Gamer Naruto

Chapter 5 - The Beginning(5)

Naruto: "Well...that was something." Naruto let out a sigh as cleaned his eyes. That was most likely the last time he will see her unless he died and followed right after. Naruto looked forward. With new determination in his eyes, and a new growing thirst to be stronger for his future. For his freedom.

Naruto: "Next is the giant right? Let's go." With two of the three chakras gone forever, the third was much easier to sense. Why? Because it felt like the world's most evil entity ever compared to the gentle chakra that Naruto's parents gave out.

Naruto closed his eyes and sat down. He once again started to meditate. This time focusing on this "evil". Soon, he found himself with a foul smell. In fact, He felt like there was water underneath him as he sat but he wasn't getting wet. One of the only indication that he was on the water was the sound that it was providing.

Naruto opened his eyes and he saw a massive gate in front of him. It had a paper on it and symbols that said Seal. Naruto guessed that this was the seal of the Nine-Tails but he had other questions like why was everything greenish yellow? Why did it smell? Why was he in the sewers? How can anyone live here? And how the hell he can change this place!

?: "Hehehe. Looks who's here. If it isn't my tiny host." said a deep, intimidating voice.

Naruto looked up to see one eye. It was pretty dark at first but then it started getting brighter and he saw a massive fox. Naruto couldn't hold himself back. He was too funny looking.

Naruto: "Hahaha" came out high pitched laughter. He laughed for a minute for two before he once again looked at the fox. " stomach...hahaha" The Nine-Tailed Fox was becoming angrier at the squeaky laughter from his new host.

Nine-Tailed Fox: "What is so funny!!" The fox roared.

Naruto: "Your...your.... ears! Why do you have bunny ears! Hahaha" After hearing what Naruto said, the Nine-Tails blushed and put down his ears so that it doesn't appear much.

Nine-Tailed Fox: "S-Shut Up! I'm self-conscious about my ears." The fox mumbled out that last part.

Naruto: "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's just that, when I imagined the great Nine-Tailed fox, I didn't imagine it like you. I thought you would be a lot scarier. You know, attacking the Leaf and killing my parents after all."Naruto had a great mental image now. "If you looked like this now, I wonder what you would look like in normal size or as a baby. I would probably use you as my pillow forever." Naruto chuckled as he said that.

Nine-Tailed Fox: "HOW DARE YOU! I am the Mighty Fox! Nobody dares to mock me like that!"

Naruto: "Well I do. It seems like we can get together pretty well. I'm Naruto. What's your name?"

Nine-Tailed Fox: "I have none." It grunted.

Naruto: "Aww come on. Don't play hard to get." The fox did not respond. "Fine then. I'll give you one. I decree from now on, your name is Ginger."

Ginger: "What! NO! Why!?!"

Naruto: "Well ginger reminds of spiciness and sweetness and honestly, you have a lot of that. A little too much spicy but good nonetheless."

Ginger: "NO! Pick something else!"

Naruto: "You're okay with a name? Alright then. How about Furball?"

Furball: "No to that even more!"

Naruto: "Sparky?" he questioned.

Sparky: "NO!"

Naruto: "Fuzzy?"

Fuzzy: "NO Damn it!"

Naruto: "Well what do you want then! I gotta call you something! I'm not gonna call you by what you are or your title. It's too lame for the former and too long for the latter."

Fuzzy: "Fine! The name that was given to me in birth is Kurama! Happy!?"

Naruto: "Actually yes. That's a nice name. Who gave it to you?"

Kurama: "No one! So get out!!"

Naruto: "Yeah yeah. See ya Kurama." Naruto then set out. He meditated once more and he got out. He saw his filthy apartment once more and sighed.

Kurama: "Irritating brat..." Kurama went back to sleep. Never has he been frustrated by another person before. God knows what's going to happen to him in the future.

[Congrats on doing your first mission. Here are your rewards: +1 All attributes, Answers, ???= New Skills, New Knowledge, Perk Names, Meeting your parents, Talking to the Nine-Tails, A goal, Small Update, +25 Int(Already Applied.), +25 Wis(Already Applied)]

Naruto: "Wow. That's quite a lot. Small Update and Wis? I'm guessing that's what the update is for."

[For understand the reason of the update, +1 Wis]

Naruto: "Cool. Just one question. Does Already Applied mean that as I was doing the mission, it was already done adding to my attributes?"

[Yes. This time was an exception. Other times, you will gain rewards after you have completed the mission.]

Naruto: "Alright. That makes sense. Now the problem is how do I show myself to others? They will figure out something happened to me. Hmm...I have to see what I gained first." 'Status'

Name: Naruto Uzumaki

Age: 8

Race: Human(?)

Gender: Male


-Uzumaki Inheritor(Uzumakis will enjoy being with you. Making original seals will come to you naturally. Adamantine Chains are unlocked.)


Level: 1

HP(Health): 100%

CP(Chakra): 100%

Str(Strength): 9

Vit(Vitality): 24

End(Endurance): 21

Dex(Dexterity): 9

Wis(Wisdom): 43

Luk(Luck): ?

Chakra Control: 8%

Attribute points: 0

0/150 EXP


- Uzumaki Heritage -

+100 HP at the start. +10 Vitality, +7 Endurance, and +5 Intelligence per level. +75% Fuinjutsu understanding and +30% Fuinjutsu success.

- Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails -

- Iron Body -

+2 Str, End, Vit, per level.

- Lady Luck's Chosen -

Almost infinite luck at anything to do with money or other materialistic items. Everything else like friends and family has dirt poor luck.

[Negative Status]

- Malnourished -

Will be physically shorter than the rest. -25% Vit, Str, Dex, and End at the base level. Eat Healthily!

- Eyesore -

-20% reputation gain with people and -25% reputation with girls. Wear something else.


Gamer's Mind (Passive) [Level MAX]

- Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows a peaceful state of mind at all times. Immunity to psychological status effects.

Gamer's Body (Passive) [Level MAX]

- Gives the user a body that of a game character where they do not take physical damage but can feel the pain through the loss of HP. Sleeping in the bed can heal CP and HP completely. Sleeping in a tent provides 75% recovery. Sleeping anywhere else is 50% recovery. There is no hunger bar to indicate it however the user has needs

Mind Resistance (Passive) [Level 9, Exp-83%]

- Gives allows the user to bear the mental strain. Unlike the Gamer's Mind where it gives immunity to mental status, this allows the user to bear mental stress, damage, or attacks.

High Elemental Affinity(Wind) (Passive) [Level 10, Exp-22%]

- Gives the user an affinity with the wind. Can reach perfection. Wind jutsus take 50% less effort to learn and use. Currently 2nd Hokage Water compatibility level.

Mid Elemental Affinity(Lightning) (Passive) [Level 8, Exp-56%]

- Gives the user an affinity with the lightning. Lightning jutsus take 35% less effort to learn and use. Can reach perfection.

Swordsmanship (Passive/Active) [Level 5, Exp-43%]

- Lets the user learn true swordsmanship. Currently only has knowledge of it and no zero experience so the level will not increase.

Basic Sword Moves (Passive/Active) [Level 1, Exp-0%]

- Increases Swordsmanship level and makes user better with basic sword moves. 15% extra damage when facing an opponent. Increases learning of future sword moves easier by 30% when max level.

Naruto: "Is there a way to show a specific section of the Status board and not everything?"

[Yes. Just say Status and then what you want to see.]

Naruto: "Got it. While I'm at it, I have 3 questions."

[What is it?]

Naruto: "Did my Wisdom take some of the intelligence when it split? Why did my Hp and Cp turn into percentages?"

[Yes it did for the first question. It's easier to keep track as the second question.]

Naruto: "And is there other ways to gain more perks?"


Naruto: "Alright then. Is there anything else that I should know about?"

[You have a lottery and a mystery box to open. They are a gift.]

Naruto: "Oh. That's nice. Did the Voice give them to me?

[Yes. He thought that you deserved it for standing up to the Nine-Tailed Beast.]

Naruto: "Well. He's a lot more different than I thought so it wasn't hard. So can I use the lottery?"


[Spinning Lottery...Slowing down...Landed on a Jutsu...Congratulations. You have earned the Shadow Clone Jutsu.]

Naruto: "Cool. Don't know it but cool." As soon as he said that, the information rushed to his head. He got a headache but then he opened his eyes once more. "And now I know." he smiled.

[Mind Resistance Leveled up. Level 12, Exp-24%]

[Shadow Clone Jutsu - Level 0, Exp-0%]

[This jutsu allows the user to create one or more copies of themselves. The user's chakra is evenly divided between themselves and their clones: creating one clone will give it half the user's chakra, creating two clones will give each a third of the user's chakra, and so on. Depending on how much chakra the user has and how many clones they make, this rapid depletion of their reserves can be dangerous. Because of this, usually, only those of at least jōnin-level can safely use the standard Shadow Clone Technique. The Multiple Shadow Clone Technique – which creates hundreds of clones to the standard version's dozens – is unsafe to the point of being forbidden. This has one main hidden benefit.]

Naruto: "Wow. That's awesome. I can't wait to figure out that hidden benefit." Naruto was still smiling, "So what's the catch?"

[+1 Wis for asking a good question. The catch is that this jutsu is from the Hidden Secret Scroll from the Leaf. If you get caught using this technique, there is a chance of you being suspected by the 3rd and you being in interrogation.]

Naruto: "Oh. That doesn't sound fun. Oh well, gotta take risks right. Now, let's open the box to see its goodies." said the now cheerful Naruto.

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