Games with fairies

Chapter 249 The crushing of realms

"Brother, you are in a good mood today."

In the private room of the restaurant, the maid who was serving food said softly, with some curiosity in her eyes: "Did something happy happen? Did you eat Shen Yan?"

Li Yuechan's eyes were filled with gossipy curiosity.

In Tianjiao City, where rumors are flying all over the sky, Li Muyang, who is at the center of the storm vortex, should be very upset.

But today Li Muyang is obviously in a good mood.

In front of the cheap sister, Li Muyang didn't bother to put on the cold face outside, and he was very relaxed.

Now hearing the cheap sister's curiosity, Li Muyang rolled his eyes: "Eat your uncle."

"That Shen Yan has no interest in me. The source of all the troubles comes from the Blood Lotus Cult Master's chaotic mandarin ducks."

This Blood Lotus Cult leader's chaotic and confusing plot, now that I think about it, I always feel weird.

Did Lao Yin Bi do this out of good intentions? It’s better not to have any deep meaning...

Li Muyang stretched out and said, "Is there no news from Elder Yan yet? How long will it take to gather!"

Did you agree to start taking action when all the people are assembled?

So many days have passed, and Li Muyang has become a notorious cruel official in the Blood Lotus Sect. I don’t know how many people are scolding him behind his back, why haven’t he started taking action!

Because of the previous turmoil, Li Muyang's business is now increasing.

The entire Law Enforcement Hall knew that Li Muyang was not even afraid of the leader of Liehai Hall. In the Blood Lotus Sect, regardless of whether they are high or low, rich or poor, as long as they commit a crime, Li Muyang will punish anyone he offends.

Although more and more people are scolding him, as Li Muyang treats more and more believers, more and more people are helping him to say good things.

Even Shen Yan lamented in a certain meeting, praising Li Muyang as the one who truly devoted himself to his teachings and beliefs and went through fire and water.

It was obvious that he was just trying to break the rules and had no intention of staying in the Blood Lotus Cult, so he was doing crazy things to let himself have clear ideas.

However, I feel that if Yan Xiaoru does not close the net, and if the current trend continues, she may gain a group of more admirers in the Blood Lotus Sect...

Watching the cheap sister walk out of the private room, Li Muyang, who was alone, sighed.

After he simply ate some food, he closed his eyes and fell directly on the bed.

He doesn't want to deal with those troublesome things in Tianjiao City now.

Now Li Muyang wants to focus all his energy on this three-day limited game.

It has been a day now, but fortunately Li Muyang is making rapid progress.

In the glazed sword field filled with fragments and remains of the divine weapon, Li Muyang had already walked two hundred steps away and knocked down all kinds of strange black shadows.

The shadows in this trial sword field are indeed strong men with powerful magical powers.

When they were alive, they were all powerful monks who were no weaker than Li Muyang.

But in the secret realm of the trial, Black Shadow's strength was comparable to Li Muyang's soul state.

However, the magical powers and secret techniques they displayed were no match for Jade Fairy's Jinghong Sword Technique.

Regardless of the enemy's strange methods and powerful magical powers, Li Muyang can overcome all obstacles and repel all powerful enemies with just the Jinghong Sword Technique.

Even if he made one or two omissions during the process, Li Muyang was not afraid at all as long as he had to load the files and try again after failure.

When he came out of the Yamen in the afternoon, Li Muyang had already climbed the hill in the game and vaguely saw a female figure deep in the secret realm.

He was one step closer to clearing the game.

Now back in the game, Li Muyang looked to his side.

A sword spirit in plain white robes floated on the hill, looking at him indifferently.

"...your ancient swordsmanship is indeed powerful."

"But what you will face next are the most powerful afterimages in this sword field."

"Every enemy you face next was once a strong man in the world..."

This cold and ruthless Sanwu Sword Spirit threatened Li Muyang with his words as always.

And Li Muyang simply ignored him.

He naturally knew that the next enemy would be very strong.

After all, I have died twice in the Yamen at the hands of this man.

But it doesn’t matter, I will load the file and complete the level!

Li Muyang gently exhaled a breath and stepped forward.

Ten steps later, a brush flew out from the hill.

The handle of this writing brush is made of light blue jade, and the bristles seem to be the hair of some kind of exotic animal, emitting a hazy light. Even though the entire pen body is full of cracks, it still looks extraordinary.

A slim and graceful black shadow stood quietly on the hill.

Holding a sapphire pen in her hand, she wrote beautiful words one after another in the void.

After these words appeared, they seemed to be changing the laws of this land.

The scene in Li Muyang's vision continues to change with these beautiful words.

Sometimes it’s mountains, rivers and trees, sometimes it’s rivers overflowing, or stars overturning and falling from the night sky, there are also giant rocs flying ninety thousand miles high, shattering the clouds...

ten minutes later.

[You have died, the game has failed]

"..." Li Muyang, who had failed seventeen times in a row, opened his eyes in the private room.

This enemy is a bit difficult to deal with.

The artistic conception escaping from those words will turn into illusions to confuse Li Muyang's perception.

The real killing move is hidden in this illusion.

As long as he is trapped in the secret realm and cannot escape, Li Muyang will die silently.

Both sides have similar cultivation levels, but the enemy does not fight head-on, but uses illusions, which is very troublesome.

This mysterious and mysterious method is completely a crushing of realms.

Li Muyang is not afraid of the kind of frontal fighting with open swords and guns. Anyway, as long as he loads the file, he can keep trying and making mistakes.

But the many illusions displayed by the mysterious woman have nothing to do with cultivation, but the other person's understanding of the world during his lifetime.

This level of perception was so much beyond Li Muyang's that he couldn't see through it at all. He could only be completely trapped by the illusion and unable to break free.

It can be said that this is the first time Li Muyang has faced a powerful enemy in this realm - in terms of realm perception.

"Although the cultivation level is the same, the gap in realm is too big..."

Li Muyang felt that this trial was a bit outrageous.

Even if they both have the same attributes, can the consciousness of a king be the same as the consciousness of a bronze? !

If he hadn't had the support of the True Immortal Level Secret Technique of Jinghong Sword Technique, he probably wouldn't have been able to reach this point.

But now, it seems that the only option is to call in foreign aid.

Li Muyang sighed and entered the system again.

But this time, he did not enter "Fall of the Fairy", but instead entered another game that had been neglected for several days.

"Deadly Weed"

In the fourth stage of "Deadly Weeds", Little Weeds, who was sitting on the boat between the rafting canyons, tilted his head and said in surprise: "Big brother?"

Opposite Xiao Yecao, Li Muyang, who was also sitting on the boat, looked at her and said, "Girl, let me ask you a question."

"If you are at the late stage of the Foundation Establishment Realm and encounter an illusion that can only be seen through by the Purple Mansion Realm or would you break it?"

Fighting for realm realization, right?

Although I am only at the late stage of Foundation Establishment Realm, I have someone close to a true immortal here!

I can't solve this problem, but I can shake people up!

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