But position six is ​​an ally, and the ally will become stronger in the later stages, so the bug must take action now! He can't delay the later stage with an ally!

And why did he choose Kirov? Because Kirov was the only way for the Soviet army to win after the Allied forces formed a large scale. Relying on Apocalypse alone would not work. Kirov must be used!

Furthermore, the player in position 6 did not build an anti-aircraft vehicle, because the player in position 5 did not use the air force to attack him at all, so he naturally would not waste resources and time building a useless anti-aircraft vehicle!

But now it's different. When No. 6 saw the insect in the chariot factory, he no longer built Apocalypse, but instead built Kirov. He deeply felt a murderous intention. He knew that the insect was here. He is ready to attack him. The bug will not allow him to continue to develop, otherwise the bug will not be able to defeat him in the future!

Seeing that the bugs had emerged from Kirov, the player at position six also hurriedly canceled the construction of the Prism Tank and replaced it with an anti-aircraft vehicle, and there were a large number of anti-aircraft vehicles. Not only anti-aircraft vehicles, but also began to build anti-aircraft guns at home!

You know, Kirov is not that easy to deal with!

The Kirov construction model of the insect has its own ideas. First of all, whether it is a tank factory or a barracks, you can set up gathering points for tanks or barracks. This means that after these tanks and soldiers come out, they can go directly to Gather at the designated location! The bugs directly set the gathering point to the left of the center of the map, which is closer to position 2!

Why does the bug set it up like this? Because he wants these Kirovs to form a line, and every Kirov on this line is the same distance from the home of No. 6. In this way, he will send these Kirovs later. When attacking position 6, these Kirovs will arrive at the home of position 6 at the same time!

This operation basically eliminates the phenomenon of Calabash Boys rescuing Grandpa. If your assembly point is not set appropriately, then in the future some Kirovs will definitely arrive first, and some Kirovs will arrive later, and those who arrive first will Kirov's beating will surely be in vain! After the Kirov in the back arrived, the Kirov in the front was already dead. In this way, the phenomenon of Calabash Baby saving Grandpa was formed! Kirov must arrive at the same time to be powerful!

Maybe someone wants to say something, but after talking for a long time, there is still no explanation why Kirov should be pulled into a line. If you want Kirov to go together, you can set the gathering point at home and wait for all the Kirovs. After gathering together, wouldn’t it be enough to go there together? Why does it have to be drawn in a straight line?

The answer to this question will be revealed soon!

In addition to building Kirovs, the bugs also built a large number of anti-aircraft troops to deal with the flying troops at position six!

The assembly points of the anti-aircraft troops in the Bug Bar were set up together with Kirov's assembly point. The reason is very simple. Since the Soviet army has a way to deal with the Allied light prism tanks that have begun to take shape, the Allies will naturally have the ability to crack the Soviet army's A method of a method!

But for ordinary experts, this is the end, the Soviet army has no way to crack the Allied methods!

But who is the insect? Is he an ordinary master? Just because ordinary masters can't do it doesn't mean that the bugs can't do it either. The bugs set up the assembly point of the barracks and the tank factory together, which is exactly the way to crack the Allied forces' method!

After the first air defense soldier arrived at the designated assembly point, the bug immediately selected one of the air defense soldiers, and then pressed the shortcut key t for selecting all, which immediately selected all the air defense soldiers! Immediately afterwards, he pressed the s key again. The s key is the shortcut key for on-site alert. After pressing it, all the air defense soldiers stood in place, forming a line from the barracks to the assembly point!

After the anti-aircraft troops were built, the bug made another row of Yuri, arranged in a line in the same way!

After Kirov also arrived at the designated assembly point, the bug also used the same operation, allowing Kirov to form a straight line!

In Chongzi's formation, although all the soldiers were flying in the direction close to the second line, position 2 had no intention of worrying at all, because he knew that Chongzi's target was not him!

First of all, he and the No. 1 position are playing inseparably. There is no reason for the bug to come in and let the two of them consume each other. Wouldn't it be nice?

Second, he can also use Kirov. He knows that if Kirov flies directly towards someone, then this person is not the target of Kirov. Kirov is just flying in formation. Because Kirov can only line up and fly together towards the target's home, and arriving at the target's home together is the correct way to use Kirov. Therefore, although the insect's Kirov is moving in a direction close to the second position, it can He is not worried!

Just because he is not worried does not mean that position 6 is not worried. Everyone is a master. Judging from Kirov's formation and direction, it is obvious that this group of Kirovs are coming for him, because this group of Kirovs are coming for him. The Kirovs can only arrive at the same time if they fly in the direction of his house. Except for his house, no matter whose house these Kirovs fly to, they can't arrive at the same time. Isn't this obvious enough?

Seeing this formation of insects, No. 6 was frightened. He had never seen such a formation before. He had only seen Kirovs lining up in a line to attack, but he had never seen Kirovs below him. Following a platoon of anti-aircraft troops, isn't this too original?

If there are just Kirovs flying over in a line, then he still has some ability to parry. As long as he sends more anti-aircraft vehicles and flying soldiers to knock down these Kirovs, even if it is the apocalypse of insects The tank is coming to cover Kirov, and he has a way to deal with it. He can just send the light tank to kill the insect Apocalypse!

As long as his light tanks, air defense troops, and flying troops cooperate, it is not impossible to defeat Kirov!

But this was the first time he had seen this trick. Kirov was followed by a group of air defense soldiers. These air defense soldiers directly sentenced his flying soldiers to death. As long as these air defense soldiers were around, his flying soldiers would not dare to step forward. Attack Kirov!

In addition to the air defense troops, Kirov is also followed by a group of Yuri. As long as Yuri exists, his anti-aircraft vehicles will also not dare to move forward. The only means for No. 6 to stop Kirov are pilots and Anti-aircraft vehicles, and at this time both were blocked by the bug. How should he deal with the bug's Kirov? You know, if he can't shoot down the insect Kirov before it reaches his home, then it will be difficult to stop Kirov with just the anti-aircraft cannon built at his home. As long as Kirov drives in In his case, he basically loses!

After all the Kirovs and air defense troops were in place, the bug selected all the Kirovs, pressed the ctrl+shift keys, and then clicked on the home in position 6, and then all the Kirovs started Marching towards the home of No. 6!

After that, the air defense troops did the same thing, and all the air defense troops began to march towards the home of position 6!

In the game Red Alert, some units can attack while moving, and Kirov is one of them!

Ctrl+shift is the shortcut key for mobile attack. If the bug does not issue this command, Kirov will only fly to the designated location. But what if he presses this key? Then when Kirov passes over an enemy unit, bombs will be dropped to kill the units below. Kirov must move to attack, otherwise, the purpose of leaving Kirov will be lost!

"It seems that we can only send light prisms out to kill his Yuri and air defense troops first. Judging from the current situation, only light prisms combined with anti-aircraft vehicles and flying troops can deal with so many Kirovs!" This player is also a rare master. Although he has never seen this style of play of the insect, he quickly figured out a way to solve the dilemma!

That is when the light prism tank is deployed, because the range of the light prism tank is far beyond that of Yuri. As long as the light prism tank is deployed,


If Yuri and the air defense troops are dealt with, they will not dare to move forward. As long as Yuri and the air defense troops are forced back, then his anti-aircraft vehicles and flying troops will naturally be able to step forward to block the insect Kirov!

However, just as No. 6's Prism Tank drove out of the intersection, Bug's Apocalypse Tank also started to move, heading towards the intersection of No. 6's home!

The intention is already obvious. Don't you want to send light prisms to destroy my Yuri and anti-aircraft soldiers? As soon as you go out, my Apocalypse Tank will immediately drive into your house! Kirov treats it as a gift to you!

Seeing the bug, the Apocalypse Tank drove towards his home. Player No. 6 hurriedly pulled back half of the Prism Tank. Indeed, if he just wanted to eliminate those Yuri and anti-aircraft troops, he did not dispatch all of them. , he only needs to send out half of the light prism tanks. At this time, he has accumulated 100 more light prism tanks. If 80 are sent out, even a field battle with the insect's apocalypse tanks will be no problem. , because there are only about 100 bugs, and his Prism has begun to take shape. It is not a problem to defeat a hundred Apocalypse tanks. This is the advantage of the arms and has nothing to do with operation!

Seeing that only half of the light tanks at position 6 came out, Chongzi immediately changed his mind and stopped attacking the intersection at position 6. There are currently 70 light tanks at the intersection at position 6, etc. After his Apocalypse arrives there, he will have at least 80 Light Prisms. These 80 Light Prisms will block the intersection. If he does not destroy these Light Prisms tanks one by one, it will be impossible to rush through. The eighty light prism tanks that entered were able to defeat them in seconds. How could his one hundred Apocalypse tanks be able to defeat these light prism tanks head-on? Not to mention a hundred Apocalypse tanks, even a thousand Apocalypse tanks are impossible because they have a geographical advantage. The light tank at position 6 is stuck at the intersection. His Apocalypse tanks can only fight him from the front. Apocalypse tanks can only fight him from the front. It is definitely a death-defying act for a tank to charge the Prism Tank from the front, because when the number of tanks on both sides increases, the Apocalypse Tank is already at a disadvantage. The only way for Apocalypse to win is to detour from the side, attack from both sides or completely surround it. It is possible to win, because this can reduce the splash effect of the Prism Tank!

But if the Apocalypse Tank attacks the Prism Tank from one direction, as long as it can't defeat it in the first wave, it won't be able to do so for the rest of its life, because the opponent's Prism Tank has been upgraded. If you can't get through, you can't get down even more since everyone has been promoted to three stars now! Therefore, there is no difference between a hundred Apocalypse tanks and a thousand Apocalypse tanks for these light prism tanks in position 6!

Of course, the bug would not be stupid enough to attack the intersection at position 6! What was his purpose in leaving Kirov? Isn't it just relying on Kirov to attack the sixth position? Now his Apocalypse Tank is no longer the main force, but plays an auxiliary role to cooperate with Kirov and protect Kirov. As long as Kirov rushes into his home, even if the King of Heaven comes, it will not matter. Good job!

Therefore, when Chongzi saw that only half of the light prism tanks were separated from position 6 and went out, Chongzi immediately changed his strategy. He immediately divided these apocalypse tanks into two and directed them towards the light prism tank that went out from position 6. The two sides of the tank troops drove past!

Although Chongzi drove in those two directions, he was not in a hurry to take action. He did not go up to surround him directly, because when No. 6 saw the movement of Chongzi's Apocalypse Tank, his light The Lens Tank also began to hesitate. He did not step forward decisively to block the insect's air defense soldiers and Yuri because he was afraid. The insect's Apocalypse Tank reacted too quickly. As soon as the troops were divided at position 6, Chongzi immediately adjusted his strategy, split the Apocalypse Tank in two, and turned his focus on the light tank he was going out with. This Chongzi was definitely a master! It can also be seen from the position of its light tank that this formation is simply perfect. He has no doubt that as long as he dares to step forward to block the insect's Yuri and the air defense troops, the insect's Apocalypse Tank will immediately Meet and surround us! By then, with Chongzi's operation, he really may not be able to win! And it was precisely because of position 6 that Chongzi hesitated, because position 6 did not step forward to block his Yuri and air defense troops, so his Apocalypse did not step forward, but just skimmed the formation from the side!

To be honest, Bugs doesn’t want to fight this battle! Because his real attack method is Kirov, maybe his Apocalypse Tank can also defeat the Prism Tank in position 6, but its battle damage will definitely be much better than Kirov's battle damage. Now the mission of his Apocalypse Tank The purpose is to protect Kirov, not to swallow these Prism Tanks. There is no point in swallowing these Prism Tanks. As long as Kirov breaks into his house, then all the Prism Tanks he has will be useless!

After hesitating, Kirov, the insect, moved a lot further towards the home of No. 6, getting closer and closer to his home!

"No, I have to take a gamble no matter what!" Player No. 6 finally made up his mind. He had to take action, because if he didn't take action, the insect Kirov would rush to his house. By then, It's too late to say anything!

As a result, the light tank in position 6 moved again.

Seeing that the Prism Tank in position 6 was heading towards Kirov, the insect's Apocalypse Tank also moved. His two Apocalypse Tanks quickly surrounded the Prism Tank in Position 6. Up, after the siege, all the Apocalypse tanks of the bugs began to close together!

"Damn it! I didn't expect his encirclement skills to be so good?" Position 6 screamed in his heart that something was wrong, because the insect's encirclement skills were really good!

For ordinary masters, encirclement can be said to be a basic skill. If you can't even encircle, then your Soviet Apocalypse will not be able to defeat the Allied forces, because after the tank scale increases, Apocalypse The only chance of winning with the light prism is to encircle it. The so-called encirclement is actually to prevent the light prism from escaping on the one hand, and to reduce the splash damage on the other hand, because if you want to encircle the tank, the tanks must be in a line, and It’s not like just getting together and letting people splash around!

But for ordinary expert players, they say they know the encirclement technique, but their encirclement technique only has its form, but does not have its soul! It just looks like an encirclement is forming, but in fact, both its formation and its encirclement effect are very limited!

They only know that encirclement can be used to make light edges. They also have the awareness of encirclement, but they do not have the technology to encircle. Their encirclement technology is simply too terrible. Some tanks rush fast, some tanks rush slowly, and in some places There are many tanks, but there are few tanks in some places, and there are even large gaps in many places. It looks like a group of undisciplined tanks!

How can you compete with others with this kind of encirclement technique?

On the other hand, the formation of the encirclement of the insect is quite different. First of all, the formation of the apocalypse tanks of the insect is arranged very perfectly. The spacing between each tank is the same. Although before the encirclement, the gaps are a bit large, but as the encirclement progresses, , the gap will become smaller and smaller, until it finally surrounds the light tank at position 6, forming an airtight wall. This is the insect's ability to grasp the distance and the distance between tanks! If, before the encirclement, the distance between his tanks was too large, then after the encirclement, it would not be airtight! And if the distance between his tanks is too small before the encirclement, then half way through the encirclement, the tanks will be connected to each other, forming a cluster, which will bear more splash damage! Like the insect's ability to control the distance between Apocalypse and the distance between Apocalypse and the Prism Tank, it is perfect!

Looking at the entire Red Alert circle, I am afraid there are not many people who can achieve such perfection!

And if that was all, Position 6 wouldn't be so panicked. Another operation of the insect made him feel suffocated even more!

Because of the insect's apocalypse

There are a lot of grams. To be honest, the circle of Apocalypse tanks surrounding the light prism is not used at all. It only uses half of the Apocalypse of the insect. The insect and the other half of the apocalypse are useless!

The other half of the insect, Apocalypse, formed a circle just like the circle of Apocalypse in front of it, encircling the group of light prisms, and followed the pace of the circle of Apocalypse tanks in front, step by step towards the light in the center. The prism tanks are closing together!

In other words, the insect's apocalypse tanks formed two circles, surrounding the light prism at position 6 step by step, and the formation of the two circles was very consistent and perfect!

This is terrifying!

If there is only one circle of Apocalypse tanks, no matter how perfect the insect's formation is, position 6 can still defeat it. After all, his circle of Apocalypse only has about forty Apocalypse tanks, and about forty Apocalypse tanks. How to fight with 80 light prism tanks? Isn't this a foolish dream?

But the key point is that there are two circles of Apocalypse coming from inside and outside the insect, and the insect has perfectly controlled the distance between these two circles of Apocalypse tanks. This distance is just enough to ensure that the light tank in position 6 can only attack him. The Apocalypse tanks in the first circle could not sputter the Apocalypse tanks in the second circle! This grasp of distance is simply too accurate!

If there is an audience present at this time, he will definitely find that the insect's Apocalypse Tank is almost as if it were originally a whole with the Prism Tank of No. 6, because after No. 6 realized that the situation was not good, he no longer Yuri and the air defense troops were preparing to use these 80 light prism tanks to block the insects. He had already started to retreat and pulled out the 80 light prism tanks at home, preparing to counter-encircle part of the insect's apocalypse. , as long as the 80 light prisms in his family arrive here, they can cooperate inside and outside and eat about one-third of the Apocalypse tanks of the bugs. Don’t underestimate this one-third of the Apocalypse tanks, which will be eaten by No. 6 It’s not just the one-third of the Apocalypse. The most important thing is that he broke his own crisis and broke the siege of the insects. As long as the siege of the insects was broken, the Apocalypse of the insects would be useless. Well, with the remaining Apocalypse tanks of the insects, it is impossible to encircle the more than one hundred light prism tanks at position 6!

I have to say that No. 6 is also a master with extremely quick reactions!

Why does No. 6 dare to send out the eighty light prism tanks at home? Because the insect's Apocalypse tanks are currently encircling the vanguard at position 6, there is no way to sneak attack his hometown. He has no worries, so naturally there is no need to continue to keep the remaining 80 light tanks at the intersection! !

But a shocking scene happened!

At this time, the eighty Prism Tanks are like candles, and the two rings of the Insect's Apocalypse Tanks are like two rings of halo. Whichever direction the candlelight moves, the two rings of halo will move towards that direction. Moving in the direction, the distance between each point on the halo and the candle always remains the same!

One advantage of doing this is that when the Apocalypse tanks in the inner circle enter the shooting range of the eighty Prism tanks at the candlelight position, they will enter the shooting range at the same time, and there is no order of priority! According to common sense, if this circle of Apocalypse tanks moves toward the center of the circle, and if the eighty light prism tanks at the center of the circle suddenly retreat, then those Apocalypse tanks in the direction of their retreat will definitely be the first to be affected. Attack, while those Apocalypse tanks in the opposite direction will not be attacked for a long time. In this way, the Apocalypse tanks that are attacked first are in danger, because these eighty light prism tanks can concentrate their firepower to extinguish these Apocalypse tanks and encircle them. If you tear a big hole open, you will be able to break through the siege!

But what if it was the scene before me? The two rings of light of the insect have been moving with the light prism tank in the center, and are getting closer to these light prism tanks step by step. In this case, it will be different. His inner ring of light prism tanks will enter at the same time. The range of these light prism tanks means that Apocalypse in his inner circle will be attacked by these light prism tanks at the same time. In this way, the firepower of these light prism tanks will be evenly shared by all the Apocalypse tanks in the entire inner circle. Because The firepower is shared, so naturally no one of Apocalypse will be killed instantly, and a big hole will be torn open in the encirclement!

And how is this phenomenon of halo moving with the candle flame formed?

You know, this move alone is impossible to master without several years of practice!

First of all, the Apocalypse tank moves slightly faster than the light prism tank, otherwise this tactic would be meaningless. If the light prism in the opposite direction of the Apocalypse cannot catch up with these light prism tanks, then what's the point of forming a halo? What to use? Isn't the purpose of your halo to enter the range of the Prism Tank at the same time?

Second, this is a great test of a person's operating ability. The operator needs to have a very good understanding of the moving speed of the Apocalypse Tank and the moving speed of the Prism Tank. He needs to adjust the movement trajectory of each Apocalypse Tank at any time!

There is no need to operate those Apocalypse tanks in the opposite direction of the light prism tanks. He only needs to keep chasing the light prism tanks! But the same cannot be said for the Apocalypse tanks in the direction of the movement of the light prism tanks. Not only can these Apocalypse tanks not be able to move in the direction of these light prism tanks, but they also have to move in the same direction of movement of these light prism tanks, because Only in this way can the relationship between the candlelight and the halo be formed, but if you simply pull all the Apocalypse tanks to run in the same direction as the Prism tanks, the relative positional relationship between the candlelight and the halo will still be the same. It cannot be formed because the Apocalypse Tank moves faster than the Light Prism Tank. If all the Apocalypse Tanks run non-stop in the same direction as the Light Prism Tank, then the center of the Apocalypse Tank in these two circles will slowly deviate. , because Apocalypse moves quickly!

Therefore, if you want to ensure that these light prism tanks are always at the center of these Apocalypse tanks, and if you want to ensure that the Apocalypse tanks in the inner circle enter the range of the light prism tanks, then the Apocalypse tanks in the direction of the light prism tanks cannot open at full speed. Horsepower is moving non-stop. He needs to slow down some speed. By slowing down the speed, he can adjust the distance between him and the light prism tank so that it is consistent with the distance between the apocalypse and light prism tanks behind him. , only then can the relative positional relationship between the candlelight and the halo be formed!

In other words, Bugs needs to adjust the moving speed of each Apocalypse tank at any time. The Apocalypse tanks behind can pursue it at full power, but the Apocalypse tanks in front need to stop and go!

Since these Apocalypse tanks form a circle, the bugs control the movement speed of Apocalypse at different positions on the circle. Some need to reduce the movement speed by 10, and some need to reduce the movement speed by 20. speed!

This needs to test a player's grasp of the difference in movement speed between the Apocalypse Tank and the Prism Tank, as well as their relative position. Mathematics is even involved here, which is definitely not something that ordinary expert players can match. This operation, regardless of the Looking around the world, it would be difficult to find the second one!

This is why the player in position 6 is extremely frightened. This bug is really too strong!

However, although No. 6 was panic-stricken, he still did not give up because his main force had not been damaged. Strictly speaking, as long as the Soviet Kirov did not arrive, the Allies would always be at an advantage! Because it is difficult for the Apocalypse Tank to compete with the Prism Tank!

The player in position 6 kept pulling his light tank to retreat. At the same time, the light tanks from behind were also coming to support non-stop. In order to prevent being surrounded by the apocalypse of insects later, position 6 also deliberately placed himself The flying soldiers pulled over and stopped on the only way for their light tanks to retreat, ready to support at any time!

Position 6 is actually very smart. He did not immediately let these flying soldiers join the battlefield, because the air defense function of the Apocalypse Tank is automatically released, which means that the Apocalypse Tank can


Move while attacking these flying soldiers. The addition of flying soldiers will not affect the movement of the Apocalypse Tank. The Apocalypse Tank will not stop to attack these flying soldiers! Therefore, if he sends flying soldiers to join the battlefield at this time, then these flying soldiers are just living targets and will not play any role at all!

The correct method of operation is to be like the player in position 6, first let the flying soldiers stand by nearby, wait for the insect's Apocalypse to enter the range of your own light tank, and then let these flying soldiers join the battle, because at that time the Apocalypse tanks will also be there soon. You can counterattack his beams of light, and the pilots can step forward to attract the firepower of the Apocalypse Tank!

Soon, the Apocalypse tank of the insect entered the range of the light prism tank at position 6. Just as the insect at position 6 had imagined, the light prism tank at position 6 could only attack the inner circle of the insect's apocalypse. It simply cannot sputter the apocalypses in the outer circle, and even if he can sputter the apocalypse in the inner circle, it can only sputter to the adjacent apocalypses on both sides of a certain apocalypse, and its sputtering effect can be said to be greatly reduced. , this is the advantage of encirclement, or in other words, this is the advantage of dividing the Apocalypse Tank into two and attacking the Light Prism Tank from both sides. If all your Apocalypse Tanks get together, they can form a group. If you are facing the light prism tank, the splash effect of the light prism tank can be maximized, causing tons of damage to the apocalypse tank! And what if so? If two lines are formed from both sides to flank the light prism tank, the sputtering effect of the light prism tank can be reduced, and the firepower of the light prism tank can be shared! Because when attacking from two directions, the Apocalypse Tank advances in a line shape, so its position is very loose!

Not long after, his light tank also entered the attack range of Apocalypse in the inner circle of insects. At the same time, the flying soldier at position 6 also joined the battlefield. It can be said that he grasped the timing of the flying soldier joining the battlefield. It was very accurate, not only did it not get beaten in vain, but it also played a role in attracting the firepower of the Bug Apocalypse tank!

The Apocalypse Tank does have the function of air defense, and it also has land attack means, but whether it is air defense or land attack, it can only choose one. It is impossible to fire two shells at the same time for air defense and land attack!

Since the Apocalypse Tank will most likely attack the Air Force first, the Prism Tank at position 6 was hardly damaged. Soon, the first wave of Apocalypse Tanks was wiped out. All he lost was just some Just a flying soldier! And what is the role of flying soldiers? Isn't it just to attract firepower and protect the light prism? It can be said that they deserved their death!

However, this was only the first wave of Apocalypse that had been eliminated by the insect. At the same time that his first wave of Apocalypse was eliminated, his second wave of Apocalypse had also entered their respective shooting ranges and began to move towards No. 6. The light tanks and pilots in position fired their cannons!

Due to the consumption of the previous wave of Apocalypse tanks, more than half of the pilots at position 6 were dead, so soon, the insects wiped out all the pilots at position 6. In addition, his light prism One-third of the tanks were also eaten. At this time, there are only about fifty of the light tanks surrounded by No. 6, and there are still about thirty of the insect's Apocalypse tanks!

Theoretically speaking, if both sides have fifty or sixty tanks, then the two sides are in a balance of power. Either one can win or lose. In other words, if one side has fewer tanks than the other, , then the side with fewer tanks will probably lose!

But this theory has a premise, that is, when the two sides are facing each other, if it is fifty to fifty, then the power is indeed balanced, but what if they are not facing each other? The ratio needs to be calculated separately. For example, the current scene is a special situation. You need to know why the expert Soviet players split the Apocalypse tank into two to flank or even surround the Allied forces. What about the Prism Tank? Isn’t it just to create an environment like this?

Don't look at the fact that the number of the Apocalypse Tanks in the Bug is not as good as the Prism Tanks at Position 6. You must know that there are no pilots at Position 6 to attract firepower, and these Prism Tanks have already been approached by the Apocalypse Tanks. When up close and without flying soldiers to attract firepower, the Prism Tank is like an ant. Not to mention that the tanks in this circle of insects are Apocalypse Tanks. Even 30 ordinary primary tanks can compete with these five or six Ten light prism tanks fight 50-50! Because the Prism Tank is too fragile after being approached. Not only is its body brittle, but the splash effect of its attack is also reduced to a minimum!

What are the advantages of the Prism Tank? The first is range, and the second is splash. Now that these two advantages no longer exist, how can he fight against a group of tanks that rely on melee combat to win?

Therefore, soon, the bugs wiped out all these light tanks at the cost of only ten Apocalypse tanks! At the end of the battle, Bugs still had twenty Apocalypse tanks left!

It can be said that with 80 Apocalypse tanks, 80 Prism tanks and dozens of pilots, there are probably not many people in the world who can win with this result!

Not to mention dozens of additional pilots, even if 80 Apocalypse tanks defeated 80 Prism tanks, it would last a year!

The battle is over, and the Prism Tank at position 6 has arrived on the battlefield, but at this time, the Bug's Apocalypse Tank has already evacuated the scene. Who is still waiting for you?

Not only that, the insect Kirov is about to fly here too!

After evacuating, Chongzi pulled over the fifty Apocalypse tanks that had just been built at home. The seventy Apocalypse tanks gathered together and faced off against the Prism Tank at position 6! Because the light tank at position 6 also stopped, I don't know whether Yuri should continue to block the bugs or what he should do!

Because of the battle just now, the bug blinded him! Looking at the entire Red Alert circle at that time, this person was somewhat famous. As for the circle around him, he had already defeated all the invincible opponents in the world! He thinks he can already be called a master, but throughout his many years of fighting against Tianlong and playing so many games, he has never been defeated like this! Not to mention that his 80 light prism tanks and dozens of pilots were wiped out by the opponent's 80 Apocalypse tanks. Even if he had no pilots, his 80 light prism tanks would not be destroyed by the opponent's 80 This Apocalypse was destroyed by the group! This kind of unheard-of thing would never happen to him even if he thought about it! Before the game started, he thought about the possibility of losing and various scenarios of losing, but he never thought that he would lose in this way. He never thought that he would lose so miserably. !

This battle really blinded him!

The insect's Apocalypse is on standby. He is watching the reaction of position six. If the light tank of position six continues to block his Yuri, then he will adopt the same method to eat his. Even if this group of light prisms cannot be eaten, they must be repelled and Kirov's progress must not be hindered in any way!

And soon, the player finally came to his senses. He couldn't give up yet. He had just lost one unit. At best, the loss was a bit larger, but he had not lost yet. He still had a large number of air defenses. Cars, and hundreds of light tanks, he is not without the ability to fight. As long as he operates it properly, he may still win!

But the experience just now told him that he can no longer rush in easily, because the bug can kill him once, but it can kill him twice. He must use other tactics to fight this time!

I saw him pulling these light prisms directly towards his home. When the number of light prism tanks at home reached seventy or eighty again, he walked out with two teams of light prisms. The edges do not merge together, but leave a distance between each other, so that they can echo each other!

But at this time, the Kirov army of insects was approaching his home!

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