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Chapter 844 Acquiring magical skills

Therefore, Tago believed that the prophet did not contact Wei Bin because Tago was still alive. Once he died, the prophet would definitely meet Wei Bin! That's why he issued such an order!

"Patriarch, please rest assured, we will find the prophet as soon as possible!" said the one hundred people from the literary faction. The martial arts faction shouldered the important task of guarding the burial ground, so this task can only be carried out by the literary faction. Go get it done!

"Okay, Wei Bin, come here!" Tago said weakly.

After saying that, Wei Bin stepped forward.

"I have taught you everything I have learned throughout my life. Now, I officially hand it over to you. As for how much you can understand, it all depends on your efforts in the past five months!" After that, Tai Ge stretched out his right hand and pressed it on Wei Bin's shoulder.

System: You have learned the magical skill "Baptism"

System: You have learned the magical skill "Expulsion"

System: You have learned the magic skill "Guardian Angel"

System: You have learned the magical skill "Degenerate Halo"

Since among the many magical skills, Wei Bin only had the proficiency of these skills, so in the end, he only learned these four skills!

Baptism immediately restores the health of a friendly unit to the upper limit of 24, and causes an equal amount of damage to enemy units within 20 meters nearby. The damage is holy damage, consuming 1000 Qi points, the casting distance is 20 meters, and the cooling time is 10 Second.

Banish adds a shield, making the target immune to negative effects. It lasts for 11 seconds and has a cooldown of 60 seconds.

Guardian Angel makes friendly units within 100 meters immune to damage, and increases the life recovery speed by 150,000 seconds, lasting 10 seconds, with a cooldown time of 150 seconds.

The degradation aura greatly reduces the movement speed and attack speed of nearby enemy units within 100 meters by 30%, and the deceleration effect ignores immunity.

Invincible! After five months of hard work, Wei Bin finally obtained the four god-level skills he wanted!

Among these skills, the one that attracted Wei Bin's attention the most was none other than the skill of baptism!

The skill of baptism is simply too powerful!


The skill mechanism of Baptism is to restore a certain amount of blood to the target, and at the same time, it can cause an equal amount of damage to all hostile targets within a radius of 20 meters around it, and this damage is also sacred damage.



This is a bit awesome, what is sacred damage?

As we all know, there are three types of damage in Tianlong. One is ordinary damage. This type of damage needs to calculate the offensive and defensive relationship between each other. Only after a few rounds can it be finally implemented into the damage. In other words, Normal damage is affected by the opponent's defense!

The second type of damage is direct damage. Compared with ordinary damage, this type of damage is a bit more awesome, because direct damage ignores the opponent's defense, even if the opponent has 100 million defenses, and you only have one attack. However, when you use a direct damage skill, you can still cause it the number described by the direct damage skill. This damage ignores defense! The number on the panel determines how much real damage can be caused!

The third damage type is the holy damage type in front of you. Holy damage is even more awesome. Holy damage is a skill mode that is stronger than direct damage skills. The effect of direct damage skills is just to ignore the target. It's just defense, but what about holy damage? Holy damage is even more amazing. Holy damage can ignore both defense and damage reduction effects!

This is very buggy. As we all know, the game mechanism of level suppression has always been a headache for the majority of players. Sometimes, they have high combat power, but they are unable to defeat the boss, dungeon, or even the boss they want to defeat. Some players can't even defeat those who are not as powerful as themselves. Why is this? Isn’t it because of the restrictions of class suppression? You have all the fighting power, but the other person is of a higher level than you and can enjoy damage reduction. You really can't beat them!

What about holy damage skills? Ignore damage reduction! In other words, even if I am level 10 and you are level 100, my skill will still cause you as much damage as it does! This is not comparable to direct damage skills! This is very scary. This is a magical skill that can kill people beyond the level!

As for the damage, it is even more incredible. Wei Bin has more than four million health points. Wei Bin can directly restore one million health points to himself with one move of Baptism. In other words, the hostile forces around Wei Bin, Everyone will suffer one million damage, not to mention the current players. Even in the later stages of the game, there are only a handful of players with a blood volume of more than one million! Unless you have gone through a rebuild

, otherwise, most people will never be able to reach this level of blood in this life!

If someone else uses this skill, even if it is used against Wei Bin, it may not be able to kill the surrounding enemies instantly. Although the damage is definitely enough, you must know that many people's hidden weapon skills are unyielding. If someone else uses Baptism, even if the damage is enough to kill the enemy instantly, they will only be triggered to be unyielding and will not kill them!

But who is Wei Bin? Wei Bin is wearing the Chonglou Wrist artifact. The Chonglou Wrist's passive skill can ignore the third skill of the player's hidden weapon, which is the skill position where the player's Unyielding skill is located. In this skill position, whether it is Unyielding or Self-reward, , or other skills in this skill slot, cannot be triggered under the action of this heavy building wrist! No matter who Wei Bin uses this baptism on in the future, the effect of Wei Bin's Heavy Tower Arm will be triggered, and the source of the damage is Wei Bin, so Wei Bin's Heavy Tower Arm can still work!

For Wei Bin, this skill not only adds blood to himself, but can also instantly clear out all enemy units within a radius of 20 meters, which is quite powerful!

And if it can be called strong just based on its healing effect, damage effect and range of action, then the 10-second cooldown time will undoubtedly make this skill stronger! What's the point of a 10 second cooldown? You know, with Wei Bin's current strength, even if he stands and is beaten for ten seconds, others may not be able to kill him, and after ten seconds, someone else will be dead!

The second skill, expel!

This horse riding is another god-level skill! Especially for high-combat players, the value of this skill is even more exaggerated! You know, what are high-combat players most afraid of during large-scale team battles? They are not afraid of low output. In fact, what is a high-combat player? If the combat effectiveness is not high, does it deserve to be called a high-combat player? What they fear most is that there is no output environment. Since you are a high-combat player, the opponent will definitely give you all the control skills first. They want to restrict you so that you can't output! And once this high-combat player is restricted and no longer has a comfortable output environment, what is the difference between him and an ordinary person? In fact, his output is not as good as that of an ordinary player, because the control skills that ordinary players bear are definitely less than that of high-combat players. They can continue to output, and maybe their total output is really good.


will overwhelm those high-combat players! And these high-combat players have invested so much money, but they can't produce effective output, so what's the use of you? Many times, the total output of a player with max 5 in a certain battle is not even as high as the total output of a player with max 4. Why? It's because this player with a maximum of five high-level battles was targeted!

The output environment is a decisive factor in whether a high-combat player can convert his combat power into damage! Therefore, a control-free environment has always been the primary pursuit of those high-competition players! Take Wei Bin as an example. When he originally chose hero guidance and real martial arts guidance for Yi Hua Jie Mu, why did he choose the immune control guidance? Logically speaking, Yihuajimu is an output-based skill, and Tianshan Sect is a high-explosion sect. Yihuachimu has many pointers that can increase output. Logically speaking, Wei Bin, as a high-explosion sect, should not choose Any tips on increasing the output? But Wei Bin didn't. He just chose this pointer that didn't increase any output. Why? Is Wei Bin stupid? No! Isn’t he just for this control-free environment? Without an output environment, no matter how high your output is, what's the use if you can't show it? To put it another way, a control-free environment can, to a certain extent, increase output in a different direction. However, this improvement is relative, not absolute. Compared with people without an output environment, , which increases the total output!

Speaking of which, this reflects the advantage of the expulsion skill! Looking at the skills of these dozen sects, how many sects have control-free skills? There are very few at all, and even if there are some control-free skills, the duration of the control-free environment is not long, only a few seconds! What about this expulsion? How domineering is this 11 seconds of control-free time? It directly destroyed all the control-free skills of all sects! You know, Wei Bin's Chonglou suit skill is free from control for 10 seconds, right?

As for the cooling time, although the cooling time is as long as one minute, the cooling time of the control-free skills of other sects is also very long! Control-free skills are too rare! It would be nice to have a control-free skill, but what else do you need for a bicycle?

Moreover, the expulsion skill has another advantage that cannot be ignored, that is, this skill can be used on others. In comparison, this is even stronger. With this major advantage, does it mean that , even if some players who are not very powerful learn it, is it still a magical skill?

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