Game within game of online games

Chapter 972 dota competition

When the deceleration ended, only one-third of Zeus's health was left. At this time, the cooldown time of Fire Girl's T had expired. Fire Girl used another T move to directly control Zeus in place. He still had Can run? As a double kill sounded, Brother Li got the second drop of blood and killed two people in a row!

However, since there are four people sharing the experience, even if they kill two heroes in a row, the four of them still have not been promoted to the second level. After all, there are more people. After the experience is shared, each person will get less experience! At this time, the talisman was about to be refreshed, and the four of them rushed in the direction of the talisman. At this time, the witty captain was already waiting for the talisman to be refreshed at the talisman point. Yes, the captain did not rescue the other two just now. A teammate, because he knew that it would be difficult for him to save these two teammates without skills. Instead of doing this useless work, he might as well stay and eat this talisman secretly!

But as the four men of Brother Li approached, the captain got scared! He began to evacuate towards his home. With the current distance between him and Brother Li, he might be able to grab this talisman. However, after he grabbed this talisman, he would probably not be able to leave. , because the cooldown time of Fire Girl's T is very short, which can be seen from the fact that it has been used twice in a row, and the geomancer is still wearing shoes. As long as the four geomancers chase him together, etc. After the geomancer's net has recovered its cooldown, he can be left alone, and then the fire girl can connect to it. In the process of chasing, the ravine of the sacred cow and the ice girl will also be cooled down sooner or later. By then, He cannot escape death!

Therefore, when the captain saw the four people rushing over from the opposite side, he wisely chose to leave. After all, although the magic runes are important, life is even more important. Among the two magic runes refreshed in the river, the one in the first round The magic talisman only costs 100 yuan and 100 experience. Even if he grabs this talisman, if he dies, he will still lose, because the opponent can get two to three hundred yuan by killing him. Others The three people who participated in the assists can also get dozens of dollars in assist money. Including the experience gained by the four people on the opposite side, it is definitely far more than the one hundred dollars and one hundred experience. Therefore, the captain You can't just throw away your life for a mere magic talisman, it's such a shame!

However, he thought it was safe for him to evacuate now, but in reality? This is just what he thinks. I don’t want you to think that, I want me to think that!

Want to run away from a geomancer wearing shoes? This is so whimsical!

I saw Brother Li and the four of them chasing the captain. When the four of them arrived at the talisman, there were still two seconds left in the countdown. After two seconds, a talisman would be refreshed at this position, but Brother Li decisively crossed the talisman and chased directly in the direction of the captain. How could killing someone be so important with just a talisman? As long as I kill you, won't the talisman still be mine? Is it possible that the talisman can grow wings and fly away?

Immediately afterwards, the Fire Girl, the Earth-shaking Divine Bull and the Ice Girl also came to the location of the magic talisman one after another. After all, the three of them did not have shoes and their movement speed was not as fast as the Geomancer. When the Ice Girl controlled by Linlin came to the talisman. At this point, there was only one second left in the countdown. The ice girl stopped decisively. After eating the magic talisman one second later, she continued to catch up. After eating the magic talisman, the ice girl directly rose to the second level. Level, learned the second control skill e!

Soon, the captain entered the scope of the geomancer's net, and saw Brother Li casting another net, firmly controlling the captain in place. Seeing this, the captain threw a net directly at his feet. He hit the torrent and tried to avoid the Geomancer's attack, because he knew that since the Geomancer netted him, the Geomancer would definitely come forward to attack him. At this time, he placed a torrent under his feet, and the Geomancer netted him. The fortune teller also arrived at him exactly two seconds later and attacked him. In this way, wouldn't it be possible to push the fortune teller into the sky?

However, his little calculation was so perfect, but he underestimated Brother Li's consciousness. The captain's raising of his hand was so obvious. When Brother Li thought about it, he must have dropped the torrent at his feet. Now that he knew Given the specific location of the torrent, wouldn't it be easy to avoid it? The Geomancer directly bypassed this area, preparing to bypass the captain from the side and wait for the torrent to be triggered before attacking him. In this way, it can save some time of running away!

Sure enough, with an explosion of water, the captain's torrent bulged under the captain's own feet! Of course, your own skills cannot harm yourself!

Seeing that the torrent had been triggered, Brother Li turned around and attacked the captain. At this moment, Brother Li's net control time ended and the captain was free again!

However, just when the captain was about to escape, the Earth-Shaking Divine Bull struck the ravine again, leaving the captain in place. However, due to the position of the Earth-shaking Divine Bull at this time, the The ravine only played a role in controlling dizziness, and did not isolate him to a place where he could not escape!

But it was enough to stun the captain, so taking advantage of this dizzy time, Wei Bin's Fire Girl had already rushed over. The Fire Girl made another move and took over the control again. After the control ended, the Ice Girl had already rushed over. Coming up, since the ice girl had already reached level two, she first used e-ice to freeze the captain, and was going to wait for the freezing effect to end before using it to slow down the captain!

At this time, a player's consciousness needs to be tested. In this case, be sure to use the e stabilizing control skill first, and then use deceleration after the control is over!

Because the captain's position is now close to the woods next to the middle tower. If you slow down first, even if you slow down, the captain can still get into the woods. Once he gets into the woods, Brother Li and the others will lose the captain's vision. Well, if they want to regain the captain's vision, they must also follow them into the woods! However, it is difficult to kill the captain in the woods, because the captain can use the woods to get around the field of vision. Unless Brother Li's geomancer can always follow the captain, otherwise, even if they open a little distance, they will Losing their vision again, not only will it be difficult for them to kill the captain, but they may also be killed by the captain, because soon after entering the woods, they will enter the attack range of the middle tower, and the attack power of the defense tower is very High, especially for first-level heroes like them, its lethality is very fatal. If you are not careful, you will be killed by the defense tower!

On the other hand, if the ice girl uses e first and then uses it, then there is no hidden danger of being counterattacked, because e is a stable control, and she will definitely get a beating during the freezing period, and after the freezing is over, the ice girl will If you use it, you won't lose your vision because the captain got into the woods, because Ice Girl can open your vision. After using it, you can get a high-altitude vision that lasts for three seconds. With the help of high-altitude vision, , even if the captain got into the woods, it was useless, Brother Li and the others could still see him, and the three seconds of deceleration was enough for them to kill the captain!

The script was performed as expected by Linlin. After the freezing was over, Linlin picked up again. After a while, the captain died under the pursuit of four people!

What a hard time, Captain! Originally he thought he was smart enough. When he saw Brother Li and the four people rushing towards him, he had already run away in advance. He was worried that he would be chased to death by the other party. But who would have thought that the Geomancer even had the magic talisman. If he doesn't eat, he will come directly to chase him. This is too hard! And because Geomancer had shoes and a speed advantage, in the end, he was controlled by Geomancer before he got into the woods, which ultimately led to his own death!

On Brother Li's side, I have to say that Linlin's consciousness can indeed be called perfect. Although this is only her first game, her performance is so sophisticated, like a top master. She felt that based on the position of the enemy and ourselves at that time, the four of them could at most cripple the captain. Next, after the captain got into the woods, they would face an embarrassing situation. If they continued to pursue, they might be killed at any time. Being counter-killed by a defense tower is very common. In the pub game, it often happens that the opponent's hero is pursued relentlessly and then is counter-killed by the opponent. There is even a collection of classic counter-kills on the Internet. in


There is such a scene, a hero uses the forest to block his vision, and then uses the defense tower to attack the opponent. In the end, he kills three people alive and gets three kills!

But if they give up, they will definitely not be able to get the captain's head. If she wants to get the captain's head, she must upgrade to level two and learn another control skill. With two control skills , then it would be much easier to kill the captain! This is Linlin's consciousness!

Next is the scene just now. Brother Li successfully took the captain's head, three kills!

"Holy shit! What did you three do? Why did you give the opponent a triple kill when you came up? And it was a Geomancer? Don't blame me if I can't get up later!" Xiao Hei complained, he is in the late stage. , the only one in their lineup who can compete with Geomancer is him. Now, you gave someone a triple kill when you came up, and they got almost 1,000 yuan. How do you want me to play?

"Fuck, these guys on the other side are pretending to be pigs and eating tigers, but it doesn't matter. They only have four people and we have five. With one person missing, it's hard to lose even if you want to!" Ryan responded hurriedly. He had to hold on. The mentality of teammates. Fortunately, they are sitting in the Internet cafe for five consecutive times. If they were passers-by, when they saw that the opponent's geomancer was directly given a triple kill, they would have quit the game one by one and restarted the game. They would have stayed and waited. Being abused?

After killing the captain, the four heroes were promoted to level two, while the ice girl was promoted to level two and a half because she had just eaten the magic talisman and gained a hundred experience points!

Next, the four of them divided their lanes according to Brother Li's plan. They cleared the top lane and allowed Xiao Hei to develop freely. In the middle lane, there was Brother Li's Geomancer, while Insect's Earth-shaking Divine Bull and Linlin's Ice Girl drilled into the lane. Entering the wild area, ready to help Li Ge pull the wild area! Wei Bin arrived at the bottom lane. When the troops came under the tower, he went up to gain experience. When the wild monsters in the wild area were refreshed, he went to help Li Ge pull a wave of wild monsters!

What is laye? If you want to understand what pulling wild monsters means, you must first understand the refreshing mechanism of wild monsters. Wild monsters can be refreshed every integer minutes only when there are no wild monsters nearby. When there are no wild monsters nearby, , if someone closes it, it will no longer be refreshed!

So why is it closed? Sealing the wild means inserting an eye near the wild monster. As long as there is an eye nearby, the wild monster will not be refreshed here even after a whole number of minutes. In high-end games, there are too many situations where the wild monster is blocked, because No one wants the opponent's hero to get into the jungle to develop without pressure. As long as they block the opponent's jungle, then the opponent's jungle will not be able to refresh wild monsters. In this way, the opponent will naturally not be able to continue in the jungle. Developed! Unless the opponent buys a set of true eyes or true sight gems to eliminate the opponent's eyes, in this way, wild monsters can still be refreshed here in the next minute!

Next, let’s talk about how to pull wild monsters. The so-called wild monster pull is to artificially use the refresh mechanism of wild monsters to refresh wild monsters. The specific operation is to attack the wild monsters here in the six or seven seconds before the full minute. Monsters, when the wild monsters are attacked, they will naturally fight back against you. At this time, don’t be too eager to fight, just run away. At this time, the wild monsters will come out to chase you. As time goes by, when the hour is reached, the wild monsters will Because he came out to chase you and left the vicinity of his original position, didn't this artificially create conditions for refreshing wild monsters? Since there are no wild monsters in this area and it has not been blocked, another wave of wild monsters will be refreshed!

Of course, there is also something to be said for how many seconds in advance to attack the original wild monster. This needs to be measured based on the movement speed of the original wild monster, because the movement speeds of different wild monsters are different. Some wild monsters have With an aura that increases movement speed, these wild monsters run very fast, so you can't attack them too early, because the distance a wild monster can chase you is limited, and it is impossible for it to chase you indefinitely. When it leaves, After reaching a certain distance from the original position, he ran back again. If it is for those wild monsters that move fast, if you attack them too early, then because the moving speed is too fast, you will not be able to wait until the hour. At that time, he ran back. Since there are wild monsters nearby, there will be no wild monsters spawning again at this location!

In the same way, if it is some wild monsters that move too slowly, and if you do not grasp the time to pull the monsters, it is very likely that these wild monsters will not leave the nearby position when the hour is reached. The same is true at this time, because There are wild monsters nearby, and it is also impossible to spawn a new wave of wild monsters!

Another situation is that if there are already one or two waves of wild monsters here, and you want to continue to pull wild monsters, then the time must be advanced, because there is a collision volume between wild monsters, and they will interact with each other. Crowding each other will undoubtedly slow down their movement speed. If they run slowly, you will naturally have to pull away in advance!

After just getting three assists, Linlin's Ice Girl and Bugs' Earth-shaking Divine Bull each bought another chicken and a small blue bottle, and shipped them to themselves respectively!

Next, they are going to use chickens to attract wild animals!

The principle of using a chicken to pull wild monsters is actually the same as using a hero to pull wild monsters, except that the chicken cannot attack wild monsters. The chicken pulls wild monsters by using the chicken itself to enter the hatred range of wild monsters to trigger the wild monsters. The difference between using a hero to pull the wild monster is that the hero pulls the wild monster by attacking the wild monster to trigger the wild monster's hatred. Of course, the hero does not need to attack, or he can use it to enter the wild monster's hatred range. Pulling the wild monster is the same. When a target enters the hatred range of the wild monster, the wild monster will attack the target!

However, it is very difficult to use chickens to attract wild monsters, because chickens are very fragile and will be killed by wild monsters if you are not careful. If you want to use chickens to attract wild monsters, you must master the wild monsters well. The monster's hatred range is important, and the reaction speed must be fast. When the chicken enters the monster's hatred range, it must pull away immediately. If it is pulled slowly, it will still be killed by the wild monster!

In addition, since they are preparing to use chicks to pull the wild, it means that they want to pull the double wild! What is La Shuangye? That is to pull wild monsters from two places at the same time. Whether it is the jungle area of ​​the Guards or the wild area of ​​natural disasters, there are five places where wild monsters can be refreshed. Since Bugs and the others have used chickens, they must pull double monsters. Wild, because if you play solo, then the hero alone is enough, and there is no need for a chicken at all!

But the difficulty of pulling a double wild monster is very high. You know, if you pull a single wild monster, then Zeng only needs to calculate the movement speed of a bunch of wild monsters, but if you pull a double wild monster, then you have to It is still very difficult to calculate the movement speed of two wild monsters at the same time, and to protect the chicken from being killed by the wild monsters!

However, as a veteran player, Chongzi still has no problem if he wants to do this!

As for Linlin, with her insight, mental agility, and practical ability, as long as she understands the principle of pulling wild, it will be very easy to do this!

However, when the actual operation came, Linlin still failed! She only pulled a single wild monster, and the chicken was killed by the wild monster because she did not grasp the hatred range of the wild monster!

"What's going on, how can you die if you act wildly? This is not in line with your style!" Brother Li deliberately teased.

"Tch!" Linlin said disdainfully.

When waiting for the next wave of wild monsters, Linlin couldn't even pull the wild monsters successfully because she didn't grasp the timing of pulling the wild monsters!

"What's going on with you?" Brother Li seemed to feel something strange. This was completely out of line with Linlin's level. Judging from her ability to control forty or fifty Black Hawk fighter jets and destroy the Veyron in one fell swoop, it was just a mere La Ye, isn’t that pediatrician? How could Linlin not even do such a small thing well?

It’s okay if you fail to pull the double wild, but you also fail to pull the single wild? This is completely inconsistent with Linlin’s temperament!

"Tch, I'm happy to!" Linlin rolled her eyes at Brother Li again!

"Here, what's going on? The top lane is empty? Do you want me to develop without pressure? Where are the other two people? Why are there only people in the middle and bottom lane?" Xiao Hei was fooled by his free treatment and really beat him. In many years of gaming, this was the first time he had seen this situation, and he was actually let go? Let him develop without pressure? Is there such a good thing?

"I don't know. Who knows what's going on on the other side? Could it be that Earthshaker God Bull and Ice Girl formed a team to fight in the jungle?" Tide Tide was also a little confused. After all, Brother Li's style of play was really strange. Got it!

Soon, Brother Li's Geomancer reached level three. In fact, just before he reached level three, he found that one of the opponent's minions had residual health. As long as this soldier died, he could immediately upgrade to level three. Level, so, at this moment, Brother Li's Geomancer had already started running towards Zeus in the opposite middle lane. Zeus naturally looked down upon a mere Level 2 Geomancer. What's there to be afraid of as a top-level geomancer? ??

But when he saw that one of his soldiers was about to die, he suddenly realized that this geomancer was about to be promoted to level three? Is it just a soldier’s experience? If that's the case, then he will be in trouble, because when the geomancer reaches level three, he can learn the level one ultimate move. If the geomancer's ultimate move is divided, it can be completed, and there will be an extra clone! But it would be much easier for two geomancers to beat him!

So Zeus subconsciously began to avoid it, preparing to retreat and observe the situation!

But who would have thought that as soon as he turned around, Brother Li's Geomancer rose to level three. In just a split second, another Geomancer appeared next to him!

This is Brother Li’s hand speed! If it were any other player, it would have taken at least a second from reaching level three to having an additional clone. But Brother Li's operation was too fast. Just when he had just reached level three, He immediately learned the ultimate move, and an extra clone appeared. Then the Geomancer's body used a net to trap Zeus, and the two Geomancers launched the deception method together!

The skill of deception can cause damage to nearby units in the place where the geomancer disappears and where he appears. And because when Zeus hesitated just now, Brother Li's geomancer was already close to him, which directly caused Zeus to He had to bear the damage from four fools, two from leaving the place, and two from reappearing. Under the blows of four fools, two-thirds of Zeus' health was gone!

At this time, the main body's net control time has ended, and then Brother Li connected the clone's net again, and controlled it for another two seconds. After two seconds, Zeus only had one hundred blood left. One hundred blood, two Each of the geodivination masters will definitely die if they attack twice!

After getting rid of the control of the geomancer, Zeus immediately began to flee towards the bottom of the tower. At this time, his only hope was that the geomancer would stop chasing him due to the deterrence of the defense tower. Only in this way could he He escaped, but if the geomancer was determined to exchange lives with him, he would still die, because the geomancer had shoes and he did not!

But Brother Li would definitely not miss this opportunity. Brother Li directly pursued Zeus. Two seconds later, he successfully killed Zeus and was promoted to level four. However, due to the fact that he had already entered the defense tower during the pursuit range, so the defense tower has been attacking the Geomancer. Until Brother Li killed Zeus, his Geomancer clone had already lost its health and could withstand at most one attack from the defense tower!

At this time, Brother Li's Geomancer's body hit his clone, and the defense tower directly changed the attack target to the Geomancer's clone, and his body also escaped the disaster!

Using a friendly force is a way to transfer hatred. If there is no clone around him, you can also go to a friendly minion. As long as this minion is also within the range of the defense tower, the defense tower will naturally shift the attack target. It’s onto this little soldier!

In this way, Brother Li's geomancer clone escaped. After the incident, Brother Li immediately took the geomancer's body back to his hometown to soak in a hot spring to replenish his health!

Not long after, Zeus in the middle came back. After seeing Zeus's shadow, Brother Li directly let his clone press forward and frightened Zeus to immediately start to retreat. Now that the Geomancer has been upgraded to level four, it is easier to kill him. !

At this time, Brother Li deceived the geomancer himself and began to control the military line. He kept the military line on the high ground outside his own middle tower. The military line would neither advance toward the opponent's home, nor would it advance toward the opponent's home. Push towards yourself!

How exactly should we control the line of troops? How can you control the line of troops where you want? That is achieved through denial. You must know that when the health of one's own unit is less than one-third, the hero can deny it. In other words, the hero can kill friendly troops. When When you kill friendly soldiers, aren't you playing the role of the enemy? You are helping the other party kill your own soldiers. In this way, doesn't the line of soldiers advance towards you?

So how to advance the military line towards the opponent's home? That would be easier. Don't deny it. Just keep attacking the opponent's minions, right? The faster the opponent's soldiers die, the faster your soldier line will advance, right? This is the principle of controlling the army line. Wherever you want to control the army line, you can do it by positive and negative. If you want to push the army line to your side, then you can deny it. If you want to push the army line to the opponent's home, you can deny it. , then make up for it. Under normal circumstances, if you want to control the line of soldiers, you can't attack the minions casually. When you are upgrading, you can only attack the last of the minions in order to get the monetary reward. , if you not only attack the last one, but also attack the soldiers at ordinary times, then the soldier line will definitely keep pushing forward!

Another advantage of denying is that it can halve the experience gained by the opponent's hero. If your last hit is sharper, your level must be higher than the opponent's level, because you deny more. If the other party has gained less experience, your level will naturally be higher than that of the other party!

So why control the line of troops? Because Brother Li wants to drive Zeus out of the experience area!

Brother Li's Geomancer body performs various finishing blows on the soldier line, and gains money and experience by killing minions! And his clone is standing on the high ground on Zeus's side, making Zeus afraid to step forward. Once Zeus steps forward, the Geomancer can immediately trap Zeus, and then the two Geomancers will hit him like just now. Kill him, and Zeus on the other side knows what his ending will be, so he is very wise and has been hiding under the tower, not daring to take a step out!

But this won’t work. I can’t replenish my sword, so forget it if I can’t get any money. Why don’t you let me gain experience? If I don’t replenish my sword, can I just hide aside and gain experience?

You know, in the game Dota, even if you don’t replenish troops, you can gain experience by just standing around the soldier line and carrying them. As long as your soldiers kill the opponent’s soldiers, you can gain experience. And the reason why players want The purpose of last-ditch killing is to get money for killing minions! After all, if you only rely on wages, you can only get 60 yuan per minute. This is too slow. If you want to rise, you must make up for it. If you make up two soldiers, you can get more than 60 yuan. This is What a difference!

Zeus felt miserable. He couldn't mend his sword, so forget it. Now he was actually squeezed out of the experience area. How could he still play this?

"Brothers, let's go for a walk. I've been pushed out of the experience zone!" In desperation, Zeus had no choice but to call on his friends and find teammates to help kill the Geomancer once!

Hearing the call of Zeus, the fire girl on the bottom lane and the tide on the top lane rushed over!

However, the decrease in the number of heroes on the top and bottom lanes soon aroused the vigilance of the Earth-Shaking Divine Bull and the Ice Lady. The two of them quietly hid in the woods behind the Guards Fangzhong Tower, preparing to


Rescue the Geomancer at any time!

Soon, Ryan went up to the high ground from the lower river channel, and then rushed out from the side of Brother Li. At the same time, Tide also went up to the high ground from the upper river channel, and rushed up from the other side, trying to attack from three sides. Kill the Geomancer clone on the high ground of the Calamity Side!

But at this moment, the earth-shaking sacred bull of the insect suddenly appeared from the woods behind the tower, blocking Ryan to the west of the ravine with a move, cutting off Ryan's path forward. After the stun effect ended, Linlin The ice girl connected with the frozen e again, freezing Ryan in place! When the freezing ended, Brother Li's Geomancer body was already close to Ryan, and he directly caught Ryan with a net. After waking up, Ryan hurriedly stabbed the Geomancer and the Earth-shaking Divine Ox with two moves. Man, because the geomancer's net can only restrict the target's movements, the opponent can still use skills!

But it was all in vain, because in the next second, the geomancer's clone teleported over through deception, and then a large net caught Ryan. At the same time, the geomancer's body recovered from the dizziness. It was a trick that deceived Ryan on the spot and directly drained Ryan of his remaining health. The Ice Girl directly used Frost Nova to slow down Ryan. Then the Geomancer cloned himself and quickly attacked and took Ryan away!

At this point, Geomancer has taken five heads, and the deposit has directly increased to 1,500, and this has only taken more than two minutes!

"You two hang out in the middle, and I'll take care of the jungle!" Brother Li said.

In the first 30 seconds, a wave of wild monsters will be refreshed in the wild area. At one minute, the bugs and the others will pull out the first wave of wild monsters, and at two minutes, they will pull out the second wave. In other words, these few monsters are now There are already three waves of wild monsters stored in the spot, which is enough for the Geomancer to gain one wave of experience. The most important thing is that if there are too many waves, it will not be able to defeat it at its current level!

While Brother Li is going to collect the jungle, the middle line of troops must not be left empty. Let Ice Girl and Earth-shaking Divine Bull occupy the middle line of troops. Firstly, they can supplement their economy and level, and secondly, they can continue to suppress Zeus is coming back soon, why not?

Linlin was not polite and started to hit the target immediately.

"Hey, what's going on with you? Give me the soldiers. You're just getting experience on the side!" Chongzi complained.

"Oh!" Linlin said the word "oh" and then stood aside, watching the Earth-Shaking Divine Bull's last strike while also protecting him!

"What's going on with you? It feels like you've changed into a different person! It's not like you were watching ten six-speed videos at the same time!" Chongzi felt a little confused!

"Tch, take care of me!" Linlin rolled her eyes at the insect!

According to normal thinking, if Ice Girl and Earth-shaking Divine Ox go together, then Ice Girl will definitely give up all the economy to Earth-shaking Divine Ox, because Ice Girl is just an auxiliary, and his economic needs are far less than that of Earth-shaking Divine Ox. The Earth-shaking Divine Bull, after the economic growth, the contribution to heroes and the team, the Ice Girl is even worse than the Divine Bull. The Divine Ox only needs a jumping knife to participate in the battle, and it is also extremely powerful, while Ice Where is the girl? She needs at least a jumping knife and a BKB, and the effect is not as good as that of the Divine Bull. With the same economy, the Divine Bull can exert its power better, so the economy will naturally depend on the Divine Bull. At least, when the Divine Bull jumps Before the sword, the ice girl must tilt resources towards the sacred cow!

What surprised Chongzi was that with the understanding and awareness Linlin had shown before, how could she not know this? How could he still come up and compete with him for a last-minute hit? This is so abnormal!

On Brother Li's side, the geomancer who has been promoted to level 5 directly learns the deception of level 3, because he is going to clear the jungle. The geomancer must not rely on normal attacks to clear the jungle, otherwise he will die miserably. There are so many wild monsters, you have to rely on deception!

I saw Brother Li's two geomancers enter the hatred range of the wild monsters, and then decisively start to fool around. When the wild monsters entered his fooling range, the two fools just ended, and the first point was The three waves of wild monsters in position caused a lot of damage. After the deception was completed, the two Geomancers hurriedly retreated. As mentioned before, if the Geomancers want to clear the jungle at this stage, they must not rely on normal attacks, but must rely on deception. That’s it!

And during the cooling time of his deception, he definitely can't stand there and get beaten. He starts to evacuate now. After the wild monsters lose their hatred and return to their original positions, he will repeat his old tricks. In this case, he will be deceived. The cooling time has just ended, which is perfect!

In this way, the Geomancer's second wave of deception directly took away all the small monsters in these three waves of wild monsters, leaving only a few big monsters with low health. Then they can rely on normal attacks to deal with these monsters. There are a few big monsters, because they have very little HP and can be dealt with by normal attacks!

Soon, Brother Li collected the three waves of wild monsters at the first point!

At this time, Brother Li's level has been upgraded to level 6 and he has learned the level 2 net. Now the net's casting distance is farther!

Next, Brother Li repeated his old trick and used the same method to collect the three waves of wild monsters at the second point. After collecting them, his level was directly upgraded to level seven, and he learned the trick of level four! But after these two waves of battles, Brother Li's two geomancers had already lost their health. He took advantage of running towards the next point to put a large ointment prepared in advance on each of the two geomancers. .

After the blood volume was restored, Brother Li took care of the wild monsters at the other three points. At this time, the geomancer had reached level eight and was about to reach level nine. At this time, the game had just started four weeks ago. Only minutes!

When Brother Li finished collecting the fourth wave of wild monsters, he had already saved 2,300 yuan. He directly bought a jumping knife, then asked the Ice Girl to buy a bird, and bought a jumping knife as a gift!

Since on even-numbered whole minutes, the upper river channel and the lower river channel will each refresh a talisman, and the wild area where Brother Li has been farming is close to the lower river channel, so he ran directly towards the talisman point of the lower river channel!

But who would have expected that just when Brother Li's Geomancer arrived at the talisman point, Ryan who happened to be on the bottom lane also rushed over to eat the talisman, and Tide on the top lane also went to eat the talisman on the top lane. Obviously, they were I am ready to roam the middle lane again. After all, there are two people on the opposite side of the middle lane, the Earth-shaking Divine Bull and the Ice Lady. Zeus is still suppressed and cannot gain experience. This cannot continue. The heroes on the top and bottom lanes have already been upgraded to three. He's already level 1, but he's only a mid laner hero at level 2. How can this be done?

When he met the geomancer, Ryan subconsciously poked the geomancer and ran away quickly!

But how could Brother Li let him go? Brother Li directly crossed the talisman point, gave up on eating the talisman, and chased directly in the direction of Ryan!

Seeing the fight starting here, the other side's captain and Wei Bin's Fire Girl also moved in that direction to provide support!

At this time, Brother Li's Geomancer already had a third-level net. The casting distance of the third-level net was already very far. Brother Li threw out a net and directly caught Ryan in place. When Ryan saw that he was being charged, he hurriedly turned around and captured Brother Li's geomancer. Ryan's second skill is the Sheep Transformation Technique, which can turn the opponent into a lamb. After transforming into a sheep, the opponent can only move. In addition, no operations can be performed, and even equipment will be disabled! Moreover, the movement speed will also be greatly reduced. Ryan wants to use the Sheep Transformation Technique to delay the Geomancer and prevent the other clones from fooling him and causing harm to himself!

Seeing this, Brother Li directly fooled the clone over. After coming over, he used the second net to catch Ryan again. At the same time, the clone moved towards Ryan's body, and the geomancer's body had already changed from the Sheep Transformation Technique at this time. After he recovered from the situation, he also got close to Ryan and tried to fool him, because if he fooled him tightly, he could fool him twice. But if you don't get close to the deceiver, but instead deceive the Geomancer's body to the side of the clone, then only three Ryans can bear the deception damage once, and the damage is twice as much!

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