Games with fairies

Chapter 233 I said, you can try it

Outside Wuliu Alley, there were many people standing.

The law enforcement disciples wearing the black robes of the law enforcement hall stood outside the alley with their swords drawn and angry expressions, glaring at the group of people in the alley.

The group of half-demon from Liehaitang all had traces of demons on their bodies, and they looked slightly ferocious in broad daylight.

Even the people in the city who had a good impression of the Blood Lotus Cult could not help but be afraid and hid away when they saw this group of ferocious and strange half-demon.

As for this group of ferocious half-demon, they were surrounding the half-demon wearing a six-petaled lotus robe like stars holding the moon, and they were laughing and laughing.

Outside the alley, hundreds of black-robed disciples from the Law Enforcement Hall stared angrily.

The leader, Liu Fu, has a cold face. He is only 23 years old this year, but he is already a fourth-grade lotus member under Li Muyang's promotion.

Now he held his knife and led the crowd to stop outside Wuliu Alley, and said coldly to the group of laughing half-demon at the entrance of the alley.

"...Shi Maocai, if you sneak into a criminal alley, you will be punished with twenty lashes according to religious regulations."

"Before it causes a big mistake, let go of those two women and come out to receive the punishment. That's the end of today's matter."

"If you continue to act recklessly, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear the consequences!"

Liu Fu's face was cold, and his voice did not contain any emotion. He just issued the ultimatum indifferently.

However, his words made the half-demon people in the alley laugh.

"Can't bear the consequences? Hahaha! You are a small fourth-grade lotus, but you have such a loud tone. People who don't know better would think you are the helmsman of the Law Enforcement Hall."

"Are all the black bastards in your law enforcement hall so ridiculous?"

"How dare you, a fourth-grade lotus member the size of a sesame seed, make noise here?"

"You look so effeminate and have no manliness at all. When the grandfathers are killing the enemy on the battlefield, you little brat won't hide behind and sell your ass, right?"

"Hahahaha... sissy who sells her ass!"

The half-demon laughed loudly, showing no fear of the Law Enforcement Hall disciples outside.

Shi Maocai, who was surrounded by the half-demon in the center, sneered.

"I'm just going to sit here and not come out today. I'll see what the consequences will be!"

He sat generously at the entrance of Wuliu Alley, with two girls sitting on his lap, one on the left and one on the right.

The younger girl's body has not grown yet, her face is full of childishness, and some bruises can be seen vaguely on her body. Now he is curled up in fear, his body trembling.

The older girl, on the other hand, pursed her lips in a forced composure and could sit up straight, but her eyes were full of fear.

The two eldest ladies of the Qin family in Tianjiao City used to be from a high-ranking cultivating family. But at this time, they were held hostage by the half-demon, and they did not even dare to cry.

In the past few days, they had been abused many times by the leaders and banner owners of the Blood Lotus Religion.

But even if the docile people try to be perfect, they still face catastrophe today.

The noise in Wuliu Lane continued, but a cold voice suddenly came from the crowd.

"Shi Maocai, Sixth Grade Lotus Master, so majestic!"

The disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall were all shocked when they heard this voice.

"Flag Master!"

"The flag master is here!"

Amidst the excited shouts, the law enforcement hall disciples outside the alley immediately made way, and Li Muyang walked out with a cold expression.

The moment Li Muyang appeared, the people watching were suddenly surprised and whispered.

"This man... isn't wearing the Blood Lotus Sect's robe?! He's so arrogant."

"What's the details? This guy is so grand!"

"Hush! Do you want to die? This is the Li Banner from the Law Enforcement Hall! Be careful that he kills your whole family!"

"Shut up!"

"Shut up!"

When Li Muyang, dressed in regular clothes, walked out of the crowd, the scene fell silent.

The people of Tianjiao City who were originally whispering and watching the excitement in the distance all shut their mouths and did not dare to talk nonsense. Lingchi was afraid that the handsome man in white would look over and drag him into prison.

At the entrance of Wuliu Alley, Shi Maocai, who was holding two girls with his golden sword in his arms and sitting on the Taishi's chair, was also slightly stunned.

Obviously the person opposite didn't do anything, he just walked out of the crowd with an expressionless face.

But for some reason, when everyone around him fell silent, Shi Maocai, who had originally dismissed Li Muyang, couldn't help but feel guilty.

Fortunately, this guilty conscience only lasted for a moment, and was not noticed by the brothers around him.

Shi Maocai, who realized this, breathed a sigh of relief, but then he felt a sense of anger as if he was being humiliated.

"Li Muyang!"

He deliberately hugged the two girls in his arms tightly, and while the girls screamed in pain, he said with a ferocious smile to Li Muyang in front of him: "You, the banner leader of the Law Enforcement Hall, are the real majesty!"

"Hold a woman's lap and climb to the position of flag leader. I'm afraid I'll make you so excited that you can't sleep for several days, right?"

"You bite people everywhere in the city like a mad dog every day. You really think you are lawless and that no one can cure you!"

Shi Maocai laughed ferociously, sarcastically and provocatively.

But Li Muyang looked cold and didn't react at all, as if the ferocious laughter in front of him was just a dog barking.

He looked at the two girls from the Qin family.

The two girls had many bruises and bruises on their bodies, some were old bruises and bruises, but many were new.

Obviously, this group of half-demon from Liehai Hall who came with hatred were not polite to the two girls.

Li Muyang said coldly: "I heard that you were going to bring someone to stand up for our sworn brother Dai Shan. I thought you were going to come to the Law Enforcement Hall to find me, so I waited for you specially."

"I didn't expect that your so-called prominence was to bring a group of monsters to Sin Alley to bully women."

"When you say you stand out, are you taking your anger out on these two girls?"

"Is this how you, Liekaidang, get ahead? In a fit of rage, draw your sword at the weaker ones?"

Li Muyang's tone was cold, not even sarcastic or mocking, just a cool tone.

But it was this cold and deadly tone that made the half-demon in the alley furious, with veins popping up on their foreheads.

"Damn Demon Sect bitch!"

"You gave your mother's shit!"

"I'm bullying your mother!"

The half-demon cursed angrily.

But Shi Maocai, who was sitting on the Grand Master's chair, was not very angry. Instead, he sneered.

"What's the point of going to the Law Enforcement Hall to find you? Anyway, you, a bitch of the Demon Sect, will be led by my nose."

"Don't you claim to uphold justice and uphold religious discipline?"

"My brother Daishan is just a bitch who slept with two practitioners of the Demon Sect, and you pulled out his tongue, beat him with four hundred sticks, and broke all the bones in his body."

"The demon sect bitches in this sin alley will be killed sooner or later. What's wrong with sleeping with them? It's their honor to sleep with them!"

"Today I will not only sleep with these two Demon Sect bastards, but I will also sleep in front of you, a Demon Sect bastard! I will let my brothers sleep after I finish sleeping!"

"I, Shi Maocai, don't believe it. The Blood Lotus Sect that I fought so hard with swords and guns can be overshadowed by a bastard of the Demon Sect like you!"

After Shi Mao finished speaking, he directly put his hand on the shoulder of the girl in his arms.

The crowd of onlookers who saw this scene immediately exclaimed.

The law enforcement disciple behind Li Muyang drew out his knife angrily.

But Li Muyang in front of everyone remained motionless, not even showing any emotion of shock or anger.

He was still looking at the half-demon sitting in front of him indifferently, his cold eyes as if looking at a corpse.

Under everyone's gaze, Li Muyang, who was dressed in regular clothes, put his hands behind his back without any intention of stopping him.

Just a cold ultimatum.

"Provoking canon rules, resisting laws and disobeying them will result in three punishments according to the rules of this canon."

"In front of this banner leader, if you dare to lay a finger on these two sinners' daughters, the group of half-demon you brought to Sin Alley today will not survive tomorrow's sunrise."

"I said, you can try it."

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