"Kh... I heard you made a monster, but I can't believe you can make such a pom pom pom...Shanan-san, let's pull.You can't have three as many as you want! "

That's how Nayu screams from behind me.But I was thinking.How can I convince Puni?How can we get through this situation....

At least we don't have a choice.Because when the operation came here, it was game-over.

No matter how many Hell Chaos Dragons you run, you should delete the data in some way.There may not even be a respite to resist.That's why... we can't run away from here!

"Mr. Shannon, can you hear me!? I can't help it anymore!If there's a way to knock it down with a single blow, there's only one way to pull it down! "

... how to defeat them in one blow...?

"That's right, is it a chicken or a bee...."

"Shannon-san!? What's wrong? Evacuate!"

"Nayu, stay back and I'll... I'll take care of it!"

That's how you extend your arms forward.

"Oh my God... what are you going to do!?"

"This is how you do it.... link!!"

It feels like butterflies and electricity are flowing through the electrical outlet.Now me and Puni are connected!

"Oneechan!? What are you doing!Don't connect yourself! Don't come inside me!! "

Puni-chan holds her chest and stares at her.But that's what I was told and I can't stop it.

"If Puni-chan can pull her moves with a link with me, on the contrary, maybe I can pull her moves too!"

Swim your stretched hand and keep looking for the information you need.

"Hang on, Mr. Shannon!It involves deliberately using the power of a bug.But that's an obvious violation!? If you find out later when your operations check your logs, it's also likely to freeze your account!Is that okay!? "

"... that's fine!"

That's what I answer for sure.

"I'll do anything to persuade Puni!You can deactivate your account!... because if I give up here, Puni will really disappear!? I might just have to recreate my account, but Puni isn't!This is the only real life!! "


Puni, properly linked, I search for the necessary information and stir up the data.

"... that's enough, oneechan. Even if I'm erased, a regular Protective Spirit will be distributed after maintenance to remove the bug.Oneechan is back to normal.... "

"That's... no!!"

I will deny it with all my might!

Rough up your voice and complain it's a mistake!

"Even if Puni is erased and a new Guardian Spirit is distributed to me in its restoration, it's completely different!Even if you look the same and have the same voice, it's not Puni anymore!? It's just another person who looks the same!! "

"Hmm, why...? Why is oneechan so obsessed with me!?"

Puni-chan was confused as she pressed her chest.

So, I....

"Because it's special! Puni-chan is special to me!!"

"Special... special...? Me?"

"Yes, it's special. Puni may not know, but gamers are the first thing that matters.My first friend in the game, special!My first clan is very thoughtful.And the first Guardian Spirit, I thought I'd grow up very, very carefully.Who doesn't care about their first time is not such a gamer!! "

Puni trembles.

His whole body trembled in agony.

"For me, the only Spirit Guardian is Puni!I don't want any more Guardian Spirits!Just puni-chan! It was so important, special, and nowhere else to be found!! "

"Uhh... ahh... ahh..."

With my head in my arms and my trembling puni-chan lying sideways, I stretched out my hand to explore the information.

"Ahhh, my chest... is hot! Oneechan's thoughts are flowing in..."

The more I explore, Puni's expression distorts in anguish.Continue to reach around the skills and information you need.

"I will definitely stop talking about Puni!Of course, I'm not going to let the operator turn it off!That's why I'm borrowing your help!! "

So I finally found the skill I was looking for.I will seize and unleash that skill!

"Turn... body!!"

[Shannon used his skills. Divine Beast Transformation]

My body changes with the sound of my butt and electricity playing.

"Divination!? Originally, I used the power of a bug to force my opponent into a turn that they should not be able to use unless they were incapacitated!?"

Nayu is surprised behind me.You might get mad at me later for doing this, but I still want to get close enough to touch Puni now.That's it!


Hell Chaos Dragon used a skill.It's impossible to hurt myself.

Hell Chaos Dragon used a stunt.Hellfire leaves no bones behind]

Three dragons leak flames from their mouths.

[Shannon used his skill. Strength Storage]

[Shannon used the skill. Berserk]

[Shannon used a skill. Critical Charge]

[Shannon used the skill. Combo Plus]

[Shannon used his skill. Qigong]

"Puni-chan, I'm going over there now.I'll definitely hug you again! "

"Uhh... oneechan... I..."

And three dragons simultaneously fired flames at me!

"There, let me through! Claw aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!"

With all your might, with all your strength, you will wipe out the flames that come towards you with your nails!!

[Sanaan used the big game.Spiritual skills, claws]

My nails will cut through three flames and disable them!

Nail claw (Nail): 5000.Can attack a wide area with huge invisible claws.This move has the effect of playing the opponent's Ranged Attacks. 40x Attack.

I also tore the dragon's boundaries apart and tore three at once!

The ability of Sanan is activated. God Beast Claws]

The ability of Sanan is activated. Combo Connect +2 Combo]

The ability of Sanan is activated. First Must Win +1]

Sanan's ability activated. Counter +2

Sanan's ability activated. HPMax charge

The ability of Sanan is activated. Abnormal Condition Bruising]

[Sanan's ability activated. Dragon killer]

Ability activated in Shanan. Skill Boost

[Ability activated in Sanan. Multiboost]

[Ability of Sanan activated. Ability Boost]

Sanan's ability activated. Disable Penetration

[Deals 37,221,293,000 damage to Hell Chaos Dragons]

[20,051,887,788 Damage to Hell Chaos Dragon]

[Deals 25,064,884,736 damage to Hell Chaos Dragons]

[Defeated Helchaos Dragon]

[Defeated Helchaos Dragon]

[Defeated Helchaos Dragon]

Shu Shu and the dragon disappear in light.

The only thing left after that was Puni-chan, who was still holding her chest and breathing roughly.

Puni-chan, I've got the monster.

I walk slowly towards Puni.

"No, no... don't come..."

Whether it was fear or guilt, Puni was trembling.

"You promised. He said," If you kill three, you give up. "

"That's... that's..."

One step at a time, I hugged Puni-chan as gently as I could.

"I'm sorry, Puni."

"... eh..."

Puni's body was still trembling and tense.

"I made you anxious.It was hard, wasn't it? So I'm sorry. "

"Ah, ahhhh...."

I'm about to cry now, and my crying voice leaked.

"Chi, no, oneechan's not bad.Ah, I... egg... it's my fault!I couldn't trust everyone... I could only doubt oneechan... hiccup... so I'm sorry... "

Puni-chan apologized as she jumped up and swallowed her voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry... I'm sorry for bothering everyone!I'm sorry for telling oneechan I'm not dead... I'm sorry for doing all this on my own... that's why I'm staying with oneechan... "

I hugged Puni-chan even harder as she burst into tears.

I never wanted to make her sad again.

"Yeah. Me too, I want to stay with Puni forever."


Turning his voice upside down, Puni finally cried out loud without worrying about her surroundings.

The tiny body that sticks to me trembles little by little and wets my clothes with tears, but I'm glad you finally trusted me....

Even with a strong hug, she continued to gently stroke her little head.

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