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Chapter 878 Cheating each other

"Haha, God knows how many lies you have told in your heart? God may not know! But! I know! I know, no matter how true what you said is, you definitely lied just now. It is absolutely impossible for you to just These ten million gold! Do you know why?" This person looked unbelieving!

"Brother, I put all my money here, and you still don't believe it, then I can't help it!" Dahai didn't ask why. If he asked, it meant that he was guilty. At this time, he absolutely couldn't If he asks why, he must insist that he is not lying! You know, he has already raised the price to this extent. If he raises the price again next time, it will only be raised to 20 million gold. By then, he will really only be able to give the other party 10 million gold. , he really couldn’t get any extra oil or water! You know, he is the first force to withdraw from the alliance. How can his treatment be the same as the second force in front of him that is about to withdraw? Furthermore, if he could only get 10 million gold in the end, then why would he come in person? Did he just ask Linlin to negotiate by herself? Isn't the reason why he came here in person just to get more money?

Therefore, he must strictly guard against it and insisted that he only accepted a gold coin card worth 10 million gold! Even if the King of Heaven comes, it won’t work!

"Haha, don't think that just because you don't ask me why, you can prove that you didn't lie. If I didn't have evidence in my hand, would I be so sure to expose your lies?" The man said with confidence, and he felt very confident in his heart. Clearly, the sea is 100% lying!

"Brother, you don't have to lie to me anymore. I admit that I just lied twice. After all, I was also the first force to withdraw. I deserve more money! What's more, when it comes to interests, everyone will fight for it. I believe that if He changed to you, you would do the same thing. This is human nature! But this time, every word I said is the truth! I am here with 100% sincerity. I don’t want to I just want to share an extra penny with you. You can judge for yourself whether you believe it or not!" Dahai said with confidence. He knew that the other party definitely had no evidence. If the other party had evidence, he would have taken it long ago. Now that you're out, why bother deceiving yourself again and again? No matter how confident the other party is, he just doubts himself. He can't have evidence in his hand! As long as he insists that he is not lying, the other party will be helpless!

The most important thing is that he has no way out. If he lets go again, it will be 10 million gold, and he will only have a little extra oil.


There is no water left, so why is he here today? Did he just ask Linlin to come in person? Why bother?

"Haha! You are so stubborn! Dahai, originally I didn't want to expose you, but you lied to me over and over again, and even now, you are still lying to me! Could it be that you really forced me to come up with evidence and tear you apart? Are you going to break the last bit of shame between us?" This person said, and it sounded like he was telling the truth!

"Haha, brother, if you don't believe me, you can come up with evidence!" When Dahai heard this, he seemed to be even more confident than before. This is a typical deception. If he If there was evidence in it, then he wouldn't say these things. The reason why he forced himself with the evidence in his hand just shows that he has no evidence in his hand!

"Haha, listen carefully, I will tell you the evidence right now, you protect your face, be careful when I tell you, you will be ashamed of yourself!" the man said.

After saying this, Dahai's breathing began to become rapid. Although he knew that the other party was most likely lying to him, when the other party said these words, he couldn't help but feel nervous!

For example, if a classmate asks you to wait after school, he will block you at the door and challenge you to a duel, but what about you? You know very well in your heart that he can't defeat you alone, but you can't help but feel nervous. After all, you are about to face a fight!

"First of all, if Nirvana really only gave you 10 million gold, and said that 5 million gold is yours, and the other 5 million gold depends on your ability, if you have high ability, you can use empty words to persuade me to quit. , the remaining five million gold coins are all yours. If you have no ability and spent three million gold coins to convince me, then you can earn an extra two million gold coins. If Nirvana is really like this for you If you say that, then you will never tell me your bottom line, because if you tell me the truth and are willing to share it equally with me, then what is the meaning of your trip today? You can completely let Nirvana come in person Ah, isn't the reason why you came here by yourself just because you want to get more gold coins? So, the fact that you just shared the ten million gold coins with me so happily must be a lie. Nirvana definitely gave you more than ten million coins. Gold!" the man said.

"Brother, what you said is indeed human nature, but human nature is not necessarily right. You know, even if I don't come today, I can still earn five million gold. I am here today. , even if I split it equally with you, I can still earn five million gold. As long as I don’t give you more money, then I won’t lose anything! I was just thinking, since I came today, why not make things right? Is it done? It should be okay for me to do this, right? Why is it fake?" Dahai said with an innocent face. However, although he could still pretend to be innocent, to be honest, he already had some thoughts in his heart. Panic! Because this person's guess is indeed reasonable. Since he can't get any extra money, why should he bother to persuade the other party?

However, in the final analysis, the other party still has no evidence. It is all just his speculation. Even if his speculation is correct, if there is no evidence, there is no evidence. Dahai will not admit his lies because of this!

"Haha, don't rush to deny what I say. This is just one of the evidences! Secondly, the woman who went to find you could come to you with 500 million gold in her pocket, but she has 500 million gold in her pocket. Ah, you actually only took 10 million gold from her? Do you think it's possible? If you were me, do you think I would believe you? Do you want to hear more information? More evidence? "This person made a look of disbelief!

"What? Five hundred million gold? Is Nirvana so rich? She only told me that she brought 200 million gold, and she even showed it to me. Brother, why didn't you tell me earlier? If you had given it earlier If you tell me, I will definitely ask for more money!" Dahai said with a bitter look on his face.

"Haha, you can't blame others for this, let alone me. Who knows if she has told you how much money she brought to find you? Furthermore, how much money does she have on her and how much is she willing to give you? Money, that's someone's right. You can't blame Nirvana for this, right? Isn't it the same for you? You obviously received more money, but you lied to me and said you only received 10 million gold. Isn't it the same truth? Well, tell me the truth. How much money did you receive from Nirvana? I will give you one last chance. If you don't tell me the truth again, then I will not withdraw my troops. You can’t even expect to get an extra penny from me today! I can just wait for Nirvana to come to me and just ask for money from him!” said the man.


His words were completely said into Dahai's heart. He was now sure that since the other party's words had reached this point, the other party definitely had no evidence in his hand. Even if the other party had No matter how realistic and accurate it is, even if it is accurate and the other party tells the exact number of gold coins he received, it must be the other party's deceit, and the other party cannot have evidence!

However, if the other party wants to force out the true data of the gold coins he has collected, he does not necessarily have to have evidence. What Dahai is afraid of is this trick. The other party will not negotiate with him for life and death, so that he will not be able to get an extra cent from it. money! This is very embarrassing. You know, the other party can directly talk to Nirvana. Since he has already mentioned five million gold, and the other party is still sure that he is lying, then the other party can directly talk to Nirvana. He cannot even talk to Nirvana. You can't even talk about it, right? You know, the other party has already negotiated with me for five million gold. If the other party tells Nirvana about the progress of the negotiation with him, it is almost 100% possible to get more benefits from Nirvana! There is no doubt about this!

This is what the sea is worried about! Although he insists that he only received 10 million gold, the other party is not a fool. Whether it is from the evidence one or evidence two he said, although this cannot be used as evidence, it can indeed prove that he It is true that he has received more than 10 million gold. The other party is sure of himself. As long as the other party insists on not retreating and forcing Nirvana to come to him, he will definitely get more than 5 million gold in benefits. However, in that case , he won’t be able to get any oil or water out of it!

This is very embarrassing. He has already reached 10 million gold. How should he increase next time? It can't be raised to 15 million gold, right? Isn’t this number too embarrassing? How to distribute 15 million gold? 10 million for yourself and 5 million for the other party? The other party still won't give up! My next increase will definitely be to 20 million gold! However, by then, he will give 10 million gold to the other party. In that case, he will have no money! But what if you don’t give someone 10 million gold? Is it possible that we can still give 9 million gold? 8 million gold?

If he really could solve the problem by giving the other party eight or nine million gold, then he would admit it. Even if he only gets one or two million gold in the end, it doesn't matter. It's better to have something than nothing!

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