Gamer Naruto

Chapter 32 - Visit(1)

Walking to his apartment, a display popped up in front of him.

[+2 Wis]

[+1 Int]

[Shogi Skill Level 16, Exp-46%]

Naruto: "Board games give me mental attribute points?"

[Yes but only limited amounts after a while. Eventually, nothing will be gained once you play it.]

Naruto: 'I am for sure visiting them again.'

Opening the door to his apartment, he noticed that there was a letter on his desk with a small key right next to it. When he opened it and read the content, he felt extremely happy. Why? Because the letters say that Naruto has gotten his house back. Not his technically but rather his parents. Even Better news? The Third is paying for it all. Just imagining the old man having his wallet thinned out a bit made him very pleased. There was an address to this place so he immediately started packing up with the bags that he stole on his first pickpocketing adventure. Never would he have thought those would be of any use until later.

Summoning clones to pack up faster, Naruto felt extremely excited. He started to think about how his house would look like. Should he decorate to make it a little more of his style or should he just keep it the way it is? Although, the bigger question would be how he would be able to relocate that entire house to another location but still having its resources like water or electricity.

Should he just make a village? That would be nice. It would be a pain in the neck to be the leader though. An ID clone can do it probably. Deciding to not think too much about it, he emptied everything his entire apartment. Turns out, inventory is much more useful than Naruto originally thought. He thought he could only take normal items but now he knows that he can take more than that.

Why does he know this? Because Naruto put his backpack that held more items inside itself into the inventory. Knowing this, he decided to put his bags in there too, just to test it out which worked out in the end. By the end of the whole packing ordeal, Naruto wondered if he could just put his entire house into his inventory. That would be quite useful.

Once he was done, he rushed out at top speed to his new home. Blue lightning started to glow in Naruto's eyes as his navy blue strands also had sparks growing inside and outside of them. His appearance was the same except his ocean-like eyes were now brighter with moving lightning in them. This facial feature, however, is something that nobody besides the lightnings from the lightning world can see. Due to his state of excitement, he didn't even see the world slowing down around him.

It wasn't until Gamer's Mind kicked in did he realize what he was doing. Although he was now calm, his enthusiasm was still there. Seeing how fast he was jumped from building to building, he realized that he had super speed. Naruto originally thought that it only increased his reaction speed and temporarily increase his body speed but fortunately, he was wrong. His speed is not in bursts but rather something he can control at any time.

The best thing about it is that nobody could tell when he activates it because no one can see the lightning unless Naruto allowed them to. This way, he would be full of surprises on an unsuspecting enemy. Even better, he can run away if things don't go well. While he had super speed, some jonins saw him and thought that it could be an enemy. In the end, they lost him and questioned if they saw anything at all in the first place.

Smiling to himself about his new power, he realized that he almost passed his new house. Once he willed it to turn off, it immediately went away. He looked at his new place and felt a little nervous. There was no reason for it but it was just there. And right on cue, Gamer's mind activated.

Unlocking the door and walking through it, he realized that there was no one waiting for him at home. No mom to nag him about being late to lunch or no dad to spoil him silly and let him get away things. None of that was here. Naruto was so disappointed in himself because his heart had a bit of expectation growing. That tiny little hope that came in the form of a seed in his heart was completely obliterated due to reality.

Walking through the house, he started to familiarize with it. There were even some pictures that were still in this house that was filled with dust. Soon, he summoned his clones to do some major cleaning and to unpack his stuff. As he took out his items from his inventory, he realized that he originally didn't even have much, to begin with.

As he turned on the light to the different rooms of his house, it now carried a comforting and peaceful atmosphere. No dust, no dirt, no grime. Nothing was dirty in the house and Naruto was quite proud of his work. Transforming into his ȧduŀt self, he decided to start making his lunch. Honey-glazed roasted chicken. His ID clone knows Naruto and thus decided to start on the morning when Naruto was gone.

Seeing that his chicken was perfectly chilled and ready, he started to cook it. After ten to twelve minutes, a spicy delicious scent wafted through the air and filled the kitchen. The golden brown color of the chicken signaled him of the fact it was done and so he took it out and put it to rest. This would let excess oil to roll off the chicken and make it juicier and tastier when he ate it.

Once it was done resting, he decided to put it on a plate and set it at the table. With honey from his inventory, he spread it over the chicken and it made it even more appetizing. As he bit into the fried chicken, a crunch would be heard every time he bit into it but what surprised Naruto was how tender it was on the inside. It was like eating marshmallows but with delicious and rich flavor. As he ate more and more, he started to feel weird and he slowed down.

At his old apartment, he wouldn't necessarily feel anything when he ate besides happiness due to his good food but in this very moment, he felt lonely. He knew Cain was there but Cain had no physical form. It wasn't Naruto trying to lower Cain or anything but sometimes people are more naturally inclined to things that they can see. As if sensing Naruto's feelings, Cain spoke up.

[I have a surprise for you.]

Naruto: "Really?" He got a bit excited. "What is it?"

[Close your eyes and count to 3. Once you're done, open your eyes.]

Naruto: "Uh...okay." So he closed his eyes and he started counting. "1.2.3." When he opened his eyes, he got a surprise alright. A surprise that consisted of living nature that just recently happened to be someone he befriended.

Lilith: "Um...where am I?"

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