Games with fairies

Chapter 205 Promise

On Pingyang Hill, fighting resumed.

With blood and stumps flying everywhere, the demon cultivators of the Demon Refining Sect and the followers of the Blood Lotus Sect were fighting together again.

The brutal killings were even worse than in the previous days.

In the dark space, several black shadows were suspended.

Feeling Cang Susan's voice disappearing, everyone frowned slightly.

Wei Suyi, who was sitting at the top, murmured in a low voice: "Cang Susan's words... Could it be that he is going to the restricted area where cultivation is prohibited?"

Although the Blood Lotus Sect's uprising had only occurred more than ten days ago, the news had already spread throughout the cultivation world.

Nowadays, the two factions of immortals and demons, as well as the major sects and forces, are all paying attention to the disputes outside Tianjiao City.

The Demon Refining Sect is the main sect of demons, but the Blood Lotus Sect chose to start an uprising on the Demon Refining Sect's territory and set out a 1,500-mile restricted area for monks... This is a horror story for the entire cultivation world. .

No one wants that one day in the future, the land where they are located will suddenly become a restricted area where cultivation is prohibited.

This is intolerable to every practitioner - regardless of good or evil spirits.

Therefore, the great powers of both the immortal and demon realms are waiting and watching, wanting to see how the Demon Refining Sect will counterattack and how the Blood Lotus Sect will respond.

The most important thing is...where did the Blood Lotus Sect's power to turn the land into a restricted area come from! And whether it can be repeated in other lands.

Under this situation, the mysterious Cang Susan actually said that he wanted to take a trip to that restricted area...

Logically speaking, this kind of statement is not credible.

For practitioners, it is a great adventure to step into the land where everyone's cultivation is diminished.

Walking in that kind of restricted area, even a powerful person from the Zi Mansion would die under the knife of a mortal.

No smart person would wade into such muddy waters, the risk is too great.

This is why all the major sects are nervous, but they are just waiting and watching.

Everyone did not dare to act rashly and wanted to let the Demon Refining Sect go through this muddy water.

But now it's no one else who wants to take risks, but the mysterious Cang Susan.

Everyone still remembers the horrifying scene where Cang Susan projected the figure of the ancient evil god last time...

Xinyuehu, who was wearing a dark red robe, whispered: "Is this Cang Susan a lunatic who is eager to seek death? He just went to find the ancient evil god a few months ago, and now he is going to the muddy waters of the Blood Lotus Sect..."

Gui Suqi sighed: "This guy's behavior is unpredictable... He puts himself at risk to do these things, what's the benefit? I can't figure it out!"

Regarding everyone's speculation, Zi Weiheng shook her head: "Maybe it's not as complicated as you think. Cang Susan may not be doing these things for any benefit."

"He may just have a heart for the world, so he would rather go into danger to find out the source of these dangers."

"Whether it was the ancient evil god last time or this trip to the Blood Lotus Restricted Area... Cang Susan's actions are beneficial to all living beings."

“He walks the same path of salvation as we do.”

"My intuition is rarely wrong. I believe that Cang Susan is the Taoist friend we are waiting for."

Zi Weiheng said this, and everyone in the darkness fell into silence.

"Your evaluation of Cang Su San is as high as ever..."

"Zi Weiheng, you really prefer this person..."

"Do you know him? Otherwise, where would you have the confidence?"

In the dark space, Ziwei Heng smiled calmly.

He refused to comment on everyone's suspicions.

"I told you, my intuition is rarely wrong."

"When the Blood Lotus Cult Leader joined, I said that this person should not be trusted, but you just don't believe me."

"Now that I appreciate Cang Su San, you still don't believe me..."

Zi Weiheng shook her head and said: "It's time for me to go back. That's it for today, everyone."

Raising her hands and cupping them towards the others in the dark space, Zi Weiheng disappeared into the darkness.

Watching Zi Weiheng's figure disappear into the darkness, the remaining people stared at each other silently.

Gui Suqi hesitated and said: "Zi Weiheng's intuition is indeed very good..."

Jing Muyan looked at everyone: "Perhaps we can try to trust Cang Susan? Since he is going to be in danger and set foot in the restricted area of ​​​​the Blood Lotus Sect, why don't we give him some help? Maybe we can make the Sifang Cauldron sleep again... What do you think?"

Jing Muyan, who has always been taciturn, spoke twice for the first time today.

After hearing his suggestion, everyone fell silent again.

After a while, Wei Suyi's sigh came to mind in the darkness.

"This matter is of great importance. You should think more about it when you go back..."

"I will wait to vote on this matter when we get together next time."

In the dark space, Wei Suyi's figure disappeared.

The others looked at each other and left one after another.

Finally, there was no one left in the empty darkness.

"...I can't hold it anymore."

On Pingyang Post, where the fire was bright and lit up half of the night sky, Yan Xiaoru sat in the tent and looked at Li Muyang quietly in front of her.

A raging fire was ignited in the camp outside. The medicine powder refined by the Demon Sect and the corpses dragged from the battlefield burned together and turned into a dazzling blazing sun.

After this bright flame burns, it will form a strange toxin that flows down the wind, blocking the attack of the Blood Lotus Sect believers at the foot of the mountain.

In the past, when Li Muyang and the others couldn't hold on any longer, they would use this method to retreat from the enemy in exchange for time to rest and recuperate.

The only flaw is that the corpses are consumed very quickly. The corpses dragged back from the battlefield halfway up the mountain will be burned quickly.

Yan Xiaoru wiped the blood stains on her face and said to Li Muyang seriously: "Maybe we can't wait for the sect's rescue."

The group of Blood Lotus Sect demons that besieged Pingyanggang today were much more powerful and terrifying than the previous Blood Lotus Sect believers.

Those followers of the Blood Lotus Sect who have demon flesh and blood transplanted into their bodies can erupt with strange power that far exceeds that of ordinary people.

In this land where cultivation is banned, their strange practice method of flesh and blood transformation is not subject to many restrictions.

The ugly followers of the Blood Lotus Sect can be called monsters in human form.

In just one afternoon of fighting, more than 40 practitioners on Pingyang Gang died.

Today, there are only a hundred Demon Sect monks left on Pingyang Gang.

If this rate continues, by tomorrow afternoon at most, Pingyang Gang, which has remained unbroken for more than ten days, will fall to the onslaught of demons from the Blood Lotus Sect.

Yan Xiaoru looked at Li Muyang and said: "The matter is over, you still have one last way to survive."

At the foot of the mountain, the shouts and curses of the Blood Lotus Sect came again.

"That bastard from the Demon Sect named Li Muyang!"

"Our helmsman said that if you obediently go down the mountain and surrender, the helmsman will spare your life!"

"The benefits that Miss Shen promised you before are still valid!"

"This is your last chance! Don't you know what's good and what's wrong!"

The followers of the Blood Lotus Cult at the foot of the mountain shouted loudly, and the shouts echoed in the wilderness.

Unexpectedly, this group of Blood Lotus Sect monsters took advantage of the truce and began to persuade them to surrender again.

Listening to Yamashita's persuasion to surrender, Li Muyang sighed and said: "Actually, the Blood Lotus Sect is not that stubborn. If I can lead everyone to surrender, I won't be able to consider it."

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