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Chapter 908: Attacking Murong Fu

In other words, if it takes them ten minutes to defeat Murong Fu, they will have already defeated Murong Fu in the 50th minute at the latest!

This is Wei Bin's plan. Relatively speaking, the time to defeat Murong Fu is actually much shorter than the first two levels, because in the first level, they need to kill Yue Laosan, Yun Zhonghe and Duan Yanqing, it took Wei Bin 20 minutes just to kill the three of them. In the second level, although Jiumozhi was the only boss, Wei Bin also spent 20 minutes because Jiumozhi did not They don’t appear immediately. There will be more than ten waves of monsters appearing in the second level, and Jiumozhi is the last one. It took them ten minutes to kill these dozen waves of monsters. How to conquer Jiumozhi It took them ten minutes to walk in person. In total, it took them forty minutes to pass the first two levels!

In the last level, there is only Murong Fu alone, so it shouldn't take too much time. According to Wei Bin's experience, the time it takes to conquer Murong Fu should be about the same as Jiumozhi, only about ten minutes. After all, Murong Fu is not very fleshy, his health is not very thick, and his defense is not very high. His power is not reflected here, so ten minutes is enough!

In fact, if calculated this way, Wei Bin can only leave at most ten minutes for future generations to break the record! Although it's only ten minutes, it's enough for Nirvana players to reach the limit of five!

There are only a few dozen players who have reached the limit of 5 in Nirvana. If you want to get the reward of breaking the record, you must have the strength of the players who have reached the limit of 5, right? Don't think about players who reach four or three. Even if Wei Bin brings someone to break the record, he has to bring someone with similar strength, right? If the strength is too low, even Wei Bin won't be able to carry it. If he can't even get through the dungeon, how can he break the record? Why do you get the reward for breaking the record?

Assuming that there are 50 people in Nirvana who need to get the record-breaking reward, then Wei Bin will have to clear the dungeon fifty times. In fact, as long as this team has the strength to clear the dungeon, it is still very simple to get the reward. Yes, because Wei Bin's personal combat effectiveness is extremely strong. As for winning the next dungeon, if Wei Bin really wins the first pass in 59 minutes, then Wei Bin will be confident in the next dungeon. Breaking the record with a time of 58 minutes and 50 seconds, yes, it was so accurate!

Because Wei Bin's personal combat power is too strong, he is too fleshy, and his recovery ability is too strong. He can lead the team to beat Murong Fu's health to the last bit, and then everyone stops and Emei gives Wei Bin To add blood, Wei Bin also added blood to himself, and Wei Bin alone carried Murong Fu to delay the time. When the time was about to reach 59 minutes, everyone used full firepower to kill Murong Fu in seconds. In this way, not only Can we accurately grasp the time required to break the record?

As long as Wei Bin grasps the rhythm of each level and takes ten seconds less than the previous time, it will be enough for all Nirvana players with a maximum of 5 to get this reward. Every time he brings a new person to break the record, Each time, 10 seconds in advance, one person in 10 seconds, 6 people in one minute, 60 people in 10 minutes, no matter how you calculate it, it is enough!

And why do we need to be alone for ten seconds? Why not 5 seconds, 3 seconds or even one second? In this case, wouldn't it be possible to bring more people to break the record?

The reason why Wei Bin uses ten seconds to grasp the rhythm is because

When the dungeon ends, you will naturally understand Wei Bin’s intention!

Maybe someone wants to ask again, are everyone else fools? Are they all trash? Just waiting for Wei Bin to direct and act in it to break the record? Can’t someone else break the record?

Don't tell me, others are really not qualified to break the record!

At least until this group of people from Nirvana broke the record, they had almost no chance!

The Yanziwu dungeon can only be refreshed once a day. In other words, it will take Wei Bin 50 days to let these Nirvana players reach the limit of five to break the record one by one. Could it be that the high-combat players of other major forces can't break the record in 50 days?

correct! It is really difficult for them to break the record within 50 days, because with the current player levels, equipment and skills, they can't even think about getting through the legendary difficulty level of Yanziwu in two or three months, or maybe the difficult level or even hell. They can clear the level Yanziwu, but they will definitely not be able to clear the legendary Yanziwu!

There is only one reason, and that is resistance!

Yanziwu, like Piaomiao Peak, has extremely high requirements for resistance. Piaomiao Peak has high requirements for poison resistance, while Yanziwu has relatively high requirements for mysterious resistance, fire resistance and ice resistance. From the perspective of resistance, Yanziwu Wu’s confrontational requirements are higher than Piaomiao Peak’s. Piaomiao Peak’s confrontational requirements are not as high as Yanziwu’s. This does not mean that Piaomiao Peak is easier than Yanziwu. Yanziwu’s confrontational requirements are higher than Piaomiao Peak’s, which does not mean that Yanziwu is easier than Yanziwu. Piaomiao Peak is more difficult, but the focus of these two dungeons is different! Although the confrontational requirements of Piao Miao Peak are not as high as those of Yanziwu, this is because Piao Miao Peak has higher requirements for technology, defense and blood volume. For example, in the first level of Piao Miao Peak, if the player attacks Ha Daba If players are not familiar with Ha Daba's attack modes and patterns, then players will not even be able to pass Ha Daba's level, because several of Ha Daba's skills have release patterns, which skills are released every few seconds, and then, Ha Daba. Da Ba's attack is extremely high. If the player's HP and defense are low, they will not be able to withstand Ha Da Ba's attack!

For example, in the second level, if the team configuration is unreasonable, and if they happen to encounter Sang Tugong's immune attribute, the player's output will be reduced to zero!

Another example is the third level. If the player's poison resistance is not good enough, then they will destroy your team with a group attack!

In the last level, if the two mini-bosses are not killed at the same time, the other one will go berserk, and the players will also be wiped out. In Li Qiu Shui's level, if the players can't run apertures to avoid Li Qiu Shui, Full-screen attack, that's a sure-fire team-killing!

Piaomiao Peak has stricter requirements on the overall quality of players and the configuration of the team. Their focus is different from that of Yanziwu!

On the other hand, Yanziwu has very low technical requirements for players, but very high requirements for players' resistance and combat effectiveness. If the player's resistance or combat effectiveness is not up to standard, it will be impossible to pass the level!

What prevents players from other major forces from clearing the legendary difficulty level of the Yanziwu dungeon is their resistance, combat effectiveness, and grasp of rhythm!

Just like the first level, if Xuan Kang doesn't meet the standard, they won't even be able to pass Duan Yanqing's level! And if their combat effectiveness is relatively low and their control of time is not very good, then if they do not follow Huyanbao to the next battlefield, Huyanbao will definitely die!

In the second level, the players' fire resistance requirements are relatively high. If the fire resistance is not up to standard, Jiumozhi will wipe out the group with a single group attack! At the same time, this level also requires relatively high combat effectiveness of the players. If the players' defense is low, then they will not be able to withstand the attacks of Jiumozhi's group of subordinates, let alone Jiumozhi himself!

Moreover, if their attack is too low, then they will not be able to beat Jiumozhi when competing with Jiumozhi for blood loss speed. If their own blood loss speed is faster than Jiumozhi's, then they will Die one step before Jiumozhi!

Next, Wei Bin and the others are about to face the third level, Murong Fu's level. Murong Fu has a move called Ice and Snow, which is a large-scale, high-damage ice attribute group attack. In other words, this level is very effective for players. The ice resistance requirements are relatively high!

For a player with a maximum of 5, with their attributes, it is impossible to satisfy all three resistances to reach 600 at the same time, so it is impossible for players with a maximum of 5 to pass the level!

And what about players with a limit of six? If they insist on these three resistances, they can indeed reach the standard, but if they want to achieve all four attributes


If it’s a target, that’s unlikely! This means that if they want to farm Swallow dock, they will not be able to farm Dapiao, because their poison resistance is not up to standard, unless they embed the three resistances required by Swallow dock every day when farming Swallow dock Gems, and when they need to brush the big waves, they change the gems to poison-resistant gems, and they have to switch back and forth every day! This is a bit too troublesome!

And even if their resistance reaches the standard, can they pass the level? Judging from the situation when Wei Bin and his team attacked Jiumozhi just now, do they have this kind of output and defense? Can they withstand the attack from this group of Jiumozhi's younger brothers? They couldn't stand it. If Wei Bin and the others hadn't experienced reconstruction, even they wouldn't be able to stand it! Didn’t you see the end, before Jiumozhi died, Brother Li, Die Wu and chopping wires with kitchen knives only had about 30 HP left? They have millions of health points. In other words, when they defeated Jiumozhi, they had already lost two to three million health points. Based on this, other big players with a limit of six or more can do get? How is that possible?

In the previous life, after Yanziwu entered the player's field of vision, no one could win the first pass of the legendary difficulty dungeon in a short period of time, even if there were players who had rebuilt it at that time, because at that time, Those players who have rebuilt have not rebuilt thoroughly. They do not have the resources to rebuild like Wei Bin. Wei Bin has spent a lot of money to rebuild, so the effect of rebuilding for those people in the previous life is not as good as Wei Bin and others!

All in all, no one can break the record set by Wei Bin, not to mention within 50 days, even in 60 or 70 days! If they want to break the record set by Wei Bin, they will have to wait until they reach level 80! Therefore, Wei Bin's plan is completely feasible and will not be interfered by other forces!

After resting for a few minutes, Wei Bin led the people to the next level. They saw Murong Fu all the way away, and not far from Murong Fu, there were Duan Yu and Wang Yuyan.

"What's going on? Are there three bosses in this level? Do we have to defeat both Murong Fu and Duan Yu?" he asked, cutting the wire with a kitchen knife.

"Not exactly, we just need to kill Murong Fu and Wang Yuyan. As for Duan Yu, after killing Wang Yuyan, we can use the method of breaking out of the battle to get rid of Duan Yu's hatred! We will calculate the specific operation step by step. One step, follow my command!" Wei Bin said.

After saying that, Wei Bin was the first to rush forward. With a Ling Shen move, he flew to Murong Fu's side and launched an attack on Murong Fu!

When the others saw Wei Bin coming, they also followed him, with full firepower, and began to focus on Murong Fu.

"How dare you, Xiaoxiao, interfere with my plan to restore the country?" Seeing the arrival of Wei Bin and others, Murong Fu did not panic. In his eyes, Wei Bin and others were just a group of ants. Ants like them, He, Murong Fu, could easily crush a hundred of them to death!

Murong Fu is so confident, not without reason, and his confidence comes from his ability. Murong Fu is really too strong!

After shouting loudly, Murong Fu first used the Shenhe Finger move on Wei Bin. When Wei Bin saw that he was hit by the Shenhe Finger, he hurriedly retreated. He was also a Murong sect, and he knew the effect of the Shenhe Finger. What is it? After using it, a joint mark will be applied to the target. After that, every time you attack the target with a joint mark four times, you can recover 6 HP!

If a player had placed a participation mark on Wei Bin, then Wei Bin would definitely not take it seriously, because the player's health was very low, only four to five million at most. What would happen even if he recovered 6? At most, it only restores 20,000 to 30,000 health points. Wei Bin can kill him with more than 100,000 or 200,000 health points with just one strike. Who cares about this 6's health volume?

But Murong Fu is different. Murong Fu's blood volume is measured in hundreds of millions. What is 6 in 100 million? That’s 6 million blood! With 6 million HP, how long will Wei Bin have to fight? So if you can prevent Murong Fu from sucking blood, you must not let him suck blood!

"Haha, you seem to know the Kung Fu of our Murong family very well. If I guessed correctly, the move you just performed should also be the Kung Fu of our Murong family, the Lingshen style, right? Since you are also from our Murong family. Man, why are you going against me? Aren't you afraid of being called a traitor?" Murong Fu said.

"Noisy!" Wei Bin yelled. I don't have time to talk to you. What's more, you are clearly diverting my attention. You are not from the Murong family at all, so how can I be called a traitor? What about his reputation?

Unexpectedly, as soon as Wei Bin finished speaking, Murong Fu pointed his finger in the sky, and the next second, everyone except Wei Bin and Tian Jing fell to the ground!

"Damn it! Resurrect yourself and then run over here. Emei doesn't have time to save you!" Wei Bin ordered.

As soon as Wei Bin finished speaking, the bodies of the four people who had fallen to the ground and were still waiting for Tian Jing's resurrection suddenly disappeared. Obviously, they chose to leave their bodies!

After the player dies, there is a five-minute out-of-body period. During these five minutes, if Emei uses resurrection to resurrect them, then they can choose to resurrect in place. If Emei does not save them, after five minutes, they will be resurrected. They will be forced to leave the body and go to the resurrection point to resurrect. Of course, they can also choose not to wait for Emei's resurrection and choose to leave the body and go to the resurrection point to resurrect as soon as they die!

Obviously, when they first died, they did not want to leave their bodies. They wanted to lie there and wait for a peaceful resurrection, because if they left their bodies, they would return to the initial position after entering the dungeon. The location is really far away from here. It would take at least two or three minutes to just run. Moreover, they are not very familiar with the lotus leaf area. If they fly to the wrong lotus leaf, it will waste more of their time. time!

But now that Tian Jing has no time to resurrect them? Murong Fu's attack was very high. After all, An Jing wanted to put all her energy into Wei Bin. She wanted to ensure Wei Bin's safety and had no time to care about others, so Wei Bin let them choose to resurrect themselves!

And just after the four corpses disappeared, Wei Bin and Tian Jing also chose to evacuate. They escaped from the battle by staying away from Murong Fu. This is also a common method for players. Most bosses have units with hatred. , once the players leave this range, the boss will be full of blood and return to the original place!

Naturally, Wei Bin would not stand still and carry Murong Fu's output, waiting for the resurrection of four teammates. With his own output, it would be difficult to cause much damage to Murong Fu. On the contrary, their side would give Tian Jing It causes a huge burden. Although Tianjing has a lot of milk, it does not mean that Tianjing has unlimited mana. It is obviously unwise to spend it with Murong Fu here. Wait for all the teammates to arrive and deal with Murong Fu together. That’s the kingly way!

"What happened just now? Why did we die as soon as Murong Fu raised his hand? What skill does so much damage? Isn't this too abnormal? We have more than 3 million health points and can be killed by him with one move, so what else can others do? How to play?" It's a bit embarrassing to chop wires with a kitchen knife. What kind of magical damage is this? Millions of blood at once?

"Counterattack! His Counterattack is extremely powerful. After he activates Counterattack, even if we only attack him once, we will be killed immediately because of the damage of his Counterattack and the rebound. Same as me, the total damage from one second ago is multiplied by four. Our damage per second is so high, and the damage per minute is millions. After multiplied by four, who of us can withstand it and not die? Also, everyone, pay attention, Murong There are two hand-raising movements in total, namely Counterattack and Ice and Snow. These two hand-raising movements are almost the same. It is difficult for us to tell which movement is which skill! However, we don’t actually need to distinguish which one is which.

Who, because we can't afford to offend these two skills. No matter which skill he uses, we can only stay away. Therefore, for the sake of safety, as long as he raises his hand, no matter which skill it is, the only thing you can do is The only option is to escape. You must escape from his attack range as soon as possible. Even if you cannot escape from his attack range, you must stop the attack in time! "Wei Bin said.

"Gang leader, isn't Murong Fu's Ice and Snow Land an ice attribute attack? Our ice resistance has already reached the standard, so there's no need to leave his attack range, right? His ice swarm shouldn't pose any threat to us, right? We just need to stop attacking. Are you done?" Brother Li said, it was a bit embarrassing to stop the attack and stay out of Murong Fu's attack range at the same time!

If it was Die Wu or cutting the wires with a kitchen knife, it might be possible to complete this move, but for the other four people, this is simply an impossible task!

why would you say so?

Because the attack trajectory of the long-range sect has a dwell time, if they stand at the extreme attack distance of 20 meters and output, the missile's dwell time will be as long as 0.5 seconds. The 05-second dwell time may still appear in normal conditions. Nothing would come out, but if they faced Murong, it would be very fatal! For example, Brother Li stood at the extreme distance of 20 meters and attacked Murong Fu. When he realized that Murong Fu had started to use force to counterattack, he immediately stopped. However, the trajectory of his previous shot even The first two rounds had already been fired. In this way, although he reacted and stopped in time, the one or two rounds he had already fired could not be recovered, and there was only one thing waiting for him. All that's left is death!

And if you want to avoid this, it is not difficult. In fact, almost all melee sect players can avoid this, because they are close to Murong Fu. As long as they notice Murong Fu raising his hand, they will stop immediately. That’s it, you can definitely avoid yourself from rebounding to death!

In the same way, if their long-range sects also get close to Murong Fu, they can also avoid being bounced to death, because their projectiles have just left them and reached Murong Fu's body, and their airborne time is almost zero. !

Then the question is, if they are close to Murong Fu, how can they escape when Murong Fu uses Ice and Snow? This is why it is said that Die Wu and the one holding the kitchen knife to chop the wires can avoid Murong Fu's two skills at the same time, but others cannot. Die Wu and the one holding the kitchen knife to chop the wires have teleportation skills. As long as Murong Fu lifts his head, If he does it, no matter what move he uses, the two of them can dodge it as long as they teleport twenty meters away!

The other four people are out of luck. First of all, Wei Bin and Bingxue Hanxin, they will definitely have no problem evading Murong Fu's counterattack because they are in close combat. As long as they can react, It was not difficult to stop in time, and the ice and snow posed no threat to them, because their ice resistance had already reached the standard and could withstand Murong Fu's ice attack.

And what about tranquility? She would not attack Murong Fu at all, so Murong Fu's counterattack was of no use to her. And she also resisted Murong Fu to death, so the ice and snow were nothing to her!

In this team, there is only one person left, Brother Li. The most embarrassing one must be him. He is a long-range attack sect without teleportation skills. In the two skills of ice and snow and counterattack, he has He must give priority to avoiding those who use force to counterattack. He had just seen the scene where Murong Fu killed four of them instantly. The damage was too high. Therefore, at this moment, he could only bite the bullet and get close to Murong Fu. Go play as a melee player!

But there was one thing he didn't understand. Since the six of them had resisted Murong Fu to death, why did Wei Bin ask them to avoid the two skills of two Murong Fu at the same time? Isn't it enough to just avoid and take advantage of others' strength?

"No! You have to dodge both skills! Because Murong Fu's Ice and Snow Land is not only an ice attribute attack, but also mixed with another attack. We can't resist this attack! Let's do this, all of us will get up close Attack Murong Fu, and when he raises his hand, all of us will stop attacking. Diewu and you will teleport away with a kitchen knife to chop the wires, and then you will check the health of Tianjing. If she loses blood, That means that what Murong Fu used was Ice and Snow, rather than using force to counterattack. You can come back and continue attacking. If An Jing didn't lose blood, it means that what Murong Fu just used was using force to counterattack, not using force to counterattack. It's ice and snow, so don't continue to attack at this time! Everyone, please pay attention. Once you notice Murong Fu raising his hand, you must stop it in time! Don't harm yourself just for the sake of harm!" Wei Bin said.

There are actually two main points in Wei Bin's reminder. The first and most important point is to stop in time! If you want to defeat Murong Fu, what matters is not how high your output is, but your ability to react and stop in time. To achieve these two things, it seems easy, but it is actually difficult. It’s getting harder! First of all, some people react very slowly. When they react, it is already too late. Even if they attack Murong Fu at close range, their reflex arcs are relatively long and their reactions are slow, so their attacks cannot be stopped at all. live! And as long as their attacks hit Murong Fu, who has turned on the counter-attack state, they will definitely die! There is another kind of people who have fast enough reaction ability. If they stop in time, they can stop. However, some people just don’t stop because they are greedy for harm, especially when they are in a dangerous situation. In the magnified state, or when Murong Fu was magnified by Xishan Travel, many people couldn't hold him at all. They didn't want to stop, because in many magnified states, their damage was extremely high. In this case , their one attack can last two, or even three or four times. The temptation of this kind of high burst damage is not something that just anyone can resist! For example, a certain Tang Sect player has just accumulated their double burst status and will be able to deal tons of damage immediately. At this time, where are they willing to stop? At this time, their minds have been confused. They only have one thought in their minds at this time, and that is to hit him again. I won't hit him more, I just hit him once!

And it was this kind of thinking that sent them all to the grave one by one!

Beating Murong Fu's level is a matter of haste, waste of speed. When facing Murong Fu, they would rather fight less and spend a few more minutes, rather than rush for quick success or greed for harm, otherwise, they will surely be defeated. Pay for your own recklessness!

The second meaning expressed by Wei Bin is that Murong Fu's Ice and Snow Land. Although it seems to be just a group attack with ice attributes, Murong Fu's Ice and Snow Land is completely different from ordinary people's Ice and Snow Land. The ice and snow are not only ice attributes, but also mixed with other types of attacks. In other words, even if their ice resistance reaches the standard and they can resist Murong Fu to death, they will still be attacked by other types of attacks. Damage, this is why Wei Bin must let them dodge two skills. Try to dodge two skills. If you can't dodge, there's nothing you can do. After all, players from some sects really can't dodge, but if you have the ability If you want to hide, then you have to hide! Every time they receive less damage, Emei will be relieved of some pressure, and their hope of clearing the dungeon will be greater!

As for what happened to Diewu and Chopping the Wire with a kitchen knife after they teleported away, did they turn around and continue attacking Murong Fu, or did they continue to stop and wait a while before attacking Murong Fu? Regarding this point, Wei Bin also reminded them, that is, let them observe Tian Jing's blood volume!

Tranquility's blood volume was the only reference for them to identify what skills Murong Fu had used! Because among the six of them, only An Jing had not attacked Murong Fu, so she would not be affected by Murong Fu's counterattack at all. In other words, as long as she loses blood, any attack by Murong Fu would It must be a world of ice and snow, dancing with butterflies and taking


She could continue to attack by cutting the wires with a kitchen knife, and if she didn't lose blood, it meant that what Murong Fu used was a counterattack. In this case, the two of them had to wait for a while, waiting for Murong Fu's attack. After the counterattack is over, attack again!

You know, Murong Fu's world of ice and snow is not as obvious as Jiumozhi's group of fire. His world of ice and snow and Jiumozhi's group of fire can be said to be two extremes, one is overwhelming and ostentatious, the other is quietly low-key!

Although the swaggering skills will give people visual impact and psychological fear, in terms of scariness, the low-key skills are actually the scariest. For example, in front of you, Murong Fu's ice and snow world does not have that much. There are all kinds of bells and whistles, so it is difficult for players to find out the real details of Murong Fu! From this point of view, Murong Fu is still superior, he has already managed to restrain his breath!

"Let's go. Wife, please knock down Murong Fu's blood limit first, and the others will follow the plan!" After saying that, Wei Bin was the first to charge up again.

The Emei Sect's Sword-Destroying Style can reduce the target's upper blood limit by 10. This skill should be considered the most damaging skill when facing a boss, right? none of them!

Others also moved closer to Murong Fu, all in order to avoid Murong Fu's counterattack!

Soon, Murong Fu raised his hand again.

"Run!" Wei Bin yelled.

Before he finished speaking, Die Wu and Chop Wire with a kitchen knife had already appeared from another place. Both of them were masters, so how could they not see Murong Fu's movement of raising his hand? They had been staring at Murong Fu attentively!

Then, inconspicuous rays of light like snowflakes fell on everyone, and then everyone lost half of their health!

"Sure enough, Murong Fu has other attack methods. I didn't expect that we fought him to death, but in the end he lost half of his health. What kind of magical skill is this?" Bingxue Hanxin said.

"Murong Fu's Ice and Snow added a special damage, that is, anyone hit by the Ice and Snow will lose an additional 50 HP!" Wei Bin explained.

"In other words, those of us who have gone through the re-reform are on the same starting line as other players who have not re-reformed? Our health advantage is gone?" Tranquility asked.

"It's almost gone. Our only advantage in health is that your Pure Heart Universal Good Mantra can restore us some more health, giving us stronger resistance against Murong Fu's normal attacks!" Wei Bin explained .

Murong Fu's level is indeed relatively fair for everyone. In this level, Wei Bin and his team's rebuilding advantage has indeed been infinitely reduced, because Murong Fu's group attacks lose blood based on percentages. Under this mechanism, you have 100 million health points, which is no different from other players with 40 to 500 million health points! The only advantage of their rebuilding is that they can get more attribute points. Before the rebuilding, they could only get 2 free attribute points for each level. After the rebuilding, they can get 50 free attribute points for each level. This is a world of difference. In addition, they all added these attributes to their body skills, which gave them higher awareness, awareness defense, hit and dodge. These four attributes are very useful attributes when dealing with Murong Fu. This This should be their only advantage when dealing with Murong Fu after rebuilding!

In addition, there is another fair point in Murong Fu's level, that is, he used force to counterattack. Everyone is equal in front of borrowing force to counterattack, because no one can withstand the force to counterattack. After all, the damage caused by counterattack is too high. What he rebounds is the total damage he suffered in the past second, and then multiplied by four! Where does the number four here come from? First of all, without any guidance, the mechanism of the skill is to bounce back the total damage received in the past one second in the form of a knowing blow. Here, It has already been multiplied by 2. In addition, Murong Fu's counter-inflicted damage can also increase the damage by 100, which is multiplied by four!

Who can withstand this bomb-like damage? Calculated based on the fact that there are five thugs in a team, each person can attack twice per second, which is ten attacks. Moreover, the damage reflected by the counterattack is not the actual damage suffered by Murong Fu. It is the initial damage before defense and resistance are calculated, which is the player's panel damage. How many attacks the player has will reflect the damage. This means that assuming that the panel damage of a player with a limit of five is 50,000, then he attacks 10 times. That is 500,000 damage, and then multiplied by four, it is 2 million damage. In other words, if a player with a limit of 5 is bounced, he will suffer 2 million damage even if he is only bounced once. Which limit is reached? Five players have such high blood volume?

Let's take Wei Bin again. Assuming that the average panel damage of their team is 150,000, then the total damage of 10 attacks is 1.5 million, multiplied by 4, it is 6 million damage. Even Wei Bin, when he was killed by Murong Fu After the rebound, death is certain!

Some people may want to ask, since you resisted Murong Fu to death, but still have to bear such high damage, does that mean you can give up ice resistance?

That must be wrong!

No matter how much damage Murong Fu's ice swarm causes to you, you have to install ice resistance, because the damage of 50 blood limit attached to Murong Fu's ice and snow is damage other than ice attacks. This means that if you don't have If you are ice resistant, you will take more damage! Take Wei Bin and the others as an example. If they didn't have ice resistance, Murong Fu's ice and snow alone would be able to kill more than half of their health, and then add an additional damage of 50 health. In other words, Murong Fu's You can kill them instantly with the Ice and Snow!

As for players from other major forces, if they don't have ice resistance, let alone the additional 50 damage, they can't even withstand Murong Fu's own ice damage, because a world of ice and snow can do it. Caused about 2 million damage! Which of them has 2 million blood? The ice resistance is just to allow them to withstand the ice-type damage from Murong Fu's Bingtianxueji. It must be embedded no matter what! And the 50 HP added by Murong Fu should actually be considered a dungeon difficulty level! This is because only the legendary difficulty level Yanziwu can say this. In other difficulty dungeons, if you resist Murong Fu’s ice attribute, you will indeed not lose blood!

Except for Die Wu, who was able to chop wires with a kitchen knife and had teleportation skills to avoid Murong Fu's ice and snow move, the other four people all lost half of their health!

Next, it will be a bit difficult to fight, because Murong Fu's group attacks also have no pattern of release, and with the amount of milk of one person, it is difficult for her to increase the blood volume of these four people, because Murong Fu's output is not only Reflected in his group attacks, his normal attacks are also some of the strongest!

That's right! Murong Fu's normal attack is very special. He has no attack power of his own. His damage is entirely reflected in his passive attack skills! Who was Murong Fu? He is Murong Fu from Nan Murong and North Qiao Peak. Although he is just a fake Murong Fu, how could he pretend to be Murong Fu without any skills?

The effect of Murong Fu's normal attack is to cause damage to the target with a maximum HP of 10 each time!

I am naughty! This is a bit abnormal. Although Murong Fu himself has no attack value, each attack can cause damage with a maximum HP of 10, which is quite powerful! Even more powerful than those high-attack bosses!

Fortunately, Murong Fu's attack frequency is relatively low. He can only attack once per second, but he can't bear it once. If there is no Emei bonus, wouldn't it be possible to kill one person in 10 seconds? Who can stop this? How many Emeis must be in this team to be able to survive? There must be at least two Emeis to resist damage and survive!

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