Gamer Naruto

Chapter 8 - Meeting(1)

Naruto approached the window. He opens it and looks diagonally to the left. The trees were still as if there was nothing there but for Naruto, it was oozing sadness and gloom.

Naruto: 'If this dude is going to stalk me, at least he should have less of a negative attitude. Watching me can't be that bad? Can it? No...I don't believe it. This guy must be giving me pity due to my life...even I can't convince myself. This dude's emotions are too strong for that.', Naruto thought, ' Wait a minute. Don't I have Aura Reading? Can't I use that here? But how?' Naruto angrily stomped on the floor. 'Should've learned it before.' He sighed. 'Whatever. I gotta stop this dude. He is ruining my good mood.' "Hey, you!"


Naruto: "Don't you ignore me! I can feel you."


Naruto: "I swear to everything. If you don't come out, I'll tell the Third. Once I tell him and he finds you, I'm gonna strap you down, shove my hand up your a**, make you suck on that hand, and then pull off your fingernails and teeth one by one as I keep you awake." Naruto said with gritted teeth. It took a moment but a person did appear. He wore a mask. An Anbu mask to be specific.

?: "For a child, you have a vicious tongue."

Naruto: "For an ȧduŀt, you're too damned gloomy."

?: "What would you know?"

Naruto: "I know enough you weird old man."

?: "What? I'm not old."

Naruto: "Then why is your hair gray?"

?: "That's my natural hair color..."

Naruto: " can stick with that. Now. What the hell are you doing next to my apartment?"

?: "I have no obligation to answer you."

Naruto: "Really? So If I tell the Third that the Anbu is severely lacking and that you didn't even notice the creepy dude watching me."

?: "What creepy dude?" he said as he looked and sensed around.

Naruto: "Exactly. You didn't even realize. When I looked at his direction, he bounced. But you. You are so far gone in your world that you didn't even bother to move. Did I break your depressing daydreaming that you were doing?"

?: " your mouth."

Naruto: "Or what? You're gonna hurt me. Oh no. I'm gonna get hurt. Ahhh. Help. This old dude wants to attack the eight-year-old. He might have weird sėxuȧŀ intentions ahhhh."

?: "Stop it brat." said the Anbu with little bits of killer intent.

Naruto: "Careful now Anbu. You don't want to upset me." Naruto mischievously smiled."What if I feel so distressed that I have to rely on my prisoner for companionship and help?"

?: "You know?"

Naruto: "Well when people call you demon and say you killed my family and then mention 8 years ago and the fact that someone called me a fox. You kind of easily put it together."

?: "I see. What are you going to do now? Will you take revenge?"

Naruto: "Of course I won't. I am not a child with a petty mind. Why would I?" Naruto said with extreme sarcasm.

?: "Okay."

Naruto: 'The Leaf Village will fall. I'm just going to watch from the sidelines eating popcorn.'

?: "What?"

Naruto: "Oh nothing." 'He probably will report to the Third about the creepy guy.' Naruto chuckled mentally. 'Funny thing is that I could sense so much negativity in this village. That guy is the last of this village's worries.'

?: "Okay then. I'm gonna go back to my duty."

Naruto: "No no no no. You're gonna be a mile away from here. I can practically feel your sorrowful thoughts drowning me."

?: "I see. I'll be in touch."

Naruto: "Please don't." said Naruto. The Anbu nodded and went away. "Better than before." Naruto sat down on his bed and looked forward. "Cain, is there any way I can train privately without being watched?"

[Yes. Raise your hand high and close your eyes. When you feel a weird slimy energy traveling right next to your chakra and focus on it. Once you do, will it to move into the palm of your hand to gather it. Once your palm feels very hot, say ID Create. ]

Naruto: "Uh okay." Naruto did what asked to do. He shivered as he felt energy snake its way to its palm, only to disappear and spread in his palm. Soon he felt his palm was hot enough. "ID Create."

An open space and with a flat terrain that was made from rocks is where Naruto was. There were clear skies with bȧrėly any visible clouds and the Sun was in a constant state. He was amazed. "Whoa. That's freaky. I can't feel a thing or any person. Is it endless?"


Naruto: "Cool. I think I'm gonna start on my weapons." Naruto spawned in shurikens that he robbed and then he realized something. "No one will notice I'm gone right?"

[+1 Wis for thinking of consequences. No. You have been replaced with an indistinguishable shadow clone.]

Naruto: "Great. Now, could you summon targeting boards in a zig-zag pattern? Only three so that I and my shadow clone could throw and practice."

[Alright.] Cain spawned in two targeting boards and Naruto made a clone.

Naruto: "Alright clone. You know what you gotta do." The clone nodded. He moved to the board next to him while Naruto did the same with my board. He started throwing at the board next to Naruto while Naruto did the same to him. After about 2 rounds of throwing, Naruto took a break.

[+2 Dex gained.]

[Shurikenjutsu Level 7, Exp-34%]

He wasn't tired but he was just thinking. 'How the hell do I escape from this village? I'm sure the Third is watching my every move somehow.' "Clone, you can dispel yourself."

(C)Naruto: "Alright." The moment he dispelled, Naruto felt a decent headache and notification.

[Mind Resistance Level 17, Exp-45%]

[Shurikenjutsu Level 9, Exp-87%]

Naruto: "Hahaha that's interesting. So that's the secret of the shadow clones. Doesn't get any better than this. Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu!" About 100 clones appeared. They looked at the main and nodded before proceeding to do their task. 50 of the clones will master Shurikenjutsu while the other 50 will start on swordsmanship. "It seems I can't duplicate the Yamato. Oh well."

[Shadow Clone Jutsu Level 9, Exp-58%]

[+1 Wis for figuring out the Shadow Clone Jutsu hidden feature.]

Naruto: "Finally. At least it's extremely useful." Naruto looked at his sword, admiring its beauty until he had a sudden thought. "Why exactly am I turning into a demon again? You said it's to operate this sword but doesn't it already have demonic power? Do I need to become one?"

[You are turning into a demon so that you can use all of the powers the Yamato can provide to you. Think of its true capabilities like a door and your demonic power as the key. If you don't have the key then, how do you unlock the door?]

Naruto: "I see. Makes sense. So without another demonic power, it's just another sharp blade."


Naruto: "Well. At least I get to honor my mother and get to use a stupendous sword at the same time. Now." Naruto weaved the Shadow Clone hand seal, summoning another 50 clones on mastering Aura Reading.

[Anbu POV]

When the silver-haired Anbu left, he had a few thoughts in his mind. The biggest would be how his sensei's son could be so aggressive. He knew that Kushina is also aggressive but not unreasonable. Suddenly he felt a shiver go down his spine remembering all the times he would be chased by her for being lazy and simply being himself. As he approached the Hokage Tower, he started to compose himself.

When he appeared in front of the Third, he went on one knee. The Third looked up from the paperwork he was doing and started talking to the Anbu.

Third: "Inu. Welcome back. Do you have a report."

Inu: "Yes sir." The Anbu told the Third details of their conversation and that Naruto may have manifested unknown powers to sense emotion. The t+Third was in deep thought.

Third: "I could only theorize that the Naruto you have met might have been the real Naruto Uzumaki and if I'm right, then all this time, I have truly failed the boy." He sighed sadly. "He couldn't even trust me enough to be his true self while we converse and it saddens me that my surrogate grandson has become a person who is so different. Normally he would be like the sun on land and yet reality is a bit painful." The third kept having sad thoughts.

Inu: "What about his powers?"

Third: "Oh that. That's normal."

Inu: "Really?" The Third nodded.

Third: "Yes. The first Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails Mito Uzumaki showcased this power before although not as potent as Naruto own abilities. In fact, she would only have access to that ability at random times."

Inu: "I see. Does that mean that the Nine-Tails chakra is leaking to Naruto and perhaps the seal is weakening?"

Third: "No I don't think so. If it weakened then every shinobi in this village would know." He looked directly at Inu. "The Nine-Tails is a being of pure chakra that has more chakra than the waters of our oceans. If even a tiny bit leaked, it would be like a small river and no one would miss it."

Inu: "I see. Do I still keep tabs on him?"

Third: "Yes. But have your limits. Stay at a distance that he is comfortable with." Inu nodded. "What worries me is you Kakashi."

Inu: "Sir?"

Third: "Don't think that I'll forget the details that failed to clarify on. Naruto said that you were having depressing thoughts and that you were in your own world. You were remembering them weren't you?"

Inu: "..." Through the mask, the Third can not tell what was on Kakashi's face and mind.

Third: "It's fine if you don't want to talk but know that I am here for you." Inu stayed quiet. "You are dismissed."

Inu: "Yes sir." And he vanished.

Third: "Truly. It is the kind-hearted that do not belong in the Anbu. I must bring that boy out of that program." He rubbed his temples. "It seems it's not just Naruto and Kakashi. Danzo is now also watching the boy. He once again did not listen to my orders. Perhaps I could ask Naruto for his help when he comes here again. His ability should be extremely useful in finding them."

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