Game within game of online games

Chapter 934 Magical Operation

In other words, many of the Allied anti-aircraft vehicles have been working in vain. They are firing artillery shells on the surface, but half of them are wasted in mid-air! Is this very inefficient? The actual output of your five or six Allied anti-aircraft vehicles may only be comparable to the output of one or two Soviet anti-aircraft vehicles. How can this be compared?

At this time, position two has nothing to do and can only act according to the original plan. He can only hope that the insect's economy can be consumed by him as soon as possible, so that he can rush in!

To be on the safe side, the player in position 2 built a large number of mine carts and terror robots, preparing to launch a devastating attack on the bugs. He wanted the terror robots and mine carts to be dispatched at the same time, even if the terror robot got into the insect's mine cart. , he is also capable of damage. The terror robot can continuously cause damage to the bug's minecart! It’s not a loss either!

Soon, after arranging their formation, position two launched an attack on the bug! ??

Position 2 is also very smart. He first let the mine cart go up, and let his mine cart hurt each other with the insect's mine cart. He has his own mine cart to attract the hatred of the insect's mine cart. Then his terrifying robot is waiting for him. When he joins the battlefield again, he will naturally not be attacked by the bug's minecart. At best, he will still be attacked by the bug's Apocalypse. This will greatly improve his terrifying robot's ability to jump over the bug's minecart and pounce directly on the bug's Yuri's. Success rate!

Unless Bug manually operates his minecart and does not let his minecart hit his minecart, but manually controls each minecart to attack his terrorist robot. In this case, the battle damage of his terrorist robot will be the same. It will be very high, and his plan of the terrorist robot to attack the insect Yuri will also be affected!

But, is this possible? How could anyone do this? You know, if you are attacking a target that is standing still, people with fast hands can indeed manually operate each tank, just like Apocalypse vs. Phantom! But is that the current situation? Are these terrifying robots of his just phantoms standing still? Not only does it not stand still, but the terrorist robot moves very fast. The terrorist robot is the fastest-moving unit among all the armies. If you want to manually operate the mine cart to attack a fast-moving terrorist robot, this It's almost impossible!

But the next scene simply made No. 2 despair, because his ideal plan did not come true, because what he thought was impossible did indeed happen!

At the beginning, Chongzi’s minecart was indeed attracted to his minecart, but when his terrifying robot entered the battlefield, Chongzi’s minecart suddenly no longer attacked his minecart, but Targeting his terrifying robot!

"Damn, what's going on? What kind of instruction is this? Is there an instruction in Red Alert to give priority to attacking the terrorist robots? Why don't I know there is such an instruction? Or is it his operation?" Player No. 2 The more I think about it, the more I am afraid! How could there be such an order in Red Alert to prioritize attacking terrorist robots? He is also a veteran player who has played Red Alert for many years. If there is such an instruction, there is no way he doesn't know about it! Therefore, the bug must be manually operating each minecart. If this is the case, it would be terrible!

That's right, it's the bugs that are operating every minecart to attack those terrifying robots that are speeding towards you! Just because others can't do this doesn't mean that Bugs can't do it as well. Those expert players with only three or four hundred A naturally can't do this, but Bugs's A can reach 1000. This kind of operation is not suitable for him. In fact, it is not that difficult!

I saw that the fingers of the insect were getting blurry. After he finished operating the current mine cart's instructions, he immediately went to operate another mine cart. After operating the next mine cart, he continued to operate other mine carts. In this way, he Within seconds, he actually operated seven or eight mine carts to attack the terrifying robot in position 2. His hand speed was so fast that there was no limit to it!

Seeing that the scary robots in position 2 died on the front line one by one, some of the scary robots later escaped the bug's attack, but they only got into his minecart and did not run to the bug's What's the use of a minecart in front of Yuri? The minecart has thick health and high defense. If you just rely on the terrorist robot to kill the minecart, it will take a long time!

I saw that Chongzi built several maintenance factories one after another. Later, during the operation, Chongzi pulled the minecarts that had been drilled by the terrorist robots into the maintenance factory for repair. At the same time, he sent new ones. The minecart made up its position, and his operation simply caused the collapse of the second position to the limit!

Even if he can operate a minecart to attack his terrifying robot, he still has extra operations to take the minecarts drilled by the terrifying robot to the maintenance factory for repair? Isn't this too perverted? Is this still his hand? Is he a robot? Only robots can do this, right? Is this hand speed a human being should have?

However, the next scene instantly caused No. 2 to give up resistance.

Seeing the minecart in position 2 knocking one of the bug's minecarts out of health, at this moment, the minecart actually moved towards home. Position 2 stared at this minecart attentively. The car, it, it, it actually went to mine?

That's right, it was the bug that pulled this minecart with residual health out of the formation and let it go mining!

Immediately afterwards, another minecart with residual health was also pulled off the front line by the bugs, allowing another minecart with full health to fill its position. As time went by, the bugs pulled down the remaining health one after another. At the same time, some minecarts with full health were transferred from other places to fill the position, and those minecarts with residual health were mining while recovering health. This scene directly caused the second position to collapse!

I am naughty! Are we still playing the same game? If you are fast, you can use minecarts to kill my terrifying robots. If you are fast, you can take the minecarts that have been drilled by the terrorist robots to the maintenance factory for repairs. But you still have extra. Quickly pull the minecarts with residual health out of the formation one by one, let them go to the rear to recover blood while mining, and let other mining minecarts with full health come up to fight, nigga, are you so stingy? Are we playing the same game? Are you sure you are playing Red Alert? I have been playing Red Alert for so many years, and I have never seen you like this. Once the mine cart dies, it dies. There is nothing to feel bad about. It's good for you. After fighting for a long time, dozens of my mine carts have died. Yet you returned a minecart without any loss? Isn't this too humiliating for you?

Thinking of this, a sense of humiliation arose spontaneously. This insect was just playing tricks on him! What's the point of playing this? It's impossible for him to get in?

The next second, this player directly chose to self-destruct and exited the game. Today's battle left an indelible scar on his young mind!

Next, Chongzi's opponent only has the No. 8 position. Logically speaking, No. 8 position is also a Soviet army. In fact, Chongzi can win even if he just stands still. He only needs to imitate the routine of playing the No. 2 position just now. That's it. It's impossible to attack the second position, but Chongzi doesn't intend to do that, because he still has several battles ahead, and he doesn't want to waste too much time and energy in this battle. He wanted to end the battle as soon as possible, then go and recuperate for a while, so as to be in better condition to face the next challenge!

To be honest, it is not difficult to see from this game that there are still many red alert masters, and in future battles, more and more masters will enter his field of vision, and he must show a 100% attitude and energy to cope!

Therefore, Chongzi does not intend to waste time like this, but is ready to take the initiative to kill the player at position 8 and end the battle!

Logically speaking, the level of the player in position 8 should not be very high. This can be seen from the position 7 pressing down on position 8. You know, in the early stage, the Soviet army usually suppresses the alliance. The army fought because


The Soviet army was stronger than the Allies in the early stage, but what about this game? Position 7 has always been suppressing position 8, and an Allied force is suppressing a Soviet force in the early stage. What is going on? This is enough to show that the strength of position 8 is not very high!

However, there are no absolutes in the world. Perhaps the strength of No. 7 is too strong, which overshadows the strength of No. 8! It is also possible that position 8 is not good at fighting the Allies, but is good at fighting the Soviets. This is not certain, so the bugs do not dare to be careless. Again, no one who can survive until now is a rookie!

Since No. 8 just had a battle with No. 7, its strength is not very strong at the moment. After all, the bug didn't give him much time to develop! So far, he has only built dozens of Apocalypse vehicles and more than a hundred Yuri, which is similar to Bugs. After Bugs destroyed No. 7 and held back No. 8, he did not have many soldiers left. It can be said that the Second The strength of the people at this time is comparable!

And since the insect plans to continue to consume it, he simply doesn't produce Kirov anymore. Although Kirov was the Soviet army's way to win the civil war, building Kirov is too time-consuming, because Kirov The moving speed is really too slow. From lining up Kirov to letting Kirov fly to the other party's home, it takes at least several minutes. This is really slow!

Furthermore, the current survivor is in position 8, which is exactly opposite to the worm in position 4. As the opposite, where should the assembly point of the tank factory be set so that Kirov can fly over in a line? It's hard to find this spot! So simply don’t build Kirov!

The Chongzhi doesn't plan to build Kirov, but what about No. 8? It is not necessary to build Kirov at No. 8 position. After all, Kirov is a very strong unit. At least when dealing with the Soviet Army, it is a great weapon!

In order to prevent No. 8 from building Kirov, Chongzi directly pulled all the anti-aircraft vehicles and air defense troops towards his home. Just now, how did Chongzi’s anti-aircraft vehicles and air defense troops defend Kirov at No. 2? Position 8 can see this scene clearly. Chongzhi wants to take these anti-aircraft troops to the battle to tell position 8 that you don't want to create Kirov anymore. It's useless, and to stop him from creating Kirov. Thoughts!

And seeing the arrival of numerous anti-aircraft troops and anti-aircraft vehicles from Chongzi, it turned out that No. 8 did not build Kirov. Chongzi had so many anti-aircraft vehicles. Wouldn't he die if he rebuilt Kirov?

As a result, Mine Cart and Yuri exploded directly at position 8. These two units were the most popular units during the Soviet Civil War. Yuri was definitely a must-have unit in the Soviet Civil War because Yuri could restrain Tianqi, and Tianqi is the main output unit in the army. After restraining Tianqi, the opponent will naturally have no output! And what about the minecart? Minecarts actually appear as a unit to assist Yuri, because minecarts cannot be tempted by Yuri, and they are not very afraid of terrorist robots. Under normal circumstances, minecarts are mixed with Yuri to fight, and minecarts can be destroyed. The other party's Yuri, and at the same time, your own Yuri can also protect the minecart from Apocalypse! So there is no problem in destroying Yuri and the minecart at position 8 at this time!

The two armies soon came into contact. The bugs were in the same formation as when they attacked the second position before. The dogs rushed forward with a mixed force of Yuri, minecarts, Apocalypse and terrorist robots!

At the moment when the two sides were in close combat, Chongzi first ordered the mine cart to push up. Similarly, position 8 also ordered the mine cart to push up. But at this moment, Chongzi's Apocalypse appeared and began to attack the mine cart at position 8. Cars, because if these mine carts are left alone, they will cause certain damage to his Yuri!

When Apocalypse saw the insect, he stepped forward to attack his own mine cart. Position 8 also decisively sent Yuri forward, trying to seduce Apocalypse of the insect!

Seeing Yuri in position 8 step forward, Chongzi let go of the dog and the scary robot. At the same time, his Yuri also started to step forward, because he knew that with just these dogs and the scary robot, it would be very difficult. It's difficult to destroy the Yuri's in position 8 because the opponent has a lot of minecarts. If you don't destroy the opponent's Yuri, then his Apocalypse Tank will be in danger!

Sure enough, under the destruction of the mine cart at position 8, the insect's dog and the terrifying robot were quickly killed. Before they died, they took away nearly half of Yuri!

The other half of Yuri is handed over to the insect's Yuri!

You know, in addition to temptation, Yuri also has a group skill, and this group skill is group attack!

Yes, Yuri also has a group attack skill. It is precisely because Yuri's main function is temptation that many people often forget that he also has a group attack skill! In fact, his group attack is very good and can instantly kill soldiers within a certain range! And this skill is also a bargaining chip between the two Soviet troops to fight against Yuri!

When Yuri in position 8 entered the attack range of Yuri the Bug, Bug chose one of the Yuri and made him release a group attack. In just a moment, the Yuri in position 8 were instantly killed. Got it!

Position 8 is not a rookie either. Although his front troops were instantly killed by bugs, he still had follow-up troops. Soon, his follow-up troops stepped forward and also performed a group attack. Killed the insect Yuri instantly!

However, it is obvious that the Yuri he can drop from the insect in seconds is not as much as the Yuri that the insect can drop in seconds, because the insect is very proficient in Yuri fighting. The essence of Yuri fighting is that you cannot let all the Yuri's fall at once. They all step forward. You can let multiple Yuri step forward at the same time to attack the opponent's Yuri in a group. However, the distance between your Yuri's must be far away, at least not allowing the opponent's Yuri to attack. A group attack can kill multiple Yuri's for you. This is the essence of fighting Yuri!

And this player in position 8 is obviously not as good at fighting Yuri as Bugs. Every time Yuri of Bugs can kill many Yuri in position 8, Yuri in position 8 can only kill one or two Yuri at one time. Here, this is the difference in strength!

While Bugs was fighting Yuri in position 8, he did not miss any other operations. He was also controlling the mine cart to kill Yuri in position 8. Not long after, Yuri in position 8 They were all bitten by insects!

However, position 8 occupies a geographical advantage. The main battlefield now takes place at the home of position 8. The support speed of position 8 is very fast, but the support speed of Chongzhi is far behind. Chongzhi’s reinforcements It was necessary to cross the entire map to support the front line, so although Yuri at position 8 was completely lost, he quickly pulled up the Yuri he had just built, because all he had just lost was the ones he had built before. Just Yuri, during the battle, his Yuri was continuously reproduced, and the newly produced Yuri did not rush to the front line one by one, because if he set the assembly point of the barracks to the front line, If the new Yuri is allowed to pass one by one, it will increase the pressure on his operation, and secondly, it will also create a situation where the Calabash Man saves Grandpa! Most people basically send out some of the troops first, and after a certain number of them have been sent out, they can join the battle together as a group!

Soon, Yuri in position 8 rushed to the battlefield again and started a bloody battle with the insect. However, the operation of the insect was too sharp. Under the double suppression of the insect's Yuri and the mine cart, he soon defeated him again. The group is destroyed!

After the team was wiped out this time, position 8 was in a state of despair, because his productivity could no longer keep up with the consumption of death. Many of Bugs' minecarts had been upgraded to level three, and Yuri who hit him was able to hit him one by one. Bugs has so many minecarts, no matter how many Yuri he has, there is not enough for Bugs to kill like this!

After destroying Yuri at position 8, Bug's Apocalypse Tank rushed up and began to crush the mine cart at position 8. Before Bug launched a general attack on position 8, he had to take the lead in clearing it.

Just get rid of the minecart at position 8. His minecart is a big trouble. When the bug launches a general attack on position 8, its main force will definitely not be the Apocalypse Tank, but Yuri and the minecart, because The house in position 8 is still building Yuri continuously. Yuri's threat to Apocalypse is very fatal!

Seeing the insect, Apocalypse began to attack his own mine cart. Position 8 hurriedly pulled the mine cart towards home. Now his Apocalypse tank cannot go to the front line because the insect's Yuri is still there, so he now sends Apocalypse to attack. Defending is tantamount to endangering the enemy. The more he fights, the weaker he becomes, while the bug becomes stronger the more he fights!

As a result, a chase and fight scene ensued. The mine cart must not be able to defeat Tianqi. Although the mine cart at position 8 has been escaping, many mine carts were defeated in the process of escaping. ! And just after entering the intersection at position 8, the mine cart at position 8 stopped and pulled all the mine carts behind him. At this time, he had no way to retreat, and he had to fight to the death. After the war, if he continues to retreat back home, it will be equivalent to giving up this intersection. Once the insect army enters the intersection, can his hometown be saved? The apocalypse of the insect must have bulldozed him!

So at this time, he had no retreat. He had to fight against the odds, pull all the troops over, and fight the insects to the death! As long as he repels this wave of insect attacks, he can continue to breathe for a while!

But his operation was very different from that of the insect. His a was only 300, while the insect's a was as high as 1000. How could he just get through when he faced the insect head-on?

Therefore, it didn't take long for the bug to annihilate all his troops. Even so, the player at position 8 still did not retreat, but still stood firm and continued to build in his barracks and tank factory. Although his soldiers and tanks died immediately as soon as they appeared, he still had soldiers and tanks. He would rather die than exit the game!

For a time, the Red Alert spirit was vividly reflected in this person. Since ancient times, there has been a Red Alert spirit circulating in the Red Alert community, that is, never quit the game until the last soldier is killed! This is the red alert spirit. The red alert spirit symbolizes tenacity, perseverance and perseverance!

After a while, the bugs demolished all the player's buildings and successfully won the game!

In other battlefields, all the members of the team formed by Wei Bin were fighting hard. They gave full play to the level they had practiced for a year, passing through the ranks along the way, and kept advancing. Although there was also a Others unfortunately overturned due to various reasons, but those were only a few people. The vast majority of people still successfully advanced one after another, and squeezed into the top thousand, and entered the second level of the finals. In this process, if you want to say whose performance is the most eye-catching, it is definitely Brother Li's allies!

The last game before entering the finals!

Brother Li randomly selected an ally. At the beginning, Brother Li's style was completely different from that of Chong. Brother Li did not produce four dogs at the same time like Chong. Two of the dogs were used to defend his home and prevent the situation at home from being destroyed. The neighbor didn't know, and the other two dogs went to explore the vision of the two neighbors...

Brother Li's behavior is even more incomprehensible, and at the same time more radical. He did not choose to make four dogs, but five dogs!

I am naughty! For ordinary professional players and experts, they can only build three dogs at most. Two of them go to explore the vision of two neighbors, and the other dog stays at home to prevent their own vision from being explored. It’s best to guard against the dogs of two neighbors. Even if you can’t guard against them, it’s not a big problem. It’s not a big deal if your neighbor’s view of your home is explored, as long as they keep an eye on the two neighbors. Just a neighbor! More masters actually only make two dogs to explore the field of view of two neighbors respectively. They don't even defend the field of view of their own home, because honestly, what is the purpose of defending the field of view of their own home? In fact, the most important thing is that I want to do some sinister things secretly, such as building a stolen car to steal a house! But if you don't do these sneaky things, then to be honest, it doesn't matter whether the other party has a view of your house or not, because in a few minutes, everyone will have spy satellites, everyone has them Full view of the picture!

The vast majority of people only make two dogs, a few people choose to make three dogs, and a few people choose to make four dogs. But no matter what, no one can imagine that Brother Li actually made five dogs!

That's right, Brother Li actually spent a thousand yuan to build five dogs in the early stage when resources were scarce. This is a bit outrageous. Resources were already scarce in the early stage. Making two dogs can explore It's enough to open up the neighbor's field of vision. If it doesn't work, even if you want to steal a house, you can only make four dogs at most, isn't it enough? Is it necessary to create five dogs? Isn't this too luxurious?

Not extravagant, not extravagant at all! Because of Brother Li's style of play, he must make five dogs, or even at least five dogs. If the economy allows, he would like to make six dogs!

I saw two of Brother Li's dogs staying at the intersection of his house, and he sent two more dogs to explore the sights of the two neighbors' homes. As for the last dog, Brother Li sent it to explore the neighbors' homes. Views of the Neighbors!

If there are people watching the battle, then Brother Li's behavior is a bit puzzling. Why is he going to explore his neighbor's neighbor's view? Could it be that he was going to hit his neighbor’s neighbor? Isn't this too outrageous? Instead of beating the neighbor who poses the greatest threat to him, why beat the neighbor who has nothing to do with him? If he really killed his neighbor's neighbor, wouldn't his neighbor have nothing to worry about and be able to relax and fight him? If Brother Li really dares to do this, wouldn't he be digging a hole for himself?

But Brother Li just did it! That's right, Brother Li went to explore this man's field of vision with the purpose of hitting him! Not negotiable!

Brother Li was also randomly born in position 4, just like the bug, and what he explored was the view of positions 3, 5 and 6. Among them, position 3 was a Soviet soldier, and position 5 was a Soviet soldier. Position 6 is an Allied force, but position 6 is still a Soviet army! What Brother Li wants to fight is the Soviet Army at position six!

Why did Brother Li hit him? Because victory can only be won by surprise. The previous principles have been analyzed. No one would choose to fight their neighbor's neighbor. Isn't this a way to self-destruction? Furthermore, position 6 is a Soviet army. How many people will be stupid enough to steal a Soviet army in the early stage? You must know that the Soviet army has mine carts to coordinate defense in the early stage. It is much more difficult to steal the Soviet army than to steal the Allied army! It is precisely because of this that No. 6 does not think that Brother Li will hit him. Furthermore, No. 6 is not bored enough to explore the view of Brother Li's home. Therefore, regarding the situation at Brother Li's home, No. 6 The number is very unfamiliar!

And Brother Li's construction sequence was also very consistent with his strategic intentions. After putting down the first mine, he did not immediately put down the second mine like most people did, but started a war directly. Car factory, because he was going to steal a house! His purpose of exploring the situation at No. 6's home was not to hit him later, but to hit him now! But in the early stage, the destruction of the country can only be achieved by stealing the family. It is impossible for Brother Li to build a large number of tanks to destroy his family. The impact on his economy will be too serious!

After putting down the tank factory, he did not choose to build a mine cart, but chose to build two anti-aircraft vehicles and two engineers. At the same time, he directly set paths for the two engineers. The purpose of this path is, After Brother Li's anti-aircraft vehicle put the engineer down, he no longer had to operate the engineer. The engineer himself ran towards the building where he set the path! This will virtually save players a lot of operations and time, for example,


If you don't set a path for the engineer, then when you unload the engineer from the anti-aircraft vehicle, the engineer will stand still because you have not given him an order. At this time, if you want him to occupy Which building requires you to operate it? You have to select the engineer first, and then click on the building you want to occupy. In this way, the engineer will rush to this building. Just this operation, how? It also takes half a second, right?

But it's different after setting the path for the engineer. The engineer will go there by himself after getting off the car. This virtually saves time and operations. Doesn't the player's operation require stamina? No need to expend energy?

Immediately afterwards, Brother Li drove the two anti-aircraft vehicles towards No. 6's home. At this time, No. 6 still had no idea that his situation was already very precarious!

Even when Brother Li's first anti-aircraft vehicle drove into the intersection of his house, he didn't notice it at the first time because he had been observing the two neighbors above and below, and he had already focused on them. body, and neither of them did anything unusual, neither stole a car or a tank, so he naturally could sit back and develop with peace of mind. Who would have expected that No. 4 would send a stolen car to steal him?

Just after Brother Li's stolen car drove into his house, the player was suddenly shocked, "Holy shit!" When did a stolen car arrive? Whose stolen car is this? I have the field of vision of both neighbors, and I didn't notice them building a stolen car. How could this horse-riding guy suddenly come over with a stolen car?

Brother Li's stolen car really shocked him. The moment he discovered that Brother Li had stolen the car, the player in position 6 hurriedly pulled all three of his mine carts over, preparing to kill his stolen car with the mine cart. And the engineers inside! At the same time, just in case, he also built a sentry gun, just in case! After all, the anti-aircraft vehicle moves very fast, and his minecart cannot keep up with the speed of the anti-aircraft vehicle. Furthermore, when Brother Li's stolen car discovered that the player in position 6 pulled all three minecarts over to help defend. , Brother Li's stolen car has moved towards the position below No. 6, trying to sneak attack the building below him. It is impossible for his three mine carts to keep chasing Brother Li's stolen car, right? Doesn't he need to mine anymore? Therefore, building one or two sentry guns is a must. Only sentry guns can prevent Brother Li from stealing him! In addition, he also built two dogs again to follow Brother Li's stolen car. Once Brother Li's engineer got out of the car, his dogs could bite his engineer immediately. died!

And Brother Li is an allied force, and the Allied forces don't have terrorist robots. In other words, Brother Li can't do what Bugs did, unloading the engineer and the terrorist robot from the car, and then hurriedly letting the engineer get on the car!

Seeing the dog in position 6 following him, Brother Li hurriedly pulled his stolen car down again!

But at this moment, the player in position six suddenly discovered that the first construction column and the second construction column on the right side of his screen disappeared at the same time!

I am naughty!

The player in position six suddenly went blank and his mind went blank. There was only one reason why the two construction bars disappeared at the same time, and that was that he no longer had a base car!

What's going on here? I have been keeping an eye on his stolen car, and his engineer never got out of the car. Why is my base car missing? The base vehicle must have been occupied by others, not destroyed by others, because if he was attacked by others, he would receive an alarm reminder, but he did not hear or see any reminder that he was attacked. , this must have been stolen!

But how was he stolen? He was watching this car thief so closely, how could he steal his base car under his nose?

The next second, the player in position six brought his vision back to the perspective of his home base vehicle. Sure enough, his base vehicle had been occupied by bugs, and there was an unloaded anti-aircraft vehicle parked next to the base vehicle!

I am naughty! Double theft? Isn't this too blatant? You actually used two stolen cars to steal my house? I am naughty!

The so-called double theft means that two stolen cars are sent to steal the house, leaving the person who was stolen without paying attention. It is very simple for ordinary people to prevent one stolen car. But it’s a bit difficult to prevent two stolen cars! After all, no one would have thought that someone would send two stolen cars to steal a house in the early stages, and the house they stole was a Soviet soldier's house. This was outrageous!

Time went back to ten seconds ago. When Brother Li's two stolen cars were about to enter the field of vision of the player in position 6, Brother Li deliberately let one of the stolen cars park in the field of view of position 6. In addition, because Brother Li knows where position 6 has explored the field of vision, he knows the position where he stayed. Position 6 has no field of vision. This is Brother Li's ability to grasp the field of vision, because in fact, everyone's path exploration The method is the same. Two dogs are sent to explore the road at the beginning, and the dogs' action paths are the same. As a senior player, he knows exactly where the dogs will pass by!

Brother Li let a stolen car enter the field of view of the player in position 6, and then after position 6 discovered it, he deliberately pulled the stolen car downwards, and after the dog in position 6 came out, he deliberately Pulling the stolen car down, his intention was simple, because he knew that No. 6 must be frightened by his stolen car at this moment, so No. 6 would definitely devote all his attention to it. On this stolen car, at the same time, he pulled down the stolen car twice. If position 6 wanted to stare at this stolen car, the base car in position 6 would leave the field of view of position 6. , because the screen is so big, you want to see here, but naturally you can't see there. At this time, Brother Li's second stolen car has already secretly driven into his home, and let the engineer occupy No. 6 The base car is here! It is also due to Brother Li's ability to control the field of vision. Brother Li knows that the range he pulled to steal the car twice was just enough to deceive No. 6's perspective to a place where the base car cannot be seen, and then carry out his plan. Home stealing plan!

It can be said that the stolen car in front of Brother Li's two stolen cars is just a bait. Its function is to attract the attention of the player in position 6. The stolen car behind him is the real stolen car. !

It was this double-stealing tactic that successfully deceived position six!

And this is not over yet. As soon as Brother Li succeeded, he put away the base vehicle, and then unfolded the base vehicle in place again. Then, he sold the base vehicle directly. After selling, , an engineer came out, and the engineer entered the barracks of the player in position six in the next second, because the location of his base vehicle was originally adjacent to the barracks, and the distance was so close that the player in position six could not Before he could react, the engineer got into his barracks!

Why did Brother Li put the base vehicle away first and then unfold it? Because the base vehicle has only been put away before, there is a certain chance that an engineer will be sold when it is sold. If the base vehicle has not been put away before being sold, it will not be able to sell an engineer. After dropping, only a few soldiers will come out!

This stowed away refers to being stowed away from the unfolded state. Although the base vehicle is originally stowed away at the beginning, this does not count!

And just after Brother Li occupied the barracks of the player at position 6, an engineer immediately came out of the barracks. Yes, this engineer was actually built by Brother Li at home. There was only a little progress bar left after Brother Li occupied it. After the barracks at position 6, set this barracks as the main barracks, and at the same time choose to continue building the engineer with a slight progress bar left to achieve the scene in front of you! After the engineer came out of the barracks, he immediately entered the tank factory next to him. Because in the early stages of this map, open space was more expensive than gold, so when building buildings, it must be as close as possible. It was precisely because of this that Brother Li was given this opportunity!

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