Game within game of online games

Chapter 945 I can’t understand

First, like Brother Li, he did not kill the two base vehicles in advance. The building he repaired must be the base vehicle. Is it necessary to repair the other buildings? If he doesn't knock out the health of the base vehicle, then what's the point of having an engineer? Could it be car theft? Who do you vote for at No. 7? Do you dare to steal? Position 7 probably won't beat the shit out of you. In the early stage, you didn't have time to hide from position 7, so how could you take the initiative to touch position 7's brow? Stealing the third position? Position three is the position of lightning storm + nuclear bomb attack. It's meaningless if you only steal it and can't destroy it. They have two super weapons in their backhand, so why don't you just be cool? Even a fool would not offend a player with two offensive super weapons for a building! Who else could he steal? He has no one to steal from. Should he steal the plane seat in seat 8? His bridge is broken, not to mention that what he fears most is the No. 8 position. How can he possibly steal the No. 8 position?

Since it's not about building stolen cars, then why are you hiring engineers?

Second, to be honest, it is not reliable to use engineers to repair the base, because this rhythm is difficult to grasp accurately. You don’t know when the shells at position 8 will bomb. Even if you predict it, it will be difficult. It happened that the engineer entered the building when it was half damaged by the bombing. This is very lucky. The concept of emergency repair is okay, but there are few examples of successful emergency repair. Most people , even top experts such as Weilong have not succeeded in repairing it several times, because it depends too much on luck!

In contrast, during the Black Hawk fighter bombing, the success rate will be much higher by collecting the base vehicle and pulling it away to avoid bombs. For example, in the insect's round, the Black Hawk fighter in position 8 bombed The base car in position 3 failed to destroy his base car twice. It is not that the ability of dodging bullets in position 3 is so good, but because it is more effective to dodge bullets by folding the base car. The success rate is to ignore the method of putting away the base vehicle, which has a higher success rate of dodging bombs, but to use the method of emergency repair by engineers to dodge the bombs. Isn't this a fool's errand? Position 1 is obviously not a fool to be able to advance to the finals. It can be seen from this that his role as an engineer is not to rush to repair the building, but this is a bit strange. He did not explode at such a critical time in the early stage. If the soldier prevents the attack at position 7, why would he use a useless engineer?

In comparison, Brother Li's engineers are a little easier to understand, because in the insect game, position 8 saw no hope of blowing up the base vehicle in position 3, so he simply blew up his nuclear bomb silo. You know , blowing up the nuclear bomb silo is also one of the daily operations of the player in position 8, because the base vehicle is indeed not very easy to explode, but blowing up the nuclear bomb silo is different. The nuclear bomb silo is a place that stands there and cannot move. Buildings, as long as the firepower is sufficient, can definitely be blown up, so many players in position 3 will place an engineer next to the nuclear bomb silo, and then knock out a trace of the nuclear bomb silo's health, and then try to rescue them. If you succeed, you will make a profit, but if you cannot save it, you will only lose an engineer. Compared with the importance of nuclear bomb silos, what is a mere engineer?

Of course, this still cannot explain why Brother Li did not knock out the nuclear bomb silo to drain the blood!

As for Bugs, who is in position six, he also created an engineer. This is unprecedented. It is the first time I have seen it. How could anyone in this position create an engineer so early? What's the point of creating engineers so early? It has no use at all. Even if it is to repair the base vehicle when position 7 comes out with the missile ship later, it is too early. If position 7 wants to send out the missile ship, it will take at least a few minutes. Now position 7 is blasting soldiers and tanks, obviously to push you quickly. If you don't take advantage of this precious time to send more soldiers to improve the defense system, what's the point of wasting your time on occupying troops and sending out engineers? It can be said that the behavior of the worm out of the engineer is indeed a mystery that no one can understand!

As for the emergence of an engineer at position 4, it is easy to understand. This is considered a normal operation, because it is very common for players in position 4 to quickly attack position 5 in the early stage. In the game of the insect, wasn't it seven? Did position No. 5 send a stolen car to steal No. 5's power plant, causing No. 5's cannon to become ineffective? Although everything is just a layout for position 5, it is very common for position 4 to steal cars and assist in attacking position 5!

And when the four of them discovered that each other had an engineer, their faces turned ugly, as if they were in some big trouble!

As for the troop farming position in position 4, this is really a master!

The so-called master does not mean how awesome his operations are before he can be called a master. A person who can use unexpected tactics is also a master!

Under normal circumstances, at the beginning of the game, position 4, the position where soldiers are farmed, will most likely attack position 5, which is the box farm, because they are enemies of life and death. He is next to such a late position. If you don't kill him in the early stage, you will definitely be killed by the opponent in the later stage!

But the playing style of this fourth position is really weird. When the system gave him the second wave of tanks, he picked up four tanks and an anti-aircraft vehicle loaded with engineers and rushed to Brother Li's house. First, a mine cart was used to attract the firepower of Brother Li's giant cannon under Brother Li's high platform. Then, five tanks rushed into Brother Li's hometown together. Their speed and clear purpose were staggering!

Regarding this scene, not to mention that Brother Li, who was involved, was shocked. All the players present and the audience around the world were also shocked. It is not that they have never seen this kind of play, but they have only seen it. They only have the opportunity to see that kind of abuse game or entertainment game. In this kind of competition with extremely generous rewards, it is almost impossible to appear! Why?

Because it would be too risky to do so. As the fourth position that farmed soldiers, he was much closer to the fifth position that picked up the box than he was from the third position where Brother Li was. The fourth position was usually played at the beginning. Position 5, position 5 can pick up boxes. It is a late position. Once position 5 develops, position 4 will definitely be the first one to fight, because they are the closest to each other! And doesn’t position 4 know these things? Obviously he knows, but why does he want to attack Brother Li quickly when he clearly knows that his biggest enemy is position 5 and not brother Li at position 3? Isn't he afraid that when position 5 develops, he will be destroyed?

The above is the reason why it is impossible for one of the four positions to destroy the three positions at the beginning!

And for another reason, there is no conflict at all between the fourth position and the third position. It is impossible for the third position to play the fourth position anyway, unless the third position combines the eight and the first position. One neighbor has been wiped out, so we have no choice but to attack the slightly farther neighbor in position 4. But obviously this is not true at the moment. Position 3 is constantly threatened by position 8, which means that it will be killed. Brother Li, Brother Li won't try to play the fourth position. Why would the fourth position take action against a third position that is not a threat to him at all? This doesn’t make sense either emotionally or rationally!

The above is the second reason. The third reason is that if you enjoy the pleasure of killing people, then you can indeed do this. This is why in some entertainment games, some people will adopt this style of play. , but is it the Entertainment Bureau now? Now it's the finals of the Global Hegemony Tournament. Every point they work hard will bring them one step closer to becoming the champion with both fame and fortune. If you want to enjoy the process of destroying people, why do you have to enjoy it in this kind of competition? Don't you want a championship? Have a grudge against the champion? Even if you really win the No. 3 position, what good will it do to you? Didn't you suffer any damage from the battle? What should you do if position 5 sneaks up on you while you are suffering from battle losses? Position 4 has absolutely no reason to do this. If he destroys position 3, position 8 will be freed, because position 3 is the primary target of position 8. If you destroy position 3, the happiest thing is Position 8, does it have anything to do with you?

For various reasons, no one present could find the reason why position 4 attacked Brother Li in position 3!

Abandon the fourth position at the start and quickly attack the third position


Brother Li's irrationality requires surprise to win. Not to mention others, even Brother Li, the person involved, he never thought that No. 4 would come to beat him, because in his eyes, the probability of such a thing happening is basically is zero! Therefore, Brother Li did not take any precautions against position 4. His attention was still focused on position 8, which had produced four local aircraft. He had been building anti-aircraft guns, but did not build land-based sentry guns. For defense like this, we didn’t create any soldiers to coordinate the defense, because it was unnecessary!

But because of this, Brother Li's situation suddenly became serious. He had no soldiers, how could he get four tanks and a stolen car at position 4? Where is the time to build troops now?

At this moment, several planes appeared from above Brother Li's head!

Back to five seconds ago, when Brother Li discovered the movements of position 4, he began to build sentry guns and soldiers, and at the same time manually operated the giant cannon to attack the anti-aircraft vehicle at position 7, instead of the mine that was attracted by the hatred. car! But obviously all this is too late!

At the same time, it was not just Brother Li who made moves, nor was it just the two in position 4, there was also the masked girl in position 8 who made moves!

The masked girl directly pulled up four Black Hawk fighter jets and four local aircraft and flew in the direction between Brother Li in position 3 and position 1. This flight direction is normal, because the base vehicle in position 3 is In that direction, basically every No. 8 position will take this flight direction. Seeing the plane from No. 8 position flying over, No. 1 position hurriedly put down the second anti-aircraft gun on this route. The reaction is also normal, just like the game of the insect. Position 8 is flying in this direction. It is most likely going to position 3, but it cannot be ruled out that it is going in a circle and is going to position 1. Go ahead, after all, it’s all true and false. As a master, it’s normal to use this tactic! Therefore, the No. 1 position naturally has to do some symbolic defense. After all, what if the plane at the No. 8 position is really heading for his No. 1 position?

And soon, when the direction of position 8 was about to reach the direction of the base vehicle at position 3, these planes suddenly changed their flight paths and flew in the direction of position 3 where Brother Li was!

Seeing this scene, No. 1 was relieved. He quickly sold the anti-aircraft gun, just like the No. 1 player in the insect's game, because he had determined that No. 8 was targeting If Brother Li in position 3 goes, then he naturally does not need to keep this anti-aircraft gun. To put it bluntly, this anti-aircraft gun can help position 3 in defense. He and position 3 are enemies, so what does he have? Reason to help him defend? Furthermore, if he does not sell this anti-aircraft gun, it will firstly affect the attack of position 8, and secondly, it may anger position 8. After all, position 8 has made it clear, but you still haven’t sold it. What do you mean by dropping this anti-aircraft gun? What if position 8 gets upset and turns around and bombs you, can you handle it?

Next, is the scene just now. The tank at position 4 has rushed to Brother Li's high ground, but Brother Li has not established a defense system on land! At this moment, the plane at position 8 appeared again!

Sure enough, there was a leak in the house and it rained all night. Brother Li was already having a headache when dealing with a No. 4 position. At this time, eight more planes flew over. These two people wanted to cooperate on land and air to destroy themselves. Who could Can one versus two at this early stage? Absolutely impossible!

Soon, the plane at position 8 began to fire cannonballs, and Brother Li put away the base vehicle and tried to avoid the cannonballs from the Black Hawk fighter jets. However, because of this, the sentry cannon he was about to build was stillborn. , he only has one base vehicle. After putting it away, the first two construction columns will disappear, and the unfinished buildings inside will be forced to stop construction, and all the money spent will be refunded!

This is troublesome. If there is only one player in position 4, then she can destroy some soldiers and build the sentry cannon. She may be able to struggle for a while, but now that the sentry cannon has not come out, isn't it definitely the end of the game?

Just when Brother Li was about to throw away the keyboard, a miracle happened!

I saw that the shells of the Black Hawk fighter in position 8 did not fly in the direction of his base vehicle, but landed on the tanks in position 4 one by one! This scene completely ignited all the spectators present!

"Holy shit!" The player in position 4 was the first to curse, because in just a moment, four of his tanks were wiped out by the regiment, and his anti-aircraft vehicle was destroyed due to Brother Li's manual control of the cannon. , only one wheel was left after being bombarded by the giant cannon!

"What's going on? Is this a script? Why do so many outrageous things happen in the finals? Position 4 started with position 5, which has higher hatred and greater threat, instead of playing position 3, he went to fight position 3 position? Forget it, you are in position 8, isn’t it your bounden duty to destroy position 3 in the beginning? What are you doing? One of you is leaving your mortal enemy alone, and the other is rescuing your mortal enemy. Is it because my rank is too low that I can’t understand how you masters play?”

"I really doubt they are acting. How can you play a game like this? Don't you all want to win? Are you just playing around?"

"Hey, at this level, I could win the championship if I were to compete. How on earth did they advance to the top eight?"

For a time, this abnormal operation between No. 4 and No. 8 completely confused everyone!

Maybe, not everyone is confused, at least the person involved knows what is going on. Since they have made such a move, it means that they have their own ideas!

The tanks in position 4 were all wiped out, but the plane in position 8 returned to its home airport without any damage!

Because among the eight aircraft dispatched by position 8, four Black Hawk fighters were trapped by the Iron Curtain system and were invincible aircraft. During the attack, his four invincible aircraft took the lead. Attracting the hatred of No. 1 and Brother Li's anti-aircraft guns, while retreating, these four aircraft stayed in the sky above Brother Li for a while. Their intention was also very obvious, that is, to cover the retreat of the other four domestic aircraft. ! Anyway, their four planes are invincible and are not afraid of anti-aircraft artillery attacks!

And this operation of the masked girl in position 8 once again ignited the whole audience, fine! So delicate!

Seeing this scene, the players on the field once again had new ideas. Position 4 saw it. Position 8 was determined to help position 3. If this was the case, then he could not deal with position 3. position, he just won by surprise, now Brother Li at position 3 is on guard, and with the cover at position 8, it is impossible for him to succeed. He must now turn his attention to position 5 Here we go, No. 5 didn’t attack him just now because he didn’t have a tank. Now No. 5 is about to start building tanks. If he goes to No. 3 again, he will definitely suffer from No. 5. The consequences of a sneak attack were something he couldn't bear!

As for Brother Li, he naturally understood the goodwill shown by No. 8. He sold several anti-aircraft guns in a row. In exchange for some money, he also showed goodwill to No. 8. If No. 8 wanted to get rid of him, then he He has been eliminated for a long time now. Since he is not engaged in position 8, it means that position 8 will still not engage him in the future. He keeps so many anti-aircraft guns just to occupy resources. The game starts at 15,000. He is really very poor in his position! Although he didn't know why No. 8 saved him, he was saved. This was an ironclad fact!

And what about position one? He was the most confused one. Just now, when he saw the plane at position 8 flying in the direction of position 3, he sold the anti-aircraft gun. Now that he thinks about it, he really He just wanted to slap himself twice. Although the anti-aircraft gun could help the third position with air defense to a certain extent, the biggest beneficiary was him.

, and what about him? He was actually deceived by the illusion of position 8. He actually sold the newly built anti-aircraft gun with his own hands. Isn't this stupid? You know, position 8 can only take action against two people at the beginning of the game. There is a high probability that it will be position 3, and a small probability that it will be position 1. Position 8 has just helped position 3, so the high probability event has been ruled out. If it doesn't work, the target of No. 8's attack must be him, No. 1!

Thinking of this, the player in position 1 couldn't help but panic, and hurriedly canceled the bunker that was being built to defend position 7, and instead built an anti-aircraft gun. You know, the attack in position 8 is not just for anyone. I can withstand it!

If the No. 1 position is dedicated to defending the No. 8 position, then he is sure to be able to defend the No. 8 position. The worst he can do is build more anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft vehicles. But does he look like he is focused on defending the No. 8 position? ? He had already let down his guard against position 8 and went to build a bunker! So far, he has built at least two less anti-aircraft guns! He currently only has one anti-aircraft gun on the field, so why is he bombing at position 8?

As soon as No. 8's Black Hawk fighter jet returned, the system gave him four more Black Hawk fighter jets as gifts. Seeing this scene, No. 1's heart almost dropped! this

Soon, before the four new planes landed, they were pulled out by the masked girl again. This time she dispatched twelve planes at once, eight Black Hawk fighters and four soil planes. Her goal was very high. clear! There are two base vehicles and twelve aircraft at position 1. If all the artillery shells hit, it would be enough to destroy his two base vehicles!

Player No. 1 also saw the direction of the masked girl's plane. He hurriedly put away the two base vehicles and tried to dodge the bullets. At this moment, the masked girl feinted a shot. Don't you like dodging bullets? Who told you that my target is your base vehicle?

The masked girl's plane immediately adjusted its direction. In fact, her fundamental purpose was not directed at the base vehicle at position 1. Her fundamental purpose was only one, and that was the barracks and anti-aircraft guns of the player at position 1!

Everyone has their own understanding of who the plane is going to blow up, but they remain true to their origins! That is, if the opponent's air defense system is strong, then go straight to the home base and bomb the base vehicle directly! If the opponent's air defense system is average, then blow up the power plant and barracks. If the opponent's air defense system is weak, then blow up the anti-aircraft guns and barracks! ??

For now, the fundamental purpose of the masked girl has never been the base vehicle in position 1. Of course, it would be best if it could blow up the base vehicle, but its primary target should definitely not be the base vehicle, because blowing up the base The car is too easy to dodge bullets. Once it is dodged, the attack will be in vain! The correct way is to blow up the opponent's only remaining anti-aircraft guns and barracks. If the opponent no longer has anti-aircraft guns, it will be easier for you to blow them up in the future. And if the opponent has no barracks, then the other party will not be able to build anti-aircraft guns. The other party needs Build a barracks first, then build an anti-aircraft gun! Blowing up the barracks at position 1 will undoubtedly greatly delay his construction of anti-aircraft guns!

The reason why the masked girl just went to the base vehicle in position 1 and feinted a shot was actually to force him to put away the base vehicle, thereby causing his half-built anti-aircraft gun to die!

In the end, the masked girl's goal was indeed achieved. He not only stopped the construction of the anti-aircraft guns at position 1, but also stopped the construction of the barracks at position 1, because the player at position 1 knew that he only had one barracks. It's too dangerous. Once position 8 blows up his barracks, he won't be able to build anti-aircraft guns! So he has to add another barracks!

And what about the masked girl? Not only did he destroy the only remaining anti-aircraft gun at position 1, he also blew up his only barracks. The situation at position 1 can be said to be precarious!

When the masked girl's plane was withdrawn to reload, the player at position 1 deployed the base vehicle again and began to build a barracks. Soon his barracks was in place and he began to build anti-aircraft guns. However, at this time, the masked girl The plane is here again, and the reloading speed of the plane is only a few seconds. Counting the flight time of the plane, it is definitely no problem to build a barracks at position 1 during this period, but if you want to build a barracks and an air defense If it's a cannon, that's impossible! So the ending is already obvious. After forcing the No. 1 position to put away the two base vehicles again, the masked girl's plane flew towards his barracks and power plant. Now the masked girl will start to consume his power plant. If he Without a power plant, even if he has a barracks or even an anti-aircraft gun, it will not help, because the anti-aircraft gun consumes electricity. As long as his power plant is demolished, the No. 1 position will be lost because there is no power plant. , players cannot build barracks. If you want to build a barracks, you must first have a power plant! In the future, while the masked girl is replenishing ammunition, position 1 can at most build a power plant. It is impossible for him to build a power plant and a barracks at the same time. Of course, even if he can, he still cannot build an anti-aircraft gun. It can be said that , if the masked girl continues to bomb the No. 1 position, the No. 1 position will definitely be doomed, because there will be more and more planes of the Masked Girl. If he waits a little longer, it will be useless for him to dodge the bombs, because the Masked Girl’s planes will There are already so many that the player in position 1 cannot dodge the cannonballs!

And just when the masked girl's shells were about to be fired, two anti-aircraft vehicles appeared!

The appearance of these two anti-aircraft vehicles caused an uproar on the field again!

"What on earth is going on with this horse? I really can't understand it more and more. Position 4 sends an anti-aircraft vehicle to assist position 1 in defending. What are you doing? Why are you helping position 1? ?Does it do you any good to help No. 1?"

"Does it mean that No. 4 wants to take revenge on No. 8? The enemy of my enemy is my friend?"

"I really can't understand this high-end game. What are they playing? Hey, commentators, can you explain it a little more clearly?"

"This... I can't understand this either. I can only explain to you the situation on the battlefield. Even the gods can't understand their incredible fighting methods."

The commentator said with an innocent face, "I want to explain too, but who can understand their nonsensical operation?" Aren't you making things difficult for me?

That's right, it was the player in position 4 who drove the two anti-aircraft vehicles gifted to him by the system to position 1 to help position 1 resist the attack of the masked girl!

But the masked girl seemed to have noticed the movements of the two anti-aircraft vehicles for a long time. At the beginning, he didn't know the purpose of the two anti-aircraft vehicles driving in this direction. Now she is sure that this No. 4 is Come help No. 1!

I usually don't like this kind of person!

The masked girl immediately stopped the planes, and then let them fly towards the two anti-aircraft vehicles. If you like helping others so much, then don't leave!

Seeing the aircraft in position 8 flying towards his anti-aircraft vehicle, the player in position 4 secretly thought something was wrong and hurriedly pulled the anti-aircraft vehicle away. However, no matter how fast the anti-aircraft vehicle moved, it could not be faster than the Black Hawk fighter. , Black Hawk fighter jets are the fastest moving unit in the Red Police. Who can escape the pursuit of Black Hawk fighter jets?

Soon, the masked girl's Black Hawk fighter jet fired shells at the anti-aircraft vehicle at position four!

However, as mentioned before, position 4 is definitely a rare master. His ability to dodge bullets can be said to be extremely proficient. He dodged two Black Hawk fighter shells in a row. After the third shell, At that time, I hit this anti-aircraft vehicle. It was able to dodge two shells in a row. Its strength is definitely top-notch!

The second anti-aircraft vehicle was even more outrageous, dodging three artillery shells. After all, the difficulty of controlling two anti-aircraft vehicles to dodge bullets at the same time is definitely higher than controlling one anti-aircraft vehicle to dodge bullets! But the masked girl had too many planes, so he sent eight Black Hawk fighter jets


If you go after two anti-aircraft vehicles, even if the gods come, you won't be able to escape death! The Black Hawk fighter jet has a very high attack power and can destroy an anti-aircraft vehicle with only one shell! In this way, the two anti-aircraft vehicles in position 4 were wiped out by the regiment in just one encounter!

However, although his anti-aircraft vehicle was destroyed by the group, it bought a lot of time for the No. 1 position, because when the masked girl was chasing the No. 4 anti-aircraft vehicle, the No. 1 position had already deployed the base and started building anti-aircraft guns. !

As for the masked girl's four planes, due to their low attack power, they only bombarded the barracks at position 1 to a pulp without destroying it!

Ten seconds later, the anti-aircraft gun at position 1 successfully appeared on the ground, and a new round of offensive from the masked girl came. She followed the previous waves and fired a shot from the base vehicle at position 1. Also destroyed his anti-aircraft guns and barracks.

Although No. 1 also knows that No. 8 is trying to sway him, he doesn't dare to gamble. Who knows what the purpose of No. 8 is? What if position 8 saw that he didn't put away the base vehicle and directly bombed the base vehicle? Then doesn’t he have a base vehicle? The consequences are even more serious! !

In the next round of offensive, position 4 sent two more anti-aircraft vehicles, one of which was gifted by the system, and the other one was built by himself!

In order to reduce losses, the masked girl chose to destroy his anti-aircraft vehicle first. Anyway, she had already experienced this scene. Even if it bought some time for the No. 1 position, he could only build an anti-aircraft gun at most, and this This anti-aircraft gun can be easily destroyed in her next round of offensive! This is not a big deal to her!

But who would have thought that position 4 would really go too far! In the next round of the masked girl's offensive, position four actually sent four anti-aircraft vehicles. All four anti-aircraft vehicles were built by him himself!

At this time, the masked girl simply ignored his anti-aircraft vehicle, because if he went after the anti-aircraft vehicle at position 4, it would definitely cause battle damage to his own aircraft, and secondly, the air defense vehicle at position 1 would also be damaged. They will take the opportunity to build a second anti-aircraft cannon, so the masked girl's focus must be on the anti-aircraft cannon and barracks at position one!

But this time, because she had four more Black Hawk fighter jets, the masked girl not only destroyed the barracks and anti-aircraft guns at position 1, but also took away a power plant from him!

And she also paid for two Black Hawk fighter jets and four domestic aircraft!

The loss of the indigenous aircraft does not matter. The indigenous aircraft are not as good as the Black Hawk fighter in terms of attack, defense or flight speed. The indigenous aircraft will only be used in the early stage of rapid attack. In the mid-term, the indigenous aircraft will definitely be eliminated. Even if it is not eliminated, she still has to find a way to get rid of it, because the earth plane also has to be parked on the air finger. The existence of the earth plane will occupy the space of the air finger. Once the earth plane is docked, it cannot dock. Black Hawk fighter jet! The only pity is the two Black Hawk fighter jets. This is the first time she has lost a Black Hawk fighter jet in this game. The Black Hawk fighter jets are still very strong. It is indeed a pity to lose two of them at once!

And the anti-aircraft vehicle in position 4 doesn’t seem to be planning to leave.

"Holy shit, is this fourth position crazy? Spending so much money to produce five anti-aircraft vehicles to help an unrelated No. 1 position help defend? Isn't he going to develop himself?"

"Who says it's not? He doesn't deal with the No. 5 position honestly. Instead, he puts all his energy into the No. 1 position. I'm afraid he is a fool, right? Is the No. 1 position his father? Why does he help the No. 1 position so much?"

"This is unfair. Isn't this two versus one? Is it possible that he knows the person in position 1? No, the official just wanted to avoid the situation of joining forces, so they deliberately gave them random names. None of them They don’t know who is who, even if they are really good friends offline, they can’t identify them among these eight people!”

"If you say two-on-one, then at the beginning, wouldn't No. 8 also cooperate with No. 3 in two-on-one? How can I say that? However, the word "union" you just said made my heart live. Got an idea!”

"what idea?"

"It is true that they cannot recognize each other among these eight people, but is it possible? That is, they have a secret code that allows them to recognize each other without being able to communicate?"

"You mean, those engineers they built at the beginning that they couldn't understand? That's not right. Four people built engineers at the time. How do they know which one is their teammate?"

"The secret code is just one of them. I think they probably recognized each other from each other's combat habits. You know, each person's construction style, layout, and some subtle operations are all unique. , if they are a group of teammates who often play together offline, then they are likely to recognize each other from everyone's personal habits at the beginning. In this case, wouldn't it be equivalent to playing black? "

"I'll go, if it's really like what you said, then it's true that the devil is as high as the Taoist. In order to prevent the situation of joining forces to attack a family, the officials deliberately made this Even if they take some measures, they can still catch the loophole? Are they able to recognize each other without being able to communicate? Isn’t the water too deep?”

"That's not right. There is a loophole in your statement. There were four people on the field who started building engineers at the same time. Who was with whom? How many groups were they divided into? Positions 1 and 4 should be in the same group. After all, The fourth position has gone too far, but what about the third position? Since the third position has also built an engineer at the beginning, it means that he is also a person with a secret code and teammates. Judging from the situation of four companies that have just built engineers. , is it possible that No. 3 and No. 6 are teammates? So what does No. 8 count? There is no construction engineer in No. 8, why should she help No. 3? Besides, let’s put aside this masked girl in No. 8 first Not to mention the ownership of the team, how could it be such a coincidence that the secret codes used by these two groups of teammates to identify themselves are construction engineers? Isn’t this too coincidental? I think that although your analysis has some truth, it is all just It’s just a coincidence!”

"I'm just talking casually. Who knows what's going on? The strange behavior of the masked woman in position 8 really makes my guess a little untenable!"

For a moment, the audience on the field started making random guesses!

If the player in position 4 sent two anti-aircraft vehicles to support the home of position 1 for the first time, but it just made the audience think that position 4 was seeking revenge on the masked girl in position 8, then how to explain the second wave? In the third wave, the player in position 4 spent his own money to build four anti-aircraft vehicles to help position 1 in defense. This cannot be explained by revenge against position 8, because the cost was too high. Position 4 ignored its own safety. Spend your own money to protect an unrelated person? Is he stupid or are the audience stupid? There is definitely something fishy here!

Combined with the fact that at the beginning of the game, these four forces each built an engineer, this has to make the audience think that there is a secret alliance among them, and this engineer is a secret code to facilitate them to recognize each other. ?

Back on the battlefield, although the masked girl lost two Black Hawk fighter jets, in the next round of attacks, there were no anti-aircraft guns at position one, and only four anti-aircraft vehicles at position four were cooperating in defense. In this round of attack, she These four anti-aircraft vehicles in position 4 must be wiped out, otherwise, her Black Hawk fighter planes will suffer losses!

However, the moment the masked girl's Black Hawk fighter jet took off, Brother Li moved!

Brother Li directly pulled out five tanks and killed them in the direction of the anti-aircraft vehicle in position 4. In the previous waves, Brother Li did not take action because he was holding back the tanks. The construction speed of anti-aircraft vehicles is faster than that of tanks. Quick, and now that he has sent out enough tanks, he is going to leave the mountain!

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