Games with fairies

Chapter 222 Ghost Town

Li Muyang was waiting vigilantly in the city, waiting for the powerful master of the Zifu of the Demon Refining Sect to come find him.

In his opinion, if this piece of land with a radius of 1,500 miles is allowed to be occupied and digested by the Blood Lotus Sect, it will be an unacceptable loss for the Demon Refining Sect.

It is a stain that the face-saving sect leader Gong Yanghong cannot accept.

Once the Demon Sect makes up its mind, he will fully cooperate.

Cut off the connection between the Sifang Cauldron and the earth veins, and then find a way to escape and return to the Law Enforcement Hall.

However, he waited for a long time, but still did not wait for the powerful Zifu from the Demon Sect.

After the Demon Sect's offensive continued fiercely for ten days, it really began to weaken as Shen Yan predicted.

Then came the peace talks.

The Demon Sect sent elders to negotiate with the leader of the Blood Lotus on the front line.

In the end, the two sides made an oath, and the Demon Refining Sect dismissed the mortal army and would no longer attack the followers of the Blood Lotus Sect.

The leader of the Blood Lotus Sect also promised not to expand to other areas of the Demon Sect.

This mighty mortal war, in which hundreds of thousands of people were killed and injured before and after, ended in an anticlimactic manner.

When the news came back to Tianjiao City, Li Muyang even felt a little ridiculous and doubted the authenticity of the news.

Gong Yanghong, the leader of the Demon Sect who always wanted to save face, actually held his nose to negotiate peace with the Blood Lotus Sect?

This is tantamount to giving up the land around Tianjiao City, and tacitly admits that this land belongs to the Blood Lotus Sect.

After this battle, the Demon Refining Sect may become the laughing stock of both immortals and demons, and I don't know how many people will laugh at Gong Yanghong behind his back.

Can Gong Yanghong accept this kind of stain?

Li Muyang felt more and more outrageous, but the Blood Lotus Sect troops on the front line began to withdraw one after another.

The helmsmen and flag owners who had been leading the team to guard the front line also returned to Tianjiao City one after another.

Tianjiao City, which was once the economic center under the Demon Sect, has now regained its former prosperity.

The city was decorated with lights and colorful lights, and the whole city was celebrating the victory of the Blood Lotus Sect.

Amid laughter, Shen Yan came to visit Li Muyang and sincerely apologized to Li Muyang.

"...This peace negotiation is temporary."

"We currently do not have the strength to fight the Demon Sect to the end. The short-term peace is to accumulate strength for the future."

From the perspective of the Blood Lotus Sect, Li Muyang, a disciple of the Demon Sect who came to join with a blood feud on his back, did so to avenge the Demon Sect.

But now the war ended in an anticlimactic manner. Before Li Muyang even had time to enter the battlefield, the Demon Sect and the Blood Lotus Sect negotiated peace.

Shen Yan was worried that Li Muyang would have ideas, so she took time to chat with Li Muyang all afternoon.

And Li Muyang was indeed a little depressed and speechless.

But his depression was towards the Demon Refining Sect.

After doing so much work and spending so many resources, you sent him here as an undercover agent to dig out the ultimate secret of the Blood Lotus Religion, but in the end... you made peace?

So what am I fussing over?

Now Li Muyang's head is full of questions. He just wants to ask who I am, where I am, and what I want to do.

The one-sided communication with the Demon Sect prevented him from even receiving the latest orders from the Demon Sect, and he did not know what he was going to do next.

Li Muyang, who was trapped in the sea of ​​celebrations of the Blood Lotus Religion, could only play the role of a person who bore a deep hatred with a cold face and an expressionless face.

The damn Demon Refining Sect wouldn't want him to be a long-term undercover, would it?

no! This is absolutely not possible!

Li Muyang began to think about his retreat, how to find an opportunity to leave Tianjiao City and return to the Demon Refining Sect.

However, Tianjiao City is currently a sea of ​​excitement.

The war had just ended, and it was difficult for Li Muyang to persuade Shen Yan to let him leave.

Li Muyang planned to hibernate for a while and leave when everything stabilized.

In the past month, he took a bath every day, and his physical fitness increased by more than twice.

In the game, the Green Knife Mantis continues to hunt the remaining souls in the ghost mist and has evolved twice.

The current level 9 Green Knife Mantis is about ten feet long, with a huge body and a piercing light from its sword.

The green sword mantis with an attack power of 3397, with the power of one sword, Li Muyang believed that it could kill the monks in the cave profound realm.

The only drawback is that the evolutionary path of the Green Knife Mantis is still extremely partial.

Although the attack power is strong, the health bar and defense power are currently only the same as those of Level 3 Wushanjun.

Li Muyang was very curious to what extent this game could evolve the Green Knife Mantis.

He devoted more time to the game and even began to refuse some of Shen Yan's party invitations.

With the end of the war, Sky Horn City became the political center of the Blood Lotus Sect.

Almost all the helmsmen and incense owners returned to Tianjiao City and began to divide their mansions and handle their respective government affairs.

The high-level courtyards that used to be occupied by Demon Sect monks and aristocratic families are now occupied by the helmsmen of the Blood Lotus Sect.

Li Muyang occasionally heard that conflicts broke out on the streets, and the confidants of Captain XX fought with the subordinates of Captain XX.

Even with Shen Yan in the middle to mediate, conflicts among the major branches in the city still continued to break out.

Li Muyang declined all invitations to banquets, and even when Shen Yan came to see him, he basically disappeared.

He completely shut himself in the yard and rarely went out.

From the perspective of outsiders, this is a sign of frustration and a blow to this peace negotiation.

In fact, Li Muyang simply didn't want to cause trouble.

During the war, he severely offended the two incense masters of the Blood Lotus Sect.

Nangong Ting and Liu Hucheng, the two incense masters of the Blood Lotus Sect, were held hostage by Li Muyang for many days at that time, and the two sides had already developed a grudge.

When rushing down Pingyanggang, Li Muyang held the two men hostage and fought and retreated. In the end, he even killed him. Logically speaking, the two of them should be dead.

If the Blood Lotus Sect hadn't taken the initiative to use two ancient blood lotus petals, the two incense masters would have been waiting for resurrection in the Sifang Cauldron.

——The higher the cultivation level, the longer it will take for people to be resurrected in the Sifang Cauldron.

The two incense masters who almost died in Li Muyang's hands were mortal enemies with Li Muyang.

During the days when Li Muyang stayed behind closed doors, there would often be some idle people waiting outside the door.

Obviously, they are all enemies of Li Muyang.

But Li Muyang plays games behind closed doors and never goes out to cause trouble.

He controlled the ninth-level Green Knife Mantis and carefully sneaked through the ghost mist.

But this time, he did not hunt the remnant soul, but quietly touched the shadow of a mountain col.

Ahead, a huge city was vaguely visible in the ghostly mist.

Inside the broken city wall, there seemed to be people moving around, and there were lively sounds coming from inside, as if there were many people talking inside.

This noisy black city is incompatible with the desolate, dilapidated and silent underworld.

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