Games with fairies

Chapter 199 Hehe

Li Muyang never expected that this law enforcement elder, who was always aloof and indifferent, would cry in front of him.

His hand gently stroked the woman's cheek, gently wiping away her tears.

The careful movements seem to be touching a delicate and fragile work of art.

The woman grabbed the back of his hand and looked up at him stubbornly and angrily, refusing to look away.

The two looked at each other, and large tears kept falling down Yan Xiaoru's face.

The more Li Muyang wiped, the more tears the woman shed.

By the end, his fingers were completely soaked, but the woman still refused to look away.

She shed tears and looked at Li Muyang, who was so weak but stubborn and refused to back down.

Li Muyang looked at her like this and sighed softly.

"Elder Yan..."

Li Muyang called softly and said with sincere eyes: "Whether you believe it or not, I really didn't want to bully you, nor did I want to take advantage of others."

"After all, you are also an elder of the Demon Sect and a monk in the Immortal Ascension Realm. Although we are in a difficult and dangerous situation now, we cannot stay here forever. We will have to leave sooner or later."

"Once you step out of this land of forbidden cultivation, you can kill me with just a snap of your fingers."

"So how can you consider taking advantage of others' danger..."

Li Muyang sighed: "My life is always in your hands."

"You are the one who dominates and dominates everything between us."

"I'm like a rat in the gutter. I can only hide carefully, not daring to look directly at your light. I didn't dare to speak until this opportunity."

"And what I said is not to ask for anything, nor to plot anything."

"I simply want to confirm your mind and your feelings."

"I don't want to look back many years later and find that I have missed a very sincere relationship."

Li Muyang said sincerely: "Now that I have confirmed this relationship, that is enough for me."

"I don't expect any response from you, Elder Yan. After today, you will still be the elder of the Demon Sect, and I will still be the inner disciple of the Law Enforcement Hall. The relationship between us will not change in any way."

"I will not tell anyone about this and will keep it as a secret until I take it to my grave."

"Of course, Elder Yan, you can also choose to kill me to silence me."

When Li Muyang said this, he smiled bitterly, shook his head and said: "But when you come to kill me, I will resist and I will run away. I will not just lead you to death."

"But even if you want to kill me, I promise not to tell anyone about what happened today, and it will never affect your reputation, Elder Yan."

Li Muyang said it extremely sincerely.

These words are all his true thoughts.

He had thought about it many times before deciding to speak out about it.

There can be no relationship between an elder of the Demon Sect and a small inner sect disciple.

The blow to Yan Xiaoru's prestige and reputation was extremely huge.

It will also affect Li Muyang's future life.

Once these words are spoken, many things are irreversible.

Li Muyang is not sure whether it will develop in a good direction or a bad direction.

But he didn't want to be a fool for the rest of his life.

He wanted to confirm, even if Yan Xiaoru really wanted to kill him and silence him after confirming the matter, Li Muyang would admit it.

The worst case scenario is to escape from the Demon Refining Sect and start a new life with a different identity.

He never thought of using Yan Xiaoru's feelings for anything.

After Li Muyang finished speaking, Yan Xiaoru also fell silent.

Seeing Li Muyang's candid expression and listening to his serious story, Yan Xiaoru's tears gradually stopped.

Finally, she slowly let go of Li Muyang's hand, wiped away the tears from her eyes, and said slowly.

"You are not a gutter rat..."

Looking at Li Muyang expressionlessly, Yan Xiaoru said: "You are a rat in the gutter, so what am I? A fool who likes rats in the gutter?"

This time, Yan Xiaoru finally admitted head-on and seriously that she liked Li Muyang.

Looking at Li Muyang's sharp, young and handsome face, Yan Xiaoru murmured softly as if dreaming.

"I never thought that one day I would fall in love with an outer disciple, a seventeen-year-old child..."

Before Yan Xiaoru finished speaking, Li Muyang corrected her in a low voice.

"Already eighteen."

Yan Xiaoru glared at him: "I know!"

There was silence between the two of them again.

The atmosphere in the camp suddenly felt a little awkward, but also a little charming.

Yan Xiaoru looked into the distance with an expressionless face, turned her profile to Li Muyang, and talked to herself in the air.

"I can't have anything to do with you. I am the law enforcement elder of the Demon Refining Sect, and you are just a disciple of the Demon Sect."

"Even though I do have appreciation, love, and even love for you in my heart, nothing will happen between us."

"As for you killing me and silencing me, that will be settled once and for all."

"But I can't do it, and I don't want to do it. That's not my, Yan Xiaoru's, style."

Yan Xiaoru said expressionlessly: "Just continue to stay in the Law Enforcement Hall. If you have any difficulties in practice or encounter any problems in the future, you can come to me for help."

"I will try my best to help you within my ability. After all, you saved my life. I also like to get along with you and teach you how to practice."

"But the matters between you and me must be kept secret."

"If you are as sincere as you say, you should know how to truly love me and not hurt me."

At this moment, Yan Xiaoru seemed to have put down all her burdens and worries and chose to believe Li Muyang's words.

The meaning of her words was obvious. From now on, she would still be Elder Yan, and Li Muyang would still be a disciple of the Demon Sect.

It is impossible between two people.

But she admitted that she liked Li Muyang and had been saved by Li Muyang. She would take care of Li Muyang as much as she could in the future.

Seeing Yan Xiaoru like this, Li Muyang smiled.

He was actually a little happy when he saw that Yan Xiaoru finally stopped crying and returned to her usual aloofness.


Li Muyang had no intention of plotting anything, but since Yan Xiaoru said so, he nodded obediently.

"I won't let Elder Yan bother you."

With that said, Li Muyang took two steps toward Yan Xiaoru, and finally came to her with Yan Xiaoru's wary and suspicious eyes.

The two looked at each other, and Yan Xiaoru's hands clenched subconsciously.

"You...what do you want to do?" Yan Xiaoru asked, glaring at Li Muyang.

As a dignified elder of the Demon Sect, she felt a little guilty when facing this sunny and handsome young man.

But Li Muyang opened his hands and said sincerely and innocently.

"I want Elder Yan to hug me."


Yan Xiaoru was stunned for a moment.

These words were so unexpected that Yan Xiaoru even suspected that she had heard wrongly.

But the next second, Li Muyang tightened his hands and the two hugged each other tightly.

In the camp, Li Muyang's soft whisper sounded.

"Isn't that what Elder Yan said? As long as you can, you will try your best to help me... I am so tired now. I want Elder Yan to hold me and rest for a while to heal my tired mind."

After Li Muyang finished speaking, Yan Xiaoru felt a little embarrassed.

"You... a scoundrel!" Yan Xiaoru scolded in utter embarrassment.

She had no idea that this seemingly sunny and warm boy would be so bold.

But after a few seconds of stalemate, a woman's reluctant whisper sounded in the camp.

"Just...just hugs..."

What sounded next was Li Muyang's happy chuckle.


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