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Chapter 898 Different Benefits

First of all, the internal and external power attack increases by 600 each. In fact, a level 70 amulet or ring can only increase the internal and external power attack by 300. The reason why Brother Li’s equipment increases the internal and external power attack by 600 is because the defense Bin has the title of Luban Grandmaster!

When Grandmaster Lu Ban builds or re-refines equipment, he can double certain eight specified attributes.

Wei Bin, who has the title of Luban Grandmaster, has retrained all the nine-star equipment that Wei Bin has created, greatly improving the attributes of the equipment, and this equipment of Brother Li is one of them. Except for the strength attribute, Wei Bin doubled all the attributes of this piece of equipment!

And the basic internal and external strength attack of 600, after being strengthened by +9, will be an internal and external strength attack of 1770, oh my! The basic internal and external power attack of a piece of equipment can increase by 1770, and you are a Tianlong sect player. How can you let others play with this? This piece of equipment, when worn by players of the Tianlong sect, has nearly 1770 more attack power than when worn by players of other sects, because internal power attacks are ineffective against external power sects, and external power attacks are also ineffective against internal power sects, while Tianlong sect As the only sect in the entire sect that uses internal and external attacks, both internal and external attacks are effective against the Tianlong Sect! In other words, this basic internal and external attack attribute can bring 3540 attacks to Tianlong sect players, while other sects only have half of the Tianlong sect, so naturally they have 1770 less attacks than Tianlong sect players!

Damn it, just one attribute is 1770 lower than the Tianlong sect’s attack? This is the attack of two level five cat's eye stones!

And this is only the difference between this equipment worn on Brother Li and wearing it on non-Dragon sect players. If Brother Li is allowed to wear this equipment, people from other sects are allowed to wear something else. What about level 70 equipment? How big a difference is there? You know, in this world, only Wei Bin has the title of Luban Grandmaster, and only he can double the specified attributes. Others can only wear equipment with basic internal and external strength +300, and even if it is enhanced to +9, It only has an internal and external attack of 885. Brother Li's equipment brings him an attack of 3540, while others only have an attack of 885. This is equivalent to Brother Li having 2655 more attacks than them, which is three level five cat's eye stones. difference! this

Just one attribute is three more level five gems than others. Do you still want others to play with it? Why don't you open a private server? In this case, you will have whatever equipment you want!

And this is just for this piece of equipment


It's just the first attribute. Let's take a look at the second and third attributes. Internal attack +1200 and external attack +1200. These are attributes that increase the output of Tianlong players, and there is no waste. Because Tianlong Sect is an internal and external attack sect, if this piece of equipment is worn by players from other sects, it will only have an attack of 1200, because internal attack is ineffective against external attack, and external attack is ineffective against internal attack!

Perhaps players from other sects can choose to replace the other useless attack attribute with other attributes, such as physical strength or movement skills! However, as an output sect, what attribute is more cost-effective than attack? The Tianlong Sect is a long-range output sect. It does not need to resist monsters. Output is its first priority. As long as there are attributes that conflict with attack, it must choose to attack!

For another example, if you are a Shaolin player, when attack conflicts with physical strength, you must choose physical strength, because the first task of a Shaolin player is to resist monsters, and you can't do it without physical strength!

And when Brother Li wears this equipment, he has 1,600 more attacks than players from other sects in terms of these two attributes. If players from other sects wear something else, What about the equipment? That means he has even fewer attacks than Brother Li. These two attributes of Brother Li were doubled by Wei Bin, so they were doubled to 1600. Before doubling, he actually only had 800 internal and external attacks. Moreover, this It is still the equipment attached to the nine-star equipment. If it is not the nine-star equipment, then 700 attack is quite good! And without Wei Bin's help, the value of the attributes would not have doubled! In other words, these two attributes of Brother Li have 2500 more attacks than others! These are the attributes of three level five gems!

Next, let’s take a look at the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th attributes. These four attributes are the biggest highlight of this equipment, and they are also the place that best highlights the perfect fit with the Tianlong Sect. They are the most dazzling part of this equipment! Ice attack, fire attack, mysterious attack, and poison attack each increase by 300! What is this thing about riding a horse?

This is an attribute attack!

In terms of output, attribute attacks are completely superior to internal and external attacks. This is common sense to everyone, and it is also the reason why most players abandon internal attacks.

The reason for switching from external attacks to attribute attacks!

For example, player A can increase his external attack by inlaying tiger's eye stone, but opponent B will also inlay rubies to improve his external defense. A level five tiger's eye stone can increase his external attack by 800, and a five-level tiger's eye stone can increase his external attack by 800. A level 5 ruby ​​can increase physical strength by 120 points. Different sects have different physical growth values. For sects such as Murong, Tianlong and Beggars with relatively high physical growth, a level 5 ruby ​​can bring them 480 external strength. Defense, if it is the Shaolin sect with the highest physical growth, it has reached an external defense of 600. Even for those sects with mediocre physical growth, a level 5 ruby ​​can increase their external defense by 360. ,what does that mean? This means that after you have embedded a level 5 tiger's eye stone, when you face an opponent with the same combat power, the tiger's eye stone can only increase your output by about 200-400! The power of tiger eye stone is greatly reduced!

But if what you inlaid is not a tiger eye stone, but a level five attribute attack stone, it would be different! Take the fifth-level red crystal stone as an example. A fifth-level red crystal stone can increase the fire attack by 120 points. Calculated according to the attribute attack growth rate of a single-attribute sect. One attribute attack can increase 6 points of damage. A fifth-level red crystal stone can increase the fire attack by 120 points. Crystals can increase damage by 720 points. In this case, as long as you have enough resistance reduction, you can actually hit 720 attribute damage! There will be no attenuation at all!

At this time, some people may question that if you inlay gems like this, you can indeed deal higher damage than tiger eye stone. However, if you want to deal attribute damage, don't you have to use resistance-reducing gems? In order to ensure the perfect implementation of attribute attacks, you inlaid two rows of gems, but the tiger eye stone only inlaid one row of gems. If you inlaid two rows of gems, its output will certainly be higher than others who inlaid one row of gems. ! If you inlay a single row of resistance-reducing gems in order to ensure that attribute attacks can be implemented perfectly, then you will have to give up one of the three types of hit, knowing, and external attacks!

I have to say that this doubt is indeed very reasonable. In terms of the way gems are created, if you are a player who takes the internal and external power route, the offensive gems will definitely be inlaid with double rows of tiger eye stones to attack with external power. A single row of purple jade To ensure the hit rate, for the remaining hole, you can choose red spar or knowing!

Players who can take the attribute attack route will choose double row


Red crystal stones are used for attribute attacks, single row resistance reduction is used to output the environment, and then there are single row purple jade to ensure hit rate!

If it looks like this, at first glance, it seems that the output of the external skill route is higher. After all, he has an extra row of knowing or offensive stones than those who take the attribute attack route, but in reality? This is actually just an appearance, the reality is not that at all!

The reason is as follows. Using the external power route, inlaying a single row of red crystals is of no use at all, because you have not reduced the resistance. If you do not reduce the resistance, the attribute attacks will not be able to exert their power at all. You will only have 100 million. If there is no resistance reduction for attribute attacks, then the opponent only needs a hundred resistances to be able to resist your attribute attacks. In this case, no matter how high your attribute attacks are, it will not help! And as the player level increases, there will be more and more players with four resistances over 100. Without resistance reduction, the attribute attack gem is simply a superficial decoration!

Therefore, for players who take the internal and external strength route, the route of inlaying attribute attack gems in the fourth hole will not work!

Next, it’s a battle between knowing gems combined with double rows of tiger’s eye stones, and double rows of ruby ​​​​stones combined with resistance-reducing gems!

If you say that the attribute of understanding is useful, it is also useful. If you say that it is useless, it is actually useless. Whether the attribute of understanding is useful or not depends on who uses it. Different audience groups have different effects of understanding. The power is also different! Only for those players with high output, understanding is useful, because only when the damage is high, a knowing blow is meaningful! If the player's own damage is only 10,000, even if you trigger a knowing blow, the damage will only be 20,000. But if another player's damage is 20,000, even if he does not trigger a knowing blow, the damage will only be 20,000. The damage is no less than yours!

What's more, a level 5 Alexandrite can only increase the understanding by 5 points, and five Alexandrites only increase the understanding by 25 points, which only increases the understanding hit rate by 25. How can there be a double row of red crystals here? Stone safe? The output brought by the double row of red crystals is more stable, no need to look at the face, it is real damage. The red crystal is the other player whose damage is 20,000 as mentioned before, and the person with the Alexandrite embedded in it is The player with only 10,000 damage mentioned earlier will judge! Some people may ask, how can there be such a big gap in damage between gems of the same level? How is it possible that the damage of the double-row red crystal is so much higher than that of the double-row tiger's eye stone?

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