Gamer Naruto

Chapter 39 - Visit(8)

Only then did Naruto realize that he said that out loud and most likely, he was probably spaced out in front of two other people. When he turned to them, he concluded that he was right as he got weird looks from both Shikaku and Inoichi.

Shikaku: "You okay kid? You kind of just blanked out for a minute or two and then you just came back by saying amazing."

Naruto: "Yeah yeah. I'm fine. I just felt that these jutsus are amazing. I usually blank out whenever I think of ideas."

Shikaku: "Oh. Okay." 'To each their own I guess.' "Want to eat lunch now? It's time." he said as he yawned. For a second he thought he saw Shikamaru's image align with him.

Naruto: "Yes, please. I'm starving." Shikaku then looked at Inoichi.

Shikaku: "You want to join us?"

Inoichi: "Sure. I'll ju-"

?: "Dad!" Everyone turned to the main door saw a young blond girl who had an annoyed look on her face as she wore her signature purple clothing. "Do you know what time it is? Mom kept asking me about where you were and now she even made me come here to pick you up. What were you doing?"

Ignoring Ino yelling at her father, Naruto went into the kitchen to help Yoshino out. At first, Yoshino politely declined his help as she thought that he had no idea what he was doing in the kitchen but because Naruto insisted so much, she let him. Boy did she get the surprise of her life when she realized that his kitchen skills were far more superior than hers. Hell, even her recipes had a significant improvement in taste.

Yoshino slightly regretted on the fact that she also didn't have a daughter to have Naruto marry into her family. She could imagine having such a wonderful son-in-law. A son-in-law that could defeat her husband in board games when no one else could, a son-in-law that can cook delicious food, a son-in-law that's not lazy, a son-in-law that is very polite and kind. God, she wished that it was true. After the cooking was done, Naruto decided to help bring the food out and set the table.

As Naruto walked out with food in hand, he saw that Shikamaru came home and Ino and her father were nowhere to be seen. He greeted Shikamaru to which he said hello back lazily. Walking to the table, Shikamaru was allured by the smell that filled the room. He knew his mom was a good cook but he didn't know that she had this much skill.

It wasn't just Shikamaru that came over but also his father. For the first time in her life, Yoshino saw her husband and son sitting at the table, ready to eat. Usually, she would have to yell at them just to bring them there but today was different. She already knew what caused this as she looked down at the blondie walking past her.

Naruto was a bit short compared to Shikamaru previously but as his bloodline progressed and he started doing his physical training, his body started to develop well with him. Not to mention the other health factors that have positively affected his life like less stress, good sleep, and a purpose. Now, he's half a head taller than him which secretly surprised Shikamaru as he swore that Naruto was shorter the first they met.

Everyone chowed down until they were completely satisfied. Never has the Nara family had such a sumptuous meal at their house before and this was all thanks to Naruto's support in the kitchen. When Yoshino disclosed that information, Shikaku looked at him for a bit until he smiled.

Shikaku: "Say Naruto."

Naruto: "Hm?"

Naruto: 'If only we were in another village perhaps. Maybe I should take them with me. They don't deserve to be here.'

Shikaku: "So. What do you think Naruto?"

Naruto: "Can I ask why you are asking? It's not just for the food right?"

Shikaku: "No no. If I'm being honest, the food was the trigger but I had this thought for a while. The only reason why I was denied of adopting you was due to the civilian council refusing me. Now that you have the Third by your side, it could be done."

Naruto: "I see." 'If only this place wasn't shi**y.' "Then I would have to deny your offer, Mr. Nara."

Shikaku: "Can I know why?"

Naruto: "No reason. I'm used to being alone and being with a family will make me more uncomfortable."

Shikaku: "Oh. Well, that's unfortunate. It's okay though. You are always welcome here."

None of those thoughts included the adoption conversation with the Nara family because he honestly did not care about it. It was an absolute joke. Why would he get himself involved with another family? Especially one loyal to the Leaf Village?

Going back to his thoughts, some of them were about Mind Power's unique prowess. Some were about when he would be able to create life without procreation. Most of them, however, were about the Nara Clan jutsus. Just thinking about the potential of them made him excited. If he recalled correctly, didn't the Yamanaka Clan also have something similar but more focused on the mind?

Conveniently, they have mind jutsus while Naruto was hoping for an opportunity to use the unique powers of the Mind Power. It was meant to be although Naruto was a little doubtful of whether it will work or not. Regardless, Naruto quickly went home and headed in. He made an ID clone to make sure to write about tomorrow's plans of visiting the Yamanaka Clan and to make more clones to create original Shadow Style jutsus. Naruto's official title of it was Shadow Style, the fake Kekkei Genkai.

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