Game within game of online games

Chapter 787 Exclusive Treasure Box Opening Master—The Bull Demon King

And what about this skill? Ignore damage reduction! In other words, even if I am level 0 and you are level 100, how much damage should I cause to you? This is very scary. This is a magical skill that can kill people beyond the level! It has been more than two years since the server was launched. Has anyone seen this kind of sacred damage skill? Even Wei Bin has never seen it!

As for the damage, it is even more incredible. The Bull Demon King has more than 3 million health points. Wei Bin directly restored 800,000 health points to him with one move. In other words, the hostile forces around the Bull Demon King have suffered heavy losses. 800,000 damage, but who among them has 800,000 health? Except for the sixteen people in Nirvana who have experienced reconstruction, even the people with the highest health volume in the entire Middle-earth continent cannot reach this health volume!

If this baptism is used on a person who has not experienced reconstruction, it may not be so harmful. If it is used on a person who has not spent a lot of money to carefully design and build it like Wei Bin before the reconstruction, Blood, even if this person has undergone reconstruction, still will not achieve such a good effect. If someone else uses the baptism on the Bull Demon King instead of Wei Bin, it will also not achieve the instant kill effect in front of him! Because among the people present, many of them have the hidden weapon skill Unyielding. If someone else uses Baptism, even if the damage is enough to kill them instantly, they will only be triggered by Unyielding, and it will not kill them!

But who is Wei Bin? Wei Bin has Chonglou Wan. The passive skill of Chonglou Wan can ignore the third skill slot of the player's hidden weapon, which is the skill slot where the unyielding skill is located. Whether it is unyielding or self-reward, or this skill slot Some other skills cannot be triggered! Although the baptism was applied to the Bull Demon King, the source of the damage was Wei Bin, so Wei Bin's Heavy Tower Wrist can work!

Just like that, after one move, all the people who could attack him fell to the ground without exception!

And this scene instantly aroused the alertness of other players. What kind of magical skill is this horse riding on? Can you only kill so many people instantly?

For a moment, some people who were rushing towards the Bull Demon King began to hesitate. Is it worth dying just for a mere piece of debris? This idea directly discouraged some people, and these people rushed in the direction of the platinum treasure chest. They would all die anyway, so they might as well die fighting for the platinum treasure chest!

However, this is only a part of the people. There are still people who want the fragments of the leader's belt on the Bull Demon King. These people are still rushing towards the Bull Demon King. The instant kill skill just now is indeed very glamorous, but it is so awesome. It’s impossible for a skill to have no cooldown time, right? They all saw the speed at which the Bull Demon King lost blood just now. It only took ten seconds for them to kill the Bull Demon King. And such an awesome skill couldn't only have a ten-second cooldown, right? So these people still refuse to let go of the Bull Demon King!

Wei Bin used Lingbo Weibu to teleport to within 20 meters of the Bull Demon King. The Emei people did not have Lingbo Weibu to rush over quickly to increase the blood of the Bull Demon King, so immediately after, Wei Bin used another move to increase blood circulation. The magic is applied to the Bull Demon King, and it depends on how much blood it can restore! ??

The blood-vitalizing technique is a skill of Wei Bin Jasper Qilin. It can restore the target's blood according to a percentage. The greater the target's lost blood percentage, the better the recovery effect of the blood-vitalizing technique!

Soon, the second group of players rushed over and began to bombard the Bull Demon King. Ten seconds later, the Bull Demon King's health bottomed out, and at this time, Wei Bin made another baptismal move, and again While restoring the blood volume of the Bull Demon King, he once again cleared away the players around the Bull Demon King!

This scene directly shocked the other living players. Although they were not particularly clear about the strength of the players who had just died, there were still a few players with a limit of five or more, right? Is the strength of players with a limit of five or more so unbearable? Instant kill at every turn? And it seems to be the same skill as the one just now. Does such an awesome skill really only have a ten-second cooldown? This kind of thing is truly unseen and unheard of!

And you really saw this kind of thing today! The cooldown for baptism is indeed only ten seconds!

A skill with such a short cooldown time shocked everyone again, and more people began to hesitate. If they wanted to activate a skill with such a short cooldown time, they would have to kill the Bull Demon King within ten seconds. OK, but can they do this? Obviously there are some difficulties! Because Wei Bin has been outputting non-stop. Without Wei Bin, they might be able to kill the Bull Demon King within ten seconds. After all, their number at this time is already greater than that of the first wave that retained the Bull Demon King. There are more demon kings! But Wei Bin's output is so high, with a maximum of two swords per head, whether they can kill the Bull Demon King within ten seconds is really unknown. If they can't kill the Bull Demon King, then they will die, and even if They killed the Bull Demon King, but who used that skill just now? Is it the Bull Demon King or Wei Bin? What if it was performed by Wei Bin? Even if they killed the Bull Demon King and took away more fragments of the leader's belt from the Bull Demon King, would they be able to escape from Wei Bin alive? Most likely it’s not possible! Unless one's own team has support personnel and they must have a very tacit cooperation with each other, this requirement is obviously a bit high!

Therefore, most people simply gave up the idea of ​​continuing to attack the Bull Demon King. Only a few people stayed and still rushed towards the Bull Demon King without giving up!

Next, the third wave of baptism came, taking away the people around the Bull Demon King again!

After this wave of baptism, everyone was immediately persuaded to leave! No one dares to take advantage of the Bull Demon King anymore. There has been rumors in the world that Nirvana's top combat players are so powerful that they are the ceiling of the entire Middle-earth continent. However, many people think this is just a legend. They don't. Having seen it with my own eyes, I naturally have some doubts in my heart. Who among them is not the ceiling of their own power? Whose strength is not matched by the entire gang? They all have a sense of arrogance in their hearts, and they refuse to admit defeat. The more famous a person is like Nirvana, the more they want to step on him in order to enhance their prestige. They all say that Nirvana's top combat power is very awesome, but They even defeated Nirvana's top combat power, aren't they even more awesome?

Of course, this was just their mentality before seeing the three waves of baptism. Now, they no longer dare to think that way!

Today, they saw with their own eyes the strength of Nirvana's top combat force. Where is this horse's superior strength, and where is the existence of the ceiling of Middle-earth? This horse is like a roof, even higher than the ceiling! How can a person of this strength exist? Doesn't this affect game balance? Nirvana's top combat power is here, are they going to fight with their heads? Is this strength gap too big?

In addition, Nirvana and members of the other three gangs rushed over, especially the Emei people. No matter how high their spirits, they did not dare to move forward! With Emei, and without Emei, there are two completely different situations. Without Emei, they couldn't kill the Bull Demon King. Now that there is Emei, they don't even think about it anymore!

In this way, the Bull Demon King finally passed the first crisis before him! Forty people began to evacuate away from the platinum treasure chest. At this time, not only was the Bull Demon King fighting here, but there were also constant collisions between major forces at the platinum treasure chest. The battle with the platinum treasure chest was In comparison, the battle on the Bull Demon King's side can only be considered trivial. After all, he only has a fragment of the leader's belt here, and on the other end, there is a platinum treasure chest full of unknown rewards!

Wei Bin laughed when he saw the fierce battle at the platinum treasure chest!

There was only one Alliance Leader Copper Belt in the platinum treasure chest. They fought for a mere few hundred gold, so many people died, and the trend was even getting worse. If they knew that there was only one product left in the platinum treasure chest. The battle will definitely not be as fierce as it is now. After the Alliance Leader's copper belt is taken out, they may fight for their lives.


Fighting for it, but if they knew in advance that there was only one Alliance Leader Bronze Belt in the platinum treasure chest, they would not fight for a mere Alliance Leader Bronze Belt even if they were killed!

You must know that the reason they fight for the Alliance Leader's Bronze Belt is based on the fact that as long as they succeed, they can get the Alliance Leader's Bronze Belt. As for the platinum treasure chest, even if they successfully open the treasure box and get the Alliance Leader's Bronze Belt, They have just passed the first level. Next, they have to pass the second level and face attacks from countless players. This means they need to face two attacks!

Some people may want to ask, is grabbing the Alliance Leader's Bronze Belt from someone else different from getting the Alliance Leader's Bronze Belt from a platinum treasure chest? Didn’t they all get the leader’s bronze belt?

This is different. Although both can get the Alliance Leader's Bronze Belt, the risk and mortality rate of opening the treasure box are much higher than the risk and mortality rate of grabbing the Alliance Leader's Bronze Belt from other players! You know, you need to read the ten-second progress bar to open the treasure chest. With so many people competing for the platinum treasure chest, who has so many opportunities to read the ten-second progress bar there? If someone sees you reading a message, they will definitely kill you first! You are a target of public criticism and everyone's attack!

On the other hand, it is different to seize the leader's copper belt from others. When seizing the leader's copper belt, it is definitely a melee between multiple people. Some defenders help the leader's copper belt holder to resist, and some attack the leader's copper belt holder together. and their teammates, and most of them are holders of the Alliance Leader's Bronze Belt, so there is almost no danger to their lives. In comparison, it is more difficult to obtain the Alliance Leader's Bronze Belt from others than to obtain the Alliance Leader's Bronze Belt from a platinum treasure chest. Much lower!

And why did Wei Bin laugh? Wei Bin is happy, because the Platinum Treasure Box is destined to become a team battle meat grinder. The killing here cannot be stopped. At least half of the people participating in this alliance leader's arena will die. Here, this is naturally what Wei Bin wants to see. First, if people are dead, then their pressure will naturally be relieved. Second, if you die here, you will lose your level, and almost everyone here is They are the core figures in the major forces. If these people drop one level, it will be very harmful to the gang! These forces are all potential opponents of Nirvana. Today, Wei Bin saw these competitors fighting to the death for a platinum treasure chest that he didn't know the reward inside. Could he be unhappy?

Why is it said that the Bull Demon King only survived the first crisis, instead of saying that the Bull Demon King has completely passed the crisis?

Because there are so many players in the arena, maybe the three to two hundred players not far away from the Bull Demon King saw these three waves of Wei Bin's baptism, but what about the players other than these three to two hundred players? They didn't see that for all the players who hadn't seen Wei Bin's three waves of baptism, just like the players who had just taken action against the Bull Demon King, there would always be some who were eager to try, and those people were the second and third batches, that is, Said that the crisis of the Bull Demon King has not been resolved. With the withdrawal of the Bull Demon King, other players will definitely find the fragment mark on the head of the Bull Demon King. Then there will be another battle between the snatching battle and the defensive battle!

Sure enough, not long after the four Nirvana gangs evacuated, they were once again intercepted by major forces. A war was about to break out!

Some people may want to ask, since they know that this symbol is the symbol of the leader's belt fragment, and a leader's belt fragment is only worth about two hundred gold, they are fighting for a mere two hundred gold at the risk of losing their level. , is it worth it?

The answer is not worth it!

So, if it's not worth it, why do they still fight to the death for a fragment?

Because of confidence! This is different from competing for a platinum treasure chest. In addition to self-confidence, those who compete for a platinum treasure chest also have the allure of the platinum treasure chest itself that drives them to do so, so those people will fight endlessly for a platinum treasure chest!

But these players who are trying to fight for the fragments are different. These people are completely confident. There is no other factor except self-confidence, because the fragments are not as valuable as platinum treasure chests, and their temptation is definitely not enough to drive them to fight for their lives. ! They took action against the Bull Demon King entirely because of their self-confidence. They were the most powerful beings in the entire force. Who is not a arrogant boss with his nostrils in the sky? Who in the gang is not respected by thousands of people? This is the arrogance cultivated by those who have been in power for a long time. They think in their bones that they are invincible! Naturally, they would not take Bull Demon King or even Nirvana seriously. Nirvana is indeed famous for its high-level combat players, but they have never played against each other. Who would admit that they are weaker than Nirvana? You know, not only Wei Bin can instantly kill players of the same combat power, they can also do it. Among them, there are also Tang Sect and Yihua Yihua, you guess life and death in Datianshan. On weekdays, they also kill many players of the same combat power. Players, in their eyes, their own strength is equivalent to that of Nirvana. As long as their skills are released properly and the timing of their use is accurate, it is not difficult for them to instantly kill Nirvana's high-competition players!

It was this thought that prompted people from other forces to surround the Bull Demon King!

One of the players took the lead in controlling the Bull Demon King. He first asked the Bull Demon King to stand guard. When the Bull Demon King was standing guard, he lost the conditions for physical dodge. The Bull Demon King could only rely on his own attribute dodge to avoid attacks!

Upon seeing this, Wei Bin decisively used a banishing move on the Bull Demon King, immediately dispelling the control effect on the Bull Demon King.

Banish adds a shield, making the target immune to negative effects. It lasts for 11 seconds and has a cooldown of 60 seconds.

The Bull Demon King, who had regained his freedom, immediately began to dodge the projectiles. Yes, he did not fight back, but relied on his own movement to dodge the projectiles, which is the so-called physical dodge!

The player's dodge mode is divided into two types, physical dodge and attribute dodge. The so-called attribute dodge is the formula of the player's dodge attribute and the opponent's hit attribute. The hit rate and dodge rate are determined after systematic calculation!

Physical dodge refers to relying on your own position to avoid the opponent's projectile. Only after the opponent's projectile hits you, you will make a formula with the opponent's hit. And if you dodge the opponent's projectile through your position, If it is turned on, you will never reach the stage of evading attacks through attribute dodge, because the prerequisite for attribute dodge is that you are hit by the opponent's projectile! The process of avoiding projectiles through movement is called physical dodge!

The Bull Demon King did not choose to fight back against the enemy because he knew that there were too many enemies in front of him. Even if he fought back, so what if he killed a few people? When he stopped to attack the opponent, the damage he caused to the opponent was far less than the damage he suffered during this period. His mission was very clear. It was not to kill many people, nor to reduce the damage he suffered by killing people. Damage, his main task is to survive. He is now carrying the fragment of the leader's belt, which is Wei Bin's mission item. He cannot die. As long as he survives for ten minutes, it will be a great achievement, and this is The biggest hero in the battle!

Therefore, in order to save his life, the Bull Demon King had to move up and reduce the damage he suffered through physical dodge!

However, there were still too many people on the other side. The Beggar Clan beat the dog on the head with a stick, and the Tianshan Mountains walked Wuhen. One by one, they teleported to the side of the Bull Demon King. Although Wei Bin's expulsion skills helped him to be immune to control, he was so With multiple close attacks and so many long-range ballistic bombardments, the Bull Demon King's blood volume is also dropping rapidly. Everyone here is the elite of the elites of various gangs and factions, and no one has a few explosive skills. Woolen cloth?

Just when the Bull Demon King's blood volume was about to bottom out, Wei Bin used a baptism move to add 800,000 blood to the Bull Demon King. At the same time, he instantly cleared away the enemies around the Bull Demon King. Then, he used another move to revive the blood. The magic was applied to the Bull Demon King!

The scene where the players around the Bull Demon King were cleared out also shocked the others, but they did not hesitate too much, because they saw the speed at which the Bull Demon King lost blood, and they were very likely to kill him. The move that Wei Bin just performed must have a very strong cooling time. They are all the lucky ones. The people in front of them died for them, and they became the fishermen who benefited!

So when Wei Bin cleared a group of people, more players gathered around. They were the lucky ones. For a moment, their emotions became even higher as they competed for the fragments from the Bull Demon King! ????

The vast sea of ​​​​people is getting bigger and bigger, and it can't be seen to the end. When Wei Bin saw this, his face began to become serious. Judging from the density of players, he couldn't clean up the baptism at all! Ten seconds of cooldown is still too long!

Wei Bin decisively activated the explosive state. The cooldown time for the gods to descend to the earth is as long as an hour. Wei Bin does not intend to use it unless it is absolutely necessary. But in the current situation, he can no longer keep it. The Bull Demon King cannot die. The Bull Demon King dies. It is a trivial matter that the fragments on Bull Demon King's body will fall off. In fact, Wei Bin hopes that the fragments on Bull Demon King's body will fall off. In this case, he can take over the baton from Bull Demon King. His survivability is much higher than that of Bull Demon King. If possible, he really wanted to get the fragments from the Bull Demon King, but due to the limitations of the game mechanism, the fragments could not be traded or thrown to the ground. The only way to drop the fragments was through death, so Wei Bin It is impossible to take the fragments from the Bull Demon King!

However, the Bull Demon King cannot die yet. The Bull Demon King's task is not only to open the platinum treasure chests. When he seizes the gold treasure chests scattered all over the place, the Bull Demon King is still the main force in opening the boxes, because he can talk and laugh freely to prevent others from interrupting him. If the magic skill of the progress bar is combined with his expulsion, it can be said that the Bull Demon King's robbery of the box is a sure thing. With the Bull Demon King and without the Bull Demon King, they are completely different in terms of opening boxes, so the Bull Demon King can Can't die!

The current situation seemed to have exceeded Wei Bin's expectations. He did not expect that there would be so many people fighting for the fragments of the Bull Demon King, so Wei Bin had no choice but to take out the God's Descendant with a cooling time of one hour in advance. !

God descends to earth + transfer flowers and trees + super bloodthirsty + sky-shattering style. Immediately afterwards, Wei Bin's move to calm the world bloomed in the crowd. No one survived the group attack. This was Wei Bin's strongest explosion. Who can survive Wei Bin's attack?

Next, Wei Bin moved with a wave of light steps and teleported to the crowd not far from the Bull Demon King. Just after landing, a giant sword bloomed in the crowd, and took away several people in an instant Head, and then, Wei Bin teleported to another place, and a giant sword took away several lives again. In this way, Wei Bin kept teleporting, and the sky-shattering giant sword was not missed every time. A giant sword took away several heads!

Seeing this, everyone stopped what they were doing. They had seen the power of Wei Bin's Heavenly God Descended to Earth + Breaking the Sky style. No one survived under the giant sword. These people were not fools, so when they saw Wei Bin's When Bin got bigger, these people all chose to retreat to avoid his sharp edge, trying to delay Wei Bin's explosive state before it ended!

Seeing that the enemies around him had chosen to avoid it, Wei Bin took the lead and killed in the south direction. Seeing this, the others also moved closer to Wei Bin. They knew that Wei Bin was going to lead them to break out of the encirclement. Got it!

Next, everyone surrounded the Bull Demon King, protected the Bull Demon King in the middle, and followed Wei Bin to break out towards the south!

Wei Bin's escape plan was very simple. No matter which direction he ran away from, he just had to escape to the boundary of the arena. It was best to run to one of the southeast, northwest, and southeast corners because there were walls around the arena. If If they defend with their backs to the wall, they only need to defend half of the current range. That way, their defensive pressure will be much less! What if you evacuated to a corner? Then you only need to defend one quarter, because there are walls on both sides!

But the map is so big. When they came, they ran for ten minutes on their mounts. Now they only rely on their legs to run. How long will it take them to reach the south wall? However, even if you can't run, the target must run towards the south, because Wei Bin's next strategy will be centered around the south wall!

Soon, Wei Bin's explosive state ended. When everyone saw that Wei Bin's figure had returned to its original appearance, they gathered around him again!

These people now feel more confident, because they have not only escaped Wei Bin's baptism, but also escaped Wei Bin's high explosive state. They are just short of claiming to be the sons of destiny. The players in front of them are all He has died for them. Next, they just need to be a profitable fisherman!

Wei Bin's protection tactics gradually began to work. The Bull Demon King was surrounded by the crowd, and the four gang members responsible for protecting him were stuck twenty meters away from the Bull Demon King, forming a human wall. , that is to say, those internal martial arts sects cannot attack the Bull Demon King. Only those with teleportation skills have the opportunity to attack the Bull Demon King. However, there are only a few sects with teleportation skills. Tang Sect, Wudang, Xiaoyao, Tianshan, Beggar Clan, Murong. First of all, there are not many people in Tangmen and Murong. These two sects can be ignored. Secondly, Xiaoyao and Wudang, although there are many people in these two sects, their The body is a bit fragile, and most people don't dare to go deep into the enemy group. That is to say, Tianshan and the Beggar Clan have the courage to teleport in. After all, they are external martial arts sects, and there is nothing they can do if they don't go in! In these two sects, the beggar gang needs to specify the target to use the club to beat the dog head. Since the location of the Bull Demon King is beyond the scope of their club to beat the dog head, if these beggar gangs want to enter, they must lock the target. For the players who are positioned closer to the human wall, they need to fly to the target by hitting the dog's head with a stick, and then run to the Bull Demon King. In this way, their actions will be greatly affected. It’s restricted. Doesn’t it take time to run over? Therefore, only Tianshan faction players can teleport to the Bull Demon King. Tianshan's Tuxue Wuhen is pointed at the ground, so it is naturally unobstructed!

Therefore, the safety of the Bull Demon King will not be a serious problem in a short period of time. Without the output of those internal skills sects, it is difficult to kill the Bull Demon King just by relying on the Beggar Gang and Tianshan!

Seeing that there was no hope of killing the Bull Demon King, these players had no choice but to shift their focus to those players who were trying to protect the Bull Demon King, that is, the members of the Four Gangs!

A war is about to break out!

Although the members of the Four Gangs are elites and the top figures in their respective gangs, they are not cowards. Even if the personnel of the Four Gangs have higher combat power than them, it is not much higher. They belong to the kind of people who can win a single challenge. If you defeat the opponent, you won't have much health left. The gap is not big, but the gap in numbers is huge. With such a big gap, the members of the four gangs gradually began to suffer casualties!

Soon, Wei Bin realized something was wrong. Their tactic could indeed ensure the safety of the Bull Demon King. However, although the Bull Demon King was not dead, the surrounding teammates died one by one. This battle had just begun. It's just the beginning. If the people from the other three gangs die here, how can they fight the rest of the battle? Furthermore, can the Bull Demon King delay for ten minutes before all the members of the other three gangs die? If possible, then the members of these three gangs could barely be considered to have died a worthy death, but if they are all dead and the Bull Demon King's ten-minute time to confirm their ownership has not yet come, it will be a bit embarrassing!


r\u003e  In desperation, Wei Bin had to order to shrink the defense line. The human wall surrounding the Bull Demon King changed from a large circle to a small circle. The formation change from large circle to small circle was actually a change in Wei Bin's tactics. Before When these 39 people formed a large circle, they were to prevent those players from the internal skills sect and some players from the external skills sect from attacking the Bull Demon King. But now that the circle has become smaller, the Bull Demon King has entered the shooting range of those players from the internal skills sect. That is to say, they cannot prevent players from internal martial arts from attacking the Bull Demon King. However, because the circle has become smaller, they can prevent almost all players from external martial arts from attacking the Bull Demon King. Because the circle is very small, such as the two sects of Tianshan and Beggar Gang. Players dare not teleport in to attack the Bull Demon King. Whoever dares to go in will face the concentrated fire of this circle of people. They will not survive!

But generally speaking, compared to the big circle, the Bull Demon King also suffered more damage, because the internal strength sect is long-range, even if it is circled several times, three layers inside and three layers outside, they can still attack the cow. Demon King, on the other hand, the previous external skill sects are different. No matter how many players from the external skill sect teleport in, there will only be a few people who can attack the Bull Demon King at the same time!

Soon, the Bull Demon King's blood volume began to decrease, but with the help of Emei and Wei Bin, the Bull Demon King's blood volume was not serious. Basically, the blood volume that had just been lost was immediately added back!

Soon, the second wave of Wei Bin's baptism came to the Bull Demon King, instantly taking away all the players from the external martial arts sects surrounding the outside of the small circle, as well as the players from the internal martial arts sects who gathered around the three floors outside the small circle and gathered the Fire Bull Demon King. !

If the first wave of baptisms was not noticed by this group of players, then this wave of baptisms can be said to have successfully made the players present want to give up. You must know that they were the same as those who initially snatched the Bull Demon King. The mentality of the people who created the fragments is the same. For such an awesome skill, its cooldown time must be very long, but in reality? Wei Bin's actual actions told them that I only have a ten-second cooldown for my baptism!

A skill with such a short cooldown time made this group of people start to consider whether it was worth it for them to lose their lives for a fragment! ?

After some thinking, this group of players was obviously smarter than the original group of players. They decisively gave up chasing the Bull Demon King and shifted the focus from the Bull Demon King to this group of people. They know the strength, and the level is not much different from theirs!

If the Bull Demon King can't be killed, can't the people in this circle be killed? As long as everyone in this circle is killed, what's the use of leaving the Bull Demon King as a polished commander?

So, as time went by, the number of people in this circle became smaller and smaller, until finally, when only a dozen people were left, the Bull Demon King's ten minutes to determine the ownership finally ended. The fragment mark disappeared, and the fighting between the two sides stopped. Both sides looked at me, and I looked at you, feeling slightly embarrassed!

Now that the ownership of the fragments on the Bull Demon King's body has been determined, what's the point of the next battle? It's just increasing casualties! Just like that, the crisis on the Bull Demon King was officially lifted!

"Guild Leader Wei, we can't continue like this. We just got one fragment, and it's already damaged more than half. What should we do next? The rest of us may not be able to get a few more fragments!" At this time, Fengzhong Zhuifeng brought up something that worries everyone. It has to be said that the current situation has exceeded everyone's imagination. They did not expect that a mere fragment of the leader's belt would actually attract so many people. Siege, won't they calculate the cost-effectiveness? Is it worth their efforts to fight for just a fragment?

In fact, the reason why they think so is just because their positions are different. For those players who besieged the Bull Demon King, they did not think that they would die before they died. You must know that there are only forty people on the Nirvana side, and the players who besieged them There are so many people, who would have thought that they could not capture it even after ten minutes of continuous attack? They are so confident, they believe that if they grab the fragment of the leader's belt, then they will most likely be able to protect it!

"Don't worry, it won't be. Our most difficult period is over, and the next debris will be far less dangerous than just now!" Wei Bin reassured.


"Not only are we fighting here, there are also fighting in other places. During this period, many players have died. And you can open the map and see the marks on the map? There are still ten people on the map. A symbol of the fragments of the leader's belt. In other words, the ownership of these ten fragments has not yet been determined, indicating that these fragments must have changed hands during the period. As long as the ownership of these fragments has not been determined, the battle will continue and casualties will continue to occur. The number of players in the arena will become less and less! Naturally, the number of people besieging us will also decrease!" Wei Bin explained.

"The most important thing is that soon, this group of players will realize that not only are they the top figures in the gang, but everyone else, like them, is also the top figure in their own force, and their self-confidence will no longer exist, they will understand that they are not invincible. When fighting for the fragments, they will most likely suffer casualties. As long as they realize this, many teams will give up fighting for the fragments in other people's hands. We will only look for the golden treasure box, get the fragments from the box, and then protect the fragments in our hands! In other words, after we get the fragments again, there won't be so many people coming to snatch them!" Wei Bin continued explained.

"Then we are also going to look for the golden treasure chest? Are we not going to snatch the fragments from other people's hands?" Aunt Wang asked.

"No! We can't do that. We must always maintain self-confidence. Our self-confidence is not blind. We do have the ability to snatch fragments from others. If we only open treasure chests, the benefits will be too low. In the end, we couldn't get a few fragments. These fragments couldn't even make up for our losses. More than 20 of us died! So we have to grab more fragments! "Wei Bin said.

"Is it just a dozen of us?" Luo Wuji seemed a little unconfident. He was still a little frightened by the fierce battle just now. This was the first time he had seen such a battle between so many high-level players!

"You have to believe in me and the strength of our Nirvana. Don't worry, the two fragments I promised you today will be given to you in full!" Wei Bin said confidently.

"What about the platinum treasure chest? Do we care about it?" Feng Zhongzhuifeng asked. It can be seen that he still really wants to get the copper belt of the leader!

"We'd better not think about the idea of ​​the platinum chest for now. It's just a meat grinder. The current players don't know what's in it at all. They will definitely fight for it with all their strength. If we go there now, we will undoubtedly give someone else's head." , and if we really get the leader's copper belt, then our next situation will be even more difficult than the previous wave. We don't have the strength to protect the leader's copper belt. Instead of doing that, we might as well wait for the platinum treasure chest to be People are activated, and when the number of people is reduced, we will go and reap the benefits! Okay, let's go find the gold treasure chests first. Ten minutes have just passed, and the second batch of gold treasure chests should have been refreshed by now. Map So far, there are only ten fragment marks, and these ten marks should all be fragments from the first batch of gold treasure chests. The second batch of gold treasure chests should not have been opened yet, so we still have a great chance!" said Wei Bin! .

It is conceivable that there must be a large number of players looking for gold treasure chests scattered everywhere, and there are even many gold treasure chests being fought around. Otherwise, why has the second batch of treasure chests not been opened so far?

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