The gang leader returned to the city as soon as he got the news.

"F*ck!" The gang leader understood instantly as soon as he landed.

"It's okay, they probably didn't come to attack our gang city! Don't worry, haha!" said the gang leader.

"Why, Gang Leader, where have such strange things happened? I just took another look, and now our city is full and has reached the city's maximum carrying capacity! I guess there are still people who are still teleporting. It's just because it's full, so it can't be teleported!" The player said hurriedly.

"You'll know when you come out and take a look!" the gang leader said. ??

After listening to his gang leader's words, the player walked out of the main control room directly!

"What the hell!" This player, like his gang leader, stared at the vast sea of ​​heads in stunned silence. When he saw that these heads were all looking in the same direction, he also looked over in unison. , you wouldn’t know if you didn’t look at it, this look almost scared him to death!

What is going on with this horse rider? Is this a meteorite? Or a flying saucer? Why does this kind of thing appear in the world of Tianlong?

Obviously, this group of players is not here to attack their city, but here to watch the fun!

A few minutes later, Nirvana City floated over their heads, and it floated farther and farther away. Immediately afterwards, this group of players entered the teleportation array again. Yes, they must be heading to the next gang city where Nirvana City can be observed. because they wanted to know where the Nirvana City was going to float.

Next stop, grassland!

This time, it is the turn of the gang cities in the grassland map to be full. The map of grassland is relatively more popular than Yannan, because the wild monsters in the map of grassland are level 6065, which is barely considered the current level. One of the most mainstream gang cities!

Next, after the grassland, it is finally the turn of western Liaoning, because the grassland borders western Liaoning, and the land directly north of western Liaoning is the destination of Nirvana City!

After flying for more than ten minutes, Nirvana City soon began to slow down. Obviously, the plane was about to land!

After continuing to slow down for about a minute, Nirvana City slowly stopped in the open space due north of western Liaoning, which was the open space where the gang city could be built. After stopping flying, Nirvana City began to slowly descend by 500 meters. Two hundred meters, one hundred meters

"Damn it, Nirvana City is moving to western Liaoning for development? Why did they choose western Liaoning?"

"Yes, Liaoxi is such a barren place. It will take a long time for anyone to come here. Haven't you seen the other three gang cities? There are only tens of thousands of people there usually!"

"You guys know nothing. Wei Bin is obviously forward-looking. Although Liaoxi is not popular yet, in a few months, it will definitely be a piece of hot cakes. Nirvana City has finally been relocated, and it is not allowed to move. To a high-level map?”

"But Liaoxi is not as good as Salt Lake. If it is really forward-looking, then Salt Lake is not better than Liaoxi? I ​​was lucky enough to go to Salt Lake once. There are a lot of wild monsters there. It will definitely be much better than Liaoxi in the future!"

"Haha, you can't tell. Who knows what Wei Bin is thinking. Maybe there are some hidden benefits and resources that have not been developed yet!"

Seeing that Nirvana City has taken root here in Liaoxi, it caused a lot of controversy for a while. After all, the map of Liaoxi has not officially appeared in the player's field of vision! Because this map is a map above level 75, the level 80 boss Bai Mingqi will also be refreshed in this map. Current players, even high-end players who upgrade quickly, have just reached level 69. Only Those who are trying to open up wasteland have only reached level 70. Obviously, this map is not suitable for them yet. It is normal for people not to realize the importance of Liaoxi!

Why did Wei Bin set his target in western Liaoning instead of Salt Lake?

What's in the Salt Lake? Salt Lake is just a holy land for upgrading. There are many wild monsters in Salt Lake, and there is also a white sand salt pit in the territory, which is even more holy land for upgrading!

And what about western Liaoning? There is also an upgraded holy land map here in western Liaoning - the Tomb of the Former King! Although the number of wild monsters in the Tomb of the Former Kings is not as high as that of the Salt Lake and Baisha Salt Pit, it is still not much less!

In addition, many Bai Mingqi and his little Luoluos are refreshed every day in western Liaoning. Although they are just little Luoluo, they are actually bosses. The difference is the same as the Hunjiang dragon and Hunjiang dragon in Jinghu Lake. Xiaoluoluo's The level is above level 75, and the real Bai Mingqi is a level 80 boss. These bosses can drop high-level gem synthesis talismans and rare skill books of the sect!

Let’s talk about this high-end gem synthesis talisman. So far, the main output of high-end gem synthesis talismans is actually Hunjianglong, but its output is too low and cannot meet the market demand at all. What about Liaoxi? Each little Luoluo will drop a high-grade gem synthesis talisman, with a output of more than a dozen every day!

Let’s talk about the sect’s rare skill book. What is the sect’s rare skill book? For example, the first level strong control skill! Yes, this map can drop the first-level strong control skill book, but only the level 80 boss Bai Mingqi will drop it. The little Luoluo can't drop it, but even if only Bai Mingqi can drop it, It’s not bad to drop it. At least there is one more way to obtain rare sect skill books!

Finally, the biggest selling point of the Liaoxi map is that Liaoxi borders the Silver Snowfield. You know, the Silver Snowfield is a very popular map. The mobs in this map can drop monster diaries, and As long as you collect 20 monster diaries, you can exchange it for a piece of martial art high-end fashion for free. The martial art high-end fashion is a set of fashion that is both beautiful and stylish. The most important thing is that the threshold for obtaining it is very low. You only need to collect 20 monster diaries, nothing else is needed! Like some other fashions, if you want to buy it, you will have to spend a lot of money, and if you want to make it yourself, fashion patterns are even more rare. In contrast, this high-end fashion is very popular. Well, there will be countless people coming over to write the Monster Diary in the future!

In addition, there is a King Penguin living in the silver snowfield. As long as you kill it, you have a chance to capture it! This is the King Penguin. The King Penguin is very powerful. Its strength is second only to the mythical beast. Moreover, it is very beautiful and attractive. No matter who takes such a baby King Penguin out, it will definitely attract attention. Countless people watched!

This is the meaning of Western Liaoning, and Nirvana City is located due north, right on the border with the silvery snowfield, so its popularity will definitely explode in the future!

Just when everyone was looking forward to Nirvana's next move, Nirvana announced a news!

"What? The new land is not for sale? If it is not for sale, then why is he expanding? He spent 10 million gold and finally bought a Guild City Expansion Token, and now he actually says that he will not sell the land to others? Then he will lose money Grandma’s house!”

"It's really weird. The meaning of expansion is to make a lot of money by auctioning the land. Now it's great that the land is not sold to the outside world. Brother, I have already raised the money, and I am just waiting for you to auction the land. You now Tell me you won't auction the land, then won't my money be in vain?"

Then, in the face of everyone's doubts, Nirvana announced another news!

"What? These lands are going to be used to reward those who have made significant contributions to Nirvana? And now a hundred pieces of land have been awarded, and the remaining one hundred pieces, as well as the ones given when the gang city was upgraded to the fifth level, Two hundred pieces of land are reserved to reward newcomers later?"

"Holy shit, what kind of fucking benefit is this? Are you actually awarding such expensive land as a reward to Nirvana members? Excuse me, is Nirvana still short of people?"



The benefits of Nirvana are so generous, aren't they? Rewarding gang members with land worth tens of thousands of gold? Is this Wei Bin crazy? Have money and no place to spend it? "

"I heard that many ordinary players have also obtained land. These expensive lands are not exclusive to the core members or the main team members!"

"My nanny, there is such a good thing? No, I must join Nirvana! Now this Nirvana, there are discounts from the experience tower, and there are a lot of war achievements, and now there is an extra land reward? This Nirvana Is there any reward that cannot be obtained?"

And at this moment, another piece of news, like a bombshell, came out from within Nirvana! That is - Nirvana is about to embrace new things!

"Recruiting? What's going on? Is Nirvana going to kick people out? Nirvana is at full strength now. How can we recruit new people if we don't kick people out?"

"Yes, you must be kicked out, but this is normal. Any gang is not a survival of the fittest mechanism. If you perform well, then you can stay, and if you perform poorly, then kicking you is also true. It’s normal, the gang is not an orphanage, the gang also needs to compete with other gangs!”

Just when everyone thought that Nirvana was going to kick people out and make room for new people by kicking out the worms, an announcement was made to the entire Middle-earth continent!

Congratulations to Nirvana for being upgraded to a level five gang.

"Holy shit! Nirvana has upgraded to a fifth-level gang right now? Are you crazy? How is this possible? Our gang only has one city, and every day the merchants are full, and the number of technology points is terrifying. Even so, our gang has... It will take at least a month to upgrade to the fifth-level gang. How can Nirvana be so fast? If we say that Nirvana only has one Nirvana city, let alone Nirvana, it is one month ahead of us in upgrading to the fifth-level gang. It is normal to be two months and three months ahead of us. After all, Nirvana was already several months ahead of us when it was promoted to the fourth level! But does Nirvana only have one Nirvana City? Nirvana also has two maritime cities! If you want to upgrade the gang level to level five, you must upgrade all the buildings in all cities to level four. Only in this way can you upgrade the gang to level five! However, how can Nirvana have so many people to do it? Gang missions, Nirvana City on land aside, the people in his two sea cities simply don’t have time to do gang missions. People who develop in the maritime country generally wander at sea all year round, and they simply don’t It is possible to do so many gang tasks. This is equivalent to Nirvana. There are only one hundred thousand players in Nirvana City. To accumulate the resources needed to upgrade the levels of three gang cities, one person can support three people. How can this kind of development be so fast? ? Moreover, now that the system has been updated, everyone can only complete ten-ring gang tasks at most every day. Even if the 100,000 people in Nirvana City complete all ten-ring gang tasks every day, it is impossible for him to do so quickly. ! Nirvana's promotion to the fifth-level gang must be later than other gangs. How could it be so fast? How could it be the first gang in the entire Middle-earth continent to be promoted to the fifth-level gang? This is too fake, right? ?”

"My dear, this is more than just a lie. This Nirvana is definitely cheating. Unless the players in the two maritime cities of Nirvana stop going to sea and insist on doing gang tasks every day, only in this way can it be possible to win at such an early time. Upgraded to a fifth-level gang, but is this possible? As a player who develops in a maritime country, how could he not go to sea? If they don't go to sea, what is the point of developing in a maritime country? "

"Exactly! Why do many gangs prefer to establish several sub-gangs that have nothing to do with the main gang rather than build an additional gang city? Isn't it because the more gang cities there are, the slower the development will be? On land Forget about gang cities, especially maritime cities, which are a complete drag on the development of the main gang. If there is only one gang city, then maybe they can get an average of 10,000 technology points every day, and upgrading to a fifth-level gang requires 100,000 points. But if you have two gang cities, you will need 200,000 technology points to upgrade the fifth-level gang. If these extra people can earn 10,000 technology points every day, then the development speed will not be slowed down. But can these people from the Maritime Kingdom achieve 10,000 technology points every day? It's definitely not possible. Originally, they could upgrade to the fifth level in ten days, but now because of these people from the Maritime Kingdom, it has been dragged down to nearly twenty days, like The Nirvana situation has even dragged on for nearly thirty days, and its development speed has slowed down by more than twice. Why can it be promoted to a fifth-level gang so quickly?"

"Haha, why did Nirvana start recruiting people? It turns out that Nirvana City has been upgraded to level five. The opportunity has finally come. A level five gang city can bring a maximum membership limit of 200,000 to the gang. Now Nirvana City has jurisdiction There are still 100,000 people in the game, but I don’t believe it. Just a three-level player like me, can’t I still enter Nirvana!?”

"My nanny, there are an extra 100,000 people, and among these 100,000 people, I must be one, haha!"

For a time, there were people who were envious and jealous, and there were also people who were eager to join Nirvana. It can be said that Nirvana's promotion to the fifth-level gang is amazing to the world. After all, it is only the first gang to be upgraded to the fifth-level gang. Only then will you enjoy this kind of server-wide announcement. From now on, other fifth-level gangs will only be announced in this city!

The first gang city in the entire Middle-earth continent, what does this mean? How influential is this? Who wouldn't want to join a gang like this?

And how did Nirvana collect enough gang funds and technology points in such a short period of time?

Gang funds, in fact, there is no problem with gang funds. What really hinders the development of Nirvana is the issue of technology points, because the number of merchants in a gang is limited, and not everyone can do business every day. Nirvana's Qinglu City and Peace What can the players in the city do even if they can't escape Shang? Can a nirvana businessman run away?

But technology points are different. Why do so many people say that players within the jurisdiction of the two maritime cities in Nirvana simply don’t have time to do gang tasks? Doesn’t doing gang tasks here refer to obtaining technology points? What really hinders the development of Nirvana is that players within the jurisdiction of Nirvana's two maritime cities need to go to sea for a long time and cannot complete the 10-ring gang mission every day!

And what did Wei Bin do? At the beginning, Wei Bin did not do anything, but a few months ago, after Wei Bin won more than one billion gold coins by betting that Nirvana could conquer the Yamatamon, Wei Bin decisively changed his development ideas. He asked the players within the jurisdiction of these two maritime cities to go to sea because he had no money and needed resources to exchange for money. But now that he has money, he naturally does not need them to go to sea frequently. They have to come back once a day. The only thing is to complete gang tasks and bring technology points to Nirvana! With 300,000 people doing gang missions together, there will be no shortage of technology points!

In addition, in addition to earning gang funds and technology points through running businesses and completing gang tasks, Wei Bin also regularly obtains a large amount of gang funds and technology points from gang crusade tasks every month. You know, with The output of Nirvana and the others is now enough for them to challenge those difficult tasks with rich rewards, and the gang funds and technology points brought by a difficult task are worth the efforts of Nirvana members for several days! The gang funds and technology points obtained by completing gang subjugation missions also played an important role in Nirvana's early upgrade. This is something that other forces cannot imagine. They may know that Nirvana upgrades every month. They were doing a gang subjugation mission, but they never imagined how difficult the mission chosen by Nirvana was! They may think that Nirvana can get 50,000 gang funds and technology points through gang crusade missions every month, but in reality? Nirvana can get hundreds of thousands of gang funds and technology points!

Just when everyone was discussing Nirvana in private.

"Damn it, look at the rankings, look at the gang strength rankings!" Just when everyone was jealous of Nirvana or fantasizing about joining Nirvana, a voice rang out!

Immediately afterwards, more and more people saw the gang strength rankings, because it was not just this person who noticed the rankings. If a major event like the birth of a fifth-level gang happened, many people would definitely pay attention to the rankings. Top of the list!

But you don’t know it by looking at it. Good guy, Nirvana has robbed the officialdom, right? What kind of magical fighting power is this on horseback?

Nirvana actually occupied the first place in the gang combat power rankings, and its gang combat power was as high as 150 billion? Am I nirvana, am I crazy? You know, in the gang combat power rankings, the second-ranked gang only has a combat power of 60 billion! The third place has a combat power of 59.5 billion, and the fourth place has a combat power of 59.1 billion. After that, the gap in combat power is only a few hundred million at most. As for Nirvana, its combat power actually directly surpasses the second place by 90 billion. Combat strength? The additional combat power compared to the second place is higher than the combat power of the second place itself. What is going on?

Even if the second place has only two level four gang cities and only 200,000 gang members, which is one-third less than Nirvana, Nirvana has reduced its combat power by one-third, which is 200,000. In terms of combat power, Nirvana also has a combat power of 100 billion, which is also 40 billion higher than the second place. There is actually a 40 billion difference in combat power between the first gang and the second gang? Why are you talking to me about Liaozhai here? How is this possible? How are the second gang worse than you? Do you have 40 billion more combat power than them? Isn’t this too ridiculous?

If calculated according to this gap, then one gang should not hang up the other gang and beat them? If two gangs faced off head-on, would the second gang have even the slightest chance of winning? Isn't this too brainless? How can this be? How does Nirvana accomplish this? Obviously yesterday, Nirvana only had a combat power of more than 60 billion. To be honest, Nirvana with a combat power of 60 billion cannot be called strong, because they have dragged down the gang's combat power because of the large number of people. Because the combat power of a gang is the sum of the combat power of all gang members! Nirvana has three fourth-level gang cities. Each fourth-level gang city can bring a maximum membership limit of 100,000 to the gang. In other words, Nirvana’s maximum membership limit is 300,000, but what about other gangs? There are only two gang cities at most. The second, third, and other gangs that are not very different from them in combat power all have only two gang cities, and they are all on the same land. A gang city is a gang city in a maritime country. After all, no one would be stupid enough to build two gang cities on land, because it would hinder the development speed. Although a gang city in a maritime country would also hinder the development of gangs, they But he can make money, and the money he makes is definitely enough to make up for his drag on the development of the gang! It would be very difficult to build a city on the sea. After all, it requires a title. It would be great if they could have a city on the sea. How many are like Wei Bin? Therefore, except for Nirvana, among other gangs, the most gang cities are only two. The upper limit of the population of two level four gang members is 200,000!

The Nirvana with 300,000 gang members only has a combat power of more than 60 billion, while the second, third, etc. with 200,000 gang members have a combat power of more than 50 billion. The difference is clear at a glance. It must be Nirvana. Weak, what determines the strength of a gang is never its combat power, but the average combat power of the gang members. Your gang's total combat power is indeed higher than mine, but you are relying on your heads to support it. Ah, if you kick out 100,000 people and you compare me with 200,000 people in combat strength, then can you beat me? After you reduce your combat power by one-third, you will only have 40 billion combat power left, while I have nearly 60 billion combat power. How can you compare? Your average combat power is 4, but my average combat power is 6. My total combat power may not be as good as yours now, but one day in the future, when the upper limit of our gang members is raised, won’t I surpass you immediately?

And this is just the combat power of Nirvana's gang a few days ago. Even yesterday, Nirvana still had this combat power! But what about today? How come in just one day, its combat power suddenly jumped from more than 60 billion to 150 billion? What did Nirvana eat? Have you taken hormones? Can't hormones improve that much? Is it possible that everyone's combat power has doubled? Nirvana has just upgraded to a fifth-level gang. He hasn't recruited anyone yet. If you say he has recruited another 100,000 people, then it is reasonable for his combat power to increase. However, he has not yet recruited anyone. What about recruiting people? Besides, even if you recruit another 100,000 people, you won't be able to jump from more than 60 billion to 150 billion all at once. Even if you increase proportionally, you will only be around 80 billion at most. How is it possible that the combat power has doubled to 150 billion in one fell swoop?

"What on earth is going on with Nirvana? Why did his combat power suddenly surge to 150 billion? He was still over 60 billion yesterday!"

"Although Nirvana has always occupied the first place in the gang's combat power rankings in the past, to be honest, that does not mean that Nirvana is very strong. On the contrary, Nirvana is very weak, because although Nirvana has occupied the first place in the gang's combat power rankings, One position, but his combat power is only more than 60 billion, which is only a few hundred million more than the second place. But in terms of number, Nirvana is indeed 15 times that of the second place! But now it is different. Now Nirvana suddenly Soared to 150 billion combat power? This is a bit scary! This is the largest gang in the world! Even if 100,000 people are deducted for Nirvana, the combat power is still 100 billion, which is still far more than the second largest gang. What a name!"

"Yes, and Nirvana actually has 40 billion more combat power than the second place. And what about the second place? It only has a few hundred million more combat power than the third and fourth place. This gap is too big, right? ? Could this be our gang in Middle-earth? I’m afraid no one can shake this position, right?"

"Honey, how did you achieve Nirvana? Why did your combat power soar so much all of a sudden?"

"There is no doubt that many players must have hidden their combat power before, but today, they are full of firepower and no longer hide, so there is such an explosive growth!"

"Hiding combat power? What kind of international joke are you kidding? People at the top of the combat power rankings can indeed hide their combat power in order to protect their privacy. But Nirvana's explosive growth is definitely not based on a few combat powers. The players at the top of the rankings supported this situation. This must be because a large number of Nirvana members have hidden their combat power. But why do they hide their combat power? What's the point of hiding their combat power? Now Every gang in Nirvana is rushing forward with all its strength, hoping that the gang will take the first place in the gang's combat power rankings, but Nirvana is pulling back with all its strength? Trying to hide its combat power? What are they trying to do? Who are they? If you don’t want to rank higher, why not make the gang famous? Only in this way will more people come here!"

"That is, taking yesterday's Nirvana as an example, although his gang's combat power is ranked first, not only will it not make others want to join Nirvana, but it will also make people not want to join Nirvana, because Nirvana is too weak. There are half as many people as others, but their combat power is about the same as others. This is a standard weak gang. If Nirvana really lets the gang members hide their combat power, wouldn’t he be discrediting himself?"

"Don't you understand this? If a gang has a very strong foundation, then it will indeed choose not to hide its combat power. However, if it is a new gang with no foundation and background, such as Nirvana, do you think Will he expose all his combat power? Even if a tree is as beautiful as a tree, the wind will destroy it. If you have the ability to resist the invasion of others, then there is really no need for you to hide, but if you don't even have the ability to protect yourself, Then do you dare to expose all your combat power? You know, you have no background or background. As long as you dare to expose your combat power, someone will definitely take action against you. By then, if you can hold on for a while, But how long can you hold on? Wei Bin is very wise. He knows that Nirvana cannot resist others.


Human aggression, so we choose to hide our strength and bide our time to show weakness to others! This is great wisdom. Do you think any gang is as eager to show off its combat power as you imagine? "

"Haha, tell me, why does Nirvana no longer hide its combat power and let the gang members expose their combat power? This doesn't make sense, right? Isn't it true that Wei Bin is not afraid that the wind will destroy the trees that show up in the forest? Yet?"

"Oh, you're right. You're right. Now Nirvana is really not afraid of other people's destruction. Think about it, Nirvana has now been upgraded to a fifth-level gang, and the upper limit of gang members has been increased from the original level. 300,000 has been increased to 400,000. Moreover, what do you think is Nirvana’s next upgrade direction? I bet that Nirvana’s next building will definitely upgrade the city lord’s mansions of Qinglu City and Peace City to level five. , these two buildings are definitely the highest priority, because these two buildings, like Nirvana City, can respectively increase Nirvana's membership limit of 100,000 people. If the city lord mansions of these three gang cities are upgraded to level five, So Nirvana has 600,000 people, but what about other gangs? Even if they have been upgraded to the fifth-level gang, they only have 400,000 people at best, which is 200,000 less than Nirvana. What a huge gap. ? Coupled with the gap in combat power, what else does Nirvana have to fear? It can be said that although Nirvana does not yet have the foundation and background, its strength no longer requires the foundation and background! "

For a time, the news was like a bombshell, blooming among the crowd. Now players throughout Middle-earth are discussing Nirvana. Sometimes they upgrade gangs to level five, sometimes they announce the recruitment of people, and sometimes they fight gangs. The power is so high, it’s really eye-catching!

"Hahahaha! Finally, I don't have to hide it and expose my fighting power. I have been holding it back for this day!"

"Haha, yes, I can rank 10,050th in the entire Middle-earth combat power rankings!"

"Hey, brother, you're not even close, I'm ranked 9888th!"

"Damn, you're awesome! You're still smarter!"

"Am I fine? Please tell me clearly. Where am I fine? It's because I am more detail-oriented. I can be a little ahead of you in terms of details. It's not that I'm fine. If you pass this on to me, Then I have to be single for the rest of my life!"

"Ha ha!"

For a time, Nirvana's morale reached an unprecedented high! Why?

Because Wei Bin has always asked people with high combat power to hide their combat power, just like Wei Bin and the others. The person in front is right. Wei Bin is indeed worried about Mu Xiu Yu Lin and Feng Bi. Destroying it, he was worried that if Nirvana exposed his true combat power, it would bring disaster to Nirvana. After all, whether a gang exists or not, whether it can win the war depends not only on the gang's combat power. Nirvana's gang combat power is indeed better than The second place is worth tens of billions, but there are many ways to destroy Nirvana, such as economic warfare, hiring neutral players to hunt Nirvana, etc. Take the second gang as an example. Could it be said that the second gang His combat power is tens of billions lower than that of Nirvana, so can he not be able to defeat Nirvana? That's not necessarily true, right? The frontal capabilities of the second gang are indeed unable to defeat Nirvana, but the second gang can hire foreign aid. Some people don’t like Nirvana! If Nirvana, who has no foundation or background, occupies the first place in the gang's combat power rankings, wouldn't that be a slap in the face to all the forces who have the foundation and background?

Why do those big forces keep suppressing the major emerging forces? Isn't it because once emerging forces develop, they will be disgraced? They invested so much money, but the result is not as good as an emerging force without any foundation or background. Can they tolerate it? Therefore, major forces do not allow emerging forces to rise. If you have a foundation and a background, it can only be said that my skills are inferior to others, and I cannot develop as you. But if you have no foundation and background, I will not be destroyed. If I kill you, wouldn’t I lose face?

The previous Nirvana can be said to have suffered a lot of blows, because each major force has a different tolerance for the development of emerging forces. Some major forces allow you to develop to this height, and some major forces allow it. When you develop to another level, the big forces in front of you who took action against Nirvana did it because Nirvana's development exceeded their tolerance, so they took action against Nirvana!

As for yesterday, to be honest, even though Nirvana's gang ranks first in combat power, this level has actually not reached the limit in the hearts of most big forces. Those big forces allow Nirvana to develop to To this extent, being number one in a gang's combat power doesn't mean anything. What people look at is the average combat power of the gang, not the overall combat power of the gang, because Nirvana's combat power is supported by the number of people. The type is a very bloated type. On the surface, the data looks good, but in fact, it is vulnerable. It is half more than other gangs, and the combat power is only a little higher than others. People will definitely look down on you!

What the major forces really value is the average combat strength. Your Nirvana has 300,000 people, and the gang's combat strength is 63 billion. When averaged, the average combat strength per person is 210,000, and what about the second and third forces? , 200,000 people, 60 billion combat power, on average, each person has a combat power of 300,000. On the surface, it seems that your overall combat power is 3 billion more than others, but in fact? Their average combat strength is half that of yours, so of course they look down on you!

This is also the reason why Wei Bin asked some Nirvana members to hide their combat power. More than half of the Nirvana players have hidden their combat power. Their combat power is not on the rankings, so the system is calculating Nirvana. When considering the gang's combat power, their combat power will be ignored, so the number 63 billion appears! Wei Bin knew that before Nirvana became truly powerful, he could not show Nirvana's true strength to others, because a big tree attracts the wind. Once Nirvana's development exceeds the limits of the minds of the great powers, it will inevitably usher in the great powers dividing Nirvana. Frenzy! This is definitely not what Wei Bin wants to see!

If he wants to expose Nirvana's true strength, he must first have the ability to protect himself. Nirvana must have the strength to resist the invasion of foreign powers. Only in this way can he expose Nirvana's true strength!

And now, we have reached this time!

In Wei Bin's view, Nirvana already has such ability, Nirvana already has the power to protect itself, Nirvana is no longer a great power!

Why is nirvana now available? To be honest, as far as the current Nirvana is concerned, it is still a little bit behind the fire. So why does Wei Bin still decide to expose Nirvana's true combat effectiveness even though Nirvana is still a little short of fire? Why did he let almost all Nirvana members disclose their combat power?

because! Nirvana upgraded to level 5 helps!

This is the first level five gang in the entire Middle-earth continent. Now let’s recall Wei Bin’s operations!

In fact, as early as a few days ago, Nirvana's resources were enough to upgrade the city lord's mansion of Nirvana City to level five. Among Nirvana's three gang cities, as long as the city lord's mansion of one of the three gang cities was raised to level five, it would be level five. A few days ago, Wei Bin did not choose to upgrade immediately, but chose to endure it, because although the resources were sufficient, the time had not yet come. At that time, the Dota competition was already on the agenda. The rewards were announced in advance. It was because Wei Bin saw the Guild City Expansion Token and the Migration Token that he decided to postpone the upgrade of Nirvana City to Level 5 for a few days because he wanted to build momentum!

Because he wanted to do four major things together: the expansion of Nirvana City, the relocation of Nirvana City, the recruitment of people after Nirvana City was upgraded to a fifth-level gang city, and the exposure of Nirvana's true combat power. After these four things were put together , this momentum is unrivaled!

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