Game within game of online games

Chapter 841 Restore memory?

"We can imitate the way the Federation trains soldiers and go directly to the game to train. To be honest, I have been thinking about this idea of ​​yours! You know, Jingwu Sect and other martial arts schools have declined. , is the destination of almost all martial arts schools. Not only our Jingwu Sect is lonely, but other martial arts schools are not much better. In this day and age, how many people are still willing to practice martial arts? Therefore, in order to let Jingwu Sect continue To continue forever, and in order for Jingwu Sect to develop and grow even more, at the beginning of Tianlong server opening, I came up with an idea, that is, can Jingwu Sect be opened into Tianlong? You know, In the world of Tianlong, there is one advantage that our real world cannot have! This advantage is the zero distance between regions. In reality, after all, our Jingwu Sect is not found in every city. Some people may think You want to practice martial arts, but you can't accept being far away from home. But it's different if you're in Tianlong. In Tianlong, if you want to go to a certain city, you only need to spend some conveyor belts to get there instantly. In Tianlong, there is no distance at all. A concept! In other words, if I open the Jingwu Sect into Tianlong, then those people who are unwilling to stay away from home will naturally join our Jingwu Sect more easily! However, Tianlong is just a virtual one after all. In the world, practicing martial arts in Tianlong can at most improve their reaction ability and some movements. Their body itself will not get any substantial improvement. In other words, if they do not exercise in the real world If so, their bodies in the real world will not be able to perform the movements they learned in the game! Because of this, my idea of ​​opening a martial arts gym in the Tianlong world was shelved!" Six The old man said.

After all, for people who practice martial arts, learning martial arts and reaction abilities is only one of the purposes of their martial arts practice. But if they don't have a body that can control these abilities, then even if they have consciousness and movement, their bodies will not support it. What's the use of them?

Whether it is reaction ability or various martial arts movements, the foundation is a good body that matches it. If your body does not support you to make these movements, and does not support you to dodge after reacting, then you What's the use of learning peerless martial arts in Tianlong?

This example is different from those soldiers trained by the federation. Their soldiers not only go to the virtual world to exercise, they also have unified training in reality. Their physical fitness can keep up, so this training method is very useful for them. It is effective!

But it’s different if you practice martial arts in the real world and then perform them in the game. In reality, the body has an upper limit, which is not affected by human will. If your physical fitness is not up to standard, you just perform certain movements. It doesn’t come out, but it’s different in the Tianlong World. After all, the Tianlong World is a virtual world, and it’s also a martial arts world. The movements you have learned in the real world can be perfectly displayed in the Tianlong World, so you don’t have to worry at all. Regarding the issue of physical fitness, in other words, the player's body in Tianlong World is very powerful, and the upper limit of its potential is very high!

"Originally, I have given up this idea, but because you mentioned it today, I think I can open the Jingwu Sect into Tianlong again, because anyone who is willing to learn martial arts from our Jingwu Sect in Tianlong, They all want to display it in Tianlong. They don't care at all whether they can display it in reality! Just like your Nirvana! Since it doesn't matter to them whether it can be used in reality, then open a store in the game What's wrong with martial arts schools? Perhaps, this is the only way to go. God saw that these martial arts schools in our reality were desperate, so he gave us a clear path!" said the sixty-year-old man.

"Wonderful! Senior, not to mention that Tianlong has become a place of entertainment and survival for more than half of the world's people. Even if we are just Nirvana, we are still busy enough. We Nirvana now have a total of 150,000 people, and the number will increase in the future. There will be more and more. As long as the Jingwu Sect accepts these people, it will definitely grow stronger!" After hearing the words of the sixty-year-old man, Wei Bin couldn't help but his eyes lit up. This is an excellent opportunity to improve the strength of the entire Nirvana. ah!

"Okay! Without further ado, I will start planning to open the Jingwu Sect in Tianlong tomorrow!" The sixty-year-old man and Wei Bin hit it off, and a Jingwu Sect drama in the world of Tianlong is about to be staged!

"Senior, how should Jingwu Sect charge this fee?" Wei Bin asked, the plan has been decided, and the specific details will be discussed next! For Wei Bin, the first detail is how to charge. You must know that Nirvana has 150,000 people. If all 150,000 people are sent in, how much will it cost?

Thinking of this, Wei Bin returned to his original idea. It would be better to train the key members of Nirvana first! Otherwise, how could Nirvana have so much money?

"Expenses? Leader Wei, if you negotiate the expenses with me, then you will embarrass me! Not to mention that my granddaughter is by your side. I will need to trouble you to take more care of her in the future. And after I pass away, I plan to The Jingwu Sect in Tianlong is left to my daughter to take care of. We are all members of the family, how do you ask me to charge for it? How can anyone charge the fees of members of the family?" said the sixty-year-old man.

"Senior, even if I regard Linlin as a family member, and Linlin also views me as a family member, we are just brother and sister. I will always treat her as a sister!" Facing the sixty-year-old man, After a while, Wei Bin hurriedly interrupted the sixty-year-old man's words and hurriedly explained!

Wei Bin felt as if he had guessed correctly. Wasn't this old man trying to bring himself and Linlin together? It was impossible for him to get together with Linlin. First, there was only Tranquility in his heart, and there was no room for the second person. He didn't care whether others had three wives or four concubines. For him, there was only one husband and one wife!

Secondly, Linlin may get together with Brother Li in the future. Even if he has a hundred courages, he would not dare to get in between these two people who may be the protagonists!

Therefore, Wei Bin hurriedly made an explanation to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, and also to let the old man and Linlin understand that they should give up this intention as soon as possible!

"What? What do you mean? What do you mean? Don't say I'm not interested in you anymore. Even if I am interested in you, am I not worthy of you? Who are you looking down on? Huh!" When Linlin heard this, she said, "Good guy, I haven't done anything yet, but you are already rejecting me?" Am I not good enough for you or what?

"Hahahaha! Leader Wei, I don't mean that. Brothers and sisters are brothers and sisters. You have the final say on this kind of thing!" Upon hearing this, the sixty-year-old man realized that Wei Bin had misunderstood what he meant. He had no idea at all. Thinking about bringing the two of them together, he said that Linlin and Wei Bin would become a family in the future, and he just wanted to get close to each other, but he didn't find it. The words of getting closer actually made Wei Bin so sensitive!

"Well, I didn't mean that I'm not good enough for you." Seeing that Linlin was a little unhappy, Wei Bin hurriedly covered it up.

"Hmph! How dare you look down on me. Besides, even if we are brother and sister, I am not the sister. Little brother, you should call me sister, right?" Linlin was actually joking. The reason why she wanted to join Nirvana , Wei Bin's personality charm is only one aspect. She is more interested in Nirvana's environment and Nirvana's support. She is not completely directed at Wei Bin. As for intercession and love, she You have never had any contact with Wei Bin, so how can you have such thoughts about Wei Bin?

"Uh, okay then! Little sister! You will be my little sister from now on, okay?" Wei Bin backed down.

"Huh, that's pretty much it!" Linlin looked like she had succeeded!

In fact, Linlin is 36 years old this year, and this is her birth year! Wei Bin and Brother Li are the same age, only 33 years old. In terms of age, Linlin can indeed be Wei Bin's sister!

Seeing this, Wei Bin breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Linlin was not interested in him, it would be easy to say anything!

"Okay, Gang Leader Wei, let me continue, let alone saying that you are a family, a family cannot charge the same person. Even if you are not a family, I can't charge you! You know, this idea is for you to help I figured it out


Yes, logically speaking, it’s not an exaggeration for me to give you some shares of Jingwumen in the game! How can I charge you a fee? "The sixty-year-old man continued.

"Senior, the Jingwu Sect belongs to you, and you had the idea of ​​settling in Tianlong a long time ago. I just brought it up again. Senior, please stop talking about the shares!" Wei Bin refused! road.

"Haha! Leader Wei, you are indeed an extraordinary person! Leader Wei, just imagine, there are only 150,000 people in Nirvana. Even if it doubles in the future, it will only be a few hundred thousand. Compared to the entire Middle-earth continent, Of the billions of players, these hundreds of thousands of people are simply insignificant. The market for Jingwumen is definitely not, and it definitely cannot be limited to Nirvana. The entire Middle-earth continent is the market for Jingwumen. In comparison, it is just a mere The cost of more than 100,000 people is almost nothing to mention, so Leader Wei will not bother about the cost!" The sixty-year-old man said politely.

What the sixty-year-old man said is indeed very reasonable. You must know that there are three to four billion players in the entire Middle-earth continent. Putting aside the life players, there are three billion combat players alone. These three billion people Here, even if only one person out of 10,000 learns martial arts from Jingwu Sect, that would be 300,000 people! What's more, the ratio cannot be only one ten thousandth. Once this trend of improving combat ability through learning martial arts is formed, there will be many people! In comparison, what are the mere 150,000 people in Nirvana?

"In that case, I'm grateful for the love from my seniors!" Wei Bin thanked him.

"Mom? Are you here to take me home, mom?" Just as everyone was discussing the specific matters of opening the Jingwu Gate into Tianlong, a little boy's voice came in from the direction of the door.

This person is the child that Brother Li and others are going to pick up on this trip, Linlin's child, Lin's mother's grandson!

Wei Bin and the others did pick up the child in the car. However, since they were going to Part B of the martial arts hall together, where the disciples of the martial arts hall were punished, so in order to prevent the child from being frightened, they did not let the child They went together and left the child in the main hall. But the six-year-old child was running around when he was having fun. When he saw Linlin, it was what happened just now. This scene!

When Linlin passed away, in order not to make the child sad, his family hid it from him, saying that his mother had gone to a far away place and would take a long time to come back. Therefore, in fact, the child did not He didn't know that his biological mother had actually passed away, so when he saw Linlin in front of him, he didn't think too much. He simply thought that his mother had come to take him home!

Facing this unexpected mother, Linlin was confused for a while, but then she immediately realized it, because from the conversation just now, she already knew that the person who looked exactly like her The girl has passed away, and obviously, this child is the child of the deceased mother. Since the two of them look exactly the same, the child regards her as his biological mother!

But she is not even married yet, let alone has children, so how can she agree to being called mother?

"Mom, what's wrong with you? Why didn't you promise me? Why weren't you in the car just now? Aren't you here to take me home? Did you want to give me a surprise, haha, I knew it!" The child was happy smiling.

"I" Linlin didn't know what to say. She could feel it. Although she didn't see it, she could feel that the people around her were looking at her, and they were all waiting for her reaction.

This is just a lovely child who has lost his mother!

"Haha, I really didn't expect that you guessed all this! What a clever little guy!" Linlin smiled, stretched out her index finger, and gently touched the tip of the child's nose.

Finally, Linlin chose to accept the child, even though he was not her own flesh and blood and had nothing to do with her!

She is overflowing with maternal love!

"Great love! This is the Linlin in my heart!" Brother Li thought to himself, and couldn't help but burst into tears.

This is the Linlin in his mind. The Linlin in his mind is gentle, kind, and considerate. He firmly believes that if the girl in front of him was the deceased Linlin, she would make the same choice. , she will definitely choose to accept this child who has nothing to do with her, and choose to spend the rest of her life taking care of him.

This is her!

However, when Linlin touched the tip of the child's nose with her fingertips, something unexpected happened to her!

This child seemed to have magic. When she touched this child, countless information and a large number of memories that did not belong to her poured into her mind, filling every corner of her mind.

"Mom, what's wrong with you? You don't usually call me little clever ghost!" Soon, the child noticed something strange. The woman in front of him seemed a little strange!

Linlin seemed not to have listened to the child's words at all. She had been busy receiving this endless information.

This endless information and memory lasted until the car accident

"Haha, silly Chenchen, what are you talking about? Can't mom use some new words to talk to you? I am your mother, and I want to teach you new words! By the way, How does your father treat you? Did you have fun playing with your father?" After saying that, Linlin hugged the child into her arms!

Linlin said some ordinary words, but at some point, the corners of her eyes were filled with tears.

"Chenchen? Did you call him Chenchen?" Mother Lin and Brother Li asked in unison.

The sound from Linlin's mouth was like a thunderbolt from the blue, mercilessly hitting the hearts of the two of them.

Although the Linlin in front of her is inextricably related to the deceased Linlin and has a mystery that no one can explain clearly, she is the granddaughter of the sixty-year-old man after all. She has always been with the sixty-year-old man. There is no doubt about this. So many strange things have happened, but no matter how strange they are, Lin Ma and Brother Li have chosen to accept them happily. After all, there are many things in this world that they cannot understand. It's okay, but it doesn't matter that they look alike, they have the same name, it doesn't matter that they have some common scars on their bodies, but how could their memories be the same? How could this Linlin in front of her know the name Chenchen? They had never mentioned the name Chenchen to her. How could she just blurt it out like that?

"Mom! I remembered everything." Linlin let go of Chenchen and hugged Lin's mother while crying.

Compared with the reluctance when she called her mom just now, this call was completely opposite! This "Mom" is a cry from the bottom of my heart!

"What are you?" Lin's mother said in disbelief.

"Mom, I already know everything! Woohoo!" Linlin cried.

Before Lin's mother could ask any more questions, Linlin had already let go of Lin's mother. She turned around and walked towards Brother Li. Then, she opened her arms and hugged Brother Li tightly. This hug, It seems like an eternity to Brother Li

This sudden hug was an action that Brother Li thought about day and night, but finally did not dare to make. And it was such an action that he actually became the recipient of it.

Linlin didn't say anything, she just kept crying. Brother Li also stretched out his hands and hugged Linlin tightly. He also didn't say a word. Perhaps, this was the silence between the two of them.

Well, they didn't say anything to each other, but they seemed to have said everything. There was a tacit understanding between the two of them. They understood each other and understood each other's thoughts.

"Mom, Brother Li, I'm back! It's me!" Linlin sent Brother Li and said such shocking words!

It turned out that when Linlin's fingertips touched the tip of Chenchen's nose, all the memories of the deceased Linlin poured into her mind, and in the process of picking up the memories, she was not harmed. The original memory, that is to say, at this time she said that she had the memory of two people, half of it was the memory of the granddaughter of the martial arts master, and the other half of the memory was the memory of the deceased Linlin!

It was the memory of the deceased Lin Lin that awakened her love for Lin's mother, and also evoked every bit of her experience with Brother Li!

In other words, Linlin is resurrected? Although her body was not resurrected, her memory was resurrected, and her memory also entered the body of a woman with the same body as her own and the same name. Can this be a resurrection?

What is resurrection? Does the body have to be resurrected to be called a resurrection? If the Linlin in front of her has no memory from the martial arts school, then when the memory of the deceased Linlin fills this body, is it considered a resurrection? This should be considered right? After all, their bodies are exactly the same, and their names are exactly the same. If even their memories are exactly the same, does that mean they can be called resurrected? But now, the only difference is that this body still has the memory of the martial arts school. Can this method of resurrection be called resurrection? ????

No matter what, for Lin's mother and Brother Li, Linlin in their minds has indeed been resurrected. They don't mind that there is another memory in this body. This is a gift from God to them, and they are too late to be grateful. How could you mind?

However, according to common sense, even if she awakened the memory of the deceased Linlin, why would she hug Brother Li? You know, although she knew that Brother Li loved her and she was full of affection for him, she didn't know what Brother Li did for her after her death! If she knew, then this hug might be explainable, but she didn't know!

Since she can hug Brother Li now, why didn't she hug Brother Li before she died? You know, her memory only stops before she had the car accident. She didn't hug Brother Li before the car accident. How could she do it now?

To explain this, it’s actually very simple!

Because at this time, Linlin not only has the memory of the deceased Linlin, but she also has the memory of the martial arts hall. The memory of the martial arts hall tells her that she knows which city she is in at this time. , this city is the city where her ex-husband’s hometown and factory are located. At that time, after they divorced, her ex-husband returned to his hometown to manage the factory! And when she saw Chenchen, did Chenchen say she was here to pick him up? Through this sentence, Linlin thought that after her death, her ex-husband must have taken the child back to her hometown, and today, Brother Li and Lin's mother came to take Chenchen back.

Moreover, the matter of picking up the child does not seem to be that easy, because her grandfather personally came forward, and the leader of the Wei Binwei gang also personally went out. If it is an easy thing, then why bother to find so many Someone help? Brother Li and Mother Lin asked someone for help, which only means that this matter is very difficult to handle. It is most likely that her ex-husband took the child away forcibly. If Brother Li and Mother Lin were alone, they would not get the child back at all, so they asked for help from connections. Very busy!

But what is the relationship between Brother Li and Mother Lin? Why did he risk such great hardships and travel thousands of miles to accompany Lin’s mother to pick up the child? You know, during the Chinese New Year last year, Chenchen invited Brother Li to his home to set off fireworks, but Brother Li didn't even come. The distance between their two families was only a dozen kilometers, and what about this city? It's thousands of kilometers away from the city where they are!

Why does Brother Li have so much energy and determination to come here? Come to help your mother?

Brother Li's love is no longer a secret love. She has always known that Brother Li likes her, but Brother Li has never expressed it. Brother Li has always been secretly in love with her and has been silently guarding her. But now, Brother Li Brother, this can no longer be called a secret love, this can be called a clear love. Isn't it touching to be able to take risks alone and travel thousands of miles to help my deceased self get his child back? What else is there to say? Doesn't a man who can do this for himself know how to love her deeply?

You must know that you have passed away. A person who has passed away is still worthy of his deep love. This kind of love has no words to express. Therefore, Linlin hugged Brother Li tightly. Brother also hugged Linlin tightly, and the two of them understood each other tacitly. Although no one said anything, it seemed like they had said everything!

"Mom, you're back right now. Why are you crying? By the way, didn't you just ask me how my dad treats me? My dad is very kind to me. He doesn't force me to do my homework at all, which is unlike you. ! However, that aunt was very bad to me. She always yelled at me and refused to let me eat the delicious food. She gave everything to that little brother!" Chenchen said.

"Mom made you feel wronged and you won't be like this again." Linlin hugged Chenchen tightly.

"Uncle has already taught that aunt a lesson for you. She said she would never dare to do it again! Chenchen!" Brother Li said.

"What? Is it true, Uncle Li?" Chenchen said happily.

"Well, now that I have received the child, I'd better go back as soon as possible. There are still many things to do!" Wei Bin said.

In this way, Linlin followed Wei Bin and others back to city b.

After returning home, the first thing Linlin did was to take Lin's mother and Brother Li and take Chenchen shopping together for a whole day. She came here empty-handed and didn't have anything. Come on, of course she wants to go shopping!

Tianlong World, Nirvana City Lord’s Mansion!

"This time you will follow the other dozens of Nirvana players who have reached the limit of five, as well as the brothers Juesha and Xue Muhua to rebuild together! After the rebuild, you will enter the flow speed world together and go there to replenish your levels!" Wei Bin said.

"Oh my god, is there really such a way to quickly increase the level? Gang leader, it seems that there were rumors circulating in the past that the core members of Nirvana rose from level 0 to more than 60 levels in just one day. It's true! Isn't this too strong?" Linlin exclaimed.

"The channel for rapid upgrading is given to you. Next, you must be prepared to endure hardship! Next, you will stay in the speed world for a year, while in the outside world, it only lasts one day. In the During this precious year, you must upgrade quickly and strive to catch up with the level of the large army as soon as possible!" Wei Bin said.

"Don't worry, Gang Leader. I'm here to supervise him. If he just doesn't want to level up properly, I have to make him work hard to level up. If he doesn't obey, I'll whip him with a small whip. What do you think? Haha!" Linlin said, holding her injured arm. This scene looked very sweet!

"Well, it's your turn, go and rebuild it!" Wei Bin looked at Brother Li.

Brother Li took the equipment and used the rebuilding stone, and the next second, Brother Li appeared in the Novice Village

After everyone rebuilt, they entered the speed world together with Wei Bin!

This group of players who entered the Flow World are all the same as the core members of Nirvana who were rebuilt last time. They are the top players of various gangs and factions. Even in the entire Middle-earth continent, they are also rare talents. They are very important to themselves. The upgrade strategy has been completed a long time ago and is perfect, and has been carefully reviewed and rehearsed!

As soon as they entered the Flow World, Nirvana players went directly to the Treasure Cave. The wild monsters in the Treasure Cave ranged from ten to more than thirty levels.


Interval, that is to say, the treasure cave can allow them to rise to level 30!

The members of the two gangs, Xue Muhua and Juesha, went to the same level map in their respective cities. Treasure Cave is just a map within the jurisdiction of Baishi City. There are also maps in the cities where Juesha and Xue Muhua are located. A similar map, except the name is not Treasure Cave!

After reaching level 30, everyone in Nirvana came to Cliff Cave together. The registration of wild monsters in Cliff Cave can be distributed up to level 37 or 8. The map in the next level stage is the ultimate map for them to survive until death!

On the first floor of the ancient tomb.

"I'll lure the monsters. I'll lure the monsters, and you guys will kill them!" said a female player named Hit Bu Que Mu, who was Lin Lin.

"What kind of monster are you going to attract as a girl? It's better for me to do it!" Brother Li said.

"Girl? What's wrong with girls? Can't girls attract monsters? You don't think I will always be under your protection, do you? Haha! Brother Li, I dare not say anything else. Maybe in the real world , you can protect me, but in this world of Tianlong, you should just hide behind me, haha!" said Shibuquemu with a smile.

"Are you still the same as before, reluctant to use me?" Brother Li said.

Ever since Brother Li and Linlin met, every time Brother Li helped Linlin, Linlin always declined. She is an independent girl. She always wants to do everything by herself. She doesn't want to hide. Under the care of others! Because she had no choice. Her father passed away and she divorced her husband. She had no choice. She had to be strong and independent! As the saying goes, being a mother makes you strong. It was Chenchen who forced her to become such a woman. This was not her nature!

"Are you kidding? I need your protection? It's up to me to attract monsters!" After saying that, he was hurt and ran towards the monster group.

"Haha, you, it's still you!" Linlin said with a bitter smile.

The same is true in the real world. Even if Brother Li wants to help her with anything, she will always push back, but in the end, everything is without exception. She can't defeat Brother Li.

Not long after, Brother Li attracted a large number of wild monsters back here.

"Are you crazy? Attracting so many monsters? What kind of precious equipment do you think we are wearing?" Seeing that the wounded monsters were attracted to the wild monsters that could not be seen, Hit Bu Que Mu immediately became nervous. If this was their peak moment , attracting so many wild monsters is not a big problem, after all, their equipment is very good, but what is the situation now? They are only in their thirties, and to put it bluntly, they can't even wear the artifacts in their hands, nor can they equip hidden weapons, because their levels are too low!

Now they are only wearing imperial-given equipment, and there are many other equipment that they cannot wear. How can they bear this!

Seeing that he was injured and finally being chased by so many wild monsters, other teammates saw this and hurriedly stepped forward to help. All of a sudden, all kinds of skills were handed over. Among these skills, the most conspicuous ones were those of the Emei Sect. Seeing that his teammate Emei was injured and was chased by so many wild monsters, he immediately added Xizi Pengxin + Longevity + Dumbfounded Chicken. Xizi Pengxin and Longevity are shield skills that can offset a certain amount of damage, and this Emei The dumbfounded chicken chose the guidance of 50 damage reduction. With the cooperation of 50 damage reduction, the effects of Xizi's support and longevity were significantly doubled. Originally, these two shield skills could only last three or four seconds before being broken. , now with the dumbfounded damage reduction, these two skills can protect the damage until the last seven or eight seconds!

but! The good times did not last long, and the injury attracted too many monsters in the end. Perhaps with the blessing of Emei's dumbfounded chicken, the injured was not life-threatening, but after all, the dumbfounded chicken could only last for 8 seconds. After 8 seconds, the last person injured His blood volume dropped rapidly. Fortunately, he also had more than two million blood. Otherwise, even being stunned would not be able to save him!

Seeing that the injured person's blood volume dropped rapidly, his teammates used various group attack skills to try to attract some hatred points to relieve the pressure on the injured person, but he attracted too many monsters. In a short period of time, it was difficult for his teammates to share the hatred of the wild monsters!

Soon, the blood volume dropped to half. If it fell at this speed, it would be very likely that it would not survive the time when the hatred of these wild monsters was evenly distributed!

At this extremely critical moment, Hit Bu Quemu used Lingshen Style to fly to the side of the injured person, and then used his strength to counterattack with another move!

"Pah, pah, pah!" Ever since she hit Buquemu and flew over, large numbers began to appear above her head, and just after she activated the counterattack, not only did the damage numbers begin to appear above her head, she and her At the end of the injury, a large number of numbers began to appear on the heads of the surrounding wild monsters, and this number was much higher than the number on the heads of the enemies who hit the wood. This damage was obviously the damage caused by her rebound!

This was great. All the surrounding wild monsters whose attacks had damaged the last ones had their HP drop. Soon, the hatred of these wild monsters was all pulled back by the hit Buquemu!

"What skill is this?" Huandao finally asked.

"I'm here to help you fight the monsters. You fight the monsters first. Why can't you ask after you finish killing the monsters?" Hitting Buquemu said softly, and finally gave him a white and hurt look.

"The tone of her voice seems to be that of Linlin," I thought to myself in the end when I was hurt.

In fact, Brother Li's feeling is not wrong. The Linlin at this time is indeed based on the Linlin who has passed away in Brother Li's mind, because the Linlin who was in the martial arts school obtained the Linlin who passed away. When she remembered Lin Lin, she deeply felt Brother Li's love. She was so envious of the deceased Lin Lin. How happy she was to be a woman who was still deeply loved even after she passed away! But just when she was envious of the deceased Linlin, she suddenly realized that wasn't she the same Linlin? She just has an extra experience and memory of the martial arts school! How can I envy myself?

So, she changed, she no longer showed her previous personality to others, what she showed now was the personality of the dead Linlin, so Brother Li had a feeling of deja vu!

As for Brother Li's doubts just now, why did the wild monsters around him start to lose blood when Hit Bu Quemu used Lingshen Style to fly to him? Moreover, the blood loss is very large. What is happening? This group of wild monsters obviously hit me, not her. In the end, when she was injured, she turned on the counterattack, which can rebound the damage. However, in order to rebound the damage, she needs to cause damage to her. Wild monsters He didn't hit her, so how could she be hurt by the rebound? And after a while, most of these wild monsters were attracted by her. This was so strange!

In fact, the reason why Injury finally didn't understand the scene before him was precisely because he didn't understand the Murong faction's skills. This is also the dilemma faced by almost all players in Middle-earth. They can't see it. Understand!

You know, he was only one of the core members of Nirvana until the end of his injury. He had only received training from Nirvana on the skills of other sects. He was very familiar with the skills of other sects. However, regarding the Murong sect, Only the dozen or so core members of Nirvana have received skill training. Because the skills of the Murong Sect are a secret and are not suitable for large-scale dissemination, so in the end, they did not understand the skills of the Murong Sect!

In fact, the effect just shown was caused by the Lingshen Style of the Murong Sect. Like other skills, the Lingshen Style of the Murong Sect has four different pointing methods.

The Lingshen style instantly flies in front of the target, causing damage to the target and immobilizing the target for 1 second. The casting distance is 20 meters and the cooling time is 30 seconds.

The damage will be increased by 50 within 6 seconds after using the Ling Shen style. After Zhenwu uses the Lingshen Style, the damage will be increased by 100 within 6 seconds.

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