Game within game of online games

Chapter 818 The mysterious old president

"Haha, being able to think of this means that your Angel Chamber of Commerce can still be saved! You are right, Wei Bin is a big leg, you have to hug him tightly! Although he is still relatively immature at the moment, he will definitely not stay forever If he continues to be in such a downturn, his rise is inevitable! Just imagine, once he truly rises in the future, will he let down those who grow up with him and help him grow? Absolutely not! If you don't help today He, you clearly rejected his request for help when he needed help the most. What would he think? When he rises in the future, will he liquidate the Angel Chamber of Commerce? This risk is yours to take. Are you up?" the white-haired old man said.

"I know, you may be thinking in your heart, if Wei Bin can really rise in the future, then you will have no complaints about his help today, and you will be very lucky! But, can Wei Bin really rise? The entire Middle-earth There are so many people on the mainland, how can he, Wei Bin, stand out in such a fiercely competitive environment? If a tree is as beautiful as a tree, the wind will destroy it. The more eye-catching he is, the more enemies he will have. If he With background and foundation, maybe he can indeed rise in the future, but he is just a novice with no background and foundation. It is impossible for him to rise! If he cannot rise, then your help to him today will be useless. Meaning, he cannot have the strength to liquidate the Angel Chamber of Commerce! Everything I said is based on the premise that Wei Bin can rise. You think so, right?" The white-haired old man looked at Shen Wansan, and Shen Wansan didn't say a word. Obviously, what the white-haired old man said had reached Shen Wansan's heart!

"Actually, it's normal for you to have such worries and doubts. It's also human nature! Before I tell you why I think Wei Bin will definitely rise in the future, I want to tell you first that in life, everything is different. We need to gamble, and we businessmen need to gamble even more. Some businessmen even start layout and investment 20 to 30 years in advance. What they are betting on is what will happen 20 to 30 years later! But right now, this is a 0-pay game , a bet of billions of returns! Even if Wei Bin does not rise in the future, what can you lose? You are just betraying Wei Bin's face and actively lowering yourself to invite Nirvana. What is the reality of this to you? Loss? You are a courtesy corporal, someone who is willing to condescend for the sake of the Chamber of Commerce. Isn't this exactly your character? You shouldn't use your set of rules-breaking rhetoric to excuse me and yourself, right? We We all know that rules are just a tool for us to manage the Chamber of Commerce. Ask yourself, did you really violate the rules by inviting Nirvana to join the Angel Chamber of Commerce? As far as I know, your Angel Chamber of Commerce does not seem to have such a rule, right? Your Angel Chamber of Commerce Isn't the formal channel for recruiting new people to take the initiative to recruit those forces whose strength basically meets your requirements? Whether the strength of this force meets your standards cannot be determined by just looking at it. You have also taken the initiative to recruit many forces. , has every force finally passed your assessment task? No, right? So what is the difference between those forces that have not passed your assessment task and the Nirvana in front of you? If Nirvana does not pass the assessment in the end, then Nirvana is just them It's just a part of it, but what happens once Nirvana is passed? What you said to Wei Bin, you must set an example and not violate the rules, is just a reason to prevaricate Wei Bin! Xiao Shen, the rules are dead, but it's a shame It's alive, as long as we don't blatantly violate the rules, even if it's just a sidestep, it's okay. At least when facing a giant dragon like Wei Bin, it's worth your while!" The white-haired old man continued to explain.

"Senior, after listening to your words, this junior has a sudden enlightenment! In the past, I was indeed too dogmatic. I always followed the rules carefully, but as everyone knows, some rules can actually be violated. Take this matter now as an example. If I agreed to vote for Wei Bin because he came to me for help, then there would be a feeling in my heart that I had broken the rules for him. After all, he had approached me beforehand, but, in fact, No one knew that he had approached me. In the eyes of outsiders, my vote for Nirvana had nothing to do with Wei Bin approaching me in advance, and I did not break the rules at all! The reason why I thought I broke the rules was actually It's my psychological factors that are causing trouble! In the past, I was still too dogmatic and didn't have the flexibility to do things. Thanks to the seniors for their guidance, the juniors will definitely handle things tactfully in the future!" Shen Wansan said modestly.

"Haha, now let me answer the biggest confusion in your heart! That's why I want to help Wei Bin. What talents does Wei Bin have that allow me to say that he will definitely rise in the future! There are two reasons, but I I can only tell you one of them, and this reason is the most insignificant of the two reasons. After listening, you can judge for yourself! This reason is - he is a holder of divine power!" The white-haired old man paused. , and then emphatically bit the words "divine power holder"!

"What? A holder of divine power? Wei Bin is actually a holder of divine power? Is this the divine power that you often tell me, senior? A unique holder of divine power?" Shen Wansan was shocked, as if The five words "divine power holder" deeply shocked him!

"That's right! It's the divine power and the holders of divine power that I usually tell you! In this world, there are two kinds of power, namely, internal power and divine power! Among them, the vast majority of people who practice martial arts have all the power in their bodies. It contains all internal power, and only a very few people are worthy of possessing divine power! Internal power is what we mortals deserve to possess. Divine power is not worthy of us at all! Because in legends, only gods are worthy of possessing divine power, and divine power is almost Synonymous with God! Mortals like us must experience a rare encounter in a hundred years before we can obtain divine power! As for the difference between internal power and divine power, haha, to tell you the truth, I was lucky enough to see it once! In the presence of divine power , the internal force is not worth mentioning at all. In that battle, the projectiles emitted by the internal force and the projectiles emitted by the divine power met in mid-air, but the divine power projectile swallowed up the internal force projectile effortlessly. , after swallowing, the power of the divine ballistics not only did not weaken, but also converted the power of the internal ballistics into its own power. How terrible is this? This devouring effect is not possessed by the internal force. If there are two internal force ballistics, When they meet in mid-air, the two will not be affected by both sides, but will shuttle past each other! And even if the divine ballistics and the internal ballistics do not meet, the damage caused by the divine ballistics far exceeds the internal ballistics. The power of the two is so different! Do you know why Qiao Feng and Murong Fu are respectfully called South Murong and North Qiao Feng? It is because Qiao Feng and Murong Fu are both mortals with divine power. As for some other people, such as Ding Chunqiu, Tianshan Child Elder and the leaders of various sects and other big shots are all possessors of divine power. However, the amount of divine power in their bodies is not as good as that of Qiao Feng and Murong Fu! Divine power is the same as internal power. The stronger the divine power it contains, the more powerful it is!" the white-haired old man explained.

"I didn't expect that senior would be so blessed to be able to witness the battle of divine power holders with his own eyes! It's just that senior, you just said that Wei Bin is also a divine power holder, so how did senior see it?" Shen Wansan was confused. , if the white-haired old man in front of him has the skills or ability to check whether others have divine power, then he must get it. This ability is really rare in the world. If he also has this ability, then There will be no such thing as waiting for Wei Bin just now!

"According to legend, divine power was born in the Chaos Continent. Divine power is a whole, and they can sense each other!" said the white-haired old man. ??

"What? Senior... you mean you are also a possessor of divine power? I have known each other for such a long time, and I have never heard senior say that!" Shen Wansan no longer had any complaints or unwillingness at this time!

You know, when the white-haired old man expressed his dissatisfaction to Shen Wansan several times, although Shen Wansan finally chose to give in and obey the white-haired old man's wishes, he still had some dissatisfaction in his heart. Yes, it would be fine if the white-haired old man only interfered once or twice.


Well, Shen Wansan could only vote for Nirvana, but in the end the Angel Chamber of Commerce would take the initiative to recruit Nirvana? This is something that makes him condescend. Can he not feel resentful in his heart? After all, this is an internal matter of their Angel Chamber of Commerce. No matter how high the status of this white-haired old man is, and no matter how much I respect him, he cannot blatantly interfere in the internal affairs of his own chamber of commerce again and again!

And when the white-haired old man said that Wei Bin was also a holder of divine power, most of the anger in Shen Wansan's heart immediately dissipated. After all, these five characters "divine power holder" were too shocking, and the meaning they represented was too far-reaching. Got it!

But now, when Shen Wansan heard the white-haired old man say that divine powers can interact with each other, the dissatisfaction in Shen Wansan's heart immediately disappeared, and he began to be grateful to the white-haired old man! After all, this white-haired old man is also a holder of divine power, and who would make the secret that he is also a holder of divine power public? For a secret like this, who wouldn't be able to keep the confidentiality measures flawless? And what about the white-haired old man in front of me? He actually took the initiative to tell himself, what kind of trust is this? From this point of view, the white-haired old man who just expressed dissatisfaction with his attitude towards Wei Bin was sincerely doing it for his own good and the good of the Angel Chamber of Commerce! What reason do I have to blame him? I can only be grateful!

"Haha, there is no need to say anything. If I don't have divine power, how do I know how difficult it is to obtain it? How can I value Wei Bin so much? I have been in the world for most of my life, and I was lucky enough to obtain it in my late seventies. It’s just a trace of divine power, but what about Wei Bin? He is young and possesses divine power when he is only in his twenties. This kind of adventure is not something that just anyone can encounter! And if only he had obtained it when he was young Maybe I am not so fond of him because of the fact that he has gained supernatural power, but his growth is so fast that I can't help but not pay attention to him! I have only met Wei Bin four times, and the first two times He didn't have divine power at that time. When I saw him for the third time, he had divine power. But at that time, there was only a tiny trace of divine power in his body. Although I was surprised, it was not enough to respect me! When I saw him for the fourth time, the divine power in his body suddenly increased a lot. You know, the time span between these two meetings was only two short months! This was the first time in my life that this happened. Once upon a time, no one could achieve such great progress in just two months. In these two months, he could only achieve such great progress if he had a huge adventure! Do you know why I like Zhong Wei Bin so much?" the white-haired old man said.

In fact, when the white-haired old man met Wei Bin for the third time, it was when Wei Bin had just obtained the inherited skills of Tai Ge, the leader of the Tomb Keeper clan. At that time, the divine power in Wei Bin's body was indeed very meager. Strength is just what comes with these magical skills!

When the white-haired old man saw Wei Bin for the fourth time, it was after Wei Bin obtained the divine power given by the remnant soul of Shennong in Shennongjia. Although Shennong in Shennongjia was only a remnant soul, he was, after all, a person from ancient times. A big shot who has even been to the Chaos Continent, a big shot who can even suppress and seal away the gods, how can the remaining divine power in his body be weakened? It was precisely because Wei Bin had obtained his divine power that the divine power in his body increased dramatically!

"Then I dare to ask senior, how does the divine power in Wei Bin's body compare with that of seniors? How does it compare with Nan Murong, Beiqiao Feng, and the leaders of various sects?" Shen Wansan asked.

"Haha, when I first saw Wei Bin with divine power, the divine power in his body was similar to mine. To be honest, the divine power was not that strong! But when I saw Wei Bin with divine power for the second time, The divine power in his body has far exceeded mine. I am afraid I will never be able to catch up with the gap! At this time, if Wei Bin is compared with big shots like them, the divine power in his body is as high as that of Qiao Feng and Murong Fu. Of course it can't be compared, but compared with the heads of various sects, it's not much weaker!" the white-haired old man explained.

"What? Wei Bin is actually so strong? His strength can be compared with the leaders of various sects? No wonder he is so powerful, he can easily defeat one against a hundred!" Shen Wansan was instantly startled and broke into a cold sweat!

This is a person who is on par with the heads of various sects. How can he afford to offend such a person? Even though he has a huge fortune, when his strength reaches a certain level, all money will become an external possession and all money will be just a number! If Wei Bin has really grown to this point, then if one day Wei Bin is unhappy and comes to trouble the Angel Chamber of Commerce, who in the Angel Chamber of Commerce can stop Wei Bin that day? That's a figure whose strength can rival the leaders of various sects! What kind of strength are the leaders of the various sects? Do you still need to question it?

Thinking of this, Shen Wansan broke out in a cold sweat. If he had not asked the white-haired old man to hide in the back hall of the city lord's palace to listen to their conversation, if the white-haired old man had not warned him repeatedly, if If he didn't follow the advice of the white-haired old man, wouldn't he be offending Wei Bin? Offend this big man who is bound to rise in the future? The more Shen Wansan thought about it, the more he became afraid. No matter which step he took in the wrong step among these three steps, Wei Bin would be blamed. The consequences would be unimaginable!

Thinking of this, Shen Wansan couldn't sit still even more! At this time, he was even more grateful to this white-haired old man. This white-haired old man could be said to be his reborn parent! If it weren't for this white-haired old man...

"No! You are wrong! His strength is not as strong as the heads of various sects. He can defeat one against a hundred, and it is not just physical strength that relies on his divine power!" said the white-haired old man.

"What? Senior, what do you mean by this? Didn't you just say that his divine power is not much weaker than that of the heads of various sects? Also, Wei Bin's ability to fight one against a hundred relies on more than just his divine power? Does he have more powerful power? Just having divine power is already amazing. If he has other powers, how can he still do it?" Shen Wansan was already numb at this time!

He has heard too many words about how awesome Wei Bin is!

"No, you misunderstood me! There is no power more powerful than divine power in this world. The power Wei Bin possesses is only divine power and internal power. And as I just said, he is so strong, It's not just his divine power that he relies on. In fact, what he relies on most is his internal strength! In fact, the divine power in his body doesn't play a big role. He can fight one against a hundred, but he relies on his internal strength!" Bai Fa The old man stroked his beard and said.

"What? He has achieved this level by relying on his internal strength alone? What if he uses his magical power again? In other words, in the battles he has participated in, no one can force him to use magical powers, right?" Hearing this, Shen Wansan was completely shocked...

At this time, Shen Wansan could no longer be described as numb. He was no longer numb. Although the numbness affected his movements, at least he was still conscious. He was already tied! That’s right, it’s a cerebral thrombosis! After being tied, he had no consciousness and his brain could not control his body at all. Shen Wansan was in this state at this time. He was already tied and could not move even an inch!

"You can't be wrong when you say that, but it's not entirely right. If Wei Bin used his divine power, he would indeed be much more powerful than he is now. However, the reason why he didn't use his divine power to fight others is not because he has no opponent. He is qualified to force him to use his divine power, but because he has not mastered the application skills of divine power! It can be said responsibly that although the divine power contained in his body is many times that of mine, if he only uses divine power to fight

If so, then he is definitely no match for me! "The white-haired old man said calmly.

"Senior, what do you mean by this? It's one thing to have divine power in your body, but it's another thing to be able to use it. Although Wei Bin has huge divine power in his body, he doesn't know how to use it. "Senior, although the reserve of divine power in your body is not as good as that of Wei Bin, you can display it, is this what you mean?" Shen Wansan asked.

This is like two people competing in martial arts. One of them is just an ordinary warrior with low martial arts, but he is holding a peerless magic weapon in his hand. This peerless magic weapon will be injured if touched, and will be killed if touched! And his opponent is a peerless master, but this peerless master does not have a handy weapon in his hand, only a branch!

As a result, the result of the competition was that this ordinary warrior holding a peerless magic weapon was defeated by this peerless master with only one branch! ????

The reason is very simple. Although this ordinary warrior holds a peerless magic weapon in his hand, due to his low martial arts, he does not know how to use it. He cannot exert the power of this peerless magic weapon at all. This peerless magic weapon In his hand, it was no different from a rotten branch...

And what about this peerless master? Although he only had a rotten branch in his hand, he was so skilled in martial arts that he didn't even need to block the opponent's weapon. He just relied on his own body skills to dodge the opponent's attack! And because of his high martial arts skills, a rotten branch in his hand is as powerful as a peerless magic weapon!

Although an ordinary warrior holds a magical weapon, it is no different than holding a branch. Although a peerless master holds a branch, it is like a divine weapon, and he can judge...

This is the case with Wei Bin. Although Wei Bin has a huge amount of divine power in his body, he doesn't know how to use it. What can he do if he can't use something no matter how awesome he is? He can't use it at all!

"Yes, that's the truth. It's useless to have divine power in vain. If you have divine power in vain but can't use it, no matter how strong your divine power is, it's useless! Divine power is not the same as combat power. Although the power contained in Wei Bin's body is Divine power is almost on par with the leaders of various sects. However, the reserve of divine power is not equal to the real combat power. If Wei Bin can skillfully use these divine powers, then his strength can indeed be comparable to the leaders of various sects. However, before he could skillfully use the divine power in his body, he was still very weak. He was not at all the combined strength of the leaders of the various sects. The leaders of the major sects only needed one move to defeat him. Wei Bin can be easily eliminated! However, Wei Bin possesses very strong divine power after all. Even if he is not able to use it yet, it is just that he is still young and has not yet matured. As he grows, he will always be able to use it in the future. I firmly believe that he has mastered the skills of using divine power! That’s why I say that he will definitely rise in the future. When he can skillfully master divine power, that will be the day he rises!"

The white-haired old man said confidently.

Am I nanny...?

At this time, Shen Wansan only had two emotions in his mind: gratitude and luck. Although he was still a little scared, he finally agreed to Wei Bin and let the Angel Chamber of Commerce take the initiative to recruit Nirvana. This gave Wei Bin enough face. It helped Wei Bin a lot. From this point of view, Wei Bin should not hold any grudge against him!

"I dare to ask senior, you just said that there are two reasons why you like Wei Bin so much, and for some reason, you can only tell me this one reason. The other reason is that I dare not ask. I just want to know, and the other reason. How does one reason weigh in your mind compared to this reason?" Shen Wansan was also aware of the interest. Since the white-haired old man said it, he could only tell him this one reason, so naturally he would not be uninterested in the other reason. He wanted to get to the bottom of it, but his strong curiosity still made him eager to ask how important the other reason was!

"Haha! Curiosity killed the cat! You'd better not ask if you shouldn't ask!" said the white-haired old man.

"Ah! It's the junior who made a mistake, senior, please forgive me!" Shen Wansan said in fear. It could be seen that the other reason should be the top secret, and he should not be qualified to know it yet.

"Haha, that's it! Since you asked, I'll satisfy your curiosity! I can't tell you the specific reason, but what I can tell you is that compared with this reason, the previous reason is just a It's just an appetizer. Regardless of the previous appetizer, this unknown reason is enough to make you go through fire and water, risking your life, and willingly become his pawn! I won't tell you the specific reason, but it is actually for your own good. , I'm afraid that after I tell you, you will become incontinent and be frightened to death on the spot!" said the white-haired old man.

"Senior, is it so serious? Isn't this a bit alarmist? Although our Angel Chamber of Commerce is not ranked among the top few in the chamber of commerce circle, it is still a well-known large chamber of commerce. With our strength, can we just stand in front of Wei Bin? Is it so unbearable? As for being so frightened that you become incontinent?" Shen Wansan said with a solemn expression. In his opinion, Wei Bin may indeed be a potential stock, and there will be great potential in the future. Achievement, but to say that it could scare him, the leader of the Chamber of Commerce, to the point of losing control of his bowels and even to death on the spot, is that a bit alarmist, right?

"Alarmist? Haha, you probably don't know Wei Bin's true identity, right? You don't know what earth-shattering things Wei Bin has done, right?" the white-haired old man said.

"Wei Bin's true identity? Senior, is it possible that Wei Bin has a very strong background? This shouldn't be the case. Nirvana has been established for more than two years. In these two years, Nirvana has encountered countless sneak attacks. After many wars, if Nirvana has a very strong background, how can there be no news from the major forces attacking Nirvana? Won’t the forces behind Nirvana stand up and liquidate them one by one? If there is really a very strong background behind Nirvana If there is strong support from powerful forces, then why should Nirvana start from scratch and make money every penny in its early stages of development? The forces behind it can just invest directly. Wouldn't it develop faster that way? Why delay yourself and seek the distant future at the expense of the near? ?" If Shen Wansan believed the previous words, then he would not believe these words of the white-haired old man even if he died!

Does Nirvana have a background? Give me a break? How is that possible? You old man is just an NPC in the game, and what about me? I am a real player! Not just me, how many people have actually investigated the background of Nirvana? After all, Nirvana's development speed is too eye-catching, with such a huge network of relationships in real life, and in the end all investigations point to one thing, that is, starting from scratch! Regarding this point, Shen Wansan definitely has more say than the white-haired old man!

Even if Wei Bin has a background, it is definitely a background in the real world. Is it possible that he has a background in the game? Everyone entered the game at the same time, and the game has just been launched for more than two years. What background can he have?

"Haha! Now you know how weak your chamber of commerce is, right? You don't even know a lot of news!" The white-haired old man stroked his beard and said with a smile.

"News? Dare I ask senior, should I ask this question?" Shen Wansan asked tentatively.

"Haha, except for Wei Bin's background, I can tell you everything! But, once you reveal even half a word of what I said to you today, Wei Bin won't need to do it himself, and we won't need to If the Chamber of Commerce takes action, someone will naturally take care of your Angel Chamber of Commerce. By that time, not only your Angel Chamber of Commerce will be destroyed, but even your people will die without a burial place and no one will survive! No one can escape!" The white-haired old man! He said solemnly.

"Not even one


Can't run? Who has so much energy? But don’t worry, senior. If I, Shen Wansan, say a single word in today’s conversation between senior and me, the sky will be struck by lightning and the earth will be destroyed! "Shen Wansan swore.

"Isn't this big? You, you are still too young, and there are too many things you don't know. The people who want to destroy you, want to destroy you, just like picking things out of a bag. If they want to destroy you, they can't do it anymore. It's easy! With just a wave of your hand, everyone in the Angel Chamber of Commerce will cease to exist, as if it had never existed!" the white-haired old man said confidently.

"Is this so outrageous?" Shen Wansan stammered.

To be honest, Shen Wansan was doubtful about these words of the white-haired old man, because the white-haired old man was just a high-level NPC in Tianlong, and what about him, Shen Wansan, and the Angel Chamber of Commerce? They are all players in reality. The Destruction Angel Chamber of Commerce and Killing Angel Chamber of Commerce that the white-haired old man said should refer to them in the Tianlong World. The white-haired old man has no idea about the things in the real world. How could something like this happen in the real world? In reality, the Angel Chamber of Commerce is one of the top ten multinational chambers of commerce. The total number of internal and external members in the chamber is no less than one million. How could such a major purge happen? The federal government explicitly prohibits murder, and the punishment system is very strict and severe!

As for the people in the game taking action to destroy them? Wei Bin, like them, has only been in the game for two and a half years. How could he have such strength?

"Haha, outrageous? What's so outrageous about this? If you knew who they were, you wouldn't feel it was outrageous. You would just feel that it is only natural and right for them to kill you because you are a slave and I am a fish." Baifa The old man said.

"As for what Wei Bin has done, do you know about Duan Yanqing regaining the throne of Dali Kingdom?" Seeing that Shen Wansan didn't say anything else, the white-haired old man continued.

"This junior knows that it is said that Duan Yanqing took advantage of Duan Zhengchun and Duan Zhengming to go out to the city to hunt, and took the opportunity to launch a positive change, and ambushed Duan Zhengming and Duan Zhengchun in their paddock. Because of this, Duan Yanqing took back the Throne!" Shen Wansan said.

"Is that all? What else do you know?" the white-haired old man asked.

"Back to the seniors, the juniors know this, but according to the juniors' guess, the Duan family's power should be very complicated. After all, Duan Yanqing is also named Duan, and he is also the former prince who wandered away. There should be people of Duan Yanqing's lineage in the Dali Dynasty. , and this person should be in a high position and know about Duan Zhengming and the others' itinerary. It was this person who acted as an insider and let Duan Yanqing know Duan Zhengming and the others' itinerary in advance, so he set up an ambush in the paddock in advance! Even, The person in charge of the paddock is also Duan Yanqing, otherwise, the paddock is heavily guarded, how could Duan Yanqing lead a large group of people to sneak in without anyone noticing?" Shen Wansan continued to add.

"That's not what I want to ask! However, from what you mean, you probably don't know anything else! Xiao Shen, it's not as simple as you think to initiate a positive change! The paddock you mentioned The battle was just the last step in their transformation. Before that, a lot of preparation work needed to be done in advance! And Wei Bin participated in the entire process of Duan Yanqing's transformation from beginning to end! First of all, Duan Yanqing wanted to To ensure the final victory in the Battle of the Paddock, he needed a poison called Misuqingfeng Poison. This poison is colorless and odorless and cannot be detected by ordinary people. However, it can make martial arts masters loose their skills and make them unbound. An ordinary person with the strength of a chicken, Wei Bin obtained the most difficult material for making the Poison of Misu Qingfeng! This Poison of Misu Qingfeng played a role in turning the tide in the final battle of the paddock. ! And if it was just a battle in the paddock, even if Duan Yanqing regained the throne, he would not be able to secure the throne. Even if he killed both Duan Zhengming and Duan Zhengchun, he would still be unable to secure the throne! Because Duan Zhengming also has a very loyal fleet, which is stronger than Duan Yanqing's fleet. Dali is a maritime country. If Duan Yanqing can't deal with Duan Zhengming's fleet, even if he kills him What about Duan Zhengming? In a maritime country, the fleet is king. Therefore, if Duan Yanqing wants to secure the throne, he must destroy this fleet in advance. Only Duan Zhengming's fleet is destroyed and Duan Yanqing regains the throne. After that, the princes and ministers of the Dali Kingdom would let Duan Yanqing be driven and accept him as the emperor with all their hearts. Otherwise, if there was a fleet of Duan Zhengming still floating outside, these princes, princes and ministers would obey Duan Yanqing with all their hearts. The management of Yanqing? I'm afraid they are just a bunch of losers. If one day, Duan Zhengming's descendants rise up and lead the fleet to fight back, then they may fall to the side of Duan Zhengming's descendants. After all, for a maritime country, the fleet is the most important thing Kingly! The fleet is the foundation for them to secure the throne! At this time, Wei Bin appeared. It was Wei Bin who helped Duan Yanqing and colluded with the Dusk Fleet to destroy Duan Zhengming's fleet and the Wuzhang Sharks who turned to Duan Zhengming's lineage at that time. The fleet was annihilated in one fell swoop. In this way, Duan Zhengming's fleet and his fleet of minions were uprooted. Without Duan Zhengming's fleet, the princes and ministers will inevitably have second thoughts about him. After all, he has no strength! In other words, if there is no guard With Bin's help, it would be difficult for Duan Yanqing to destroy Duan Zhengming's fleet! In the end, even if Wei Bin helped Duan Yanqing defeat Beisu Qingfengdu and Duan Zhengming's fleet, Duan Yanqing still could not guarantee that he would win in the battle of the paddock. Although Duan Zhengming's fleet has been wiped out, he can reorganize the fleet. As long as he is not captured by Duan Yanqing, there is room for maneuver. Whether Duan Yanqing can finally regain the throne will ultimately depend on the Battle of the Paddock. Win or lose! If Duan Yanqing is captured in this final battle, then all his previous efforts to destroy Duan Zhengming's fleet will be in vain! For this reason, Duan Zhengming, in order to ensure that he can win the battle in the paddock He won the victory, and he also attracted a force, that is Murong Fu! The power of the Murong family is not trivial, and Murong Fu always interacted with people in a positive way. How could such a positive person participate in this kind of rebellious thing? You must know that once Duan Yanqing fails, the Murong family will definitely be implicated! Therefore, it can be said to be extremely difficult to win over Murong Fu! Do you know who Duan Yanqing sent to lobby Murong Fu in the end? asked the white-haired old man.

"Could it be Wei Bin?" Shen Wansan was doubtful!

"That's right! It was Wei Bin! It was Wei Bin who came forward and persuaded Murong Fu to drag Murong Fu, a powerful thug, onto Duan Yanqing's pirate ship!" the white-haired old man explained.

"Senior, if that's the case, doesn't it mean that Wei Bin has a deep friendship with Murong Fu? How can ordinary people touch Murong Fu on such a big event? Wait, that's not right, senior, the incident of Duan Yanqing regaining the throne is not something that Murong Fu has done. Before the official birth of the family, and Wei Bin wooing Murong Fu, it must have been before Duan Yanqing regained the throne. Doesn't that mean that Wei Bin had already met Murong Fu a long time ago?" Shen Wansan suddenly realized.

Wei Bin, Wei Bin! This person's ability to be open-minded and enterprising is so strong. Before everyone knew about the existence of the Murong family, Wei Bin had actually already made friends with Murong Fu, the head of the Murong family? In fact, if you think about it carefully, this is not very unexpected. Who is Wei Bin? On the first day the server was launched, he developed a quick upgrade guide for the Burning Savage Camp. After that, he won the first pass of multiple dungeons and wrote the guide. Later, he was the first to develop a loan, and through By borrowing money from ordinary players, he established the first gang and gang city in the entire Middle-earth continent. After that, he stood out on the cusp of every opportunity to make money. He was always able to seize those opportunities to make a fortune. He was too forward-looking and his thinking was too advanced. Thinking about it now, Wei Bin was able to get acquainted with Murong Fu before anyone had heard of the Murong family. Although it was surprising, it can be regarded as a success. As expected!

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