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Chapter 802 The situation is over

Wei Bin decisively seized this gap, and with one move the guardian angel came out, covering the four Emeis, Lin Qianhong, and the baby!

Guardian Angel makes friendly units within 100 meters immune to damage, and increases the life recovery rate by 150,000 points per second, lasting 10 seconds, with a cooldown time of 150 seconds.

Because Shennong gave Wei Bin a lot of divine power, the divine power reserves in Wei Bin's body increased greatly. The effects of all magical powers are linked to the amount of divine power in the user's body. When Wei Bin first obtained this guardian angel trick, It can only increase 100,000 blood per second, but due to the huge increase in the divine power reserves in his body, he can now restore 150,000 blood per second. In other words, after 10 seconds, each of them can restore 1.5 million blood. This skill is definitely a life-saving skill for the six of them! Because the blood volume of the four Emeis and Lin Qianhong has bottomed out, and in ten seconds at most, they will all be wiped out here! Wei Bin's blood volume is a little higher. After all, Wei Bin is more fleshy and more resistant to hits!

During the Guardian Angel period, they are also immune to damage, which means that even if the opponent's output explodes, the six of them will not lose a trace of blood!

And just after Wei Bin's Chonglou Armor resisted the control once, Wei Bin was controlled by the opponent again. After all, there were still about a hundred people on the opponent, but it was obvious that the control skills of the opponent were different from those of the four Emei people. After being consumed, they were about to run out, because after controlling Wei Bin once, their subsequent control skills did not continue to control Wei Bin! And just after Wei Bin moved a few steps, a few sparse control skills flew towards Wei Bin. It was already obvious that they didn't have many control skills in their hands!

With just these sparse control skills, can Wei Bin be controlled? The hit rate of these max-5 players against Wei Bin is only about 30. If they want to control Wei Bin infinitely, they must at least fire four control skills at Wei Bin at the same time. This is already the lower limit and cannot be lower!

Obviously, judging from these sparse control skills, they are no longer good!

"What about control? Where are the control skills?"

"Where are your control skills? Throw them away! Do you want to keep them to go home for the New Year? Do you want to take your control skills to the grave?"

"Wori, what should we do? Wei Bin still has so much blood. Even if we kill these four Emeis, we will never be able to kill Wei Bin. The output of this hateful mink is too high. Every second we People are dying!”

"You guys, if you had known this would happen, you wouldn't have listened to Mr. Xingtian's instigation. Why can three hundred people destroy Nirvana without any injuries? Can you control them to death? How can you control them to death? Our control skills They’ve all been used up, and I haven’t killed anyone in Nirvana yet!”

For a time, more and more people began to regret it. The health of the four Emeis had clearly bottomed out, but just when they thought victory was in sight, suddenly, and they didn’t know what happened, an angel descended from the sky. The four Emeis, Lin Qianhong and Wei Bin were shrouded. Under the shroud of this angel, they could no longer cause harm to the Emeis, and the blood volume of the Emeis actually began to recover in an orderly manner, and the recovery was not slow. , this directly made their hearts go cold. They didn’t know when this angel would leave. They only had about eighty people left, and people were dying every second. Their output would become more and more intense. The weaker they are, the more they know that their situation is over, because their last hope has been shattered!

Their last hope was to kill these four Emeis. As long as these four Emeis were dead, they would still have a chance, and they could use their control skills to deal with Wei Bin. But just as they were about to succeed, At that moment, the angel descended from the sky, directly shattering the last glimmer of hope in their hearts!

In fact, this is not the most critical thing. What makes them despair the most is not that the four Emeis survived, nor is it how powerful Nirvana is. What really makes them despair is their own camp! In their camp, due to the destruction of Zhiwei Diao and Wei Bin, there are not many output sects left, especially the players from the internal skill sect!

If you want to kill Wei Bin and these four Emei, the players of the external skill sect are unreliable. Due to the collision volume, they can only attack Nirvana with at most four or five people. This output is too low, and this is the era of rubies. Who is not studded with rubies? Whose external defense is scary? The output of players from the external skill sect is really too low! If you want to kill people, you have to rely on players from the internal strength sect, because players from the internal strength sect can output remotely, and there is no need to consider the issue of collision volume. They can output wherever they stand!

But the players of the internal strength sect have always been targeted by Wei Bin and Zhi Tingdiao. Now there are only seventy or eighty of them left. There are not many players of the internal strength sect left for a long time. , there are only a dozen internal skill sects that output players, there are more than thirty Emei, and more than twenty external skill sects. How can they fight Nirvana alone? The reason why they lost so much health when they beat the four Emeis before, and the reason why they were able to beat the four of them to a low level of health, was that half of the damage was done to the internal strength sect players, but now they only have a dozen or so internal strength sect players left. Okay, how did they kill four Emei people? He couldn't even kill the four Emeis, let alone Wei Bin! You can’t expect Emei to also deal damage, right?

This is the main reason for their panic, their output is insufficient!

They knew that the situation was over, so they all panicked!

"How about we sue for peace?"

At this moment, someone finally couldn't withstand the pressure. If this continues, it will be a matter of time before their group is destroyed!

"Suing for peace? Stop making trouble. We are players with a limit of five. Who among us does not have the support of a big force? We represent these big forces. If it is just us, then there is no problem in asking for peace. It is just embarrassing. It’s just humiliating ourselves, but now our faces are labeled with the label of our power. If in this case, we go to seek peace, then it will not be our own people who are humiliated; Discredit the forces behind it!"

One player resisted.

"Who doesn't understand what you are saying? But now do you have a better way? Can you defeat Nirvana? If you can, I will definitely follow your lead. I will fight wherever you point. If you say go east, I will never Not going west! But! Do you have the ability? Do you think we have even a slight chance of winning now?" the player said sarcastically.

"Then we can't bring the forces behind us with us! We have already lost, and we can't smear the forces behind us anymore!" This player said harshly!

"Okay, okay, stop arguing. How long has it been? Are you still arguing about this issue? Does it make sense? The top priority is how to make a choice!"

"How to choose? Isn't this the issue we are discussing?"

"Then we can't quarrel. We can have normal discussions. If it's a quarrel, aren't we digging our own graves?"

"Why don't we retreat!"

Just as everyone was arguing about what to do, a voice appeared!

"Retreat? What's the difference between retreating and suing for peace!? Is it different from discrediting the forces behind us?"

"No! To seek peace is to seek peace, and to retreat is to retreat! To seek peace is to lose not only on the combat level, but also on the psychological level, because the mentality no longer dares to resist, and only in these two aspects are losses lost. , can it be called peace! And among these two aspects, surrender on the psychological level is the most fatal. The reason why we worry about discrediting the forces behind us is actually more because of psychological surrender! And retreat is It’s different. We retreated. At best, our strength was insufficient, but our mentality did not admit defeat. We were still full of fighting spirit in our hearts. In this way, we were honored even though we were defeated. Let’s talk about it.


Can retreat and summation be the same? "The player explained.

As soon as his remarks came out, they were like a plague and quickly spread among the crowd!

"That's right, as long as we don't admit defeat mentally, what if we retreat? As long as we don't admit defeat mentally, we won't smear the forces behind us. At best, it's just that our skills are inferior to others!"

"That's right! We retreated not because we were afraid of nirvana, but because we needed to preserve our strength. As the saying goes, keep the green hills and don't be afraid of running out of firewood. We fought hard for a battle that was impossible to win. If the group is wiped out, what is that but a fool? I’m afraid that the consequences after our group is wiped out is that we might as well retreat. There must be many people who will scold us for not knowing how to retain our strength and not knowing how to assess the situation! It’s better to retreat!”

"That's right, sometimes, retreating is to punch better. Let's retreat for now and gather more people to join the group to keep warm. If there is a chance, we will definitely come back to Nirvana for revenge!"

Good guy!

Wei Bin called him "good guys, these people are addicted to lust!" There is still a fight going on here, and they have already begun to make excuses for themselves and look for psychological comfort!

It has to be said that the execution ability of players with a limit of five or more is very strong. After a while, this group of people put their words into practice, and people from all walks of life began to run away in different directions!

That's right, just escape. What kind of bullshit evacuation? That was just psychological comfort. Who would admit that he was running away? If the reputation of running away spreads out, it will be very unpleasant. Otherwise, your reputation will be ruined! Evacuation is different. Evacuation is subjective, while running away is passive. The psychological burden of the two is also different!

However, their retreat was not a bad thing for Wei Bin, and Wei Bin had no intention of chasing them!

First of all, Wei Bin and this group of people are not mortal enemies. Regardless of their harsh words, they said they would go find someone to come back for revenge. In fact, they were just harsh words. They were just trying to comfort themselves and prevent their retreat from being exposed. , it’s just an excuse to make them feel a little better after they retreat!

Will they actually find someone to come back and take revenge on Nirvana? Most likely not. They are not sworn enemies. They are the ones who caused trouble for Nirvana first. They are wrong. With this mentality, after they learn about Nirvana's strength, even if they are killed, they will not find anyone to avenge Nirvana. Ah, three hundred of them can't defeat Nirvana, so how many people do they need to find enough to destroy Nirvana? Four hundred people? Or five hundred people? Are people so easy to find? How many people will be deceived by them?

The second point is that they no longer pose much of a threat to Wei Bin, because Emei accounts for half of them, the players of the internal power output sect are almost wiped out, and the external power sect accounts for the other half! This group of people is composed of multiple forces. Among the surviving people, there are almost no forces that can still retain the full combat power of ten people. Each force has more or less dead people, and a few Thirty people died, as many as seven or eight people died, and some forces even only had one person left. Can a team like this still be competitive? The teams with few remaining people will definitely have to take refuge in the teleportation formation, and even those teams with more people remaining will have their combat effectiveness greatly reduced since their team consists of only the Waigong sect and Emei. Next, is It’s hard to participate in the battle for the leader’s belt fragments! It can be said that these people will not pose any threat to Nirvana in the next battle. For such people, why would Wei Bin destroy the group?

"Gang Leader, are you going to let them go just like that?" Xuanyuan Ai Ai asked.

"Let them go. The purpose of our trip is not them. We are here for the fragments of the leader's belt. There are still many fragments floating on the map. It would be better for us to get all these fragments..." Wei Bin explained .

Don't chase the poor bandits, what if Wei Bin's group destroys them? Can Wei Bin get any benefit from it? It's just a waste of time and effort, and Wei Bin may end up with a reputation for killing everyone!

This is a battle between six people and three hundred people. To be precise, it is a battle between one player with a limit of six and five players with a limit of five, fighting three hundred players with a limit of five. Looking at the whole battle, Nirvana There are three reasons why we can win!

Among them, the most important reason is the camp issue!

That's right, the reason why Nirvana was able to rely on six people to finally defeat 300 people with less did not rely on Nirvana's combat effectiveness. Nirvana's combat effectiveness is indeed very high, but it is definitely not high enough to rely on just a mere Six people can defeat 300 players with a limit of five. The reason why Nirvana can win is because Nirvana's camp is very single, and Nirvana takes advantage of the camp! And what about the other side? On the opposite side, the camp suffered a loss, because although their total number of people was large, they were indeed composed of thirty forces. Where was the Alliance Leader Arena? In the Alliance Leader Arena, each force is in peaceful mode only with the ten people from its own force, and is in a hostile state with players from other forces except its own force. In other words, these forces can attack each other. !

what does that mean? This means that although they will not be stupid enough to attack their own people, their group attack skills are blind, which means that no one among them can even think about launching a group attack! Because their people are everywhere here, and the group attacks they unleash cause much more damage to their own people than to Nirvana. In this case, who among them would choose group attack skills?

Not only are the group attack skills unavailable, but in many cases, even their single-target attacks are restricted. For example, when five or six players from the external skill sect are surrounding Lin Qianhong and slashing at him, the players from the peripheral internal skill sect , it is difficult to target Lin Qianhong, because these five or six melee sect players have blocked the road, and the peripheral internal skill sect players can only find opportunities to attack Lin Qianhong through the gaps. In this way, this group of The output of players from the internal skill sect will be limited. If it is just limited, it would be fine. However, when they attack, accidental injuries will often occur. After all, their ballistics pass through the gaps between these players from the external skill sect. They went to attack Lin Qianhong, but during this period, these external skills players had their backs to their teammates, and they could not see the ballistics behind them. When they attacked Lin Qianhong, they definitely needed to show various movements. In this way, if they are not careful, they will be hit by the ballistics between the gaps. Although the source of these ballistics is not aimed at them, the ballistics are not discerning, unless they both belong to the same force. Otherwise, even if the target of the ballistic is not them, they will still lose blood after being hit by the ballistic. It is like a bullet. Although the gunman is not aiming at you, the bullet does not have eyes. , whoever hits him will be killed!

They are just like starting a gang melee mode with each other. They can attack each other's own people. This makes them inevitably a little timid when outputting, causing the output to be greatly reduced!

Therefore, this melee mode is the magic weapon for Nirvana's final victory, and it is the main reason for Nirvana's final victory!

The second reason is that they lack unified command. Although they had a commander-in-chief at first, this commander-in-chief did not survive more than three seconds before he was beheaded by Wei Bin. The troops without the commander-in-chief were like a pile of loose sand. Troops without a commander-in-chief can fight in a tailwind situation. In a tailwind situation, they say what they say and how to fight and win. But once the battle situation becomes anxious, it is not the same thing. Just like Ji Wu later. When he was appointed as the commander-in-chief, many people were dissatisfied with him because he was the interim commander.

Those who came up at that time came from thirty different forces, and it was difficult to twist them into one rope. They all completely obeyed Ji Wuming's arrangements. After Ji Wuming came to power, he knew that a temporary change of command was a matter of course. It was a very dangerous thing, and he knew that his temporary appointment as commander-in-chief would cause dissatisfaction among some people, so in order to increase his voice and convince everyone, he finally said a lot of nonsense. It is precisely because of this pile of nonsense that a lot of people are disgusted, but there is no way around it. Ji Wuming doesn't want to talk so much nonsense. He needs to stabilize people's hearts and make these people listen to him. The commander, Ji Wuming felt bitter in his heart!

The last reason is the reason why Nirvana can win on the surface, and that is the issue of combat power. Why is the most superficial reason that leads to Nirvana's victory placed at the end? It's not because combat power is unimportant, it's because the first two reasons are more important. In comparison, the role of combat power is not as important as the first two reasons!

However, all of this is only relative. Being relatively unimportant does not mean that it is truly unimportant. If Nirvana only takes the first two advantages, but its own combat power cannot pass the test, then it means that God has come. It's useless. The prerequisite for making full use of the first two advantages is your own combat power. If your own combat power is not up to par, everything is in vain!

And what kind of combat power does Nirvana possess?

First of all, it goes without saying that Wei Bin's combat prowess is natural. As long as Wei Bin is given enough output space, it won't be a problem for him to challenge these 300 people alone! It is completely a situation where God will kill God if he blocks it, and Buddha will kill Buddha if he blocks Buddha! Wei Bin can cut a person twice at most, but never a third time. Many times he can even take away a child with just one stab!

The second one is Zhi Crying Marten. It is not so much that it is followed by Zhi Cry Marten, but it is better to say that it is followed by Wei Bin, because the output of Zhi Cry Marten is not lower than that of Wei Bin at all. What's more, it has already vaguely overshadowed Wei Bin's output. , maybe when Wei Bin activates various explosive skills, the output of Zhi Crying Mink is not as good as Wei Bin, but under normal conditions, the output of Zhi Crying Mink is not inferior to Wei Bin at all! You know, after Zhiwei Mink puts on the nine-star baby suit, its attack is twice that of Wei Bin. In other words, its damage is almost twice that of Wei Bin, even if it can't reach it, it is almost the same. The Crying Marten's high movement speed and the toxins it carries, its output is definitely higher than Wei Bin under normal conditions. This is why every time the Crying Marten attacks a person, Lin Qianhong also attacks the same person. , the Weeping Marten is responsible for consuming most of the player's blood, but the Toxin of the Weeping Marten cannot kill, so someone needs to do the last hit!

Not to mention Lin Qianhong's output. Being able to survive to the end has already explained a lot of problems. During the team battle, as long as you are alive, you will have output. If Lin Qianhong hadn't cooperated with Zhi Miao to fight the harvest, the opponent would never have been defeated so quickly. , because each person needs to attack twice to kill the crowing marten, which will undoubtedly take twice as long, so Lin Qianhong’s role is also indispensable!

In the end, it’s the value of four Emei mountains! Although these four Emeis have been acting as bait and targets throughout the whole process, the factor that determines the victory of a team battle is definitely not only the output, but also the support. The four of them not only play the role of support. , and also acted as meaty characters, because they absorbed a large number of control skills for Wei Bin. How powerful was it for Wei Bin to absorb the control skills of hundreds of people on the opposite side? What's the point of having the four of them sharing these control skills? These are two completely different results, okay? If Wei Bin is the only one to absorb the control skills, then Wei Bin will definitely be charged to death!

But if there were these four Emeis, it would be completely different! Due to the special nature of their profession, the opponent must control the four of them. Otherwise, with their milk capacity, it would be too difficult for the opponent to kill Wei Bin! In other words, the appearance of the four of them forced the opponent to allocate part of their control skills to them!

But who are the four of them? The four of them are people who have gone through Wei Bin's careful planning and reconstruction. How high are their attributes? How high is the dodge? With the hit rate of the group of people on the opposite side, if you want to control the four of them stably, you will undoubtedly waste a lot of control skills. This will undoubtedly relieve Wei Bin a lot of pressure and give Wei Bin a way to escape later. A solid foundation has been laid!

The combination of the previous three factors brought the final victory to Nirvana. All three are indispensable!

"Guild Leader Wei! Today's battle is not our original intention of inviting the Moon Holy Land. Please don't misunderstand Gang Leader Wei..." After the battle, a male Shaolin named Ye Tingfeng Yu came up!

This person is the leader of the ten-man team in front of him, and the gang leader of Yaoyue Holy Land!

"Haha, Ye Ting's gang leader is too polite. You Ye Ting Feng Yu didn't even participate in the battle, so why do you need to explain too much?" Wei Bin said with a smile.

Wei Bin naturally knew the purpose of Ye Ting Feng Yu's explanation to him. After all, Ye Ting Feng Yu and his party came to Nirvana with these three hundred people. Although they temporarily withdrew from the alliance before the war started, But God knows what their original intention is? Did they really not know that their goal was Nirvana, just like what Feng Yu said before the war started?

Maybe Wei Bin would believe it, but in Ye Ting Feng Yu's eyes, Wei Bin might not believe it, so that's why Ye Ting Feng Yu just explained it.

"Haha, Leader Wei is indeed a man who knows right from wrong. When Leader Wei said this, I felt much more at ease! However, in the face of the battle just now, although we, Ye Ting Feng Yu, did not participate in the siege of Nirvana, we still He also didn't help Nirvana. Regarding this, please forgive me, Leader Wei!" Ye Tingfeng Yu continued to explain.

"Haha, Leader Ye Ting, where are you talking about? I'm already very grateful that you Yaoyue Holy Land did not participate in the siege of Nirvana. How dare I expect that you will switch sides and come to our Nirvana side? , help us Nirvana! To be honest, in the situation just now, I myself can’t believe that Nirvana can win, let alone you as a third party. Naturally, you will not believe that Nirvana can win. Who would join the losing side and cause trouble for themselves! If it were me, I wouldn’t, so Ye Ting gang leader, you don’t have to think too much, I know what you want to say, you are afraid of causing Nirvana and Yao Yue The unhappiness between Holy Lands! A few months ago, our Nirvana settled the feud with Yaoyue Holy Land. I am very grateful to you for transferring that large virtual city to our Nirvana. I also firmly believe in your Yaoyue Holy Land. You are sincere, so Ye Ting gang leader, you don’t have to think too much, you have already gained our Nirvana friendship, and this friendship will not be lost easily!" Wei Bin gave Ye Ting Feng Yu a shot of reassurance!

During the Three Kingdoms period, there was an ore battle in which a small number defeated a large number, called the Battle of Guandu. During the Battle of Guandu, Yuan Shao was strong and Cao Cao was weak. Under this situation, many officials from Cao Cao's side wrote letters to Yuan Shao, After Yuan Shao's defeat, Cao Cao found a large number of letters from Yuan Shao's home. But where was Cao Cao? He didn't even look at them, and just set them on fire, burning them all in one fire. At this time, some people wondered, what's the use of keeping them like this kind of wallflower? During peacetime, they followed Cao Cao to make a fortune, but now the situation is critical. Seeing that Cao Cao is about to die, they all secretly expressed their friendship to Yuan Shao. Such wallflowers will not take advantage of the solid evidence to pick them out one by one and clean up the team. When? Cao Cao actually burned all these letters without even reading them? What kind of trouble is he going to make?

This is the pattern!

Cao Cao immediately explained that the situation at that time was that Yuan Shao was strong and I was weak. In that situation, my own life was in danger, let alone the people under my command. Everyone seeks good fortune and avoids misfortune. When disaster strikes, everyone will try to save their lives. This is human nature. No wonder they!


And how similar is the scene in front of me to the Battle of Guandu at that time? Nirvana itself can't protect itself. Even Wei Bin doesn't know whether he can survive. How dare he ask Yueyue Holy Land to join Nirvana's camp? It is already very good that Yaoyue Holy Land can temporarily withdraw from that alliance and no longer embarrass Nirvana. How can he dare to make more excessive demands?

Therefore, Wei Bin didn't mind that Ye Ting Feng Yu didn't choose to help Nirvana!

"Guild Leader Wei, your Nirvana's combat power is really high. I didn't expect that with the help of six of you, you actually defeated 300 of them. I'm afraid that after today, the world will have a new understanding of Nirvana's top combat power!" Ye Ting Feng Yu praised!

Ye Tingfengyu did not follow up Wei Bin's words, nor did he mention the transfer of the large-scale virtual city of Yaoyue Holy Land to Nirvana. Although that matter was indeed a decision he made, it was indeed a decision he made to Nirvana. It has brought huge benefits, given Nirvana a lot of help, and sold Nirvana a lot of favors. However, favors and help are things that cannot be talked about often. Every time you mention it to the other party, , the favors and help you give him will be reduced by one point. Favors and help are kept in the heart, not talked about!

Therefore, Ye Tingfeng Yu did not continue what Wei Bin said, but changed the topic and chose to keep silent about the virtual city!

Wei Bin could naturally see this. From this incident, Wei Bin had a deeper understanding of Ye Ting Feng Yu, and his favorable impression of Ye Ting Feng Yu gradually began to rise!

"Guild Leader, our Yao Yue Holy Land still retains its intact combat effectiveness. We have ten people in Yao Yue Holy Land, but you only have six left in Nirvana. In this alliance leader's arena, hugging together for warmth is the way to go. Why don't we How about forming a temporary alliance to fight for the fragments of the leader's belt scattered in every corner of the map? In this way, we can take care of each other!" Ye Tingfengyu proposed an alliance!

"Leader Ye Ting, it's not that I look down on Yao Yue Holy Land, it's because Nirvana has made too many enemies. If you and Nirvana get together with Yao Yue Holy Land, it won't end well. Instead of accompanying our Nirvana to fall together, it's better to Go fight alone or form an alliance with others!" Wei Bin said.

Make an alliance? That is impossible! Today it is impossible for Nirvana to form an alliance with anyone. What does it mean to form an alliance? This means that it is absolutely impossible to divide the spoils together in the end. With Nirvana's combat power and Wei Bin's knowledge, the six of them can definitely get more fragments of the leader's belt, but what if they get involved with Yaoyue Holy Land? ? Then some of the fragments must be allocated to Yaoyue Holy Land. Even if this portion is not distributed evenly, the number of fragments Nirvana will eventually obtain will be smaller!

The reason why Wei Bin chose to join the alliance with Jue Kill and other gangs at the beginning was because he needed the fragment of the leader's belt in the platinum treasure chest in the center of the arena. That fragment was his mission item. If he wanted to get that fragment, he could not do without it. With the help of their allies, the alliance strategy formulated by Wei Bin was only an initial alliance. Wei Bin got the fragment. In exchange, Wei Bin helped each of them obtain two fragments. From then on, the alliance was terminated because With Nirvana's strength, it is completely possible to obtain more fragments in the future. If the alliance does not terminate, how many fragments will Nirvana lose?

All Nirvana needs his allies to do is help him get the fragments in the platinum treasure chest. Because of the special nature of the platinum treasure chest, other uninformed players are destined to snatch it crazily, while the fragments in other gold treasure chests are not that difficult. Yes, with the strength of Nirvana, it is completely possible to obtain it!

Even Nirvana's die-hard ally Wei Bin only took them to play for a period of time, let alone the Yaoyue Holy Land, a gang that only made Wei Bin have some affection. How could Wei Bin take them to play?

"Guild Leader, are you afraid that our Yao Yue Holy Land will steal the fragments of your Nirvana? You believe in your Nirvana's combat effectiveness, but you don't believe in the combat effectiveness of our Yao Yue Holy Land. Am I right?" Ye Ting Feng Yu asked.

Wei Bin didn't say anything. Obviously, Ye Tingfeng Yu was right. Wei Bin just didn't believe in the fighting power of their Yaoyue Holy Land, but he couldn't say clearly that I just didn't believe in your strength, right? Isn’t that the face of listening to the wind and rain all night? Ye Ting Feng Yu's sincerity can be said to be very sincere. Ye Ting Feng Yu did not know about the Eight Gang Alliance's invasion of Nirvana City when the server was launched. It was all just a misunderstanding!

No matter how high the combat effectiveness of the people in Yao Yue Holy Land is, they cannot compare with the group of people from Nirvana who have experienced reconstruction. In other words, if everyone in this group of Yao Yue Holy Land has the same combat effectiveness as these people in Nirvana. , then why do they need to find the Nirvana Alliance? With their fighting power, they can stand out from the crowd and obtain a large number of fragments. You must know that as time goes by, it is not as difficult to obtain the fragments of the leader's belt as before, and the competitiveness is not as fierce as before. When they first entered the arena, there would be at least hundreds of people competing for a golden treasure chest, but now? With the constant fighting, there are fewer and fewer people in the arena. Now there are only dozens of people fighting for the same treasure box. In this situation, if the ten people in the Yaoyue Holy Land all have Nirvana. Strength, so what’s the problem if you want to win the first place among dozens of people? Why do they need to alliance with Nirvana? The alliance in this Alliance Leader Arena is just a verbal alliance, they can still attack each other!

The reason why Ye Tingfeng Yu wanted to form an alliance with Nirvana was obviously because he took a fancy to Nirvana's strength and Nirvana's thigh!

"Haha, leader of the Wei Gang, to tell you the truth, Nirvana's performance really surprised me. To be able to defeat one against a hundred is indeed something that I never dared to dream about, and it is indeed something that I can't do. But, you know We at Yaoyue Holy Land are not vegetarians. Although our ten people are not as strong as the six of you, even if they are worse, they are probably not much worse. Therefore, Leader Wei, you don’t need to worry about us at Yaoyue. The Holy Land will hold you back! If a fight really breaks out, we, Yao Yue Holy Land, won’t even care about these five-max players in the arena!" Ye Tingfeng Yu said confidently.

"Oh? Leader Ye Ting is so confident? He actually doesn't take these players with a limit of 5 or more in the arena seriously?" When Wei Bin heard this, he immediately became interested. How could he not take the players with a limit of 5 or more in the arena? How high is the fighting ability of the person in your eyes? Wei Bin is very much looking forward to this!

"Exactly, why not, let the leader of the Wei Gang personally test the strength of my people. If the leader of the Wei Gang thinks that the strength of my people is up to standard, then the leader of the Wei Gang will consider my alliance suggestion. If after the test, , Leader of the Wei Gang still feels that my people are vulnerable, so I don’t need to say anything more, I will just turn around and leave, what do you think?" Ye Tingfeng Yu said confidently.

"It's okay! However, this tester is not me. Let Lin Qianhong from our team do the test!" Wei Bin pointed at Lin Qianhong behind him!

When Lin Qianhong heard this, she wanted to be the experimenter? For a moment, he understood something in an instant. Leader Wei, he was trying to make himself famous!

"What? Let a Wudang be the tester? Gang Leader Wei, and brother Lin Qianhong. With all due respect, I definitely don't mean to look down on anyone. This is really, really, Gang Leader Wei, you really underestimate us Yao Yue. Holy land! A Wudang with a maximum limit of five, in the hands of ten of us, might not even be able to withstand a single encounter before falling down. No matter how strong Brother Lin Qianhong is, he will not be able to survive in our hands. Three seconds!" Ye Ting Feng Yu said.

"Clan leader Ye Ting, it's not that I underestimate Yao Yue Holy Land. It's true that our brother is too strong! Since Clan Leader Ye Ting doesn't believe in the strength of our brother Lin Qianhong, let's set a standard!" Wei Bin suggested! said.

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