Game within game of online games

Chapter 791 Transaction

In other words, one first-generation seed can eventually produce 1+2+4+8+16+32+64+128+256+512+10242047 herbal medicines. According to the current market situation, one seventh-level herbal medicine Calculated at the price of 10 silver, a first-generation seed can produce herbs worth 204 gold from beginning to end. This is only the maximum output value of a seventh-level seed. If the cultivation process is included, a seventh-level seed can produce herbs worth 204 gold. The first-generation seed land was only worth a hundred gold!

And what about the eighth-level seeds? Even if the price of the herbal medicine doubled, wouldn't it still only be 200 gold? In other words, Xue Muhua and Juesha only need to pay a rental fee of 200 gold for every ruby ​​they use, which is a bit too cheap! Not to mention two hundred gold, even the rental fee of two thousand gold, they can wake up from their dreams with laughter! You know, the cost of synthesizing these eight level nine rubies is as high as more than 7 million gold coins! Their actual psychological price is 10,000 gold per person. After all, they can only use it a few times, so how many people can rebuild it? It is estimated that they are like Nirvana, and they have collectively rebuilt the five players in the gang who have reached the limit. This is already their limit, and dozens of people only spend hundreds of thousands of gold, which is not too expensive!

Although Aunt Wang and Xue Muhua don't know the specific value of the seeds, they still have an idea of ​​the value. It's just a seed. How much can it cost? A seventh-level herb only costs 10 silver, and an eighth-level herb only costs 20 silver at most. Herbs are so cheap, how expensive can their seeds be? A few hundred gold is too much! A few hundred gold can be exchanged for the right to use it once. Where can you find such a good thing?

The only difficulty is how to obtain the seeds. This requires them to arrange specialized personnel to go to the herbs 24 hours a day. The herb seeds must be collected during the seed-bearing period of the herbs! As for collecting seeds, it is a very time-consuming thing. Let Avril and her team collect herbal seeds. It is undoubtedly a very troublesome thing and the progress is very slow. With Xue Muhua and Juesha, Intervention will be different. These two are well-known gangs in Middle-earth. Their strength and connections are very strong. With their intervention, Avril's progress in collecting herbal seeds will inevitably be greatly improved. Only Once the herbal seed matter is resolved, the power of Shennongjia can be fully demonstrated!

Perhaps the cost of leasing ruby ​​​​for Aunt Wang and Feng Zhongzhui Feng is negligible, but it is different for Wei Bin. As long as Wei Bin has the seeds, he can grow unlimitedly in Shennongjia. To cultivate herbs, one first-generation seed is only worth 2047 herbs to Aunt Wang and Feng Zhongzhuifeng, but to Wei Bin, it represents unlimited herbs. As long as he is given enough time, he can have unlimited herbs. Mass-produced herbal medicines are worth more than a few hundred gold?

Take the seventh-level herb as an example. In Shennongjia, the growth cycle of the seventh-level herb is once a minute. That is, it only takes one minute to grow a seventh-level herb, and the daily output is 1,440. A seventh-level herb, based on the market price of 10 silver per plant, would yield 144 gold! The value of the seeds in Aunt Wang and Feng Zhongzhuifeng's heart, but in Wei Bin's Shennongjia, is only one day's herbal output. What if it's ten days? What about a hundred days? That’s an output of 14,400 gold!

And this is just the output of one seed. Wei Bin can cultivate the seeds first and turn one seed into two, and two into four. If he wants to mass-produce a certain herbal medicine, it will definitely not rely on just one seed. For mass production of seeds, at least a hundred seeds must be cultivated, right? Who allowed unlimited cultivation of seeds in Shennongjia? Taking one hundred seeds as an example, the daily output of one hundred seeds is 14,400 gold. The meaning of this is self-evident, right? ??

Therefore, the value of a herbal seed to Aunt Wang and Feng Zhongzhuifeng is not the same order of magnitude as its value to Wei Bin!

"Guild Leader Wei, that brother appreciates it!" Aunt Wang said gratefully.

"Thank you, Leader Wei, for your kindness!" Feng Zhongzhuifeng also expressed his gratitude.

"Since I only need one seed of each herbal medicine, you and Avril must communicate in a timely manner and do not collect repeatedly to avoid wasting time!" Wei Bin finally reminded that he had Shennongjia exists, so he only needs one seed of each herbal medicine, because in Shennongjia, the effectiveness of herbal seeds is unlimited and can produce unlimited herbal medicines. It is different if it is outside Shennongjia. , the seeds of each herbal medicine can be reproduced up to ten times, that is to say, after ten times, the seeds will be useless. This is the advantage of Shennongjia!

"Guild Leader Wei, including these ninth-level rubies, the blood limit of your core members of Nirvana is just 1 million, and there are still 500,000 left? Where can you find the other 500,000 blood?" Aunt Wang brought the topic back. Regarding the matter of reconstruction, after all, reconstruction is what they need to pay most attention to now!

"This involves the item I just mentioned that can increase the blood limit! Its name is the Resurrection Stone!" Wei Bin looked at the two of them!

"Resurrection stone? Could it be that it also has the function of resurrection?" Aunt Wang asked.

"Yes, just like its name, the Resurrection Stone has a resurrection effect, but it can only be resurrected once. After use, the Resurrection Stone will disappear! However, the Resurrection Stone also has the effect of increasing the upper limit of blood by 500,000. This effect is the same as that of the Resurrection Stone. It doesn't matter whether it is used or not, even if it is used, the blood limit effect still exists, so if you get the resurrection stone, you don't have to worry about whether to use it or not!" Wei Bin explained.

"Is there such a magical weapon? Leader of the Wei Gang, can the Resurrection Stone be bought and sold? Can it be stacked?" Feng Zhongfeng asked urgently. When he heard about the efficacy of the Resurrection Stone, his first reaction was not how to get resurrected. Shi, because in his heart, since nirvana can be obtained, why can't they kill it? And if it can be traded and stacked, can he purchase it in bulk to strengthen his gang? This is what it feels like to be the leader of a gang!

"Haha, Mr. Feng, you really love to joke. You also said that this is an artifact. How can an artifact like this be traded and stacked? If it can be stacked, then we will have more than three million blood now. , it should be 30 million blood, right?" Wei Bin said calmly.

"Haha, I'm just asking out of luck. In fact, I also know that it's impossible, haha!" Chasing the wind in the wind hahaha.

"Then where should I get this resurrection stone?" Aunt Wang asked.

"The Resurrection Stone and the Rebuilding Pill are obtained in the same way. They are also obtained from the protagonist NPC. However, for the Rebuilding Pill, we are looking for Azi, and for the Resurrection Stone, our target is Zhong Ling, and the friendliness has also been doubled. , the friendliness requirement to obtain the Repair Pill is 1000, and the friendliness requirement to obtain the Resurrection Stone is 2000, but I think that if you are not rich in time, you can ignore the Resurrection Stone!" Wei Bin suggested .

"What? 2000?" Aunt Wang and Feng Zhongzhuifeng said in unison.

2000 friendliness is no joke. If they do a legendary difficulty mission, they will have to complete two such missions. Even if everything goes well, it will take them three months to complete one such mission. , two would be half a year, and what if you include the time to get the Rebuilding Pill? That’s nine months!

This is only when everything goes smoothly, but in fact, how could a mission of legendary difficulty go smoothly? How many people are capable of completing missions of legendary difficulty? What they want in their minds is actually to do a hell-level difficult task. In this case, they really don't have enough time to obtain the repair pill and the resurrection stone at the same time. Otherwise, it will take too long, and it may take two years. At that time, even if Wei Bin had the skills


Duan can buy them a year, but what's the use? In the end, they will still be one or two years behind others, which defeats the original purpose of their reconstruction!

Moreover, they don't even know how to find the whereabouts of A'Zi and Zhong Ling. It will take a lot of time to find the traces of these two people. If they only get the Rebuilding Pill, then their pressure will be less. If they pay double It’s almost impossible to find the Resurrection Stone if you don’t have enough time!

"Guild Leader Wei, how did you collect these two things in a short time? You didn't spend too much time, right?" Aunt Wang asked.

"We didn't spend a lot of time? Who told you? You can't think that we didn't spend a lot of time looking for these two things just because we Nirvana rebuilt earlier! We Nirvana are not gods either. In terms of doing tasks, We are all the same!" Wei Bin said.

In fact, Wei Bin did have some means to shorten the time to obtain these two items, but the shortening was limited and was not enough to make up for the time spent by Xue Muhua and Jue Sha. Wei Bin obtained the Rebuilding Pill by investing his own money to purchase a large number of them. Give the five poisonous things to Ah Zi, because there is a task in Ah Zi’s task list that can be repeated, which is to collect the five poisonous things. As long as you keep giving her the five poisonous things, you can get 1,000 friendship points in seconds!

But the price is also very expensive. It takes 100,000 gold to exchange for 1,000 friendship points. In other words, the value of a repair pill is 100,000 gold. If only one or two people need to repair, the pressure on the gang will be smaller. , but if Xue Muhua and Juesha are going to let twenty or thirty people rebuild it, then the price is a bit high. That's two to three million gold, anyone will weigh it! It can be seen from this that the number of high-competition players in Nirvana is not just for nothing. How much money did Wei Bin spend to rebuild these 16 people!

As for Zhong Ling, even Wei Bin didn't have any good ideas. He just recommended the core members of Nirvana to do collective tasks. Collective tasks have one common feature, that is, the task itself requires relatively high combat power. But the requirements for other aspects are relatively low. Unlike other legendary difficulty tasks, the information collection alone stumps most people! Although the collective task is relatively difficult, it doesn't require much thinking. As long as the combat power reaches the standard, it can be completed in a short time!

For organized high-combat players, doing group tasks is undoubtedly the best choice!

"Guild Leader Wei, you are a bit uninterested. You must have a way to quickly gain friendship, right?" Feng Zhongzhuifeng asked.

"Why do you say that?" Wei Bin asked curiously.

"There are prerequisites for improving the protagonist's NC friendliness, which is to officially enter the world of martial arts, and officially entering the world of martial arts has combat power requirements. If the combat power is not up to standard, you will not be able to pass the 100th level of the Arena Hero Trial. According to my observation, the core members of your Nirvana officially entered the world of martial arts at about the same time as I did. I entered five or six months ago, and they must have also, but they re-established their training two or three months ago. That is to say , even if they started the task of improving friendliness from the first moment they entered the martial arts world, it only took them about three months, and the error should not exceed one month. Even if they spent four months to achieve the goal , That’s amazing speed, they can reach the target in four months, why can’t we?” Feng Zhongzhuifeng said.

"Damn it, Mr. Feng, you are not only good at mental arithmetic, you are also very thoughtful! Did you arrange an spy for our Nirvana?" Wei Bin was very surprised.

The wind chasing the wind knows his own people very well, and his insight is too strong! In an understatement, I calculated the time it would take for the core members of Nirvana to get these two props. Fortunately, Feng Zhongzhong Feng was an ally. If they were enemies, they would definitely be Nirvana's formidable enemy!

"Guild Leader Wei, are you making fun of me? I just caught some details as an afterthought, and what about you? You are real achievers. You have increased 3,000 friendships in three or four months. Du, you are really a group of gods! You have this ability, and the friendliness of the protagonists in the entire Middle-earth continent, you can't just pick it up at your fingertips?" Feng Zhongzhuifeng said with a little shame, compared to calculating after the fact, it's really Doing it correctly is awesome!

"Haha! In this case, let me tell you everything! To be honest, the reason why I didn't tell you in detail is because I thought it would cost a lot, and I was worried that you wouldn't accept it, so I didn't tell you! Let me tell you first. Let’s talk about how to improve Ah Zi’s friendliness! Ah Zi has a task specially designed for rich people, which is to give her five poisons. Because Ah Zi has the Divine Wood King Cauldron in her hand, she needs a lot of five poisons. Go and practice the skills, so she has a task of collecting five poisons. You can increase her friendship by giving her five poisons. According to my calculations, each of her tasks can only increase our friendship by 10 points. The five poisons required by the mission are worth about 1,000 gold, which means that if you want to increase the friendship level by 1,000, it will cost you 100,000 gold!" Wei Bin said.

"What? 100,000 gold?" The two said in unison again. This price is indeed a bit expensive! If it were just them, then they would never even frown, but their target must be at least the entire core group, which must be twenty people, right?

"Isn't it a bit expensive? Not everyone can accept this kind of price!" Wei Bin said.

"Who said that? It's only a hundred thousand gold. If you can create a high-combat player like the core members of Nirvana, then it will be worth it!" Aunt Wang said through gritted teeth.

To create a maximum five player, the gem value is about 70,000 gold. If you include some other investments, it will cost about 80,000 gold. 80,000 gold has been paid, and it is not impossible to invest another 1,000,000 gold. Things, at least based on the financial resources of Aunt Wang and Feng Zhongzhuifeng, there are no problems, it's just a little painful!

"I don't have a problem. If I can build an Ultraman like them, it will be worth it!" Feng Zhong Zhui Feng also gritted his teeth and said. Here, Feng Zhong Zhui Feng actually changed the concept a bit. He considered creating an Ultraman like Nirvana. The core members of Ultraman are directly equated with Chong Xiu. In fact, the reason why the core members of Nirvana have such combat power is not just due to Chong Xiu. Their seals and training levels They are all very tall. It is definitely not possible to achieve such strength just by re-cultivating!

In addition, he also equated rebuilding with spending the 100,000 gold. If he just wanted to rebuild without thinking about too many things, then the 100,000 gold could indeed be equated with spending the 100,000 gold, because this It is true that 100,000 gold can buy a repair pill, but it is impossible for him to choose to repair it just with a repair pill. He also needs to make a lot of preparations, such as buying a level 60 sect suit like Wei Bin and borrowing Wei Bin. Bin's gems, to enhance the attributes of the seal as high as possible, etc., these are things other than one hundred thousand gold, but Feng Zhongzhuifeng simply said, if you can create arcana like the core members of Nirvana, Terman, spending 100,000 gold is considered worthwhile. It is obvious that he has some stolen concepts. With only 100,000 gold, he does not even dare to re-reform, let alone reach the level of a core member of Nirvana after re-reforming!

"Since you two are willing to spend this money, let me talk about how to quickly improve Zhong Ling's friendliness! Everyone knows that the protagonist NPC has a task list.

, and the difficulty of the tasks is divided into easy level, difficult level, hell level and legendary level. Here, I suggest that you all take on the legendary level tasks. If you rely on doing hell level tasks, it will not last more than a year. Time, it is almost impossible to increase the friendship level to 2000! As for legendary difficulty tasks, generally speaking, it takes two or three months to complete such a task, but this standard is relative to an individual. If an individual does these tasks, it will take this time. , However, if you are doing the task as a group, the time will definitely be shorter than the time required individually! The reason why our Nirvana members raised the friendship level with Zhong Ling to 2000 so quickly is because all we do are group tasks! This type of task has advantages and disadvantages, but for us, its advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Its advantage is that it requires a short time. Its shortness is reflected in the requirements for our overall quality. It is not like those individuals. The task not only requires us to have certain financial resources, but also requires us to have very high combat power, experience, connections, brains, etc. Its disadvantage is that it requires high combat power from us. However, this is very important to us. It's nothing to say, is it? Combat capability is our strength, while other experience, brains, etc. are relatively our weaknesses. All in all, group tasks are definitely your first choice. I estimate that it will take you at most four months to complete the friendship. The degree is increased to 2000, which can save a lot of time! "Wei Bin said.

"Guang Leader Wei, this is real stuff! After you said this, I immediately became full of confidence in our team. I believe that in the near future, our gang will also have a top-notch team like you!" After hearing this, Wei Bin's words made Aunt Wang suddenly enlightened, and the worries that had been plaguing him suddenly disappeared!

"Guang Leader Wei, you are really a talent, haha! By the way, Gang Leader Wei, do you have any experience in how to find the protagonist NPC? As we all know, the protagonist NPC has always been like a dragon, trying to find their traces. , It’s too difficult!” Fengzhong Zhuifeng asked!

"Haha, you have asked the right person. Zhong Ling has been monitored by me. I know where she is now. As for Azi, because she holds the sacred wooden king tripod of Xingxu Laoxian Ding Chunqiu, her The trace has always been a mystery, and she will not let anyone know her trace! I can only rely on you to search for Azi's whereabouts! As for how to find it, I don't have any particularly good method. I can only follow the plot. Advance the progress and search for it, or go to the official forum to search, there may be some other players who have revealed traces of Azi!" Wei Bin said.

The so-called search according to the progress of the plot means comparing the current Tianlong plot with the plot in the original work. For example, the current plot is that A'Zhu and Qiao Feng just met at Yanmen Pass, then you only need to search in the original work. When A'Zhu and Qiao Feng meet, where is A'Zi? Then just go to the corresponding place in the game to find it!

"Damn it, Gang Leader Wei, you are still talking about me, you are very delicate! You can even know Zhong Ling's whereabouts anytime and anywhere. Could it be that you have arranged an undercover agent next to her? Will the protagonist NPC allow such a thing to happen? ?" Fengzhong Zhuifeng said with admiration.

"Hey, you really hit the mark! I actually placed an undercover agent next to Zhong Ling. She is currently engaged in maritime trade between Dali Kingdom and Suzaku Kingdom. She spends most of her time at sea, trying to find her traces. , It is indeed not an easy task! When you want to take over the mission, just tell me and I will arrange for someone to drive the merchant ship she is on back to the port!" Wei Bin said proudly.

"F*ck! Leader Wei, I haven't used a bad word for a long time. Please allow me to use a bad word! Didn't you place an undercover agent next to Zhong Ling? Did you put her under house arrest? Let her stay on a ship. On the ship, other players couldn’t find Zhong Ling even if they blew up Middle-earth! You don’t want to take her as your own, do you? Don’t let others do the task?” Aunt Wang was so excited that she cursed! Originally, he was still thinking that Zhong Ling should be in the Valley of Ten Thousand Tribulations. After all, Zhong Ling's hometown was the Valley of Ten Thousand Tribulations, and at the request of her adoptive father Zhong Wanchou, Zhong Ling was usually prohibited from leaving the Valley of Ten Thousand Tribulations. However, he did not expect that Wei Bin actually She managed to get her to a merchant ship. Although Wei Bin did not say clearly that she was the one who brought Zhong Ling out of the Valley of Ten Thousand Tribulations, it is conceivable that Zhong Ling was brought out by Wei Bin. Otherwise, why could Wei Bin arrange for Zhong Ling to be there? On his merchant ship? Also, Wei Bin said on the surface that Zhong Ling was engaged in trade between Dali Kingdom and Suzaku Kingdom, but this was just Wei Bin's words. Who knows the truth? The reason for the failure is that Wei Bin sent people to control Zhong Ling and restrict her personal freedom. In this way, only Nirvana people or Wei Bin's friends can go to Zhong Ling to take over the task!

Even! Wei Bin wants to contract all the resurrection stones from Zhong Ling? Isn't this a bit too shocking? If Nirvana had one Resurrection Stone per person, what a terrifying improvement it would have to Nirvana's overall strength! At that time, Nirvana players will have 500,000 more blood per player than outsiders. If a fight breaks out, will Nirvana be invincible and invincible?

Thinking of this, Aunt Wang shuddered for a moment. If this was really the case, then Wei Bin would be really scary. Fortunately, Wei Bin was an ally and not an enemy. If he had such an enemy, he would not even be able to sleep. Safe!

Regarding Zhong Ling, Wei Bin has revealed it to them, but is there anything else that Wei Bin has not revealed to them? For example, A'Zhu was also put under house arrest? Put Ah Bi under house arrest? If you open your mind and imagine boldly, does Wei Bin secretly control Dali Kingdom? Do you want to be the local emperor behind it? Although this possibility is almost non-existent, does the possibility of Zhong Ling being placed under house arrest exist? Didn’t Wei Bin do the same thing?

Thinking of this, Aunt Wang couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed. Compared with Wei Bin, he was still too weak! While I was still trying to conquer the boss and dungeon, Wei Bin actually started attacking the system NPCs! This vision and development ideas are really incomparable!

But when she turned around and thought about it, Aunt Wang suddenly felt warm in her heart. Logically speaking, Wei Bin's control of Zhong Ling could not be said even to death. Wei Bin had the means to use one day as a year. , also cannot be made public, but Wei Bin told himself without reservation, what does this mean? This shows that Wei Bin truly regards himself as one of his own, and that Nirvana is a die-hard ally worthy of Xue Muhua's efforts!

In fact, this is just a one-man show in Aunt Wang's mind. Wei Bin does not have the ability to control Zhong Ling. Wei Bin first paid a huge sum of money for Zhong Wanchou and his wife to travel around the world, and then took the trouble to He worked hard to trick Zhong Ling into doing business. He used means to restrict Zhong Ling's whereabouts at sea. He could not restrict Zhong Ling's personal freedom. Zhong Ling could go wherever he wanted!

"Guang Leader Wei, you are such a god! You can even imprison the protagonist NPC. What a great trick of yours! If we want to take on missions in the future, we will have to rely on you, Leader Wei!" Feng Zhongzhui Feng agreed! With.

"Haha, stop making trouble, I don't have the ability to imprison the protagonist NPC, you think too highly of me! In order to cope with the reconstruction, the last key point is the carvings on the equipment. Among our 12 pieces of equipment, There are a total of seven pieces of equipment that can be engraved with glyphs. I recommend that you all switch to physical glyphs, and the minimum is level 6. If conditions permit, level 7 glyphs are also acceptable. You can even build only one set of equipment and rebuild all of them. They can be used in rotation, so the cost will not be too high!" Wei Bin said.

"Guild Leader Wei, to be honest, although the Sutra Pavilion has been around for several months, the carving patterns have not been popularized yet.


There are still three pieces of defensive equipment on my body that are not engraved with carvings. Since you have rebuilt them, it means that your equipment is full of carvings. It means that you must have a way to carve carvings. How about Gang Leader Wei, if you introduce this method to me, I can save myself some trouble of finding carving patterns! Of course, it would be best if you have finished equipment. We can borrow it temporarily, which will save trouble haha! "Aunt Wang is not polite and wants to eat ready-made!"

"This is no problem. Before rebuilding, I deliberately spent a lot of money to acquire the physical carving patterns of all the equipment. Whenever you need it, just come to me directly and I will arrange for someone to carve it for you first! As for borrowing the finished equipment, you can There’s no need to think about it. We still need to use those equipments. We lent them to you and we can’t even level up! Hey, how did I find out that you seem to have borrowed everything? Do you want to rebuild it or do I? Rebuilding?" Wei Bin rolled his eyes at Aunt Wang!

"Haha, I'm just joking! Leader of the Wei Gang, we already know almost everything about the reconstruction! However, regarding the military exploits just mentioned, Leader of the Wei Gang, you must help us. Our professor The seal attribute is really pitifully low, and I don't ask for long-term acquisition of your military exploits, as long as it can satisfy our reconstruction this time!" Aunt Wang begged.

"That's right, Leader Wei, our battle merit limit can't even afford an orange engraved mark. This will definitely greatly reduce the effect of our reconstruction!" Feng Zhongzhuifeng agreed.

"Well, okay, just follow the standard of the seal granted to me. Later, I will arrange for someone to calculate the required military merits and send the supplies to you!" Wei Bin said after thinking for a while.

Buying and selling war merit has always been the most stressful thing in the entire Middle-earth continent. As far as the current market environment is concerned, people with war merit are reluctant to buy it, and people without war merit cannot buy it. Even many gangs with war merit have clearly stipulated that Now, it is forbidden to sell military exploits to the outside world, because military exploits are a kind of luxury goods, and their only source is the virtual city of Conquest of the World, and the difficulty of conquering the world is much higher than that of the Luoyang Territory Battle and the Phoenix Ancient City Battle. If you want to occupy it, It is difficult for a virtual city to reach the sky. This is from the difficulty of obtaining military exploits. There is also a more important point, that is, from the perspective of the gains brought by military exploits, the enhanced cost-effectiveness brought by military exploits to players is higher than For other aspects, let’s compare military exploits with gems!

As we all know, different levels of sealing bring different attributes to the player. The green level can increase the owner's blood by 20,000 and 200 attribute attacks, the blue level can increase the owner's blood by 30,000 and 300 attribute attacks, and the purple level can increase the owner's health by 20,000 and 200 attribute attacks. With 40,000 blood and 400 attribute attack, the orange level can increase 50,000 blood and 500 attribute attack. This increase can be said to be very terrifying!

Comparing gems of the same level, upgrading to the orange level requires a total of 11,600 battle merits. The price of purchasing battle merits on the market is about 2 gold for 10 points of battle merits. Although there are few cases of buying and selling battle merits, the price is still there. Calculated based on this ratio, 11,600 battle merit is equivalent to 2,320 gold. These gold coins cannot even buy two level five gems! And what about the attributes brought by these 11,600 military exploits? These attributes are equivalent to the attributes brought by more than a dozen level five gems!

what does that mean? It means cost-effectiveness. If you have enough money and enough connections, the benefits from acquiring battle medals are far greater than gems! This is also doomed to have more monks and less meat, and it is difficult to receive such things as war merits! After all, no one is a fool. Who would give up such a highly profitable military exploit and insist on selling it for money?

So when Wei Bin heard that Aunt Wang and the others wanted to acquire his military exploits, he couldn't help but hesitate for a moment, but soon he figured out that he had even lent them the ninth-level gems, and how to obtain reconstruction The methods and tricks of elixirs and resurrection stones have been taught to them. They don't even intend to keep the secrets of the flow world secret from them. It's just a mere military achievement, why bother? How much military exploits do they need? The rebuilding staff they helped were destined to be similar to those of Nirvana. When the core members of Nirvana were rebuilding, each of them only spent more than 60,000 battle credits. Calculated based on the fact that Xue Muhua and Juesha had a total of 60 rebuilding staff. That’s 3.6 million military exploits. If divided evenly among every player in Nirvana, it would be only 36 military exploits. This is for people who are under the jurisdiction of Nirvana in Baishi City, because Nirvana has a total of 300,000 people. In the jurisdiction of Baishi City, There are 100,000, there are 100,000 in the area under the jurisdiction of Dali Kingdom, and there are still 100,000 in the area under the jurisdiction of Xixia Kingdom. As long as it is a player in Nirvana, no matter which jurisdiction it is, the system will distribute the battle merits regularly every day. If it is divided equally among everyone, then everyone The talent only has 12 points of combat merit, but Nirvana players receive up to 390 points of combat merit every day. This amount of combat merit will not hurt Nirvana's vitality at all. Nirvana's combat merit is terrifying!

"However, these military achievements must be paid for materials. The two gang leaders have much stronger connections than our Nirvana! My efficiency in collecting materials is far inferior to yours. I guess this request is not an exaggeration, right?" Wei Bin said .

"Request? Leader Wei, you are really good at joking. How can this be described as a request? You are asking. We should be the ones requesting you! Not to mention supplies, we have to find a way even for the stars in the sky. I'll take it off for you, haha!" Feng Zhongzhuifeng laughed.

Next, Wei Bin brought out a list for the two of them. In fact, this list had been listed a long time ago. Wei Bin had also arranged for Avril to purchase it, but the acquisition effect was not ideal. In the final analysis, it was because these materials were too large. It's rare. What are the things on this list?

There are various seventh-level and eighth-level pharmaceutical formulas, cooking formulas, and sect pharmaceutical formulas. The current mainstream supplies in Middle-earth are actually sixth-level medicines and cooking products, but these are only mainstream supplies used by ordinary people. , some rich people no longer look down on these mainstream supplies. If they have money, they naturally pursue higher-level supplies, that is, seventh-level pharmaceuticals and cooking ingredients. Therefore, seventh-level pharmaceutical formulas and cooking formulas It is very rare, because the seventh-level formula can continue to sell well for a long time. Currently, the seventh-level supplies are still considered luxuries. Even after some time, the seventh-level supplies are no longer luxuries and can still be used as mainstream supplies. If you want to sell this product, how can this formula not be popular?

The seventh-level formulas are in such short supply, let alone the eighth-level formulas. Those who can obtain the eighth-level pharmaceutical formulas must find other ways to unlock them through various difficult tasks or killing certain difficult bosses. It was obtained by purchasing some gold treasure chests, or even platinum treasure chests, which meant that its output was very small. Wei Bin even struggled to collect the seventh-level formula, let alone the eighth-level formula. He didn't collect it at all. A few!

So Wei Bin seized the opportunity in front of him. Wei Bin couldn't take it, which didn't mean that Xue Muhua and Juesha couldn't take it either. Compared with Xue Muhua and Juesha, the foundation of Nirvana was still very shallow. Xue Muhua, After all, Jue Kill is an old gang that has been around for many years, and its network of contacts and relationships are definitely not comparable to Nirvana! Maybe some people have been holding on to the eighth-level formula in their hands. They cannot learn it because their pharmaceutical level and cooking level have not reached level eight, but they still don’t want to sell it to Nirvana, because once their pharmaceutical level and cooking level reach eight, Level, then these supplies are definitely very popular, and that’s money!

However, due to the existence of the circle, they do not sell to Nirvana, which does not mean that they will not sell to Xue Muhua and Juesha, because they are all members of the circle, and they have worked with Juesha and Xue Muhua for a long time. Perhaps Xue Muhua and Juesha had helped them in the past, and they just took advantage of this opportunity to repay Xue Muhua or Juesha's favor!

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