Game within game of online games

Chapter 98 Sorry, I have to leave early

However, this person who sells the Royal Gift Set is extremely hateful and has no professional ethics in the market. Now they are the only two selling the Royal Gift Set. They can keep the low price to buy the Ten Thousand Spirit Stones, even if others guess that they are exchanging the Ten Thousand Spirit Stones for land. What about suits? They still can't redeem it without a title, not to mention discovering the redemption mechanism for Royal Gift Sets is not an easy task!

But as soon as the price of this person increased, everyone sold to him. Although he made money now, it affected his subsequent financial path. If he stayed consistent with Wei Bin and still bought it at a low price, he could continue to make money!

You must know that reputation is not so easy to obtain. I don’t know what kind of luck this idiot got to accumulate 1,000 reputations. Fortunately, the Xuanwu Kingdom is hundreds of thousands of miles away from the Stone Forest Kingdom. He should not be stupid enough to go like this. Come from far away to collect Wanling Stones or sell equipment!

"Boss, it's bad, someone is collecting Wanling Stone at a high price in Baishi City!" Suddenly, I wanted to make money and sent a video.

"Oh? So fast? How much did he charge?" Wei Bin asked. Wei Bin originally thought that this person was stupid enough, but what he didn't expect was that this person was even stupider than he thought! Going to your own territory to snap up the Wanling Stone, isn't this bullying to the extreme?

"It has already risen to two silvers. The price in the next city and the kingdom is almost the same! We have to take some measures to deal with the boss. Isn't his price ridiculous?" I want to make money and do business in major games all year round. This matter still needs to be seen. clearly!

"Then let's fight an economic war with him! Do you have any good strategies?" In fact, Wei Bin already had a strategy in mind when he asked me about making money.

"Before that, I would like to ask what the exchange ratio is? I don't know the boss..." Obviously, the fact that the Royal Gift Set is exchanged for Wanling Stones has not escaped my eyes because I want to make money.

"You need to have a title in this city to redeem the royal gift set. The baron can only exchange for a four-star suit. 20 ten thousand spirit stones can be exchanged for one set. The viscount can exchange for a five-star suit and 40 ten thousand spirit stones can be exchanged for one set! The one we compete with He lives in the Xuanwu Kingdom in the north, and his selling price is the same as ours, which is 3 gold per set!" Wei Bin handed over the exchange mechanism without any reservation. For a capable person like me who wants to make money,


If he had any reservations it would only kill him!

"Then he is a fool, right? Is he buying the Wanling Stone at such a high price because he wants to make a deal? If this is the case, then we must not act according to common sense. We will still buy the Wanling Stone at the price of 30 coppers. We don’t raise the price, but we lower the selling price. As long as the price is cheaper than him, he will definitely lower the selling price. When it drops to no profit, he will naturally compromise and lower the purchase price!" I want to make money explained. .

"Okay! As expected, the heroes have the same idea! I'll leave this matter to you! Take people directly to raid his hometown of Jinyang City!" Wei Bin was overjoyed. Gold will always shine. With the rise of major stores, There will be more and more similar business competitions. When the time comes, I want to make money and others will surely make their debut and become a blockbuster!

Wei Bin took out all the royal gift sets that had just been put into Tiantian's Baibao store and gave them to me to make money. Since he was entrusted with an important task, he must support him with all his strength, not to mention the consumption of this price war. How many suits there will be is unknown!

After scraping together, they only got a few dozen sets in total. This amount was obviously not enough. Wei Bin opened the gang warehouse and planned to move out all the remaining old money from the gang warehouse. However, he was afraid that the gang members would not have enough in the next day or two. Redeemed!

etc! This is?

He remembered that he only asked the gang members to put treasure maps in the gang warehouse to redeem points, but he did not ask them to put the Wanling Stone! There are also gem synthesis talismans and inlaid talismans. Where do these come from? Wei Bin was confused, and then he opened the gang announcement, and that was it!

Guild Announcement: Level 2 Wanling Stone: 3 pieces for 1 point

Low-level gem synthesis talisman 500 points

Gem-Inlaid Talisman 900 Points

Needless to say, it must be Xuanyuan Aai’s fault! Wei Bin felt more and more that he had found a treasure, and he could always give it to him from time to time.

It was a surprise. With the help of such a capable person, he immediately felt that his confidence doubled, and he no longer had the fatigue and helplessness of having to do everything in the early stage!

There are a total of nine thousand second-level Wanling Stones, plus the thousand that Old Man Tianji gave him just now, which is exactly ten thousand. Wei Bin exchanged three hundred sets of four-star suits and one hundred sets of five-star suits, together with 400 gold. The return toll was also given to me to earn money: "Brother, I'm waiting for your triumphant return!"

So I wanted to make money and teleported to Jinyang City, Xuanwu Kingdom, with more than sixty people.

As soon as I got out of the teleportation array, I was going to make money when I saw a long queue in front of an equipment store not far away.

"Brother, what are you waiting in line to buy?" I asked as I wanted to make money.

"What? You don't know this? You're from out of town, right? This equipment store is a conscientious store. It is selling exclusive sets of imperial gifts, and each person is limited to one set. Only those big gangs have always had this equipment. We individual people and small gangs can't touch it at all, you have no conscience!" the player explained.

"Oh, it turns out they also sell royal gift sets. I wonder how much they cost for one set?" I asked, wanting to make money.

"Although the three-gold set is a bit expensive, if you don't wear it anymore and sell it to others, you won't lose money!"

"What? 3 gold? So expensive? They are so evil! I also have this set here, and it only sells for 2 gold and 80 silver. I wonder if you are interested?" I want to make money and prepare to start bidding!

"What! You have it too, I want it, I want it, of course I want it! How many do you have?" This man was thinking, he was really lucky, he bought a cheap imperial gift suit, and he didn't have to queue up.

"I have a lot here, but like this store, each person is limited to one set!" I want to make money and said with a smile.

"Okay, I want it, let's trade!"

After getting the suit, the player yelled: "Come here, everyone, they also sell the Royal Gift suit here. It's 20 silver cheaper than in the store. Don't wait in line!" Then he laughed and went to upgrade!


\u003e  It is estimated that this player may have a grudge against this store!

"What? You also sell royal gifts suits there? I want one too, and I'll give you the money!"

"I also want!"

"And I!"

By spreading the word one by one, I don’t have to make money for publicity. The buyers themselves get free advertising, and the news has been spread to the equipment store. After getting the news, everyone in the store ran out, and the waiter in the store realized that something was wrong. , and quickly chatted privately with the boss Lu Renjia: "Boss, something bad has happened! Someone is coming to ruin the place!"

Lu Renjia said: "What? Ruining the place? Tell me what's going on?"

"There's a guy at the door who also sells Royal Gift Sets! And it's 20 silver cheaper than us!" said the waiter.

"What? There is someone else selling Yuci? Could it be... No, we have also lowered the price, which is 20 silver lower than them!" It would be bad if it was really Wei Bin! I am not as financially strong as Wei Bin, so how can I possibly outbid him! But on the first day his store opened, he was bullied to the doorstep. If he gave up immediately, how would he do business with others in the future?

"Don't leave, everyone. In order to repay everyone and win repeat customers, the boss has just reduced the price of our Royal Gift Set to 2 gold and 60 silver! Everyone is welcome to buy!" The players who got the news withdrew from the store.

In the blink of an eye, the news of the price reduction reached my ears that wanted to make money.

"Since they want to compete, I'll sell them for 2 gold and 40 silver! Everyone is welcome to buy!" I shouted loudly to make money.

"Boss, it's not good, he has lowered the price again, 2 golds and 40 silvers! What should we do?" the waiter asked.

"Damn it! I told you not to go to the Stone Forest Kingdom to purchase the Ten Thousand Spirit Stones, but he refused to listen. This must have angered Wei Bin! Hey, let's lower the price too!" Lu Renjia sighed.

As soon as he finished speaking, a person who was talking to Lu Renjia seemed to have received some message: "Sorry, brother, I have to leave early! We will contact you again!"

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