Games with fairies

Chapter 201 A familiar scene

Heavy rain washed over Pingyang Gang. In the dilapidated and crude tents, the monks of the Demon Refining Sect were tiredly avoiding the heavy rain and recuperating from their injuries.

When the dull attack drum sounded again from the bottom of the mountain, the group of Demon Sect monks all yelled and cursed in anger and exhaustion.

"You son of a bitch, the Blood Lotus Sect! You won't let anyone rest!"

"Hundreds of people just died, and here they come again...are these lunatics not willing to die?"

"If my cultivation hadn't been reduced, I could have wiped out these mortals by myself!"

The irritated shouts and curses kept coming, but the demon cultivators could only curse and stand up.

The injured Demon Sect monks stood up one by one and were forced to face the enemy.

The burly figure walking in front of them, with an injury on his left shoulder and a ragged, blood-stained white robe, was just a humble inner disciple.

In terms of rank, status and cultivation, there were many demon cultivators present who were better than him.

But at this time, this inner disciple has become the hope of all the Demon Sect monks on Pingyang Gang.

When he walked out of the elder's tent and appeared in front of everyone in high spirits, cheers suddenly sounded on the hill.

"Li Muyang!"

"Li Muyang!"

"Li Muyang!"

I don’t know who shouted first.

But soon the shouts echoed on Pingyang Hill, and all the Demon Sect monks were shouting and roaring the name.

It seems that this name can bring them courage.

Yan Xiaoru, who was behind the crowd, looked slightly surprised when she saw this scene.

"This kid..."

Does it already have such a high prestige?

After ten days of hard work, Li Muyang, who was once just a small inner disciple, has gained such weight in the hearts of these Demon Sect monks.

Looking at the cheers and shouts on the hill, Yan Xiaoru sighed softly with a complicated expression.

She stood in the rain, watching the burly young man walking among the crowd. For some reason, Yan Xiaoru's vision suddenly became blurry.

At this moment, she seemed to have returned to that snowy night many years ago.

It was also a scene like this. In the sky full of snowflakes, my father, surrounded by people, never returned...

Heavy rain washed away everything on this land.

On the rugged Pingyang Hill, as followers of the Blood Lotus Sect surged up, blood and sword light once again exploded on the mountains.

The hoarse screams and roars turned into a fight with swords facing each other.

Under Pingyang Gang, the continuous military camps are like a crooked circle, surrounding the entire Pingyang Gang.

Blood Lotus warriors wearing red scarves and armor lined up neatly, waiting for the bugle call at the foot of the mountain.

After the people above retreat, they will immediately rush forward.

Miss Shen has already issued an order, and the next step is to attack this small hill one team after another from morning to night until it is knocked down.

Don't give the demon cultivators on the mountain any breathing space.

In the next two days, this small hill will turn into a bloody Shura killing field.

The roars and shouts of the Blood Lotus Sect followers, along with the sky-shattering shouts of the monks on the hill, made the trees on this small hill tremble violently.

A dark green bird flew from afar. It was not afraid of the violent storm between heaven and earth, but instead hovered freely and gracefully in the rain.

It fluttered its wings, flew across the wilderness, and came to the sky above Pingyanggang. Its bright eyes reflected the tragic scene of fighting on the mountains.

The flying bird seemed to be very curious and circled around this small hill several times, but could never find a quiet place to stay.

The fighting on the mountainside became more and more fierce, with blood and severed limbs flying everywhere.

A burly young man with an injured left shoulder was covered in blood and looked like a madman. He roared and fought off another round of enemy attacks.

At the foot of the mountain, intensive drumming sounded.

While the friendly troops retreated to recuperate, the neatly lined up fresh troops began to kill the group of ragged men on the mountain who looked like beggars.

The burly young man standing in the pile of corpses with a knife was furious. He tore off the bandage on his left shoulder and roared violently at the enemies coming from below.


"I'll kill you until none of you come forward!"

The birds in the sky seemed to be frightened by the roar, and flew away in panic, no longer circling.

It crossed over the hill where the shouts of killing shook the sky, flew over the continuous military camps at the foot of the mountain, and flew towards the vast wilderness and plains ahead.

The broad avenue that used to be bustling with business was now deserted.

Birds were flying and circling in the rain. On the vast business roads, now there was only the sound of rushing hooves. From time to time, a group of ferocious and burly monsters would be ridden by men wearing red scarves in the wilderness.

The bird continued to move forward, and the cities that appeared in its field of vision all had a solemn atmosphere. Every door in the city was closed, and red lotus flags were erected on the walls.

Flying further forward, there are several continuous military camps scattered on this vast land.

Figures wearing red scarves and armor walked among the huge mushroom-like military camps.

In the military camp, there were also tall and burly monsters roaring and crawling.

Feiniao bypassed the military camps from a distance and continued to move forward.

Finally it flew out of the rain-swept land and returned to the sunshine.

In the vast land ahead, the sound of orders and footsteps resounded.

Densely packed figures almost filled the ground, and the dark black [Demon Refining Sect] flag fluttered in the black torrent, stretching to the end of the horizon.

In the sky, a huge flying boat flew by.

There are also bright escaping lights that shuttle between heaven and earth.

A disciple wearing a white robe, flying under the scorching sun, commanding the mortal army in his charge.

Facing the endless army in front of them, the dark green birds flying out of the heavy rain did not escape this time. Instead, they flew towards the sea of ​​people in front of them that spread to the sky.

It shuttles between those bright escaping lights.

Finally, the dark-green flying bird crossed over the constantly moving crowds on the ground and arrived on a floating airship as huge as a mountain.

There were only dozens of scattered figures scattered on the huge floating airship, which looked slightly deserted.

The dark green bird landed directly on the deck, fluttering its feathers and turning into a bronze sculpture.

After turning into a sculpture, its eyes released a bright blue light.

These rays of light converged above the deck, and finally formed a three-foot-high light curtain. The images in the light curtain were constantly changing, and they were all scenes that Asuka had seen before.

The elders of the Demon Refining Sect, as well as the allies and city lords who came to support following orders, all stood in front of this huge light curtain, looking up at the changing scenes on the light screen.

On the light screen, they saw the Blood Lotus Sect's heavily stockpiled and well-organized military presence in the restricted area that blocked all cultivation magic.

I also saw cities with a chilling atmosphere, all of which fell into the hands of the Blood Lotus Sect.

At the same time, he also saw the terrifying young man on the small Pingyang Hill who looked like a madman on top of the mountains and was able to kill tens of thousands of troops by himself.

Surprised shouts came from the crowd.

"...The white-robed disciples of the Demon Sect are so brave?"

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