So what if he had to bear the consequences of the dissolution of a certain big force? After all, his wish is too important to him!

"Haha, Brother Lantian, what Wei Bin can do for you, how can I, Xiongba, not be able to do it for you?" Xiongba hurriedly approached, fearing that Wei Bin would get the red alert eye!

"Okay! I can promise the two gang leaders that no matter who among you finally helps me complete my request, I will give him the Red Alert Eye in my hand for free, and I will never charge a penny!" Lan Tian said very sincerely.

"My request is to help me get a necklace called the Heart of the Ocean. It is the Heart of the Ocean in the game, not the Heart of the Ocean in reality! I can tell you all the information about the Heart of the Ocean. I can tell you Where is it and what does it look like?" Lan Tian excitedly explained to Wei Bin and Xiong Ba.

However, only halfway through what he said, Wei Bin turned around and was about to leave!

"No need, keep the Red Alert Eye in your hand for me!" After saying that, Wei Bin left the venue without looking back!




It is really invincible!

What kind of momentum is this? You don't need to tell me what the Heart of the Ocean looks like, where it is now, and you don't need to tell me any information about it. You just need to tell me what you want to get, and that's enough!

I just need a name, that's enough! Please keep my red alert eyes for me! That's right! My Red Alert Eye, in my eyes, this Red Alert Eye already belongs to me, it is impossible for Xiongba to get it!

After Wei Bin left.

"Haha, you are really pretending! Those who don't know think you know the whereabouts of the Heart of the Ocean, and you can get the Heart of the Ocean easily! But in fact? You are just retreating from the difficulties. , you know you can’t get the Heart of the Ocean! But you can’t lose face, so you deliberately pretended to be such a confident person. I shouldn’t be wrong to say that, right Wei Bin!" Seeing Wei Bin turn around and leave , Xiongba quickly mocked.

"Haha, why bother to be fast-talking for a while? Let's speak with the facts!" Wei Bin did not look back, but walked further and further away!

"Haha, pretend to be critical! Brother Lantian, go on." However, Xiong Ba just said this and immediately regretted it!

Why regret it!

You know, what he is doing now is completely different from what Wei Bin did just now! No matter what Wei Bin did just now, he was really well-informed or just pretending to be wrong. At least from the appearance, he has a very high standard. You don’t have to tell me anything. You just need to tell me your name. I will naturally have a way to do it. Help you get it!

And what about his dominance? But he stayed and continued to ask Lan Tian for information about the Heart of the Ocean. These two gestures made a difference!

You don’t have to worry about one person, just wait to receive my Ocean Heart, while the other one needs to understand the Ocean Heart first, and then you can judge whether you have the ability to get this Ocean Heart. The contrast this brings to people is really great! Obviously, you can't do this! From the perspective of momentum, you have already lost!

He Xiongba should invite Lan Tian to a place where no one is around to talk!

And soon, the spectators watching the excitement began to whisper among themselves. Xiong Ba knew without thinking that they must be talking about the contrast between him and Wei Bin just now. It was really embarrassing!

Then, Xiongba invited Lan Tian to his private plane, preparing to send Lan Tian home while discussing things about the Heart of the Ocean on the plane.

Why did Wei Bin and Xiong Ba spend so much money fighting for the Red Alert Eye? The hatred between Nirvana and Aoshi is just one of them. The most fundamental thing lies in this piece of equipment!

The Red Alert Eye has a field of vision of +100 meters and can observe any corner within the same map. The observation time is 5 to 5 minutes and has a true vision effect. The cooling time is one hour.

Yes, this is an exploratory prop that can increase your field of vision, but don’t underestimate this prop that does not increase any attributes. It is an artifact of helping!

As we all know, during a gang war, the safety of the commander is very important, because the commander is commanding the entire army and controlling the entire battle situation. If the commander dies, they will be fighting independently without any tactics or formations. In other words, even if you defeat the opponent, you don't know whether you should pursue it. What if this is a bait to lure the enemy deeper? If you can't fight, you don't know whether you should retreat, because you don't know what kind of mission you are shouldering, and whether there is anyone behind you that you are protecting! Therefore, the safety of the commander is very important, but in fact, the commander is not safe. If he is not careful, he will be beheaded by the opponent! Take Wei Bin as an example. How many times has Wei Bin beheaded the opponent's commander? So what is the reason for this effect? In the final analysis, isn't it because the opponent's commander is positioned too far forward?

Some people may want to ask, why does the commander have to be so forward? Couldn't you stay further back?

Commander, don’t you know that I should stay back a little while riding the horse? Don’t I care more about my safety than you do? But isn’t this not allowed by the actual situation? My field of vision is only 100 meters. If I stand back just to save my life, can I still see it? How can I give orders when I can't even see?

But if the commander has the Red Alert Eye, it will be different. When you have the Red Alert Eye, you naturally don't have to sit on the front line, because the Red Alert Eye can increase the player's distance by 100 meters. vision! As we all know, under normal circumstances, players can only see things 100 meters away at most. If it is farther away, they can only see blurry shadows, and they cannot see the specific situation there at all! You know there's a fight going on, but you can't tell who has the advantage and who has the disadvantage between us and the enemy. Doesn't this delay things? But what happens after you have this red alert eye? That's different. With it, your field of vision reaches 200 meters.

In this way, you can completely go to the hinterland of your own army to command. This safety factor is very high. The opponent's commander on the front line may be killed at any time, and you are in the hinterland of your own army. Then it's safe and it's difficult for the opponent's Tianshan players to infiltrate!

And this is just one of the application channels of Red Alert Eye! In addition, it also has the function of exploring the map. Players can use the exploration function of Red Alert Eye to explore every corner of the same map. The exploration time lasts for five minutes and has a one-hour cooldown.

To be honest, if you use the detection skill well, it will definitely be an opportunity to win by surprise, because the area it detects is not fixed. It does not mean that after you choose to explore this area, you will be able to win within five minutes. You can only explore this area. You can change the exploration area. You can look here, look there, and change locations at any time! Maybe you were looking at the southeast corner of the map one second, and you can switch to the northwest corner of the map the next second! This exploration function allows you to monitor every corner and every battlefield on the map at any time, so as to make corresponding countermeasures!

Also, this detection skill has a visible effect. Any invisible player will be invisible under your detection, and this visible effect does not mean that only the owner of the Red Alert Eye can see it. Not only can invisible units be seen, but all friendly forces can see them, which is a bit powerful!

In the end, since Wei Bin's team only took the top two, among the reward props, Wei Bin also got the Red Alert Badge of Honor and the Red Alert Gloves. Wei Bin naturally had to get these two pieces of equipment. He used it himself, especially this red police glove, which was tailor-made for him. Why did Wei Bin spend huge sums of money to form a team of 1,000 people a year in advance? Isn’t it just for these three pieces of equipment?

When the Red Alert Glove triggers a knowing blow, there is a 10 chance to destroy the target's weapon.



Why is it said that this red police glove is tailor-made for Wei Bin? Because this is a piece of equipment linked to knowingness. Wei Bin's knowingness value is so high that he can hit everyone with knowing blows. Who doesn't he need to use it for? This piece of equipment can only be of maximum value with him!

As we all know, after players join a sect, they change their attack mode. They are no longer like in Novice Village, where they can kill with a knife or dagger without restrictions. After a player joins a sect, if he wants to launch an attack, he must first Have a handy weapon, whether it is a knife, a sword, or any other type of weapon, as long as you have a weapon in your hand, you can launch an attack, and only if you have a weapon in your hand, you can launch an attack Attack, if you don't have any weapons in your hands, you can't attack!

And what about this Red Alert glove? But he can destroy the weapon in your hand. If two people are fighting and the weapon in one of the players' hands suddenly breaks, how can they still fight? What are you waiting for if you don't want to be killed?

Of course, it is not easy to destroy other people's weapons, because he only has a 10% chance of destroying the weapon in the target's hand, and if he wants to trigger this 10% destruction effect, there is a must-have The prerequisite is that a knowing blow must be triggered. Only when the player triggers a knowing blow can there be a chance that the effect of destroying the weapon will be triggered!

In other words, in order to achieve the destruction effect, two conditions must be met at the same time. First, a knowing blow must be triggered, and at the same time as a knowing blow is triggered, the 10 destruction effects must be triggered. , only when the two are combined can the weapon in the hands of the attacker be destroyed, and it is actually very difficult for the two to come together!

From this point of view, this glove is originally prepared for players with high understanding, not necessarily for players with high combat power, because players with high combat power may not necessarily be very knowledgeable. This is related to the way of personal creation. , some people, even though their combat power is not as high as yours, their understanding value is not necessarily lower than yours, because their gems are inlaid with alexandrite that can increase understanding, while yours are inlaid with alexandrite that can increase understanding. Purple Jade increases the hit rate. It is common for a four-level player who takes the knowing route to have a higher knowing level than a five-level player! Therefore, this red alert glove does not seem to be very practical for the majority of players, because most players have very low understanding. How can they trigger the effect of destroying equipment if their understanding is low?

If you take numerical values ​​as an example, for example, if your understanding is very high and you have a knowing hit rate of about 50 for most people, then the probability that you can destroy other people's equipment is 5010, which is a destruction probability of 5!

Don’t underestimate this 5, which is already relatively high, because for most players, even players with a limit of 5 are difficult to achieve this. If players with a limit of 5 do not inlay alexandrite, Then they only have a knowing value of thirty or forty. As an audience, even a player with a limit of three or more has a knowing defense of more than ten. In other words, a player with a limit of five or more can beat a player with a limit of three or more. A knowing hit rate of about 20, if you include the 10 chance of triggering the destruction of equipment, then it is only a destruction rate of about 2! And what if it’s between players of the same rank? Each player's understanding defense will be higher than their own understanding defense, but it's not much higher. It's only about ten points at most. In other words, when they deal with players of the same level, they only have about 10 points of understanding defense. The hit rate of the heart is just a destruction probability of 1!

Where can you take this chance of 1? You know, before you destroy his weapon with a hundred cuts, he himself will be dead long ago. Which player of the same level can resist his opponent's one hundred cuts without dying? Therefore, this piece of equipment is of little use to civilians, or to players with relatively low understanding values!

Its beneficiaries are those players with high understanding value, such as Wei Bin, Die Wu, and Brother Li! Their knowing attribute is very high, and they basically hit everyone with a knowing blow. In this case, they don't need to pay attention to whether they can trigger a knowing blow, because they have already done it. Knife crit!

He only needs to try those 10 luck, and every 10 attacks can destroy a person's weapon, which is a bit scary! Especially during team battles, the opponent is still in a state of confusion, and their weapons are long gone!

Another point that is also very important is that this glove is an equipment that can be put into effect in the backpack. There is no need to wear it on the body to occupy the equipment grid!

And the first place reward, a red alert badge of honor, is even more amazing!

The Red Alert Badge of Honor aura reduces the maximum attack speed of friendly units within 100 meters by 01 seconds.

Damn it, this is a god-level piece of equipment!

What does the effect description of this equipment mean? What does lowering the upper limit of attack speed by 01 seconds mean? What the hell is the upper limit of attack speed?

As we all know, the fastest attack speed of a player is to attack twice in one second, that is, attack once in 0.5 seconds. This is the fastest attack speed of the player. You can choose to attack once in one second, or you can choose to attack three times in two seconds. But you absolutely cannot attack more than once every 05 seconds!

And what is the effect of the aura carried by this red alert badge of honor? It can lower the upper limit of your attack speed, adjusting your upper limit of attack speed from every 05 seconds to every 04 seconds!

Now you know the awesomeness of this piece of equipment. Your attack speed is suddenly 20 times faster than others! How can others play with this?

And, if only you're attack speed increases by 20, that's fine, but the key is that this horse is a team outfit! This is an aura that increases attack speed by 20! Its range of action is as high as 100 meters. God knows how many players can stand in this circle with a radius of 100 meters during a team battle?

The most important thing is that attack speed is not just a matter of how many times you can attack in a second. How many times you can attack in a second is just the most superficial aspect of attack speed. Before you get equipment or props that can increase the upper limit of attack speed, you won't realize the deeper meaning of attack speed! Attack speed, it not only means how many times you can attack in one second, it also includes the speed of raising your hand!

What is hand-raising speed? If a player wants to launch an attack, wouldn't it be divided into two processes? The first is to raise the hand, and the second is to drop the knife! The deeper meaning of the increase in attack speed is that your hand-raising speed and knife-falling speed have increased!

If you put it in more straightforward terms, it means that your attack forward and attack back swings have become shorter. As we all know, when a player launches any attack, he will be affected by the attack forward and attack back swings, and the attack of a normal attack The forward swing and attack back swing are the shortest, so the attack speed of normal attacks is the fastest. This is why Tianshan players are less willing to use skills after performing the trick, because the attack forward swing and attack back swing of all skills They are all longer than normal attacks, and grafting has a splash effect. The damage caused by splashing is definitely higher than the skill damage. Therefore, in order to maximize the damage, Tianshan players will choose to use normal attacks, which have the fastest attack speed. way to output!

Let’s take a skill with the most obvious forward and backward swings, Tianshan School’s Plum Blossom Three. The forward and backward swings of this skill are simply too much! When Tianshan players use this skill, they must first jump. Doesn’t it take time for you to jump? Would you say you jump up and take the time, or do you just take out the knife and take the time? This jumping action is the forward swing of casting, and after the skill ends, you have to freeze for a while before you can continue to attack. This is the backward swing of spell casting! The whole set of actions takes about 0.8 seconds. Did you say it's not too much? A normal attack lasts 05 seconds. If you give me a full 08 seconds, how much damage can you do? If you can really cause it

If you do double damage, I'll tolerate it. If you can't cause double damage, then why should I use you? I might as well go and chop him twice! Especially Tianshan in the state of grafting flowers and trees. If I have your skills, how much damage have I done?

The power of this piece of equipment can be derived from the forward and backward swings of the skill! For example, if two melee players fight against each other, the player who raises his hand faster will definitely get the upper hand. They can control you, but you just can't control them because they raise their hands faster than you. , everyone’s skills have already been used, but you’re still raising your hand slowly! The first mover advantage during k is really important. Why is everyone willing to get the first move? As long as someone gets the upper hand, a set of skills can take you away! You're already dead and you're still practicing raising your hands there! Are you feeling aggrieved?

This is the role of the Red Alert Badge of Honor. Like the Red Alert Gloves, this piece of equipment does not need to occupy an equipment slot and can be effective when placed in the backpack. And according to its ability to change directions and increase attack speed, it is naturally For people with higher output, the cost-effectiveness of carrying it will be higher. Looking at the entire Nirvana, is there anyone with higher output than Wei Bin?

Wei Bin obtained the above two pieces of equipment through this world-class Red Alert Competition, and others also suffered no loss, especially those players who entered the top one thousand, they can be said to have made a lot of money. The bowl is full, among them.

Fourth place - 10th place will get +1000 free attribute points and +1000 gold coins??

Let’s talk about these 1,000 free attribute points first. How much physical strength can a level 5 ruby ​​increase? It’s only 120 points. In other words, these 1,000 free attribute points alone are equivalent to the value of 8 level 5 gems. What if they are converted into level 4 gems? That is the attribute of 40 level four gems, which is equivalent to inlaying a set of four level gems. After you have these attributes, even if you have not played Tianlong before, it is not too late for you to join Tianlong now, at least You already have the limit of four gems!

Putting aside the 1,000 free attribute points, just take the 1,000 gold as an example. 1,000 gold is 10 million federal coins. Even if you resign now and sit at home all day long, you won't be able to spend it all in your lifetime. Moreover, Your life will be better than that of ordinary people!

No. 11 - No. 100 free attribute points +500, gold coins +500

500 free attribute points are equivalent to the value of 20 level 4 gems, which is half the limit of level 4. This strength cannot be underestimated. After all, how many people can inlay level 4 gems? And five million federal coins is also the lifetime wealth of most people. How much money can an ordinary person earn in his lifetime? Even if you go a long way, you can earn 10,000 federal dollars a month, which is only 120,000 federal dollars a year. If you want to earn 5 million, you need to work for 40 years. The most a person can do in his life is to work. Is this the age limit? In other words, it will take them a lifetime to exchange for these 5 million.

No. 101 - No. 500 free attribute points +300, gold coins +300

No. 501 - No. 1000 free attribute points +100, gold coins +100

Although the following rewards are not as generous as the previous ones, there are many places. Now there are 900 places. Isn't the probability of reaching the target much higher than the first 100 places? Relatively speaking, it is also easier to obtain. You can earn one million by playing a game. Such a high bonus has never been seen in previous competitive games. In the past, such a high bonus was awarded to the first place. Not bad, the 1000th player wants this kind of reward? Stop daydreaming!

What others don't know is that among the first thousand people, Guang Weibin accounted for 800 people in the team formed by him! After all, they have been practicing for a year, while others only have a week to recall their skills. This level must be different!

"Haha, buying a house and a car is just around the corner!" A member of Wei Bin's team returned home happily. This time, he won the 99th place and received 5 million federal coins. 5 million federal coins. In his place In the city, you can buy a big house and a good car!

"Qianqian, have you seen that my efforts were not in vain, I won 88th place!" Another contestant also happily knocked on the door of a girl named Qianqian!

"Dear, I'm sorry. I should have trusted you, encouraged you, and given you strength!" After saying that, the girl named Qianqian started crying. This girl was his girlfriend, but when she knew that her boyfriend When her friend was going to practice Red Alert, she immediately became unhappy. After all, this is Tianlong’s world now, and games such as Red Alert have long been shut down. Why would you play a game that has already been shut down? Isn’t this not doing our job properly? So Qianqian was very unhappy at that time, and she had a cold war with this person for a long time. In fact, this is human nature! But today, this person in Wei Bin's team got the results, and the girl named Qianqian suddenly felt ashamed.

"Stop talking nonsense, I love you"

"Guang Leader Wei is really a good person! I must repay him!"

This idea immediately became the sentiment of the members of Wei Bin’s team!

In addition, all participants, regardless of ranking, can get an exquisite gift, and this gift can be sold to any grocery store in Tianlong World. At that time, players can randomly receive 011,000 gold, which is very exciting. , although the larger the amount, the lower the chance, but with so many people, you will always win the jackpot!

"F*ck! I won, I won, hahaha! I won nine hundred gold! Those idiots are still working so hard, so what if you squeezed into the top one thousand? You squeezed into the top one hundred So what does fame mean? Can you get these 900 gold?"

"Hahaha, I won too. I won 520 gold. It's awesome and invincible. I'm going to buy a lottery ticket. With this kind of luck, who can I blame if I don't buy a lottery ticket??"

"Holy crap, how did I just win 1 gold? What kind of luck do they have? It's not cheating, right?"

"One gold? That's not bad. It's 10,000 federal coins after all! I only sold 02 gold!"

"If you're 02 gold, stop talking. I'm 01 gold, woo woo woo."

For a time, grocery stores in major cities became the most crowded places in the city!

In the early morning of the next day, the auction organized by the federal government officially began!

Since Wei Bin had a free ticket in his hand, he did not choose to open a private room, because many people already knew that he had a free ticket in his hand. There was no point in opening a private room. Wait for him to use this later. When he opened the free coupon, his identity was naturally exposed. For this auction, his idea was very clear. Although he couldn't open the box, he could let An Jing open the box. In this way, between them, Isn't it just right to protect quiet privacy with one light and one dark space?

In this way, the host skipped all the nonsense at the beginning and went directly to the topic. Although this auction was officially organized by the federal government, it only auctioned five items. For an auction, this number is really So few that any auction would start with ten items?

However, it is precisely because there are only five items. Doesn’t this highlight the rarity of these five items? It shows that these five items are very, very precious!

However, due to the existence of a free coupon, the rules of this auction broke the rules. The order of the appearance of these five items is not in order of value. It does not mean that the cheaper items are auctioned first. The more expensive items will be auctioned later. The order of the auction is completely random. The more expensive items may be auctioned later or first. There is absolutely no rule!


r\u003e  Why should we set up such a mechanism? It's because there is a free coupon in this auction, which is the one in Wei Bin's hand. What does the free coupon mean? This means that Wei Bin can choose any one of these five items. So which one do you think Wei Bin will choose? If this free coupon was given to you, which one would you choose?

That must be the most expensive one, no one is stupid! As long as there is no item he urgently needs among these five items, then everyone will definitely choose the most expensive item. After the auction is over, if he resells it, isn't that just money?

In order to prevent this kind of thing from happening, federal officials disrupted the order of appearance of the items and appeared in random form. In this way, Wei Bin could not judge which item was the most expensive, because he did not I don’t know what’s in these five items! This undoubtedly created a big obstacle for Wei Bin, making it impossible for Wei Bin to decide whether he should choose the item currently being auctioned, because he did not know whether this item was the most valuable or whether there would be any other items later. This item is more expensive, and at the same time, it also gives others a chance to compete fairly. Otherwise, others would have no chance to see the last item, and would be instantly killed by Wei Bin before they even get on stage!

"This mode is very interesting, haha. Don't some of you like to grab the final item? Now let me see if you still want to grab it. Maybe the last item is the cheapest one. You have been saving up for a long time and missed it. I bought the valuable items in front of me, but in the end I got the cheapest one, haha!"

"This official is really a chicken thief. He is obviously stimulating consumption. He just takes advantage of our uncertainty about whether the current items are the most valuable and allows us to increase the price to the highest level from the beginning. The federal government also You can make more money because of this, this federation is really treacherous!”

"Treacherous? I don't think so. Will the federation be short of your money? The reason why the federation is doing this is actually to protect us. Don't you know that Wei Bin has a free coupon in his hand? If you still follow the As a rule, if the most expensive items are put to the end for the auction, wouldn’t it mean that we have no room for competition? Even the last item was snatched away by Wei Bin without us even knowing what it was. Because they have a free coupon in their hands, they can choose any item they want! Why are the authorities trying to harm us? They are protecting us!"

Regarding the mechanism of this auction, the audience was also talking a lot.

"First of all, the first item we are going to auction in today's auction is - the Demon King's Roar! This is one item." The host was talking about the first item enthusiastically, but before he could get to the point, he was interrupted by the stage. A voice from below interrupted!

"I want this thing. I have a free coupon here. I wonder if any of you here have any opinions?" Wei Bin stood up.

"Let me go, is this Wei Bin a fool? Is this how you use the free coupon? I haven't finished explaining what the demon king's roar is for. I don't even know what it does, so I just took the photo. ? Isn’t this too brainless? Is this showing off the free coupon in your hand? "

"Haha, brainless? You are so brainless! Hey, such a precious free coupon is wasted like this. What a pity!"

"Can't Wei Bin use his brain? Or does he not fully understand the mechanism of this auction? What the host just said is that the items in this auction are randomly placed on the stage, not upside down. , shouldn’t he think that the most expensive items are auctioned first, and the cheaper items are auctioned last? With such understanding and IQ, how did he get this free coupon? Is he really stupid? Is it a lot of money?”

"Haha, although the order of the items in this auction is said to be random, it is actually more or less well-founded. He must at least look at the value of the first two items. In my opinion, if it were me, I will compare the value of the third item based on the value of the first two items, and then start from the third item, and then consider whether to take it. In this way, the fault tolerance rate will be greatly improved, at least you know the third item. Is the value of this item higher or lower than the first two items? If it is lower, then you wait for the fourth item. If the fourth item is still lower, then you wait for the fifth item. What a coincidence. Are the two items the most expensive? The probability is only 40%, but if I compare the values ​​of the first two items and selectively take pictures of the following items, then I have a greater chance of winning the most expensive one. Expensive items, you don’t understand such a simple truth? Haha!”

Wei Bin's behavior of snapping up the photo instantly aroused controversy among countless people. After all, his behavior was too brainless and too wasteful. No matter how rich you are and how many free coupons you have, you still have to change the attributes of the items. Let’s talk about it after reading it! Just a blind guess? Blind shooting?

Or do you know the properties of this item? I do not know how? Judging from the buzz at the auction, they don’t know it either. And why do you know something that no one else knows? How come you are so knowledgeable?

As for what Wei Bin said, I don’t know if any of you here have any opinions. Can I have any opinions? You have a veto power in your hand, I will jump out now, and then you will veto me? Want me to be a clown? Do you think I am stupid?

Faced with Wei Bin's question, no one here had any objections. Who would argue with someone who has a free coupon?

However, at this moment, a voice appeared!

"Wait a minute, host, I think even if we can't compete with Wei Bin, as members of the auction, we should have the right to know the properties of this item, right? It can't be because he has a free coupon in his hand You can do whatever you want, right?" Everyone looked at the voice and saw that the speaker was none other than Wei Bin's mortal enemy, Xiong Ba!

When Xiongba said this, everyone came to their senses. Yes, although we can't compete with Wei Bin, we have the right to know what kind of item this item is. In an auction of this size, other The items in the auction must be all rare treasures, I need to learn more about them!

However, although everyone reacted, no one chose to stand up, lend support to Xiong Ba, put pressure on the host, and forced the host to expose the properties of this item!

Why are they obviously very curious and want to know what properties this Demon King's Roar has, but none of them choose to stand up and ask the host to expose this equipment like Xiongba did?

Because everyone here is not a fool, they smelled a hint of gunpowder from what Xiong Ba just said.

Obviously, Xiongba made this request to the host not just out of curiosity. Xiongba made this request out of hostility to Wei Bin, because Aoshi and Nirvana were about to go to war. This One thing, it was broadcast by countless media in yesterday's Red Alert Competition venue. It can be said that everyone knows it. At this juncture, Xiongba naturally knows every one of Wei Bin's trump cards, especially today's The items in this auction are extremely precious items, what if there are some that belong to the war category? What if this Demon King's roar belongs to the war category? Should Xiongba know the properties of this item? A tyrant must know himself and his enemy in order to survive a hundred battles! This is the reason why Xiongba proposed to let the host expose the roar attribute of the Demon King, because he wants to explore Wei Bin's trump card as much as possible. As long as he knows Wei Bin's trump card, he can prevent and target it in advance. Got it!

The above is just one of them!

Secondly, Xiong Ba’s statement is very disgusting. If you want to know the properties of this Demon King’s Roar, just tell me directly. Don’t bring us with you. Don’t say that we should have the right to know the properties of this item. ! Why did you bring us with you for the personal feud between you two? You have a grudge against Nirvana, but I don’t. You represent us like this. Did we say that you would represent us? Have we given you the right to represent us?

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