Games come to all worlds

Chapter 169 Crazy Reversal

Last time, Xu Zhu stayed in Lingjiu Palace for three months. After learning the martial arts of Piaomiao Peak, he still wanted to return to Shaolin Temple to become a monk. He would pick manure and fertilize. He would not fight back even if he was beaten or scolded, which won the trust of everyone present. commend.

Then Xu Zhu happened to meet Jiumozhi and came to the Shaolin Temple to play. At this time, the Shaolin Temple did not have a world-famous strong man and was beaten back and forth.

In the end, Xu Zhu stood up and used the small Wuxiang Kung Fu to simulate the duel between Nian Huazhi, Prajna Palm and Jiumozhi.

However, Jiumozhi's martial arts is really strong, and it is difficult to defeat him with the small Wuxiang Kung Fu alone. He still used Piaomiao Feng's martial arts to defeat him.

In addition, Mei and Zhu Jian secretly entered the Shaolin Temple and wanted to help, which exposed Xu Zhu's identity.

The abbot of Shaolin Temple has no choice. They cannot treat the master of Lingjiu Palace as a third-generation disciple. They can only expel him from Shaolin after punishment. Otherwise, the women from Lingjiu Palace will probably come to Xu Zhu every day to disturb him. Shaolin Qingxiu.

At this time, the leader of the Beggar Clan, Zhuang Juxian, posted a hero post, preparing to duel with Shaolin and elect the leader of the martial arts alliance. For the first time, the world's heroes truly gathered outside the Shaolin Temple, that is, for a battle at Shaoshi Mountain!

"This Zhuang Juxian has a deep love for Ah Zi, but as the leader of the Beggar Clan, he kowtows to Old Monster Ding and becomes a disciple. It is really a shame to the Beggar Clan!" Xiao Feng said angrily.

The Beggar Gang is the largest gang in the Central Plains. He has lived in it for thirty years and has always been proud of it. Now it has turned into this horrible state. It is really sighing.

Fortunately, Xiao Feng came out of the play soon. However, his Khitan identity was still despised by everyone in the martial arts community, and he could only fight against the three masters Zhuang Juxian, Ding Chunqiu, and Murong Fu alone.

When this man was against the whole world, Duan Yu and Xu Zhu, two sworn brothers, stepped forward resolutely and were willing to help him.

At this time, whether inside or outside the play, Xiao Feng was very moved. Indeed, brothers who dare to stand up and admit their sworn feelings at that moment are true brothers!

The respective plots of the three protagonists also converged here, contributing to the most exciting fight in the entire drama, and everyone watching the drama also applauded.

Whether it was Xiao Feng's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, Xu Zhu's Tianshan Six Yang Palms, or even Duan Yu, when he saw his father being beaten, his potential burst out and he used the Six Meridians Divine Sword.

Although he was not yet proficient, Xiao Feng reminded him and allowed him to successfully defeat Murong Fu with just one sword.

Xiao Feng was amazed by this power and thought he was invincible.

The Six-Pulse Divine Sword, in other words, is a six-barrel Gatling weapon that can fire six different types of special bullets. Only Duan Yu, who has extremely deep internal strength, can use it. Even if Xiao Feng learns it, he will not be able to exert its full power.

This fight scene was enjoyable for everyone, but some counselors still felt something strange.

Judging from the current performance, the three protagonists have defeated all the martial arts sects and are invincible. It is reasonable to say that the finale is coming, but they are only level 32 now. What will happen next...?

Soon, the answer was given in the play, find dad!

After the war, the Shaolin Temple happened to let Xu Zhu accept the stick punishment and expel him from Shaolin in front of everyone. Just when he was taking off his clothes, Ye Erniang, one of the four villains of Xixia Yipin Hall, suddenly discovered that Xu Zhu was the missing person. My biological son of fourteen years!

Although in the new version, Ye Erniang's character has been slightly changed, saying that she did not kill the stolen children, but only gave them to other families for adoption, which reduced some of the evil of killing, the evil deeds are still unforgivable.

Seeing this scene, everyone thought that there would be another war. When Xu Zhu rescued his mother, they didn't expect that his mother had been found and now he was looking for his father.

A man in black claimed that he had stolen Xu Zhu, and wanted to question Ye Erniang in public about who Xu Zhu's father was. The purpose was naturally to discredit Xuan Ci, the leader of Shaolin twenty years ago and the current abbot of Shaolin!

But in order to protect Xuanci's reputation, Ye Erniang refused to speak out. Xiao Yuanshan, the man in black, asked again:

"You really don't want to tell who that ruthless and unjust man is!"

"I do not know I do not know!"

Everyone saw this, both inside and outside the play, including Xu Zhu himself, and even the camera was shown to Duan Zhengchun.

"Second brother...has he become a real brother?" Duan Yu looked confused.

"The second brother...has become the eldest uncle, and the fourth brother has become the second uncle?" Xiao Feng was also a little confused. Although he didn't know why, his seniority seemed to be declining.

Everyone present thought that this was the truth for a while, because Duan Zhengchun's character was so deeply rooted in people's hearts that even he himself was confused.

"Is she among the women I know?"

Judging from her appearance, Ye Erniang was gentle and beautiful. Duan Zhengchun felt that it was possible that she was his type, so he took a few steps towards the mother and son, preparing to admit it in public.

"If it really hurts her like this, even if her reputation is ruined in front of the heroes of the world, I will never treat her unfairly."

The moment everyone looks at you, you will have no reputation for a long time!

Duan Zhengchun is also very contradictory. Call him irresponsible, but he dares to stand up at this time and call him responsible. He doesn't even know whether he has anything to do with Ye Erniang. Alas~

Seeing that he actually took a few steps forward, Xiao Yuanshan, the man in black, became anxious.

If he were really allowed to admit it first and then tell the truth himself, I'm afraid no one in the world would believe it.

He quickly told Duan Zhengchun that Xu Zhu's biological father was an eminent monk and asked Duan Zhengchun to retreat without causing trouble.

When Duan Zhengchun heard this, he felt a little disappointed for some reason, and silently retreated into the crowd.

When he retreated, both Xiao Feng and Duan Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

But this tone has not subsided. Not long after the thirty-third episode started, after Xiao Yuanshan, the man in black, told his story, he took off his hijab in public, revealing a face exactly like Xiao Feng!

Everyone turned around and saw that Xiao Feng had indeed stood up, with extremely shocked eyes. It was A'Zhu who held his arm and pushed him down.

Xiao Yuanshan announced his name, took off the mask on his face, revealed his old face, recognized Xiao Feng, and told the truth about that year.

It turned out that the leading brother misunderstood that Khitan warriors were going to Shaolin Temple to seize martial arts classics, so he led people to kill them. However, Xiao Yuanshan just took his children to visit relatives.

"Oh misunderstanding, another misunderstanding!" Xiao Feng leaned on the sofa, looking a little lonely.

Because of the misunderstanding, he killed A'Zhu, because of the misunderstanding, his family was destroyed, because of the misunderstanding, he was disowned by the entire Central Plains...

[Xiao Feng: "This evil man killed my mother back then, and it can be said that it was a misunderstanding, but he later killed my adoptive father and adoptive mother, causing the child to suffer a bad reputation. I will never forgive him!\

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