Games come to all worlds

Chapter 171 The Eight Parts of Tianlong Completed

The plot of Tian Long Ba Bu has almost ended here, and there is another episode at the end, where Xiao Feng pacified the Song and Liao wars and died for justice.

At the end, Ah Zi jumped into the cliff with Xiao Feng in her arms, which actually made Ah Zhu feel a little better about it.

Everyone can actually understand Xiao Feng's death in the play. Yelu Hongji's last words were the last straw that broke his heart.

In the world of martial arts, life is nothing but family, friendship, and love.

Xiao Feng once had these things, but love was killed by his own hands, and family ties were almost ended when Xiao Yuanshan became a monk, leaving only friendship.

And Yelu Hongji was his sworn brother. In the end, he thought that he ended the war for the sake of high-ranking officials and generous salaries. In order to preserve this last brotherhood, Xiao Feng decided to die.

Anyway, all his worries in this world are gone.

At the end of forty episodes, everyone was in a daze, thinking that all fictional martial arts dramas would have a happy ending.

Zhang Wuji finally went to Binghuo Island with Zhao Min to live a fairy-like life. I heard from Li En that in the world of The Deer and the Cauldron, Wei Xiaobao and Kangxi turned against each other, and he also took a bunch of wives to Tongchi Island to live happily.

But one of the three protagonists in Demi-Gods and Dragons has died. It seems that their definition of protagonist will be slightly changed in the future.

The protagonist will not necessarily die, but will die during the resolution.

By the way, one more thing, the protagonist’s parents are a very dangerous profession.

Duan Yu also recovered at this moment, and he and Zhang Wuji grabbed Xiao Feng's arm and said, "Brother, you must not do anything stupid again this time!"

Xiao Feng was a little entangled and said: "But, if this is not the case, how can I save the people of the two countries?"

Others were getting up and preparing to leave. They heard the conversation and smiled. Guo Jia said casually:

"You have such martial arts, but you still worry about the world being unjust? Sit down at the border, who dares to take action?"

Not to mention anything else in the world of martial arts, martial arts are really strong. Just these three protagonists can lead an army without relying on the skills of the game house. Which army dares to fight them?

Several emperors were glad that their world did not have internal martial arts. Otherwise, whenever a martial arts wizard appeared in the world, the world would be in chaos.

Zhuge Liang seemed to have thought of something and said, "Ahem! Did you forget something?"

"What's up?"

"Brother Xiao hasn't sworn sworn sworn relationship with Yelu Hongji yet, has he?"

"That's right!" Duan Yu said excitedly, "Brother, you and he are not brothers. In this case, if we stop the war, no matter what he says, you don't have to worry about it!"

"But...but I am still a Khitan after all, and he is the Emperor of the Khitan."

"Uh..." Zhuge Liang pondered twice and said, "Maybe not necessarily."


"Have you forgotten that the Khitan South Campus rebellion was the result of Xiao Feng's single-handedly changing the situation of the war? Otherwise, Yelu Hongji would have died that time, so now... he might be gone too."


Indeed, the plot has changed. If Xiao Feng had not gone, according to the situation at that time, Yelu Hongji would undoubtedly die, and there would be no reversal.

Now Xiao Feng has been staying in the game house and has not even seen Wanyan Aguda, so how can he have the chance to see Yelu Hongji.

Zhou Yu also added: "So, the Khitan is now in the hands of the original King of the South Campus. He is a person who only wants to start a war. Master Xiao, can't he still take action?"

These words were like seeing the blue sky through the clouds, like the roar of thunder in the ears, Xiao Feng woke up.

It's not the first time he has done this thing of capturing the thief first. Anyway, he and A'Zhu are going to have fun outside the pass. Why not just be a peacemaker and sit between the Liao and Song Dynasty. Who dares to invade? Let him return defeated!

Anyone who wants to start a war must step over his corpse!

After thinking about it, Xiao Feng knelt down towards everyone who was about to leave and shouted: "Xiao Feng, thank you for your advice!"

Seeing him kneeling down again, everyone also smiled, and Fazheng also added:

"If you want to keep the world peaceful, you definitely can't fight alone. You can gather some like-minded people, such as your two sworn brothers, to dominate the world with force. At that time, whether it is the country or the martial arts, under your constraints There will be no more disputes, and the world will be at peace!"

Xiao Feng's eyes widened and his breathing became heavier. This method seemed to really bring peace to the world. At least while he was alive, there wouldn't be any major disputes.

If he can still find a successor with good talent and character, this peace can continue!

"Thank you Mr. Fa!"

"You're welcome. If you think about it, you can come to me. I'm willing to do my best."

If we can formulate a peace policy for the martial arts world, it will also be an improvement for Fa Zheng himself.



Everyone left one after another, and the fireproof girl started cleaning. Duan Yu was the only one who didn't leave. His mood was very complicated at the moment, and he didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

"Store manager, did I... end up with all of them?"

"Yes, but you have a question to ask yourself."

"what is the problem?"

"Do you like Wang Yuyan or the stone statue in the cave? By the way, that stone statue is her great-aunt."


Duan Yu was in a hurry and couldn't answer immediately. Seeing this, Li En continued: "The drama does not show what happens after you, so whether the ending is happy or not depends entirely on your own thoughts."

"Okay, that's it. I'm going to watch the Zhenlong chess game tomorrow morning. Get some rest early."


Duan Yu left the game room in a daze, with Li En's words echoing in his mind. He probably wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.

Xiao Feng's situation is similar. He has been thinking about Fa Zheng's proposal to find a group of like-minded brothers to maintain world peace.

Is he capable of doing this?


However, this would violate his agreement with A'Zhu, and he might spend more time on maintaining peace.

"A'Zhu, I..."

"Brother." A'Zhu didn't let him finish. He smiled and squeezed his hand, and said softly, "I support your decision!"

The world of martial arts follows history, but it does not entirely follow history.

For example, if Xiao Feng had not stopped the Liao-Song war, the 600,000-strong Liao army would have really replaced the Song Dynasty. If there was no Zhang Wuji in Yi Tian Tu Long Ji, the Yuan Dynasty's plan would have definitely succeeded, and the Ming Dynasty would probably not have appeared.

These protagonists have become part of the history of their world, and their actions have greatly changed the world.

Because that world exists because of them.

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