Games come to all worlds

Chapter 225 Third Floor

In the game house, everyone sat around the living room early to watch the Three Kingdoms Ceremony.

Although you can watch it while lying at home with your membership card, it is more interesting to watch it together.

It's the same as watching a drama. Their individual TV dramas, Li En, have all been replaced, but most of the time, everyone still likes to get together at night and watch the same drama.

However, because no one from the three countries was around, the store suddenly lost a dozen people, making it a little empty.

The live broadcast was still very exciting, and they were very satisfied with it. After all, it was the result of everyone's hard work for many days and nights.

Especially the last scene made them a little moved. They glanced upstairs and asked: "Fireproof girl, is the third floor open?"

"We need to wait for the store manager to come back."

"All right."

After the screen in the lobby dimmed, Li En returned to the game room not long after and said happily:

"Wuhu~ There are so many people there, it's so lively!"

Li En had been floating in the air watching the ceremony. When the three finally took off, he slightly steered the route to avoid them flying in the wrong position.

Zhu Yuanzhang also smiled and agreed: "Indeed, it's a pity that our enthronement ceremony has been completed, otherwise, we would have to do this."

They only kept one of the rewards from Zhenhun Street, and gave priority to the rest to the Lords of the Three Kingdoms. After all, the fusion of the Three Kingdoms needed this reward the most.

The other dynasties currently lack combat effectiveness, not even the three last dynasties. What they lack is productivity.

Li Wei has already met the Guiyi Army outside the Anxi Protectorate, and is now on his way back. He plans to go back and defeat several other Jiedu envoys before seriously developing national power.

After Zhu Youjian destroyed the Liao and Jin Dynasties, he also returned to the Ming Dynasty, captured many prisoners, and stayed in the north to farm and grow grain.

The court was in turmoil, and the remaining ministers were so frightened that they did not dare to have any bad thoughts, and were ready to make some achievements before the emperor returned.

The situation on Zhao Ji's side was the best. Yue Fei and Lian Jie only left food to ensure the supply of the army. Countless prisoners, treasures and even beauties were transported to the territory of the Song Dynasty.

The entire Song Dynasty now knows how brave Yue Fei is. No one in the court speaks ill of him. Qin Hui is now Yue Fei's number one fan.

Originally Zhao Ji wanted to kill him, but Yue Fei said otherwise. Moreover, Qin Hui during this period was not captured by the Jin army and was an iron warrior.

According to the normal timeline, his attitude toward Jin changed drastically only after he was captured by the Jin army next year.

Nowadays, Great Song Dynasty Yuefei is like a god of war, and only a fool can flatter gold.

Cai Jing and Gao Qiu did not dare to touch Yue Fei's brow, although they wanted to praise Yue Fei too much, which made Zhao Ji feel jealous.

But... after praising him, he found that the person who praised him the most was Zhao Ji himself.

At court that day, Zhao Ji even wanted to make Yue Fei king, but Yue Fei refused in the end by sending twelve letters in a row, saying that he would rather die than become king.

So far in the game room, Yue Fei looks at Zhao Ji with a hint of resentment.

"Store manager, please open the third floor quickly. We also want to have a good fight." Yue Fei took a deep breath and said.

Although he often fought outside, he never used all his strength because he was afraid that the soldiers around him would deify him and have a bad influence on the Song Dynasty.

"Okay! Let's go!"

When leaving in the morning, Li En locked the third floor, fearing that they would not be able to operate the new equipment and cause any accidents.

A group of people walked quickly upstairs. Next to the toilet on the second floor, there was an extra staircase with a big red cross drawn on it.

When Li En walked in front of him, the red cross barrier disappeared, and everyone walked up to the third floor with excitement.


Even after playing the game for so long, the scene on the third floor still made them take a breath of cold air.

The area here is different from the actual display. It is several times that of the first and second floors, and it is very tall. They feel a little small when they walk in.

There are rows of soft seats at the entrance, with ten rows in a row, a total of five rows stacked on top of each other. The same seating arrangement is also available on the opposite side.

In the middle are three sets of identical oval white platforms, the size of several basketball courts, but they are empty and empty.

"It's so big here!"

Everyone looked around curiously, wanting to see what was special.

Li En quickly walked to the middle, stood on the side of the oval platform, and asked with a smile: "Who comes first?"

The remaining generals looked at their emperor eagerly. Zhao Ji, who loved Yue Fei the most, was the first to say: "Pengju comes first!"

Ying Zheng said: "Meng Tian, ​​you go practice with Yue Shuai."


Meng Tian was actually very moved. Every military general liked hearty battles. They naturally wanted to compete with generals from other dynasties.

But the game house does not allow fighting, and they are afraid of hurting each other's harmony. Therefore, their usual competitions are to compete for drinks or to compare the speed of killing the boss. There is no chance of direct confrontation.

Now that they can freely compete without fear of injury, they are naturally itchy.

"Okay, you two, come on up!"

The two looked at each other and could see the excitement in each other's eyes.

After walking up, Li En picked a map, the Top of the Forbidden City.

A tall building rises from the ground, and a transparent light curtain rises around the platform, blocking people from outside from entering. The scene inside becomes completely different.

There was a night sky above, dotted with stars, and a bright moon hanging high. The platform below also turned into glazed tiles. Several emperors recognized at a glance that this was the style of the Forbidden City.

"Do you want to activate the ghost king's power?" Li En asked.

"Yes!" The two of them replied at the same time. Since they wanted to fight heartily, they naturally used all their strength.

Li En glanced at the audience. Zhao Ji and Ying Zheng said at the same time: "Meng Tian (Peng Ju), you are allowed to use the ghost king's power!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The two men's bodies have undergone drastic changes, and the styles of their armor and weapons have also changed to the styles of their respective dynasties.

At the same time, Li En also showed the health bars of the two of them. No need for further explanation, everyone understood the meaning at a glance.

"It's time to start. Don't worry if you attack, you won't get hurt."


As soon as the words fell, a countdown number appeared between the two of them.

When the number reached zero, the two of them attacked each other at the same time. The tiles on the roof were crushed by their steps, but the scene was restored in the next second. Otherwise, the top of the Forbidden City would not be enough for the two of them to demolish.

Yue Fei held a spear in his hand. According to his usual habit, he pressed his right hand down, ready to stab forward with force at any time.

He had long observed that the length of the Qin Ji was longer than the spear in his hand, but if his arms were included, he was better.

Every inch is longer and every inch stronger, this is especially evident on the battlefield.

But what surprised him was that Meng Tian did not intend to compete with him in terms of length, but instead used the Qin halberd as a big ax to wield like a tiger.

If he stabbed him, his head would be smashed in the next second.

"What a reckless move!"

Yue Fei's eyes lit up, he changed his strategy, turned his gun into a stick, and hit Meng Tian.

With the skill bonus of Romance of the Three Kingdoms 14, the heavier the weight, the greater the strength. Compared with strength, Yue Fei is really not afraid.

Meng Tian naturally knew this, and he was not afraid of competing with others in strength, but Yue Fei had the blessing of skills, so it would be a bit troublesome to fight head-on.

If it were on the battlefield, Meng Tian would definitely avoid his sharp edge and use the speed advantage of Baima Yicong to defeat Yue Fei.

But now it was just a discussion, and he really wanted to try it out for himself, how powerful Yue Fei was.

Besides, you won’t get hurt here, it’s okay even if you die, just be afraid of a ball!

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