Game within game of online games

Chapter 910 Breaking the Sky Style

Although Wei Bin took action a little later than Murong Fu, his moves came late and arrived first before Murong Fu's scouting generals arrived at An Jing's body!

I saw the word "Immunity" emerging from the top of Tian Jing's head. Murong Fu's expedition to the camp failed to seal An Jing, and he avoided Murong Fu's expedition to the camp through immunity, not dodge!

That's right, what Wei Bin used on Tian Jing was the magic skill he obtained from Tago - expulsion!

Banishment can give the target a control-free environment that lasts for 11 seconds. This skill is the same as Baptism, Guardian Angel, and Emei's Pure Heart Universal Charm. It is the kind of skill that can reach the target instantly as soon as you finish casting the spell. The skill itself has no ballistics, so Wei Bin was able to do it. Although he cast the spell later than Murong Fu, he was able to do it later! ??

Seeing that Tian Jing was not under control, Murong Fu was a little annoyed for a moment. Originally, Tian Jing only had 20 HP left. Murong Fu, who was in the Lingshen form, only needed one attack to kill Tian Jing, even if Tian Jing was killed. If you put on a shield yourself, it's just a matter of two attacks! But for such a simple thing, he couldn't kill Tranquility. In fact, he watched Tranquility's blood volume soar from 20 to 84, which was almost full. How could he not be annoyed? It doesn't matter that Wei Bin's dodge is high. After all, he is a main battle member. It's understandable that a main battle member has high dodge, but why does a nanny like you have such a high dodge? In Murong Fu's eyes, Tian Jing had indeed avoided his attack through his own dodge attribute!

Immediately afterwards, Murong Fu threw another Qi Transformation move. He was ready to take a gamble. He chose the pointer that was sure to hit and blind him. This pointer was very powerful and most Emei people would choose this pointer. , and as long as An Jing chooses this guidance, she will undoubtedly die. Even if Murong Fu can't kill her for three to four seconds of blindness, he can still cripple her, and then use a powerful move of the first level. Just control your skills! If things don't work out, he can still activate the Heaven-Breaking Style!

I saw that the gas-forming ballistic missile fired by Murong Fu flew very accurately in the direction of Tian Jing, but after he hit Tian Jing, he still failed to restrict Tian Jing's freedom. Tian Jing still moved towards the direction away from Murong Fu. Escape for your life!

"Damn it, she didn't choose that guidance? What a fool. If you don't choose such a powerful guidance, what kind of guidance did you choose?" Murong Fu thought in his heart. Obviously, even now, Murong Fu She still didn't realize that Tian Jing was not immune to his control through the control-free environment. It was possible that she did not select the blinding skill for the Blind Eye skill, or that she relied on her own dodge attribute to dodge his skill. Compared to Under the circumstances, Murong Fu preferred the former. After all, he was just an Emei. How could his dodge be so high that he could dodge two of his control skills in a row? Isn't this incredible?

Blind method: Single target long-range attack, hitting the target has a chance to blind the target for 3 seconds, with a cooldown time of 40 seconds.

Tip 1: Increase the damage caused by 50. Zhenwu: Damage caused increased by 100

Tip 2: Increase the probability of blindness to 100 and increase the cooling time by 8 seconds. Zhenwu: Increase the blindness probability to 100 and ensure the hit, and the cooldown time is increased by 8 seconds.

Tip 3: It will no longer cause blindness but will definitely reduce the target's internal and external attack by 30 for 12 seconds. Zhenwu: No longer causes blindness but will definitely reduce all attacks of the target by 15 for 12 seconds.

Tip 4: Increase the blindness time by 2 seconds. Zhenwu: Increase the blindness time by 3 seconds.

Let’s take a look at the four tips on the skill of Blind Eye. Blind Eye is an output and control skill. This skill itself is harmful. It is not like the Murong Sect’s Exploring the Camp and the Ming Cult’s Sunflower Acupuncture Hand and other control skills. It only has control skills. The effect itself does no harm! The blinding method is harmful, and it is precisely because the skill itself is harmful, so it has this first pointer, which increases the damage by 100. It can be said that this skill itself is prepared for output-type Emei. You must know , although Emei is positioned as a wet nurse, the wet nurse route is not the only route of the Emei sect. Can't Emei be output? Emei has a violent output route, and the point in front of me is one of the output points in output-type Emei!

Of course, there are not many people in Emei who choose to play output, so this advice is considered unpopular. Basically, few people will choose this advice. If you think about it, even Tian Jing and his group have not chosen this advice. So, then Who else would choose this guidance? The output of Tranquility and the others is already high enough, right?

The second pointer can be said to be the most popular of the four pointers of the blind method. Think about it, even Anjing and the others chose this pointer. This is enough to explain a lot of problems, right? This is a sure fate and blindness! You know, if you want to rely on blinding to blind your opponent, you need to meet two conditions at the same time. The first is that the blinding skill itself must hit the opponent. If you can't even hit the opponent, how can you blind the opponent? ?

And even if you hit the opponent, you can't say that you can blind the opponent, because the blindness of the blind method itself has a certain probability, and it is not a 100% hit. If you want to blind the opponent, you must trigger the chance of blindness. Okay, only if these two conditions are met at the same time can the target be blinded! And why has the second pointer become so popular? Why do most Emei people choose this advice? It is because this pointer can make the blinding technique meet these two conditions at the same time. It can make the skill sure to hit and at the same time make it 100% blind. I wonder, can such a pointer not be popular?

The third pointer, although it can no longer cause blindness, can reduce the target's output, and all outputs. As an auxiliary, this pointer is not bad, after all, it can limit the opponent's output!

The fourth pointer is purely based on chance. It’s okay not to be blind. Once the opponent is blinded, it will be very fatal. Generally speaking, the blind method can blind the opponent for four seconds under normal conditions. After this pointer, you can Blind for 7 seconds, this enhancement is already very powerful! How many control skills are there in this world that can control something for 7 seconds? Absolutely very few!

However, among these four tips, no matter how you look at it, the second tip is the most practical. After all, it is 100% hit and 100% blind. This is a stable control. Even a small Emei with 0 hits can still hit a 100 million The master of dodge!

And with such an awesome pointer, An Jing didn't make a choice? What was going on in her mind? Murong Fu was puzzled!

Seeing the blindness, Tian Jing was not blinded. Murong Fu had no choice but to throw out the last control skill, the first level strong control skill!


However, An Jing was still running away freely and unhindered. Seeing this, Murong Fu understood everything!

"Damn it, you dare to trick me?" For a moment, a sense of humiliation arose in Murong Fu's heart!

Where is the high dodge on this horse? No matter how high the dodge is, can you dodge three of his skills at the same time? It's not that An Jing's blindness was caused by the fact that he would inevitably become blind if he didn't choose. Before, Murong Fu had been thinking in the wrong direction. He An Jing was immune to control! They have activated the control-free skill! That’s why I was immune to three control skills in a row!

"You forced me!" After saying that, Murong Fu decisively rubbed Mo Shangxing's soles with oil, activated his acceleration skills to hunt down Tian Jing, Tian Jing must die!

Murong Fu, who had activated the acceleration skill, naturally moved faster than Tian Jing. Soon, Murong Fu caught up with Tian Jing who was escaping.

One sword, two swords, three swords.

Tian Jing only had a total of 84 HP. Since Murong Fu's Lingshen Style bonus effect was still there, he could cut off 20 of Tian Jing's HP with each strike. With three cuts, he directly cut off 60 of Tian Jing's HP. It can be said that Tianjing's situation is already very precarious!

However, at this moment, Wei Bin handed over his first-level strong control skill. He no longer cared about whether he would be released by his other actions.


His most important task now is to protect Tranquility. Once Tranquility dies, what can he do even if Tranquility is not revolted? As long as Tian Jing dies, they will definitely be destroyed! Therefore, tranquility cannot die!

Just when Murong Fu was about to launch his next attack, Wei Bin's strong control skills firmly controlled him in place, motionless!

Tranquil, finally have a chance to breathe again!

Ten seconds were enough for Tranquility to do a lot of things. With the help of Tranquility herself and Wei Bin's baptism, Tranquility's blood volume returned to full health directly after the force control.

But Wei Bin was miserable. During the ten-second period of forced control, the frequent attacks of the other five of them did trigger Murong Fu's "Bi Xing Wo Release". After all, as long as they attacked more times, even if "Bi Xing Wo Release" No matter how low the triggering probability is, it can still be triggered. In ten seconds, each person can attack 20 times. Five people attacked Murong Fu 100 times in total. If Murong Fu was attacked 100 times, it would not be able to trigger Bi Xing Wo Shi. If so, is he going too far?

As soon as the control effect on Murong Fu ended, Murong Fu rebounded the first-level strong control skill Wei Bin had applied to him with one move, and firmly controlled Wei Bin for ten seconds!

At this time, Murong Fu changed his mind. He was no longer obsessed with Tianjing, because he no longer had the acceleration skill, nor the cutting-in skill of Lingshen Style, nor any control skills. It was completely useless for him to pursue Tianjing now!

Instead, he focused his target on Wei Bin, who had just been controlled by him. You know, Wei Bin was by his side at this time! It was so easy for him to kill Wei Bin!

"Strange, why is my attack slower? Just now I felt that my movement speed was slower than before. I thought it was just my illusion, but now" Murong Fu was suspicious in his heart.

Just now, when he was chasing Tian Jing, he obviously felt that his movement speed was not as good as Tian Jing's. Even if he did not activate the acceleration skill, his movement speed should be the same as Tian Jing's, but he clearly felt that he The movement speed of Tian Jing seemed not as fast as that of Tian Jing. At first, he thought it was just his illusion, or that Tian Jing had some acceleration skills, but now? Now he doesn't think so, because not only has his movement speed slowed down, he feels that his attack speed has also slowed down. Normally, his maximum attack speed is one attack per second, but now, he feels that his attack speed has slowed down. It takes more than a second to attack once. It's weird, it's really weird!

That's right! It is Wei Bin's degenerate aura that is at work!

The degradation aura greatly reduces the movement speed and attack speed of nearby enemy units within 100 meters by 30%, and the deceleration effect ignores immunity.

Wei Bin's degradation aura can reduce the enemy's movement speed and attack speed by 30%. This is a very powerful skill!

Imagine that his movement speed was suddenly reduced by 30%. How could Murong Fu catch up with him? And reducing the attack speed by 30 is equivalent to reducing the output by 30. What is the most important thing? The most important thing is that this is a halo skill, and halo skills ignore the control-free environment. Therefore, even if Murong Fu is naturally immune to control, it cannot offset the negative effects of the degraded halo!

This was terrible. His attack speed was suddenly reduced by 30. How could he kill Wei Bin in ten seconds? What's more, there is a quiet person not far away who can stop at any time to replenish Wei Bin's health?

"What are you waiting for? If we don't come, none of us can escape!" Seeing that the situation was not good, Murong Fu glanced in the direction of Duan Yu and Wang Yuyan!

At this time, Murong Fu has lost half of his health. According to the dungeon mechanism, when Murong Fu loses to half of his health, Duan Yu will also come in to join the battle!

"Mr. Duan, my cousin seems to be in some trouble. Why don't you go over and help a bunch of cousins?" Wang Yuyan said nervously.

"Okay, Miss Wang, leave it to me!" Duan Yu seemed to have seen an opportunity to express himself.

After saying that, Duan Yu teleported over with a single move of Lingbo Weibu!

"Diewu, Cai Dao, you two go and kill Wang Yuyan. We will hold Duan Yu away. After killing Wang Yuyan, everyone should stay away from them and get out of the fighting state!" Wei Bin commanded.

This battle was far more difficult than Wei Bin imagined! Fortunately, before he attacked Murong Fu, he did not stop for too long with the plan of breaking the record in the future, because he knew that this was their first time to attack Yanziwu and their first time to attack Murong Fu. Murong Fu was really too difficult. He must leave enough time for this level. Even if he has plans to break the record in the future, he must ensure that his current team can pass the level. The reserved time can be left until Finally, when Murong Fu still had the last trace of blood left, he would delay time!

And why did Wei Bin send Die Wu and two people with kitchen knives to chop wires to kill Wang Yuyan?

Because this is a game mechanism, the dungeon mechanism is that as long as Wang Yuyan dies and their entire team moves away from Duan Yu to escape the battle, then Duan Yu will return to the original position, even if Wei Bin and others continue to attack Murong Fu later Duan Yu will not continue to participate in the war, because the prerequisite for Duan Yu to participate in the war is that Wang Yuyan allows him to participate in the war, and Wang Yuyan is already dead. Duan Yu will not listen to Murong Fu's command. Murong Fu is Duan Yu's love rival. The reason why Duan Yu was willing to help Murong Fu was because he wanted to show off to Wang Yuyan. Wang Yuyan was already dead, who else could he show off to?

And why did Wei Bin send Die Wu and two people with kitchen knives to chop wires to perform this task? Because both of them have teleportation skills, after they kill Wang Yuyan, they will definitely attract revenge from Duan Yu. In this case, the two of them obviously have the means of teleportation to escape. The probability is the highest, because Murong Fu will definitely not miss the opportunity to cooperate with Duan Yu to kill people!

After receiving Wei Bin's instructions, the two immediately dropped what they were doing and shifted their target to Wang Yuyan!

Wang Yuyan is just a weak woman with no strength. How can she withstand the indiscriminate bombardment of two people? In less than ten seconds, before Duan Yu could react, Wang Yuyan had already fallen to the ground!

"Cousin, Mr. Duan, I'll go first." After saying that, Wang Yuyan fell to the ground in a pool of blood.

"Miss Wang!"


Duan Yu and Murong Fu shouted in unison.

"Run! Everyone evacuate, run far away, and get out of combat!" Wei Bin ordered.

After saying that, he was the first to activate Mo Shangxing, preparing to leave the battlefield.

In just a few seconds, Wei Bin was already overwhelmed. Just now, Wei Bin became the target of Duan Yu and Murong Fu's anger because he was controlled. He was a living target!

It is precisely because he has no status anymore that he wants to escape as soon as the control effect ends!

"Hmph! Want to run away? It's not that easy!" As soon as he finished speaking, Duan Yu used a magic skill to firmly control Wei Bin in place as he was about to take steps!

Murong Fu no longer has control skills in his hand, but it doesn't mean that Duan Yu doesn't have control skills in his hands! Although the magical skill of snapping fingers only adds an immobilizing effect, for Wei Bin who wants to escape, an immobilizing effect is enough.

The two of them are not fools. Although Wang Yuyan was killed by Die Wu and cutting the wires with a kitchen knife, the two of them were not dazzled by hatred. Their goal was to destroy everyone in a group, not just to kill. Diewu and Wei Bin are about to die now. Naturally, they will not give up on killing Wei Bin because Diewu and Wang Yuyan are the direct murderers!

"Leave me alone, you go first!" Wei Bin shouted!

However, the next second, Wei Bin fell directly to the ground!

The other few people had already crossed the sea and evacuated as if they were magical. The fastest ones were Tranquility and Brother Li. Because they had no means of escape, they were waiting for Wei Bin to give the signal to retreat. , so when they heard the word "de-war", they ran away and didn't care at all! Because they are the only ones with no escape skills, the stupid bird flies first, so naturally they have to pay attention to Wei Bin's orders at all times!

And what about Bingxuehanxin? Seeing that the two of them started to evacuate, he directly activated Yiwei to cross the river and ran ahead of the others. There was no way, the effect of accelerating by 50% was far beyond what Anjing and the others could compare with!

And what about Diewu and the two people who were cutting wires with kitchen knives?

The two of them are even more direct. Although they are the deepest into the battlefield, the least likely to escape, and the last to start evacuating, they have teleportation skills. They can teleport twenty meters directly! With one teleport move, they left the battlefield immediately. Who could be faster than the two of them?

Soon, all five people in the team were preparing to leave the battlefield in their own ways, except for the dying Wei Bin!

In the end, Murong Fu and Duan Yu also succeeded in killing Wei Bin!

However, just after Wei Bin died, a vision suddenly occurred. Wei Bin did not form a corpse after his death, but turned into the sea and turned into rough waves, involving Murong Fu and Duan Yu! ??

That's right! This is Wei Bin’s off-hand weapon, the skill of Tian Cong Yun Sword, rain!

After Bu Yu dies, he will turn into the sea and deal a fierce blow to the enemy. He will be resurrected in full state after 10 seconds, with a cooldown time of 24 hours.

I think back then, when Wei Bin and others attacked the Yamatamon in the border city, this skill was used to resurrect the Yamatamon after death!

After Wei Bin died, he turned into the sea. This vast ocean can be controlled by Wei Bin himself. Wherever he wants the vast ocean to flow, the ocean can flow. Whoever he wants the ocean to drown can be drowned. !

And now, Wei Bin is using his vast ocean to block the sight of Murong Fu and Duan Yu, and then cover the retreat of his teammates!

While Wei Bin interfered with Murong Fu and Duan Yu's sight, he could also separate a small river and flow in the direction of his teammates. Ten seconds later, all the vast oceans disappeared, but Wei Bin was not where he was. Resurrected, but appeared directly next to his teammates!

That's right, when Wei Bin died, he turned into the vast ocean. Every drop of water in this vast ocean was Wei Bin himself. After ten seconds, he could choose any place with water to be reborn. At the same time, The water in this vast ocean is under his control. He has just branched off a small river and flowed in the direction of his teammates. His purpose is to seek a safe resurrection environment for himself. If he doesn't If he does, after he is resurrected, he will still be within the attack range of Murong Fu and Duan Yu. By then, Murong Fu's control skills will have cooled down, and he will have to die again, and that death will be the real death! By then, he will not be able to be resurrected and will have to go to the resurrection point to be resurrected. In that case, a lot of time will be wasted!

"Damn it, Gang Leader, your move is too cool! You're just trying to escape from your golden cicada's shell. Then you don't have to die anymore?" He said with envy as he cut the wires with a kitchen knife.

He didn't know how Wei Bin was resurrected, nor did he know where Wei Bin's move came from!

"It's not as powerful as you think. If it's really like you said, wouldn't I be invincible?" Wei Bin said.

To be honest, this skill is really powerful, because this vast ocean is damaging and can cause 100,000 points of damage to players every second, and the vast ocean can last for 10 seconds. In other words, even the player with the highest combat effectiveness at the moment, if he has not experienced If he fails to re-repair, he will definitely die. This is 1 million damage. Who has 1 million blood?

However, although it is powerful, it also has a slight weakness, and that is the cooling time, which is as high as 24 hours. This means that in a battle, Wei Bin can only rely on this skill to resurrect once. What kind of The battle can't last 24 hours!

Due to their escape from the battle, both Murong Fu and Duan Yu returned to their original starting positions. Due to the dungeon mechanism, as long as Murong Fu loses hatred, in addition to returning to the original point, his health will be instantly full.

"Murong Fu is full of blood, do we want to fight again? This" Although he said this with a kitchen knife to chop the wires, it spoke out what everyone was feeling!

Yes, this is too

If it was just an ordinary boss, let alone fight it again, even if it was fought ten times, there would be no problem. But Murong Fu is too strong. Just now they only defeated half of Murong Fu's health. They were extremely tired, because they needed to be highly vigilant at all times, otherwise, if they were slightly negligent, they might fall into Murong Fu's Ice World or use his strength to counterattack. Either of these two skills would be enough for them to drink a pot!

Moreover, this was only the first half of Murong Fu's blood. During this period, Murong Fu only used counterattack once. What does this mean? It shows that Murong Fu still has some spare strength, and Murong Fu didn't use all his strength at all! Moreover, Murong Fu hasn't used his ultimate move yet. Murong's ultimate move, Sky Breaking Style, combined with Murong Fu's special attack method, is his ultimate killer!

Just imagine, in order to be able to stop Murong Fu in time when he started to use force to counterattack, this group of people had no choice but to get close to Murong Fu. This directly resulted in the position of the six of them being very concentrated. One thing, it can be seen from Murong Fu's move of Yaoyang Forest just now. The range of action of Yaoyang Forest is five meters, and Murong Fu's move of Yaoyang Forest immobilized all six of them! And what about the Breaking Heaven Style? The range of action of the Sky Breaking Style is also five meters, and Murong Fu's Sky Breaking Style also has a paralysis effect, and it also summons a flying sword in 05 seconds. Although the flying sword lands at random, there is still a high chance of hitting it. Theirs, once they hit them, they will collectively lose 10 blood! It's okay to let Tian Jing nurse one person specifically. If Tian Jing cooperates with Wei Bin's baptism, he can only nurse two people at most. But there are six of them. Once they fall prey to Murong Fu's Heaven-breaking Style, then they will only be able to nurse It's a blessing to be able to seek for yourself and rely on your own blood to regain your health. An Jing can't even take care of it!

Murong Fu has not yet handed in the Breaking Heaven Style, so it can be seen that Murong Fu's blood in the second half of the blood vessel is more difficult to hit!

It's such a powerful boss, and now they actually have to attack it all over again. This is a little bit...

"We have no choice but to do this. This is the way to defeat Murong Fu. Even if the gods come, he will have to defeat him in this way, because Duan Yu's damage is too high. Just one Murong Fu has already overwhelmed us. Where can we go?" Do you have the energy to deal with Duan Yu? Everything we did just now was just to force Duan Yu to join the war, because only if Duan Yu joins the war can we have the opportunity to kill Wang Yuyan, and only if Wang Yuyan dies, Duan Yu will not To participate in the subsequent battle, Murong Fu must be captured twice. The first time is to lure Duan Yu, and the second time is to actually capture Murong Fu! Brothers, we have a long way to go! Okay. , let’s start the war, we don’t have much time!” Wei Bin explained.

This is the routine for conquering Murong Fu. Why is the dungeon of Yanziwu so difficult? In addition to having high requirements on players' resistance and other combat power factors, this dungeon also has extremely high requirements on players in terms of time. This Dungeons are different from other dungeons. In other dungeons, you have a lot of time to waste. Even if your team is destroyed, you still have enough time to organize the team again, rest the team, and fight again! But Yanziwu is different. This dungeon itself only lasts for 60 minutes. After 60 minutes, if you haven't cleared the level yet, I'm sorry, you will be sent out of the dungeon directly and declared failed!


To be honest, Yanziwu really doesn’t leave much time for players. Let’s see how long it took Wei Bin and the others? It took them twenty minutes to reach Duan Yanqing. It took them twenty minutes to reach Jiumozhi in the second level, including the dozen or so waves of soldiers. In other words, they had already spent twenty minutes in the first two levels. It took them forty minutes. It would take them forty minutes to complete such a high combat effectiveness. If it were another team, how long would it take? The third level, if the attack on Murong Fu goes well, it will probably take ten minutes. This is already fifty minutes. They don't have much time at all!

Time is also one of the requirements for players!

In this way, the six people came to Murong Fu in groups again. As before, in order to avoid being rebounded to death by Murong Fu's counterattack, the six of them got close to Murong Fu so that they could recover in time. hand!

Soon, with everyone's careful and unremitting efforts, they once again reduced Murong Fu's health to half. At this time, because Wang Yuyan was dead, Duan Yu did not step forward to help Murong Fu. This is the game mechanism!

And if you think Murong Fu is just here for a while, if you think they are about to see the dawn of victory, then you are wrong!

Just when everyone was happy, Murong Fu went crazy!

I saw Murong Fu pointing his finger towards the sky, and a huge sword flew into the sky with lightning speed. Before everyone could react, it had landed hard on the ground, blossomed among the crowd, and hit the target. Everyone here is not spared!

Collectively, we lost 10 blood!

That's right, it is the secret skill of the Murong sect and one of the main output skills of the Murong sect, the Sky-shattering style!

"Who can compete with me when I break the sky?" Murong Fu laughed.

"Retreat, everyone, retreat!" After saying that, Wei Bing just wanted to control Murong Fu. Unexpectedly, the giant sword in the Sky-breaking Style was so fast. When he realized that Murong Fu had activated the Sky-breaking Style, I have been hit by Murong Fu's Heaven-shattering style!

Wei Bin must use his control skills. If he doesn't control Murong Fu, at least one person will die during their escape, or even more, because after Murong Fu wakes up, he will definitely chase and kill one person, and he will break the sky. The style is centered on him, and the giant sword of the Breaking Sky Style will land within five meters around him, and the action range of the giant sword is also a radius of five meters, which means that as long as he is close to a person, , then no matter where this giant sword lands, it will affect the person next to him!

Moreover, as long as any of Murong Fu's skills has a pointing effect, then all four of his skills will have a pointing effect. What is the pointing effect of the Breaking Heaven Style?

The cooldown time of Sky Breaking Style is 45 seconds. When the skill is released, up to 10 targets within a radius of 15 meters will be slowed down by 50 for 3 seconds. After releasing the skill, it enters the sky-shattering state, which lasts for 8 seconds. In this state, a flying sword will be summoned every 1 second within a five-meter range. After the flying sword lands, it will cause a large amount of damage to all targets within a five-meter range. and a one-second paralysis effect.

Point a flying sword to bring a 4-second deceleration effect. The Zhenwu Flying Sword carries a 3-second paralysis effect.

If used when the HP of Point 2 is lower than 50, the summoning interval of the flying sword will be reduced to 05 seconds. The summoning interval of Zhenwu Feijian is reduced to 05 seconds.

Tip 3: Attacking in the Sky-shattering state has a 25% chance of causing 200 extra damage from the flying sword to the target. In the state of breaking the sky, Zhenwu has a 50% chance of causing an additional 200 damage from the flying sword to the target.

Point 4 does not summon flying swords in the area, but summons a flying sword to the designated target every second. Zhenwu does not summon flying swords in the area, but summons a flying sword to the designated target every second for 10 seconds.

First of all, the moment it is first used, the Breaking Sky Style will decelerate the hostile forces within 15 meters by 50% for three seconds. It can be said that this effect is very suitable for the damage of this skill, because the damage of the Breaking Sky Style is really strong. It's too high. When most people see the Murong Sect releasing the Sky-breaking Style, their first reaction will definitely be to run away, and this slowing effect of 50 can exactly slow down their escape speed, and its fit is very high!

What? Now that the player's skills have no release effect, other players will not be able to tell that the Murong faction player used the Sky Breaking Style?

Yes, they really can't see it, but don't you think you can feel it? Both himself and the baby were hurt, and both were slowed down. Anyone who knows how to play games can react!

Next, the sky-breaking giant sword will land one at a time. The location of its landing is random, and it will randomly land within a range of five meters around the caster. At the same time, the action range of the giant sword is also five meters!

And this is just the release frequency of the Breaking Heaven Style under normal circumstances. As mentioned earlier, in Murong Fu’s skills, everything that can be pointed will have four pointing effects at the same time, and in the second pointing of the Breaking Heaven Style, If the caster's HP is less than 50, the release frequency of Breaking Heaven Style will become once every 05 seconds. In other words, the release frequency is doubled, which is a bit awesome. Murong Fu's normal attack frequency It's once every second. If you include being suppressed by Wei Bin's degraded aura, it takes him 13 seconds to attack once. What about the Sky-breaking Style? Sky Breaking Style is a skill that is continuously released and will not be affected by the degradation halo. It can be released once every 05 seconds. This frequency is almost three times that of a normal attack! As for now, Murong Fu's blood volume has just dropped to 49, which is just enough to trigger this pointing effect!

This is a bit awesome. It is a range skill or a group attack skill. If it is used in a crowd, it will be useless?

And what about the first pointing effect of the Breaking Heaven Style? That would be even more awesome! Anyone hit by the Sky-breaking Style will be paralyzed for three seconds. How can this be fun? You must know that the release frequency of Murong Fu's Breaking Heaven Style is once every 0.5 seconds, and judging from the range of action and landing range of the Breaking Sky Style, it is very likely to cause multiple injuries to them, and it only takes three seconds. , if they are hit twice by the Sky Breaking Style, they will always be paralyzed, because the second paralysis refreshes the paralysis time, and the paralysis time must be calculated based on the start of the second paralysis. In other words, as long as anyone in this group of people is hit by Murong Fu's first giant sword, he can basically throw the keyboard and wait for death! The second, third, and even fourth giant sword is waiting for him!

But now, Wei Bin's team can be said to have arrived home. Murong Fu's first giant sword successfully hit all of them. After all, their positions were too dense. This is how powerful Murong Fu is. Well, you can't avoid all of Murong Fu's skills. You may be able to avoid his counter-attack by getting closer to Murong Fu. After all, the closer the distance is, after seeing Murong Fu's counter-attack, you can Stop in time to avoid being killed by his rebound! However, there are advantages and disadvantages. While you are avoiding Murong Fu's counterattack, you must be mentally prepared to withstand Murong Fu's Breaking Heaven Style, because the closer you are to Murong Fu, the higher the chance of being hit by the Heaven Breaking Style. The bigger it gets, and as long as it is hit by the Sky Breaking Style, death is not far away!

It is actually very simple to avoid the Sky-breaking Style, that is, stay away from Murong Fu and attack Murong Fu at the extreme distance. The Sky-breaking Style has a radius of only five meters, and its landing position is also within the radius of the caster. That is to say , the Sky-breaking Style can hit targets up to ten meters away. As long as you stand ten meters away, you don't have to worry about the threat of the Sky-breaking Style at all! But in this case, how should you avoid Murong Fu's counterattack? You must know that the threat posed to players by the Murong Sect's counterattack is much greater than that of the Breaking Heaven Style! Counterattack is a skill that kills and hurts anyone who touches it. As long as you hit Murong Fu who has Counterattack enabled, you will definitely kill yourself instantly!

This is the power of Murong Fu. You can only avoid one of Murong Fu's two major killing moves, Counterattack and Sky Breaking Move. No matter which one you choose to avoid, you must be prepared to be slaughtered by the other skill. Be mentally prepared!

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