Gamer Naruto

Chapter 35 - Visit(4)

{Clone POV - 7:20 P.M.}

Clone Naruto was enjoying the feeling of lightning coursing through his veins and body as it brought warmth in the cold night. Fall is approaching and the summer was finally ending. Not that he hated summer but it was too hot at times and he would feel completely exhausted due to it. Jumping from building to building, Naruto decided to head to the Hokage Tower just to bother the Third. Why? Because he can and he has every right to.

As he went there, he started thinking about tomorrow and whether he should visit the Nara family again. It was very fun to play Shogi with Shikimaru's dad and gain a few mental attribute points while he was at it. Thinking about the Nara family made him think about the Nara Clan and how big they are. A big family, full of members that have each other's back.

It was something Naruto wished he had a while ago. It was a mere wish of a young child that was born into solitude. That there were unknown family members out there that will love him. These days, it doesn't bother him much but he does think about it. Before the change happened to him, he would lay on his bed, thinking sadly about a clan but now that this is after the change, a question came to him instead.

(C)Naruto: "What happened to them? I read about the fact that they were destroyed...but by who?" He saw that he was quickly approaching the Hokage Tower so he decided to ask the Third. Naruto quickly went to the room where the Third usually is and stopped at his door. There was no one at the door area so he just went through it and what faced him was a mountain of papers.

Third: "Who is it?"

(C)Naruto: "It's me."

Third: "Oh. Naruto. How can I help you?" 'What does he want now?' He mentally got himself ready for another possible scolding.

(C)Naruto: "Information."

Third: "About?" He kept writing or signing.

(C)Naruto: "The Uzumaki Clan." Third stopped writing for a few seconds. He took the paperwork down and moved them to another place so he could face Naruto.

Third: "Why do you want to know about them?"

Third: "...okay. What do you want to know?"

(C)Naruto: "How did it get destroyed?"

Third: "..." The Third showed weariness on his face and an uncomfortable tingling feeling settled in his heart as he thought about his comrades. 'It seems that even now, they come back to haunt me.' He sighed mentally. "They were massacred in the second shinobi war by the other villages."

(C)Naruto: "Which ones?"

Third: "Naruto. Why are you asking me for this information?" He was starting to be worried.

(C)Naruto: "No reason. I just want to know." The Third was doubtful but what can Naruto do now anyway he thought so he told him what he knew.

Third: "It was the Rock, Mist, Cloud, and a few minor villages." Naruto calmly took the information in. Remembering them. Writing them in his heart. Thinking about them.

(C)Naruto: "Alright. Thank you." He turned around to leave.

(C)Naruto: "I won't."

Third: "How's the house?"

(C)Naruto: "Great." he said as he was about to leave until he heard the Third call him again.

Third: "Naruto wait."

(C)Naruto: "What?" said Naruto in a monotonous voice.

Third: "Are you angry?"

(C)Naruto: "For?"

Third: "The fact that the Leaf couldn't save their long-time comrades. That this village couldn't save your clan." When Naruto heard this, he showed a sincere smile. A smile that is as rare as lightning striking someone twice in one day. Sarutobi could've sworn that he felt chills all around his body as he saw that smile. It was so normal with no bloodlust nor killing intent behind it and yet, it was utterly horrifying for some reason.

Naruto: "Angry? No." He chuckled. "I'm not even disappointed because the thing is, I expected the Leaf to fail. I expected the Leaf to not be capable. I expected, the Leaf to not uphold their reputation of being peace-loving and strong."

(C)Naruto: "It's interesting how enemies from other countries attack an allied village without the Leaf having any prior knowledge about it. Not to mention, the Uzumaki village was very close to the Leaf village so it is fascinating how the Leaf did not make it in time or how they didn't about an enemy attack was coming either. You would think the mightiest village would be competent enough, right Third Hokage?" Saying one last piece, he decided to leave.

Sarutobi let out a breath that he had been holding back and slumped down on his chair, no longer in the mood for working. Even some of the Anbu that were there felt like they needed to sit down for a bit.

Third: "So many mistakes. So many wrongs. How would I even start to fix them?" He quietly stared out the window, reveling in the beautiful sight that was presented. Usually, he would smile and feel gratified at this hard work when he looked out but now, he felt more tired. Tired that he was babysitting a village that was now foreign to him. Oh, how he wished his teachers were alive to guide him.

As clone Naruto went out of the tower, he decided to go into town transformed. Due to his default Transformation Jutsu being the potent variant rather than the original, no one could ever figure out that Naruto was transformed unless there is an Uchiha with Mangekyo abilities or Madara and Hashirama themselves. Even the Byakugan is useless towards a transformation as powerful as this but Cain never bothered telling Naruto how powerful the Jutsu was or rather how he just created an S-Rank Jutsu on the whim just to avoid someone.

Ignoring everyone and going straight to Ichiraku Ramen, he decided to have a meal there. He wasn't an ID clone and he was a bit hungry so he thought that he might as well go somewhere where he can get some good food along with some respect. Seeing the little restaurant as he approached it brought a smile to his face. Going to an alley to turn off the transformation, he entered the establishment and said his greetings.

(C)Naruto: "Sup old man."

Teuchi: "Hm? Naruto? Is that you?" He said in a happy and yet curious tone as he turned around.

Ayame: "Naruto? Where?" said a young girl as she peeked her head out.

Naruto was always their number one customer and they love the fact that he always brightens their day with positive energy. Essentially, they thought of Naruto as their family member and always treated him like one. However, they were worried for the past few days for Naruto because he hasn't come around at all. All of a sudden, he visits them at night time with partially died hair and less of hyper attitude.

Ayame: "Great." She smiled as she got out and hugged him. "We were going to close up in a few minutes? Want to eat something as we talk?"

Naruto: "Sure. I'll take the usual." Teuchi nodded.

Ayame: "Alright." Teuchi started making the miso ramen with extra pork. "So how have you been? What's with the hair? Also, you seem to be more handsome."

Naruto: "Haha I've been well actually. Never felt better. The hair is something that I'm trying for fun while the face. Well, it's what happens when a handsome individual like me grows up." Naruto said that last part with a smirk.

Teuchi: "Hahaha. Good answer." He laughed as he heard him.

Ayame: "I'll say." She giggled. "You know. You seem different. Like you have grown up all of a sudden."

Naruto: "Maybe. Maybe not. All I know is that I am now happier than I have ever been so I don't think about the past anymore." 'Nope. I don't think about it. I only just feel like releasing hell upon them. That's all.'

Ayame: "Is that so? That's good then. I'm happy for you."

Naruto: "Thank you." She smiled and went back to the kitchen. A customer came in and sat on a table. He ordered miso ramen as well and glanced at Naruto. Once he saw Naruto, he unconsciously raised his eyebrows before looking away and waiting for his food. Naruto felt his gaze but he had no reaction to it and simply waited for his ramen quietly.

Naruto: "So I was thinking. What if you make your ramen healthier?"

Teuchi: "What do you mean?"

Naruto: "Do you know the food pills?"

Teuchi: "Yes I do but what do military items have to do with ramen?"

Naruto: "Well, I was thinking that since the food pills have quite a bit of nutritional value to them besides the boosting of chakra and stamina, you could perhaps try to incorporate the health value to every bit of your ramen. That way, both shinobi and civilians will come here more often and you might see an increase in your revenue.

Teuchi: "Interesting...I think I'll check it out Naruto. Thank you."

Naruto: "No problem but make sure you prioritize deliciousness. See ya later old Man. Bye, big sis."

Teuchi: "You too."

Ayame: "You be careful as you go home."

The customer who was there with Naruto finished his ramen and turned it in. After paying he decided to say goodbye.

Teuchi: "Thank you for coming again Iruka. See you another day."

Iruka: "No problem Mr. Teuchi. Hope you have a good day." he said as he said his goodbyes. It wasn't that Iruka ate slowly or anything but rather Naruto ate extremely fast. Old habits are hard to get rid off. 'So that was the Nine-Tailed Fox...but why is he so different from what I heard?' He pondered.

With Naruto's extreme speed, it took no time to reach his destination and relax. He bought a blanket and a pillow on the way there and he used it to make a temporary bed to lay down on.

(C)Naruto: 'Stargazing is kind of nice.' he thought as he sought out the constellations he read about in the books.

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