Game within game of online games

Chapter 962 Forbidden Land

"Well, what you said makes sense. Okay, I'll bring you a deck of playing cards. Come on, brothers, let's play cards!"

"Do you have mahjong here? I want to play mahjong!" Another player shouted in the distance.

"Oh, look at my brain. Don't worry, brother. I'll call another brother down and ask him to bring me a bag of mahjong. Do you have any needs? Do you want to play other games? Tell me quickly, I Find some more brothers to send to me!" the businessman asked loudly.

"I want to play Pai Gow, is there any?"

"I want to play Three Kingdoms!"

Suddenly, there were people clamoring to play various games!

"Okay, please don't worry. I have recorded your needs. My brother will send them to me soon. Please wait patiently!"

Good guy, this businessman is really all-pervasive. Wherever there is demand, there are businessmen. You are such an awesome businessman. You can do business all the way to hell! If a new person came to this underworld, they would be surprised. Did I go to the wrong set? I’m not here for the underworld, but for the card game? Some of these guys play mahjong, some play cards, and some push Pai Gow. Where is the underworld on this horse? This is obviously a large entertainment restaurant, some people even drank tea!

How did Wei Bin know that his move to destroy the city directly revitalized the underworld and promoted the steady growth of the underworld's gd! The whole underworld is filled with orioles singing and dancing at night, and the lights are bright and feasting. Where is this underworld? This horse-riding place is clearly a nightclub!

And this businessman had already made ten thousand gold without much effort!

This business is highly profitable. Every time he arranges for a person to come down, he can bring dozens of pairs of mahjong and the like. Poker cards sell for one gold, and mahjong sells for two gold. This backpack can net a net profit of at least a hundred gold!

At the beginning, the businessman found his friends, but later, they invented other methods. It has to be said that the businessman's brain is really good. They later realized that although the cost of these props was very low, they could It's a bit disgusting that they lose one level once they die. As a businessman, they are slow to level up. It's really heartbreaking to lose a few levels just to do business! Therefore, the businessman later changed his strategy. He spent money to hire some new people who had never played Tianlong in reality, let them create characters, and then committed suicide and went to the underworld. The level of the new people did not matter, just let them act as food delivery people. , this is very comfortable

Back when the anchor was trampled to death, in the forbidden land, an old man who was half human and half machine suddenly opened his eyes!

"Ancestor, what's wrong?" A half-human, half-mechanical creature named Uncle Tong asked. Judging from the state in which his ancestor was awakened, it seemed that something had happened!

"When two generations of protagonists meet, there will be many variables!" the old man said.

"Ancestor, what does this mean? Did something happen?" Uncle Tong asked.

"Haha, I don't know if it's good or bad!" The old man said two incomprehensible words in a row!

"Ancestor, the more you talk, the more confused I get!" Uncle Tong tilted his head and said. At this time, Uncle Tong, in front of this old man named the First Generation, was like a young child. Where can I still have the momentum that I had in Nirvana City, pointing at the army of the five gang alliances and saying, "All of you here are rubbish!"

"Just now, someone broke into the second level of hell! He discovered that world!" the first generation explained.

"What? Did Wei Bin finally discover the second level of hell? Ancestor, this is a good thing!" When Uncle Tong heard this, he immediately jumped up with joy! Because hell does indeed contain eighteen levels in total. At the end of the eighteenth level, there is where the first generation lived - the forbidden place!

As long as Wei Bin discovers the second level of hell, then Wei Bin will definitely explore the second level of hell in the future. After he reaches the second level of hell, as long as his strength reaches the standard, he can enter the third level of hell. , and so on, until I came to this forbidden place and met the first generation!

"No! It's not Wei Bin, it's someone else! However, even if it's someone else, it's not a big deal originally, but he just drove the live broadcast and entered the second level of hell. In other words, it won't take long, I'm afraid, the whole world will Everyone will know the secret of the second level of hell in Tianlong!" the first generation explained.

"This is actually a good thing. At least Wei Bin will know about it, right? As long as Wei Bin knows about it, Wei Bin will find this place one day in the future! My ancestor, if you ask me, I'd better go out and collect everything Tell Wei Bin all the secrets! At least this way, we can save a lot of time!" Uncle Tong said.

"Absolutely not. Don't say such things again in the future. You don't look like you have been with me for many generations. You look like a newbie! I have told you many times that our opponents have mastered very With powerful technology, we can leave this forbidden place and travel around the world, but we must not come into contact with the reborn people of the past generations. Even if we come into contact, we can only contact them once. This is why I can only work for the reborn people of the past generations. The reason for one attack! Once we have too much contact, our whereabouts will be detected by our opponents. By then, we will be in danger! In addition to not having too much contact with the reborn people of the past generations, many things, We can’t say it outside of the Forbidden Land. Among the many backdoors I designed back then, only the Forbidden Land, Void Misty Peak, and Loulan are safe. Even Han Jade Valley was assassinated in the previous life. The assassin organization has been destroyed. We can only talk about everything about the reborn in the above three places. Once I mention it outside, it may be monitored by the assassin organization. By that time, our All the efforts made by the reborn people in the past generations will be ruined! Therefore, you should give up this idea as soon as possible. From now on, you can no longer meet with Wei Bin. You have my aura, even if I myself have not met Wei Bin. If you come into contact with him, you will also be at risk of being exposed!" The first generation was a little nervous, as if he was afraid that Uncle Tong would not listen to him, so he went to find Wei Bin and tell Wei Bin all the truth!

Why did the first generation know everything, but did not tell Wei Bin directly, but chose to let Wei Bin uncover the truth step by step through his own curiosity and hard work? It's not that he doesn't want to tell Wei Bin, but that he can't do it! Once he comes into contact with Wei Bin, unless he is in the Forbidden Land, Loulan and Void Misty Peak, he will most likely be discovered by his old rival, the Assassin Organization!

The first generation has laid out a game for many years. In this game, each generation of reborns are pawns. So many reborns have fought for it and contributed their efforts. The first generation knows that he must Be careful in everything and never take any chances!

"Don't worry, ancestor, I know!" Uncle Tong explained.

"If this live broadcast can arouse Wei Bin's alert, it will indeed be a good thing! However, no matter whether Wei Bin notices it or not, the Assassin Organization will definitely notice that the Assassin Organization has played games with us for several reincarnations. They can It is said that they know our methods and characteristics very well. Once they discover this place, all the hard work of the previous generations of rebirths will be ruined!" The first generation said worriedly. After all, in the second level of hell, there are all machines. Strange, logically speaking, how could a mechanical monster appear in hell? Even if there are monsters, they should be some monsters! When a mechanical monster appears in hell, ordinary people may not notice anything unusual, but the assassin organization that has been chasing the first generation all their lives, how can they not notice it? You know, the First Generation is a half-human, half-machine creature!

"Ancestor, I think you are too worried!" Uncle Tong comforted him.


r\u003e  "Oh? Why? Tell me!" Even though the first generation has considered all the possibilities and the magnitude of the possibilities, he still wants to hear what Uncle Bucket has to say. How much he hopes that he can Whatever was missed, Uncle Tong filled it in!

"Ancestor, first of all! Judging from the information we have so far, the assassin organization should not have thought of you and me and the mechanical monsters together!" Uncle Tong hit the point. This is the most important thing. The first generation Isn't the reporter worried that the assassin organization will use the mechanical monsters in the second level of hell to suspect him? The forbidden place he currently lives in is the nineteenth level of hell. As long as the assassin organization links the first generation and the mechanical monster, the forbidden place will no longer be safe!

But what if it is true, as Bo Tong said, that the assassin did not connect the first generation to the mechanical monster? Then the forbidden place is still safe!

"Keep talking!" Obviously, the first generation was very interested in what Uncle Bucket just said! He is also looking forward to Uncle Tong’s reasons very much!

"Ancestor, think about it, the last reborn person Ruofeng, by what means did he pass on the secret of the reborn person to Wei Bin? He published a post on studying the ancient Shura control technique, and later, he Yu Gu launched a gang war against the rival gang. During this gang war, he summoned five Hunjiang dragons even though he had almost crushed the opponent. What was Ruofeng's purpose in doing this? Why was he so extravagant? The purpose of wasting five little dragons in the river was actually to attract the attention of the next generation of reborn people, and that post was an extended understanding of Ruofeng after the reborn people noticed him, and this post actually played a role A connecting function, because in the mission of West Lake, the ancient Shura Control Technique was also mentioned, and the Ancient Shura Control Technique was the bait used by the ancestors to attract the reborn to the fifth floor of the Treasure Cave. Ruofeng passed this post Wei Bin shifted his attention to this hidden mission, and then he returned to Songshan Mountain again. Through the mechanical monsters in Songshan Mountain, he followed the clues and finally brought the source of the puppets to the Treasure Cave and found me! Ancestor of the family, here During the process, Wei Bin had dealt with the mechanical monsters in Songshan Mountain, and Ruofeng had also dealt with these mechanical monsters. If the Assassin Organization has already suspected the subtle relationship between you and these mechanical monsters, what will happen? Did Wei Bin get the source of the puppets? I'm afraid the Assassin Organization had already found me through clues about the mechanical monsters in Songshan Mountain! But they didn't. This only shows that in their eyes, the mechanical monsters are just ordinary people. It's just an ordinary mechanical monster and has nothing to do with you. If this is the case, then even if the appearance of the second level of hell was broadcast live, the assassin organization would not notice it. Every day in the entire Middle-earth continent There are a lot of big things happening, a lot of weird things, which are distracting the attention of the assassin organization, so, Ancestor, you are too worried!" Bo Tong comforted him.

"Haha, what you said seems to make sense, but you also know that there is a time limit for the assassin organization to enter this world. It is also possible that they have already noticed the relationship between the mechanical monsters in Songshan Mountain and me. There is a subtle connection, but because of the time they entered this world, they were unable to follow that line to find you! Just because they didn’t find you doesn’t mean they didn’t suspect the connection between me and the mechanical monster!” The so-called ginger is still spicy when old. Although what Bo Tong said is quite reasonable, the first generation still discovered the loopholes in his rhetoric at a glance, that is, the time when the assassin organization entered Tianlong. You know, Due to plane suppression, the Assassin Organization wants to enter the Tianlong World, but there are many restrictions. They are not like players who can enter the Tianlong World on the first day of service. This plane is exclusive. Theirs, so that it took them a while to enter Tianlong. The reason why the Assassin Organization did not find Uncle Tong through the Songshan Mechanical Monster line does not mean that the Assassin Organization did not suspect the relationship between the Mechanical Monster and the First Generation. Relationship, there is another possibility, that is, before Wei Bin followed the clues to find Uncle Tong, the assassin organization had not entered the Tianlong world. After they entered the Tianlong world, Wei Bin had already obtained the source of the puppets. , the assassin organization does not have the source of puppets, which means that the clues are broken, because only the source of puppets can lead them to find Uncle Tong!

"Ancestor, this is not necessarily the case. Do you still remember what the last reborn person Ruofeng said? He said that the assassin organization seems to be able to advance into the Tianlong world. The suppressive power of the Tianlong world on them is gradually losing. In the following generations of reborns, assassins will enter earlier and earlier! Maybe the assassin organization has already entered the Tianlong world before Wei Bin got the source of the puppets, but they did not take a step ahead of Wei Bin Getting the Source of the Puppet shows that they did not associate the mechanical monster with you!" Bo Tong continued.

"This is just his guess and cannot be used as a basis!" the first generation denied.

"Ancestor, the next thing I want to say is the second point. Even if the assassin organization has a 50% chance of associating you with these mechanical monsters, they may not be able to associate this mechanical monster on the second floor of hell. , is it associated with the 19th level of hell we are in? There is no logical connection between the two. Not only did you set some mechanical monsters in the second level of hell, like Songshan, there are also some other places. , you have set up mechanical monsters. Maybe the assassin organization will think that these mechanical monsters are set up by you, but they will never think that your residence is here! Ancestor, are you right?" Bo Tong said again explained.

"What you said makes some sense!" The First Generation agreed with Bo Tong's words this time. Yes, what if the assassin already knew that these mechanical monsters were designed by me? All the wild monsters and creatures in the world are designed by me, but these mechanical monsters are somewhat related to my half-human, half-machine body. For the assassin organization, this cannot be used as a clue for them to hunt me down!

"Finally, Ancestor, you have set up such a strict method of entering this forbidden place. Even if the assassin organization knows that you live in this forbidden place and knows how to enter this forbidden place, they still still Still can't get in, as long as you don't leave this forbidden place, you will be safe!" Uncle Tong comforted him.

"Haha, yes, this forbidden place is the last barrier for our reborn family. No matter how powerful the assassin organization is, it is impossible for them to come here. The mechanism of this world is already doomed. But, I still have Some worries, after all, something unexpected happened and that player should not be broadcasting live on the second floor of hell. Even if the assassin organization cannot come to this forbidden place, it can at least guide them in the direction!" The first generation still has some worries, After all, things about the second level of hell cannot be known to too many people. If only a few people know it, it doesn't matter even if he posted a post on the official forum. After all, it is just a minority, but what about now? This is a live broadcast. Millions of people have seen this live broadcast. After a while, there is no telling how fermented it will be!

"Ancestor, just relax!" Bo Tong continued to comfort the first generation. He knew that the first generation was a very thoughtful person. After all, he shoulders a very important mission. This mission has been reborn for several generations. The first generation had to be careful!

"Actually, what I am most worried about is not this but that such variables will continue to appear in the future! The root cause of all this is the encounter between the two generations of protagonists. Wei Bin, why does Wei Bin want to contact that world? Where is the protagonist? Doesn’t he know that his own existence has already begun to interfere with the direction of the Tianlong world and has begun to affect my layout? Now

When the two protagonists come together, won't they have more influence on the direction of the world of Tianlong? In front of me, this person who is live broadcasting on the second level of hell is the change caused by the encounter between the two of them, hey! He is still too reckless! In comparison, Ruofeng is more intelligent. He also discovered the protagonist of that world at the beginning, but he cleverly avoided the protagonist, so that the development trajectories of the protagonists in the two worlds were not intertwined, but Wei Bin, hey!" The first generation sighed.

"Ancestor, although every reborn person has the same mission, their style of doing things is completely different. There are some who have not even formed a gang in their lives and rely entirely on their own solo exploration. There are also those who have created a gang. , but the center of the gang also serves to allow him to better explore the mystery of rebirth. There are also people like Wei Bin who are dedicated to developing the gang and want to develop the gang first, and then eliminate all obstacles that hinder his exploration. Obstacle! Ancestor, I want to say that each generation of reborns has his own unique style. Although they have different styles, without exception, they can all use their own styles to explore many valuable things and then enrich them. Our intelligence! A few days ago, I said that Wei Bin was bad and that the Assassin Organization hadn't even intervened yet, so he wasted your only chance to take action for him. At that time, you were still saying good things for him! You are still optimistic about him! What? Now that I am optimistic about Wei Bin, have you started to distrust his abilities again? My ancestor, after the incident where you took action for him, I figured it out. It is also a good thing that he prematurely wasted the opportunity for you to help him, because the reborn people of all generations knew early that they had an opportunity for you to help them, so in their hearts, they would more or less Some people have the idea of ​​​​holding a gold medal to avoid death and taking nothing seriously. This is very detrimental to exploring the mystery of rebirth, but what about Wei Bin? Wei Bin wasted that opportunity early, so As soon as he came, he was desperate and fighting with his last resort. He knew that he had nothing to rely on anymore. If he wanted to survive, he could only rely on himself. This kind of fighting spirit is what a reborn person should have. Rather than having someone to back me up, someone to settle things for me. Moreover, although Wei Bin is indeed inferior to the reborn people of all generations in some aspects, there is one thing. Wei Bin has surpassed them by 10086 streets!" When Uncle Tong thought of this At this moment, a feeling of elation arose spontaneously, as if this did not happen to Wei Bin, but to him!

"Are you talking about Wei Bin's combat prowess?" the first generation guessed.

"That's right, ancestor, at this stage in the past, the combat power of the reborns in the past generations was only two to three million, and the most was only three million. But what about Wei Bin? He has already exceeded five million, or even, He has collected all the Chonglou artifacts. From this point of view, this is unmatched by any generation of reborns. In terms of collecting Chonglou artifacts, the fastest generation of reborns at this stage is only just now. He has only collected three Chonglou artifacts, but what about Wei Bin? He has already collected six. The ancestor of the family, the Chonglou artifact is the key to entering this forbidden place. I firmly believe that Wei Bin will definitely be better than anyone else. You have to come to this forbidden place as early as possible!" Uncle Tong said, his eyes shining, as if in his heart, Wei Bin could really complete the mission of the reborn!

"Haha, yes, we can't have too high demands on Wei Bin. Each generation of reborns has its own unique development trajectory. Although his encounter with the protagonist of that world caused variables, the current variables are acceptable. , and the reborn people of all generations have never had contact with the protagonist of that world. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why they eventually failed. Maybe Wei Bin can dig out more information from that protagonist! Haha, Just leave it to fate!" The First Generation said with a slight smile.

"Leave it to fate? Haha, Mr. Patriarch, this is the first time I have heard this sentence coming from your mouth in so many years!" Uncle Tong said in great surprise.

From Uncle Tong's understanding of the first generation, the first generation is a person who wants to take everything into his own hands. After all, it is a very important matter. He shoulders a very sacred and heavy mission. He cannot let any link go wrong. If something goes wrong, he must ensure that every link is under his control!

But now, the first generation actually said such words. Is this trust or showing off?

At the same moment, the original site of the main city of Aoshi. ??

"Damn it, where is this? I remember that I logged off in the main city of Aoshi. Why did I change the location as soon as I got online? Hey, the coordinates are correct. This location is indeed the main city of Aoshi. ! It’s really strange.” A player who just went online felt an incomparable difference. What is this? Why does it appear in this place as soon as it goes online? This is where?

Not long after, several more players came online. Apparently, they had the same expression as this player. This was too weird! I obviously logged off in the main city of Aoshi, how come the world didn't recognize me as soon as I got online?

Soon after, they will naturally understand that it is not that they have changed places, but that the entire city has disappeared.

Faced with reports from many people, the official quickly gave an explanation. After all, too many people reported Wei Bin for cheating. After all, before, we had never heard of anyone who could fly in the air.

The official directly announced the properties of the Demon King's Roar that Wei Bin took from the just-concluded auction. When people saw the properties of this item, they instantly understood everything!

The demon king's roar instantly destroyed a gang city of level four and below.

This riding horse is a nuclear weapon, and Wei Bin actually used this nuclear weapon to bomb the proud main city? Aren't you wasting your natural resources? Are nuclear weapons meant to be used? No! The main function of nuclear weapons is deterrence, and its deterrence is its most valuable part. If you hold it in your hand, no one will dare to touch you, because no one will be afraid that you will bomb them with nuclear weapons. But once you use up the nuclear weapons in your hands, it will be different. If you have nothing to deter others, then others will naturally not be afraid of you. And what about Wei Bin? Actually, the front leg just got this item from the auction, and the back leg used it immediately. Isn't this too extravagant for you? Wouldn't it be good to use it to deter those hostile forces?

As for the price, to be honest, it was not a loss for Wei Bin to exchange the free coupon for such a demon king's roar that could destroy an entire city. This was a scroll that could destroy a fourth-level gang city. The value must be more than one million gold coins, right? You know, it's a level four gang city! If you want to upgrade a gang city from level zero to level four, you have to invest so much effort. It is the culmination of tens of thousands of people's efforts for more than two years. The value of such a scroll must be higher than that of a level four city. Above the gang city, right? One million gold coins are definitely worth it! In the entire auction, the price of only one piece of Chonglou Jade exceeded one million. As for whether the value of Chonglou Jade or this piece of Demon King's Roar is higher, it's a matter of opinion!

Perhaps for most people, the value of Chonglou Jade is relatively high, but for Wei Bin, it is different!

You know, Wei Bin had a bet with Xiong Ba. Whoever's main city was destroyed first would disband his gang. Why did Wei Bin dare to make such a bet with Xiong Ba at that time? Isn't it because Wei Bin knew in advance that such a prop would appear in the upcoming auction? If Wei Bin didn't know, how could he take such a big risk to play so big with Xiong Ba? Xiong Ba has already told him clearly that he will attack Nirvana City in a few days. Xiong Ba has such great confidence, why would Wei Bin make a bet with Xiong Ba? Isn't that a brain teaser?

Wei Bin has already thought about this since the beginning


The use of Zhang's free coupon is clear. His purpose is very clear, that is, to use this free coupon to exchange for the Demon King's roar, and then use the Demon King's roar to destroy Aoshi's main city, and then force Aoshi to disband!

Now that Wei Bin has identified the target, he must use the free coupon to redeem the Demon King's Roar. Even though the price of Chonglou Jade is more expensive than the Demon King's Roar, Wei Bin still has to redeem it without hesitation. , he must not have the mentality of being greedy for small gains, not to mention that the price of Chonglou Jade is more expensive than the Demon King's Roar, so he should use the free coupon to exchange for Chonglou Jade and save a lot of money!

Is that what happened? Absolutely not. If Wei Bin uses gold coins to bid for the Demon King's Roar, and then uses the free coupon to exchange for the Chonglou Jade, he will suffer even worse losses in the end, and even his own plan to destroy the main city of Aoshi is very likely. will be affected!

Why? Because once the properties of this Demon King's Roar Scroll are exposed, other forces may not bid against Wei Bin, but what about Xiongba? Xiongba will definitely fight Wei Bin to the end even if he sells his pants! You know, this is a scroll that can destroy the fourth-level gang city. Xiong Ba and Wei Bin have a bet, how can he let go of such a scroll? Although he was completely sure that he could still destroy Nirvana City without using this scroll, he still had to get this scroll. His purpose of getting this scroll was not to deal with Nirvana City, but to deal with Nirvana City. It was so that Wei Bin would not use it against him! He wants to protect his gang city, he wants to protect himself, and he wants to ensure that he can win the bet, so he will definitely fight with Wei Bin to a bloody head! By then, let alone one million gold, it will be three million gold or five million gold. The two of them will also compete. After all, this involves a battle to eliminate gangs. Whose main city is destroyed first? The gang is about to be disbanded!

Different stances lead to different perceived values. Perhaps in the eyes of most people, the value of Chonglou Jade is higher than that of the Demon King's Roaring Scroll, but in the eyes of Wei Bin or Xiong Ba, the value of this scroll is definitely far more than that. For this Chonglou Jade, it would be wisest and most economical for Wei Bin to exchange the free coupon for the Demon King's Roaring Scroll!

and. In order to ensure that his plan can be implemented smoothly, Wei Bin can also get it first before the host announces the properties of the Demon King's Roaring Scroll, because Wei Bin does not want to cause trouble. If the properties of this scroll are announced, Doesn't this give Xiongba time to think about countermeasures? If Xiong Ba had other means to hold him back, wouldn't he have to disband Nirvana if Nirvana City fell? Therefore, Wei Bin must ensure the mystery of this scroll!

At the auction, why did Wei Bin remain indifferent to Xiong Ba's cynicism? Even when Xiong Ba showed Wei Bin the scene of the Nirvana City wall being knocked down, Wei Bin didn't show any emotion at all? Why is Wei Bin so calm? Because Wei Bin knew in his heart that as long as the auction was over, he could immediately destroy Aoshi's main city. It only took a moment. This was not negotiable! And how long can Nirvana City last under the attack of Yamakimon and the proud members?

According to Wei Bin's estimation, Nirvana can last for at least half an hour. Half an hour is definitely enough for Wei Bin! If Wei Bin was not prepared, Nirvana City might only be able to last for ten minutes at most. But you must know that Wei Bin had already been prepared for Xiong Ba's sneak attack. Just yesterday, Xiong Ba attacked He showed his confidence, and then the two of them made a bet, and the auction was scheduled for the early morning of tonight. It was obvious that Xiongba, who had been fully prepared for a long time, was very likely to participate in the auction. During this period, we should attack Nirvana City, because Wei Bin has a free coupon for this auction, and he must participate in this auction. He himself is not in Nirvana City. The lack of command has lowered the defense. With the power, it would be strange if Xiongba didn’t seize this opportunity!

Wei Bin had expected this, so before he went to the auction, he had made sufficient defense preparations. Wei Bin not only made the 100,000 players in the Baishi City jurisdiction collectively return to defense, he would even reveal The 200,000 players within the jurisdiction of Chenghe City of Peace also transferred over, because he didn't know what kind of trump card Xiongba had. Since Xiongba was confident enough, he could reveal the news that Aoshi was going to attack Nirvana City several days in advance. If you give it to him, it means that Xiongba's trump card is very strong. Wei Bin has to deal with it carefully. He must strengthen Nirvana City's defense power as much as possible and delay it until the end of the auction!

Because Wei Bin understands the mechanism of this auction, he knows that due to the free coupon in his hand, the order of the items in the auction has been greatly adjusted. The value of the items is no longer determined by Instead of appearing in order from low to high, all items appear randomly. The scroll he wants may appear first or last, so he must ensure that Nirvana City's defense force can last until the end of the auction. That’s it! Although the scroll he wanted was indeed the first to appear today, this was just luck. In his previous life, this scroll was not the first to appear, because it was random!

After arranging the defense force of Nirvana City, Wei Bin believed that no matter what kind of trump card Xiongba had, Nirvana City would be safe within half an hour!

Next is the scene where Aoshi's main city is destroyed!

Back to when the official auction just started.

"Brothers, Wei Bin has been entangled in that auction now. He can't get through now. Let's go. Success or failure depends on this!" He shouted without blood, and then he used a A very advanced sealing scroll has sealed all Nirvana's arrow towers, attack towers, defense towers and teleportation arrays, making them unusable within an hour!

Immediately afterwards, under the leadership of Yaqimon, countless proud players launched an attack on Nirvana City from outside Nirvana City!

Yes, it was a frontal attack from outside the city. This was something that no one would have dared to do before, because the walls of Nirvana City were specially strengthened by Wei Bin, who mined them from the dark plane. Some dark ores specially used to strengthen the toughness of the city walls were made to make the walls of Nirvana City indestructible. This was already experienced by Ao Shi in the last siege battle. It was difficult for even siege vehicles to break through Nirvana City. The walls of the city!

But today, Aoshi still chose to attack from outside the city, choosing this most direct, primitive, and difficult method to attack, for no other reason than because there was a Yamatamon among Aoshi's troops!

Soon the troops came to the city, and the Yamakimon opened its mouth, and its eight heads focused fire on a point on the city wall. In just one volley, the durability of the city wall was reduced by 10, that is to say , it only takes ten rounds of volleys for Yamatomon to destroy the city wall it attacks!

This is very scary. You must know that the attack frequency of Yamatomon is once per second. In other words, it only takes ten seconds for Yamatomon to break a hole in the wall!

What kind of siege speed is this? If this were the last time Aoshi used a siege truck to attack the city, it would have taken a minute, right? But Yamakimon only needed ten seconds to do it. What kind of combat power is this? With such a big help, Aoshi will naturally launch a frontal attack from outside the city!

You know, in the past, whether it was the early emperors, He Wushuang or the others, or even Xiong Ba, why did they try every means to open a gap inside Nirvana City? Isn't it because it's too difficult to attack from the outside? The city wall was too strong. Without siege engines, they could only rush in from the city gate. But how big was the city gate? That is a place where only one man is in charge and no one can enter!

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