Games with fairies

Chapter 102 I’m not interested in living

Luo Feng, the demonized half-demon general, was very angry at Li Muyang's joining the battlefield.

Because Li Muyang not only joined the battlefield, but also brought a troublesome character who could deal with it.

Fairy Mo.

[Fairy Mo: Hello! Xiao Luo Feng, we meet again after so many years, and you actually ignore me when you see me? You guys are becoming less and less fun]

Fairy Mo was very dissatisfied with Luo Feng's behavior of not talking to her first after the reunion.

The huge demonized general's sword paused slightly, and then his expression became gloomy.

[Half-demon general Luo Feng: Don’t talk to me in this tone! You fake! You are not a fairy, and you have no right to use her status to show off! 】

The angry demonized general turned his magic sword, and the sword that was originally directed towards Li Muyang changed direction and came towards Fairy Mo.

The red ball of light shook violently in mid-air, and a red-clothed fairy with almost the same appearance as the Jade Fairy jumped out and suddenly hid into the distance.

[Fairy Mo: Wow! You are so fierce when we meet... Xiao Luo Feng, you are really not cute when you grow up]

Fairy Mo laughed and teased, constantly stimulating the demonized half-demon general's emotions with words.

The half-demon general Luo Feng was dark and angry. He no longer slaughtered the creatures in the city, but instead waved his magic sword to continuously attack Fairy Mo.

Li Muyang, who was on the edge of the battlefield, took the opportunity to make a sneak attack and continuously released skills to attack the huge demonized half-demon.

But this mountain-like giant kept running around the city, getting out of Li Muyang's attack range from time to time.

After the demonized half-demon general leaves, half-demon under Luo Feng's command will crawl out of the ground and flock to Li Muyang.

The process of the battle is that Li Muyang kills these elite monsters, catches up with the half-demon general Luo Feng in stages, kills him, and then is surrounded by another group of half-demon.

The battle between Fairy Mo and Luo Feng is the main battlefield.

This kind of game experience of chasing giants and slashing them, Li Muyang had some hallucinations, just like the "God of War" series he played back then.

But the difficulty is much higher than that of "God of War".

The battle also dragged on for a very long time.

But Li Muyang just doesn't reject it.

Because as he killed more and more half-demon, the experience value of the Magic Wheel was steadily increasing.

This is simply a trial ground for gaining experience points for the Magic Wheel!

Li Muyang can be sure that when he clears the game, he will not only be able to get the secret book as a reward, but he will also be able to upgrade the Magic Wheel from a mortal to a low-grade spiritual weapon.

"This is the level to clear. Bird food is a bit difficult."

Li Muyang sighed when he heard Guan Xiaoshun's shouting in the yard again and opened his eyes.

Another day passed, and Luo Feng was still not defeated.

This guy's health bar is simply terrifying, and he also releases blood recovery skills during battle.

Li Muyang's attack was like scratching an itch for this giant BOSS with over 800,000 blood.

Although Fairy Mo was able to attract Luo Feng's attention, all her attacks on Luo Feng were blocked by Luo Feng.

The damage was all done by Li Muyang alone.

Li Muyang frequently dealt a hundred or dozens of attack damage, trying to knock down Luo Feng, who had more than 800,000 HP... This was obviously a waste of time.

Li Muyang got out of bed and shook his head.

"Give it a try. Play the game for a few days and you'll get the practice secrets. There's nothing more exciting than this in the world."

Compared with the generous rewards, it doesn’t matter how many times you die in the game!

Li Muyang stretched and moved his muscles before going out with Guan Xiaoshun.

Similarly gathering at the entrance of Wamu Alley, more than a hundred outer disciples, led by Senior Brother Xiao Cheng, arrived at the entrance of the Bloodstone Mine.

Finally, everyone filed in, received the formation flag in groups of three, and then arrived at yesterday's location to lay out the formation flag.

Then it was another whole night of hard work.

Li Muyang, Li Yuechan, and Guan Xiaoshun stood beside the formation flag to protect it, but they didn't see any ghosts.

The three of them were whispering, chatting, and blatantly fishing to pass the time.

This regular life of two points and one line lasted for ten days.

The soul refining array in the blood stone mine had been set up for ten days, and it finally had some effect.

While Li Muyang and the others were protecting the formation flag, they vaguely heard the wails and roars of the innocent souls coming from deep within the mine.

Elder Yan's large formation finally forced these ancient remnant souls into a blind corner, making it difficult for them to hide.

At the same time, Li Muyang's game finally saw the light of day.

In the latest failure, Li Muyang had emptied 90% of the blood bar of the half-demon general Luo Feng, leaving only the last small part.

Although the BOSS in the state of death blood went completely crazy and fell into a violent mode, the attack frequency and killing range increased several times, and Li Muyang, who was caught off guard, was killed in an instant.

But Li Muyang was not discouraged after being killed instantly.

Years of gaming experience told him that the BOSS's violent mode was the last desperate struggle.

As long as you survive this final violent mode, you can successfully defeat this difficult demonized BOSS and clear "Legend of Sword and Fairy".

"We, the common people, are so happy today~~"

Li Muyang hummed a cheerful tune happily and walked out of the house to meet at the alley with Guan Xiaoshun.

Guan Xiaoshun scratched his head curiously and asked, "Brother Li, you seem to be very happy today? Is there any happy event?"

Before Li Muyang could answer, the figure of cheap sister Li Yuechan suddenly emerged from the shadows.

The girl smiled and said: "It's rare to see you so happy, brother... What? A beautiful sister has agreed to be with you?"

Li Yuechan teased Li Muyang about this matter with a smile, while secretly observing the reactions of Li Muyang and Guan Xiaoshun.

For some reason, this cheap girl likes to tease Li Muyang about this kind of male-female topic recently.

Li Muyang reasonably doubted whether his parents in Jiuyuan City wrote letters home to ask Li Yuechan to urge him to find a wife.

After all, Li Muyang is almost eighteen years old. According to the simple world view of mortals in this world, an eighteen-year-old good man should get married and take a wife.

Facing the cheap sister's teasing, Li Muyang shrugged as usual.

"Forget it about the pretty sister. If it's a female ghost, you can still consider it. I'm not interested in living."

Li Muyang continued to talk nonsense.

The three of them followed the team and stepped into the blood stone mine filled with the evil aura of blood mist.

But the moment he stepped into the mine, Li Muyang was startled.

In his ears, he vaguely heard a shrill female wail.

It seems like there really is a female ghost deep in this mine...

Li Muyang was momentarily stunned and a little flustered.

"Damn! Did it come true?"

He looked around in panic and found that he was not the only one who heard the female ghost howling, but everyone heard it.

Guan Xiaoshun and Li Yuechan both looked at him with subtle eyes.

", tell me honestly, have you found a female ghost behind our backs in the past ten days?"

Li Yuechan's eyes were strange and she whispered: "Is she coming to find you now?"

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