Games with fairies

Chapter 213 Stupid woman

In the mountain forest, Li Muyang's figure quietly climbed down from the cliff, his movements were as dexterous as an ape's, without making any sound.

When he suddenly landed next to the white-robed disciple, he was startled.

"Wow...Li! Senior Brother Li?!"

This white-robed disciple was so frightened by the sudden arrival of Li Muyang that he almost exploded with fear.

It wasn't until he saw Li Muyang's face clearly that he heaved a sigh of relief.

He hurriedly said: "Senior Brother Li, my name is Zhou Jing, and I am here to find you on the order of the sect leader..."

Li Muyang looked a little confused at the inner disciple who was respectful to him.

"What are you looking for me for?"

The inner disciple who called himself Zhou Jing carefully took out a ring and said to Li Muyang.

"It's a secret matter, and I don't even know about it."

"The sect master just said, let me give this ring to senior brother. There is a letter written by the sect master and Elder Yan inside. Senior brother will know it after reading the letter."

After hearing this, Li Muyang took the ring with a dignified expression and did not have any strange reaction to the autographed letter from "Elder Yan".

He held this inferior Qiankun Ring and looked at the white-robed disciple in front of him.

"Does the sect master have any other instructions? Are you sent by the sect master to help me?"

Li Muyang didn't expect that the Demon Refining Sect could actually find his exact location and even use the escape talisman that was used to save Yan Xiaoru.

The Demon Sect is so willing to pay no attention to the cost... I feel like this mission will be difficult.

But he did not immediately read the letter, but first explored the background of the person in front of him.

But Zhou Jing smiled and said: "The sect master said that Senior Brother Li's mission this time is extremely difficult and dangerous, and only Senior Brother Li can complete it. He asked me to find Senior Brother Li and go dormant by myself."

"When the Demon Sect defeats the demons of the Blood Lotus Sect, I can return to the Sect."

Very good, this guy is a disposable cannon fodder, and the Demon Sect doesn't care whether he can go back alive or not.

Li Muyang nodded without surprise, indicating that he understood.

"Then you go hide. There are many hiding places in this wilderness. If you are careful enough, you won't be caught by the Blood Lotus Sect."

Li Muyang gave this poor cannon fodder a little experience and guidance.

If Zhou Jing is careful enough, he should be able to hide it for a long time.

After watching this disposable cannon fodder disappear into the forest, Li Muyang took out the contents of the Qiankun Ring.

Two letters, a charm, and a small wooden box.

This is all the things that the Demon Refining Sect Master brought to Li Muyang.

After opening the letter written by the sect leader, Li Muyang understood the cause and effect.

In the past month or so, not all Demon Sect disciples and Li Muyang chose to wait in hibernation.

A total of seven Demon Sect disciples managed to escape from this area and returned to the Demon Sect.

Among them was Li Muyang’s old friend Cheng Feiyang.

The seven Demon Sect monks headed by Cheng Feiyang had experienced life and death on Pingyang Gang, and they all praised Li Muyang.

Through their stories, the Blood Lotus Sect's high regard for Li Muyang was known to the top leaders of the Demon Sect.

Just as the Demon Sect's army was in a disadvantageous offensive, the Demon Sect's great master discovered that the followers of the Blood Lotus Sect seemed to be killing them endlessly, which was a little strange.

So the leader of the Demon Sect issued an order to let Li Muyang, who was still dormant on the territory of the Blood Lotus Sect, go down the mountain and surrender to the Blood Lotus Sect. He ordered Li Muyang to find out the reason why the followers of the Blood Lotus Sect were killing endlessly, and to cooperate with and help the Demon Sect to pacify it. The Blood Lotus Sect is in turmoil.

The talisman sent with the letter, and even the treasure passed down by the ancestor of the Demon Sect. This allows Li Muyang to avoid the blood oath and not be bound by the blood oath of the Blood Lotus Sect.

The attached small wooden box can deliver letters to the Demon Sect through the air every three days, and is not affected by the spiritual energy seal here.

"...If this happens, I will be promoted to a direct disciple of the Law Enforcement Hall, and I will enjoy elder-level treatment by making spiritual offerings every month, and will be awarded a high-grade spiritual weapon."

The rewards given in the autographed letter from the Demon Refining Sect Master were so generous that it was dazzling.

From an ordinary inner disciple to a direct disciple...this treatment has been promoted three levels in a row, which is almost the top level of treatment that Li Muyang can currently receive.

And the monthly spiritual food offerings enjoy elder-level treatment... As an elder, Yan Xiaoru's wealth is visible to the naked eye.

If Li Muyang could have elder-level treatment, the spiritual elixirs and high-grade spiritual rice he would receive every month would only be considered to be at the top of the list.

Coupled with a high-grade spiritual weapon, this thing is almost exclusive to elders.

Even if you look at the entire cultivation world, top-grade spiritual weapons are quite rare, but now they are awarded to an inner disciple.

Even the talisman refined by the Patriarch was taken out...

"Gongyang Hong is ill and has to seek medical attention."

Li Muyang sighed softly.

He knew that the leader of the Demon Sect was very considerate, but he didn't expect that he would be so anxious after being unable to capture the enemy for only a month.

The reason for offering such a high-level reward was to get Li Muyang to surrender and go to the Blood Lotus Sect as an internal response.

Joining the Blood Lotus Religion requires a blood oath. Once the blood oath is taken, one cannot betray the Blood Lotus Religion.

But the Patriarch's Talisman given by Gong Yanghong solved this problem, allowing Li Muyang to be a second- and fifth-year-old boy with peace of mind.

"But this letter from Yan Xiaoru..."

Li Muyang hesitated for a while before opening Yan Xiaoru's handwritten letter.

The handwritten letter sent together with Gong Yanghong should be to persuade Li Muyang to obey his orders, right?

Sure enough, after Li Muyang opened the envelope, he saw the elegant words on the envelope. They were all from the perspective of the interests of the sect, comforting and encouraging Li Muyang, hoping that he would accept this difficult task and make contributions to the sect.

This fits Yan Xiaoru's identity very well.

In this case, she could only write like this...

Before Li Muyang finished sighing, the letter in his hand suddenly ignited with a faint blue flame.

These tiny blue flames danced on the letterhead, burning the words on the paper one by one.

Finally, on the blank letter paper, only twelve scattered words remained unburned.

And these twelve words form two concise, simple and straightforward sentences.

[I was wrong, come back soon]

【I can protect you】

Li Muyang was stunned when he saw these twelve words.

He didn't expect that such a small trick was hidden in this handwritten letter from Yan Xiaoru.

Obviously, these last twelve words are Yan Xiaoru's true thoughts.

——She didn’t want Li Muyang to take risks.

She even wanted Li Muyang to refuse the order of the sect leader, and she would protect the disobedient Li Muyang.

Seeing the last twelve words on the letter, a smile appeared on Li Muyang's face, and a warm current surged in his heart.

"...this stupid woman."

Do you finally realize your mistake?

You ran so fast and arranged everything for me without asking for my opinion.

Now you know it was wrong? That's too late!

I'm in trouble now, unable to move forward or retreat, all because of you!

Stupid woman!

Don't think that if you apologize, I will forgive you.

Next time we meet, if I said I would spank your butt, then I will definitely do what I said!

Li Muyang gently exhaled a breath and lit the two letters in his hand.

After simply tidying up, Li Muyang turned around and walked down the mountain.

Blood Lotus Sect, haven't you always wanted to force me to join you?

Very good, now I’m here!

I have to satisfy you severely this time, so that you don’t disturb my peaceful life in vain!

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