destiny, and the information about the great war spoken by Shennong may very well help his status as the Son of Destiny!

"Haha, that was a battle of gods! The battle took place on Mount Olympus!" Shennong said.

"What? Mount Olympus? Is it Mount Olympus in the Home of the Gods?" Wei Bin was suddenly startled. Sure enough, it was related to him. There was a dispute between Mount Olympus and the high-level officials of Middle-earth. Tangle, he also mentioned the matter of Mount Olympus from Qiao Feng's mouth. This shows how important and crucial the existence of Mount Olympus is. If he has any hope in this life, it must be this Olympus. Sishan finds out!

"Yes, it is Mount Olympus, the hometown of the gods! However, it is no longer the hometown of the gods. I don't know how many years ago, it was indeed the hometown of the gods, and gods were indeed born there. But they are not worthy at all


Gods are, at best, powerful men with divine power. They harm ordinary people without paying any attention to the lives of others. We humans have always been suppressed by the gods on Mount Olympus! Later, our Shennong clan rose up, and finally I launched a mission war to Mount Olympus. However, they were too strong, and I was not strong enough to kill them all. In the end, I only I was able to destroy my own cultivation and sealed them all at the cost of my own cultivation! When I appeared just now, I felt the direction of Mount Olympus. They should still be in the seal and have not broken out! As for the divine power you just mentioned that was scattered into the world, it was just the divine power that was emitted when I fought against many gods in that great war! Shen Nong said with a worried look.

"Senior? I didn't expect you to be so powerful? I heard another senior say that the stronger he is, the more powerful he can feel the power of Mount Olympus. So far, he has not dared to go up the mountain! I didn't expect a group of people who were sealed Even the gods can bring such great pressure to my senior, and even such powerful gods can be suppressed by the senior. Senior, you are really strong!" Wei Bin said flatteringly.

"Haha, if I am really as strong as you say, then I won't give up my cultivation to seal them. I can just kill them one by one!" Shennong said.

"Senior, there is no need to be modest. Being able to seal these gods is already very good. So far, no one in this world has dared to go up a mountain without any gods. In comparison, you, a fellow human senior, They are much stronger than us! Seniors and juniors have some worries here!" Wei Bin said.

"You are worried that once those sealed gods break through the seal, but with the current strength of our human race, it is impossible to resist it. What should we human race do?" Shennong penetrated Wei Bin's thoughts at a glance. After all, the current human race , each generation is really worse than the last. In this era of human race, there are actually no people who dare to go up the mountain, let alone fight with the awakened gods in the future! In comparison, Shennong was so powerful that he went straight up the mountain without saying a word, and even sealed one of them, hiding his merit and fame! This kind of combat power is really 10086 streets ahead of the human beings in this era!

"Senior is a wise man!" Wei Bin said with great admiration.

"I don't have much life left. I can't do anything about this kind of thing, and this is why I keep you here! You are the youngest person I have ever seen who has divine power in your body. I never thought you were like this. You have such achievements and potential at a young age. You helped me unblock Shennongjia and met me. Let’s call it fate between you and me. I will give you the remaining divine power in my body. In the future, the human race will rely on You go and protect it!" After saying that, Shennong waved his hand, and a black-yellow light was penetrated into Wei Bin's body by Shennong. For a moment, Wei Bin's body also became hot, and the hotness was a hundred times higher than that of Wei Bin. Xue Muhua was so hot just now!

After cooling down, Wei Bin's whole person suddenly changed. His whole body was full of power, and more importantly, he felt the presence of divine power! It was a dark-yellow thing, entrenched in his Dantian!

Wei Bin casually used a move to expel.

"Free from control for 11 seconds?" Wei Bin opened his mouth. His expulsion effect was actually improved. As expected, as Qiao Feng said, the effect and power of magical skills are only related to the total amount of divine power!

The so-called magical skills are tactics activated by divine power. If a person does not have divine power in his body, then he cannot use magical skills! The power of magical power is only related to the total amount of divine power, such as this expulsion!

Assuming that the divine power in Wei Bin's body was only 10 before, then his expulsion could only be exempted from control for 10 seconds, and just after Shennong's

After instillation, his total amount of divine power was increased to 100, so the effect of his expulsion skills was also increased for one second. This is the increase in the total amount of divine power and the bonus to the power of the divine skill!

"Senior, your divine power is so majestic. It suddenly expanded the divine power in my body by more than a hundred times. Now, I can finally feel the existence of divine power in my body, and there is also the magical power coming from the direction of Mount Olympus. Pressure!" Wei Bin looked in the direction of Mount Olympus!

"Haha, more than a hundred times? Young man, you are still too young. If you only talk about quantity, it is indeed more than a hundred times, but if you talk about quality, it is more than ten thousand times? The divine power I just instilled in you is from my Shennong clan. The unique divine power is also the divine power that allows me to seal many gods. You must know that divine power is also different, such as the original divine power in your body, which is the divine power brought to you by learning those so-called divine skills. , it’s just the minutiae of divine power, the kind of divine power that can’t be put on the stage! Your divine power can only be used in the so-called magical skills you have learned. If one day you encounter a more advanced magical skill, you These divine powers cannot activate those magical arts at all, because the quality of the original divine powers in your body is too low. It is just the divine power sputtered out during the battle between me and many gods. How powerful can it be? It cannot be activated. Using higher-level magical skills is only the first major drawback of low-level divine power! The second major drawback of low-level magical power is the suppression of divine power! You must know that divine power can not only be reflected through magical skills, but every blow we make can be accompanied by divine power. If If a person with inferior divine power goes to fistfight with a person with high-quality divine power, the possessor of inferior divine power will definitely lose, unless his inferior divine power far exceeds the person with high-quality divine power in terms of quantity! That is to say, if quality is not enough, quantity must make up! Applying divine power to ordinary attacks is the real use of divine power, not applying it to those so-called magical skills! And the divine power I gave you has only just been developed 1 , you are still too weak to use the divine power I gave you, so I had to seal my divine power in your body, allowing you to only have 1 divine power for you to use. This is already your limit! In the future After your strength improves, you will naturally have more and more divine power at your disposal!" Shennong explained.

After Shennong's explanation, Wei Bin instantly felt like he was enlightened. He suddenly changed from a novice about divine power to a person who had a preliminary understanding of divine power. According to Shennong's wishes, the divine power in his body had reached saturation at this time. In this state, he cannot continue to fill in more divine power. In other words, the power of his magical skills has been increased to the highest level. If he wants to continue to increase the power of those magical skills, he can only increase the upper limit of the divine power that can be accommodated in his body. Got it! In addition, until the upper limit of the divine power in Wei Bin's body exceeds the divine power given to him by Shennong, the divine power in his body will always be in a saturated state, and all his magical powers can be used to their maximum effect! For example, the divine power in his body used to exempt him from control for 10 seconds, but now he is exempt from control for 11 seconds. It can be seen that 11 seconds is the maximum control-free time that the upper limit of the divine power in his body can bring at this time!

In addition, divine power has two major functions!

The first function is to activate high-level magical skills. For example, one day you learn a high-level magical skill. However, after you learn this advanced magical skill, the magical power given to you by this advanced magical skill is not enough to activate this advanced magical skill. If your body If you still have this kind of high-level magical power, you can activate this high-level magical skill. If you only have some low-level magical power in your body, you still cannot activate this high-level magical skill. That would be embarrassing! In other words, low-level divine power has great limitations. Low-level divine power cannot activate high-level magical skills, but high-level divine power can activate low-level magical skills!

The second function is that it turns out that divine power can not only be used to activate magical skills, but can also be used to enhance one's own normal attacks. In other words, if Wei Bin learns this method of use, what will happen to his future output? Don't you want to go up a level? How about using divine power to attack others?


Exciting as you want!

But how to use divine power in normal attacks?

"Senior, I understand what you said, but how should we add divine power to every move?" Wei Bin asked. He had to ask clearly about this kind of thing! This is something related to his strength!

"Well, I don't have much time left. I'm afraid I don't have enough time to teach you this. Just explore it slowly. I have some other things to tell you in the next period of time!" Shennong Speaking of.

"Senior, please rest assured that I will grow up as soon as possible. Once those gods break through the seal and try to pose a threat to our human race, I will definitely stand up and defend the human race!" Wei Bin clapped his chest and said vowedly.

"Well, I believe you! However, what I want to say is not just this. I just said that you are not an ordinary person. In addition to feeling the divine power from your body, I also feel the power of the divine beast. Are there inhabited by clones of mythical beasts?" Shennong asked.

"Senior, you really have a sharp gaze, can you even see this?" Wei Bin was surprised.

What kind of character is Shennong? His cultivation has been ruined, and he is just a phantom transformed by obsession. He can actually have such strength. It is conceivable how powerful Shennong must be in his heyday!

"Haha, if I can't even see this, then my life has really been in vain! Not only do you have the clones of the Destiny Black Phoenix, the Ancient Dragon Soul, and the Jiuli Demon Tiger in your body, but you also have the clone of the Jasper Kirin. You have them all, that's why I say you are not an ordinary person! You know, there are indeed many clones of the Destiny Black Phoenix and the Ancient Dragon Soul in our world, but there are very few clones of the Jasper Kirin, so you can get a Jasper Qilin's clone is also rare!" Shennong said.

"Haha, I know what you are thinking. In fact, the clone of the divine beast in your body is just an illusion of the original god of the divine beast itself. There are only five real divine beasts, namely the Ancient Dragon Soul, the Jiuli Demon Tiger, and the Destiny Xuan. Phoenix, Jasper Qilin and Kunpeng, they live in the Holy Beast Mountain. However, although they live there, it does not mean that they were born there. In fact, like many gods, they were born in a place called Chaos Continent. place, and the Holy Beast Mountain is the only channel linking the Middle-earth Continent and the Chaos Continent. It is the only way for us from the Middle-earth Continent to go to the Chaos Continent. If we want to go to the Chaos Continent, we cannot avoid this Holy Beast Mountain no matter what. Yes!" Shennong said.

Hearing Shennong mention Holy Beast Mountain, Wei Bin suddenly remembered that he still had a Holy Beast Mountain teleportation stone in his hand that he had not used. Although he had never been to Holy Beast Mountain in his previous life, he had heard of it. It is surrounded by dangers and cannot be visited by ordinary people. Therefore, although Wei Bin bought the Holy Beast Mountain teleportation stone at an auction early, he never used it because he did not dare to go!

If he could get some specific information about the Holy Beast Mountain from Shennong, it would be of great benefit to his future trip to the Holy Beast Mountain!

"Senior Shennong, what kind of place is Holy Beast Mountain? To tell you the truth, I have a Holy Beast Mountain teleportation stone in my hand that can lead to Holy Beast Mountain. However, I heard that there are dangers there. Most people go there. I will have a narrow escape from death, so I have never dared to find out!" Wei Bin said.

"Haha, with your current strength, it's better not to go. If you go, it will indeed be as you said, nine or even ten deaths! The Holy Beast Mountain is extremely dangerous and is definitely not a place that humans should go. !" Shen Nong warned.

"Senior, have you been there? Have you seen the real divine beast?" Wei Bin asked.

"Haha, of course I have been there, and right there, I was recognized by the five sacred beasts and gained the power of the five elephants!" Shennong said.

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