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Chapter 773 Interference in the Internal Affairs of Other Countries

"The reason why those forces that interfere in the internal affairs of other countries were eventually encircled and suppressed by other forces. No one could survive because they were not strong enough. Any two or three forces could easily destroy them when they joined forces. Moreover, These two or three forces are still nearby, because they have the strongest sense of insecurity. Other distant forces will not send troops to destroy him, because he has not yet threatened these distant forces. ! On the other hand, Nirvana is different. The Nirvana Fleet is a fleet that unified the waters of Dali. How can its strength be comparable to those of the cats and dogs that were destroyed? Even if other maritime forces are aware of the restlessness of the Nirvana Fleet, they want to deal with it. If the Nirvana Fleet takes action, then they must have that strength! Under the huge disparity in strength, it is difficult for other forces to form an alliance to encircle and suppress the Nirvana Fleet, because the sea areas have not yet been unified, and everyone is afraid of being stabbed in the back. Perhaps after the major forces unify their respective sea areas, it is possible to launch an encirclement and suppression of the Nirvana Fleet, but before they unify, they will never do anything to the Nirvana Fleet, because the Nirvana Fleet is too strong, and the Nirvana Fleet is already strong. Moreover, it is also an alliance with another more powerful Twilight Fleet and the Adventurer Alliance. If we add the Jurchen Fleet, a force that unifies the Jurchen Kingdom's waters, then no force will dare to think about Nirvana! Looking at it With the current development of the maritime world, I estimate that it will take at least five months before there are forces to unify their own sea area. In other words, even if my behavior of helping you offends their rebellion, they will not be able to unify their territory in five months. They don't dare to do anything to the Nirvana Fleet! As for five months later, if they really form an alliance to attack the Nirvana Fleet, then I will naturally have a way to resist their invasion!" Wei Bin said confidently.

Regarding what Jurchen said, Wei Bin has already thought about it more than once. Before they unify their own sea areas, it is impossible for the weak to unite and travel thousands of miles to attack the Nirvana Fleet! There are two reasons!

The first and most important reason is that they have not yet completed the unification. The No. 1 positions in each sea area are afraid that they will not be able to attack the Nirvana Fleet and are stabbed by the No. 2 positions, or they have suffered heavy losses during the attack on the Nirvana Fleet and finally lost it. The throne of number one! As for the No. 2 positions in each sea area, they can't even deal with the No. 1 positions in their own sea areas. They can't unify their own sea areas, so what do they have to worry about? Worried that the Nirvana Fleet will come to cause trouble for you? Come to rob the resources in your own sea area? Are you still worried that the Nirvana Fleet will interfere in the internal affairs of your own sea area? Please, you are not the boss of this sea area. What qualifications do you have to say that it is interfering in your internal affairs? Even if it is interfering in internal affairs, it is still the internal affairs of the dominant force that interferes! Therefore, the second position will not cause trouble for Nirvana. If they have that thought and energy, they might as well put it into how to deal with the first position! This is only the second position of the kingdom that is relatively close to the sea of ​​Dali. The second positions of those kingdoms that are far away from Dali are even less likely to take action. What are they doing here after traveling thousands of miles? They are close to each other. You didn’t say anything, but you were quite anxious!

The second point is the cost-effectiveness of payment and reward. As Jurchen said, when a maritime power from another country intervenes in the battle of another country, it will indeed arouse strong resentment from all other forces. However, the strong resentment will not necessarily cause them to Go attack the Nirvana Fleet, because the Nirvana Fleet is not a force of cats and dogs. The Nirvana Fleet is a force that unifies the sea area. Is its strength comparable to those small fleets that were destroyed for interfering in other countries' internal affairs in the past? If the forces that interfere in other countries' internal affairs are too powerful, then everyone will consider whether it is worth it to encircle and suppress them. Obviously, it is not worth it! Why? Because of the issue of interests, if they want to destroy the Nirvana Fleet, they must gather at least a dozen maritime forces to be absolutely sure of victory, because the Nirvana Fleet also has a more powerful Twilight Fleet as a shield, but more than a dozen maritime forces are there. What about after destroying the Nirvana Fleet? How should they allocate resources? More than a dozen forces are crowded together in the sea area of ​​​​Dali Kingdom. It is really too crowded. Each force cannot get much resources at all. What do they want? Is it just to deal with the potential threat of the Nirvana Fleet? Just to address a potential threat


, will you risk your life and fortune to deal with Nirvana? Obviously not worth it!

Therefore, the major maritime forces will not easily attack Nirvana until they have unified their respective sea areas!

As for five months later, during the two-month vacuum period when Nirvana developed a large horizontal sailing ship, all sea areas were unified and a maritime alliance was formed to deal with the Nirvana fleet. Wei Bin was not very worried. , because the Nirvana Fleet is externally allied with the Twilight Fleet, the Adventurer Alliance, and the Jurchen Fleet. Among them, except for the Adventurer Alliance, the three of them are major forces that have unified their respective sea areas. You know, the entire Middle-earth continent How many maritime countries are there? There are only eight. There are as many land countries as there are sea countries, because each sea country is located between the land countries and the Middle Kingdom!

Among the eight maritime kingdoms, three are Nirvana and Nirvana's allies, and these three are adjacent to each other. The Nirvana fleet is caught in the middle. It can be said that even if the five of them unite to deal with the Nirvana fleet, it will not be possible. It is an easy task, because the five of them have traveled thousands of miles to come here, while the three Nirvana families are just waiting for work! What's more, the Nirvana Fleet, the Twilight Fleet, and the Jurchen Fleet are half a year to a year ahead of their unification time. Not only will the other five fleets develop, but the three Nirvana fleets will also develop. After five months, the three of them may not be sure. To what extent has it developed? Maybe in five months, the combined forces of the three of them, plus the four of the Adventurer Alliance, will be as powerful as the other five maritime forces! Therefore, even if the other five maritime powers unite to deal with the Nirvana Fleet, it will not be an easy task!

Even if the five of them really unite to attack the Nirvana Fleet, Wei Bin is not afraid. Why? Because Wei Bin is rich! He now has a lot of money, and he doesn't know where to spend 1.3 billion gold coins. Isn't this a good place to go?

Wei Bin has studied the tactics of combining vertical and horizontal lines very thoroughly during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods. Basically, he can master them easily. So, what is combined vertical and horizontal lines?

The term "He Zong Lian Heng" was born in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. Its essence is actually the diplomatic and military struggle carried out by major countries in the Warring States Period in order to win over other countries.

To put it bluntly, Lian Heng means "one strong to attack the weak"! In other words, one of the strong countries will win over another strong country, and then attack other weak countries together, because they are already strong countries, and when they unite, they will be even more invincible, such as the Qin or Qi countries at that time. Some countries jointly attack other weak countries.

And what about He Zong? In fact, He Zong can be understood as the antonym of Lian Heng, that is, "uniting the weak to attack the strong one". It is often used to prevent strong countries from annexing weak ones, because they are relatively weak countries. When they fight alone, , it is difficult to resist the invasion of countries such as Qin and Qi, so they must unite to resist the invasion of powerful countries, because they all understand the truth of death and coldness. If your neighbor is beaten today and you don't help, then When your neighbor is beaten to death, you will be the next one. If you don’t help your neighbor today, guess what, when it is your turn to be beaten in the future, will your other neighbor be the next one? Came to help you? During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the countries in the north and south were actually united to fight against powerful countries and prevent Qin and Qi from annexing and invading!

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, He Zong Lian Heng was a very exciting history. In terms of He Zong Lian Heng separately, the representative figures of He Zong include Gongsun Yan and Su Qin.

Gongsun Yan was from the Wei State, but his first post was not in the Wei State, but in the Qin State as Daliang Zao. In the early days of Qin Huiwen King Yingsi, he helped the Qin State attack the Wei State and won the victory in the Battle of Hexi. win

With the victory, they gained control of the strategically important and fertile land in Hexi. Later, he transferred to Wei State and took up the position of Prime Minister. The official positions of Prime Minister and Daliang Zao were actually similar, but they had different names. During his tenure as Prime Minister, he proposed the "joint vertical" tactic for the first time and respected Chu. King Huai became the "Captain of the Hezong Brigade" and united the five countries to attack Qin. This was the beginning of the Hezong Alliance! It can be said that Gongsun Yan is the founder of the joint vertical strategy.

The second representative of the combined vertical strategy, and the person who has applied the combined vertical strategy to its peak, is Su Qin! Su Qin is an amazing person!

Su Qin was from the Han Kingdom. He originally went to lobby the King of Qin to join forces with the Heng Kingdom to suppress various small countries and expand his territory and power through alliance tactics. However, he was not reused. After all, he was from the Han Kingdom, and the Han Country was also a small country. , even if they are not included in the attack targets of Lian Zong now, they will definitely become the targets of attacks in the future. How can they unite to deal with their mother country? Therefore, the King of Qin at that time did not trust Su Qin and felt that it was too risky! At this time, King Zhao of Yan was thirsty for talents. In this way, Su Qin went to Yan State again, and finally got the favor of King Yan and began to help Yan State rejuvenate.

From this time on, Su Qin began to lobby various countries to join forces to attack Qin. After the joint attack on Qin failed, he went to Qi to serve as the prime minister. From this time on, Su Qin began his most glorious period. After he became the prime minister of Qi, he began to Secretly helping the State of Yan to persuade other countries to join forces to attack Qi, this move was so powerful. He successfully dragged the State of Qi into the abyss through the dead space of one of the five art of war, making the State of Qi the target of public criticism. Years later, when the Five Kingdoms conquered Qi, Le Yi laid a solid foundation for defeating Qi.

You know, the Qi State at that time was a superpower. The pattern at that time was that Qi and Qin stood side by side in the east and west. The other vassal states were overwhelmed by these two vassal states, and it was such a big country that was suddenly invaded and destroyed. Collapse, isn't Su Qin awesome?

Su Qin single-handedly stirred up the changes in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, becoming the only person in history to wear the seal of the Six Kingdoms, and also becoming the most famous executioner in the afterlife in history.

In addition to his strategic ability that deserves our admiration, there are many stories in his life that are worthy of our study. For example, the deeds of "hanging on the head and stabbing the buttocks" came from him!

Now that we’ve finished talking about vertical integration, it’s time to talk about horizontal integration!

When talking about Lian Heng, we have to mention Zhang Yi. Zhang Yi is an awesome character!

Zhang Yi was a native of the Wei State. He first served as a guest in the Chu State, but was later falsely accused of theft, so he fled to the Qin State, where he was eventually appreciated and reused by King Qin Huiwen.

He served as prime minister of Qin twice. Later, because of disagreement with King Wu of Qin who came to the throne, he fled to Wei and served as prime minister. He eventually died in Wei.

During his tenure as Prime Minister of the Qin State, it was the time when Gongsun Yan proposed the "United Vertical Alliance" to deal with the Qin State, so he began to advise the King of Qin, and went to various countries alone to lobby for Qin's affairs. , Gongsun Yan’s joint offensive resolved the crisis of Qin’s five kingdoms destroying Qin!

The other implementer of the alliance is Fan Sui. Fan Sui is a godly man. His advantages and disadvantages are very obvious. His advantage is that he is strong in ability and has helped Qin become strong, but his shortcomings cannot be ignored. That means every penny counts. If someone is kind to him, he will definitely repay him with a drop of kindness like a spring. However, if someone offends him, your little shoes will not be worn out. How will you die in the end? Don’t even know!

Fan Sui first worked as a retainer of Wei Qi in the Wei State, and was later falsely accused of collaborating with the enemy. The next thing is funny, he was persecuted by the Wei State, and when he died, he was in the toilet of Zheng Anping, the director of the toilet at the time. With the help of Zheng Anping, he was rescued by Zheng Anping and brought to Qin by feigning death. From then on, their careers began to get out of control!

Here I want to emphasize the identity of his savior Zheng Anping.


He was the director of the toilet at that time. To put it bluntly, he was the one who collected feces. Why should we emphasize his identity? You’ll find out in a moment!

After Fan Sui fled to Qin, he was appreciated by Qin Zhaoxiang King Ying Ji and became a guest minister. Later, due to his outstanding performance, he became the prime minister of Qin.

Next, he proposed the famous strategy of "distant friendship and close attack". It was said that it was a distant friendship and close attack, but in fact it was a tactic of continuous and horizontal alliances, because he was befriending the Qi State, which was the same big country as Qin. Qin State captured a lot of territory, and even crippled another established power, Zhao State! This laid a solid foundation for Qin to unify the world in the future!

However, he was at odds with Bai Qi, Lord Wu'an, the God of War of Qin at that time. He was afraid that Lord Wu'an Bai Qi would become more powerful than himself, so after the Battle of Changping, he was bribed by Zhao to falsely accuse General Bai Qi, which made Bai Qi Killed.

Next, the exciting part came. Qin State did not have Bai Qi, but the war still had to be fought. At that time, Zhao State had been crippled, and King Zhaoxiang of Qin Yingji was eager to destroy Zhao. Therefore, Fan Sui recommended to King Zhaoxiang of Qin Yingji He appointed Zheng Anping, who had saved him, as a general.

This is the general who took over the position of Bai Qi, the God of War, and commanded the three armies of Qin State, and used the whole country to attack Zhao State!

Why do we emphasize the career of Fan Sui’s savior Zheng Anping? Just to form a sharp contrast with now, a toilet director serves as the general of Qin to attack Zhao? Isn't this too funny? When did a toilet keeper become a general?

Why? This starts with Fan Sui’s character. Fan Sui is a man who must repay every penny he spends and has a clear distinction between grudges and grudges. He will not let go of anyone who has persecuted him, but he will not let go of anyone who has been kind to him. No one will forget it. Isn’t this retribution coming? Even though you were just a toilet manager before, you saved my life, so I can't let you down! That's why he recommended Zheng Anping to King Qin Zhaoxiang Ying Ji!

The result is also obvious. Although Zhao State has been crippled by Qin, the emaciated camels are bigger than horses. Zhao State is an established power after all. Even if it is crippled, it is definitely not something that Zheng Anping can deal with. of! As a result, Zheng Anping was incompetent. When he attacked Zhao State, he led his army to surrender to Zhao State after being surrounded. Fan Ju would definitely not be able to escape. The person he recommended had such a big incident, but King Zhaoxiang of Qin Ying Ji spared him. People at the top and bottom of the Qin State also needed an explanation. In the end, Fan Sui was implicated by Zheng Anping and lost power, and died of illness soon after.

Wei Bin has long understood the strategy of vertical and horizontal alliances during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. Why did the seven or eight countries, large and small, in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, because of the one-sided words of Su Qin, Zhang Yi, Gongsun Yan and others? Just agree to their strategy and deal with others? too easy! Intimidation and inducement!

What are they worried about? It was destroyed by a big country, and the so-called big country here is the Nirvana Fleet. They are worried that the Nirvana Fleet will continue to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries and cooperate with other maritime forces to cause trouble!

And what do they want? Money, as long as they have money, they can expand the fleet. Now that the fleet is strong, who will be afraid of Nirvana transnational coming to cause trouble?

Why was Wei Bin's assets of 1.3 billion gold coins mentioned earlier? Why did your other five maritime powers come to destroy our Nirvana Fleet? Isn’t it for survival and profit? As long as Wei Bin makes full use of the alliance strategy, sows discord among the five of them, wins over one or two of them, gives them some money, and asks them to withdraw from the alliance, the remaining three or four will not be far away. Wan Li came to attack the Nirvana fleet?

The answer is obvious. Even if the combined strength of the five of them is slightly stronger than the Nirvana side, after losing one of them, their strength will be at most the same as the Nirvana side. If two of them are removed, then the strength of the three of them will definitely be inferior. Nirvana is on the side. In this case, who will take action against the Nirvana fleet? Isn’t that looking for a fight?

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