Games with fairies

Chapter 253 I’m pregnant with your child

"This inner demon is terrifying!"

Li Muyang commented on Chu Qingxue's inner demon with lingering fear.

He did not expect that all the contacts, touches and body sensations between Chu Qingxue and the husband in the fantasy would be truly projected onto him.

No wonder the sense of substitution is so strong.

The key point is that the two of them are so gentle and just talk about love, but they even have physical contact.

Those touches of physical contact are transmitted perfectly, who can turn a blind eye?

This kind of battle is simply like Li Muyang being gentle and gentle with Chu Qingxue while fighting his inner demons.

...What kind of egg-jumping reading?

Li Muyang finally felt the pressure.

This was just the beginning, Chu Qingxue had some close skin-to-skin contact with him, and he was already confused.

If a more exciting and larger-scale plot happens next, wouldn't he... hiss... no! Don’t think too much!

Li Muyang raised his head suddenly, fearing that his nose would bleed.

That kind of scene is exciting just to imagine it, let alone experience it in person.

In the private room of the restaurant, Li Muyang looked up at the ceiling above his head and murmured.

"It seems like I'm really turning into a zombie."

He clearly felt that a certain part of his body had become stiff.

"This is definitely the most difficult level among all the games I have played so far!"

Li Muyang made this comment.

Who can still fight calmly and calmly when a beautiful woman is in his arms and their ears and temples are rubbing together?

Is this game for practicing concentration?

Under normal circumstances, he might not be able to win in a one-on-one fight with his inner demon.

Now there is still Chu Qingxue interfering... Sigh...

Li Muyang sighed, already having a premonition that he would die dozens or even hundreds of times in the game.

But don't be afraid!

He took a deep breath, his eyes firm.

——Let the storm come more violently!

Li Muyang quickly read the file and returned to the game again.

As soon as the battle with the inner demons begins, the scenery in the mental world changes.

The fairy in white in front of the thatched cottage smiled gently, and her husband, who was carrying a bamboo basket out of the house, hugged her. The two were once again rubbing their ears together, becoming affectionate and affectionate.

Li Muyang once again felt the wonderful tingling sensation on his collarbone and ears.

But this time he was mentally prepared and his will was not confused.

Although the sword's power fluctuated slightly, it did not reveal any flaws.

The inner demon was still attacking with his sword. Li Muyang waved his sword to resist while observing the illusion beside him.

Chu Qingxue, dressed in white, has a bright smile and gentle eyes. She is no longer the misty fairy who doesn't eat the fireworks of the world. She is clearly just a simple girl who has just started to fall in love.

This kind of her formed a strong contrast with her previous aloofness, and actually brought great charm to her invisibly.

In her fantasy world, she and Li Muyang lived together in a house, drinking and eating together.

The couple played the piano, flute, drums and harp together, sometimes traveling together in the mountains and playing in the water, sometimes drinking together under the moonlight, and they also held hands and swam together in lantern festivals, and they got along sweetly and happily.

Whenever there was no one around, she would curl up in Li Muyang's arms tenderly and shyly, letting Li Muyang rub her ears and temples together, and their lips and teeth would meet.

The once aloof fairy has now fallen into the mortal world, and her eyes are extremely fiery after feeling emotional.

Her coquettish and coquettish posture, wanting to resist but still welcoming, made Li Muyang's heart surge and look more like a zombie.

But the large-scale scene that Li Muyang was...ahem...feared about never appeared.

The most intimate behavior between the two of them is limited to rubbing their ears together, hugging and kissing passionately.

Most of the time, the couple treats each other with respect.

Li Muyang died several times. After gradually getting used to this level of touch, he suddenly became a little disappointed.

"Is this the sweet life of husband and wife in Fairy Chu's fantasy?"

Li Muyang was suddenly speechless.

Or is it that Fairy Chu is very resistant to that kind of thing?

It's not surprising considering the fairy's previous aloofness and indifference, as well as her fantasy of a married life like a fairy couple.

Perhaps this fairy's tastes and preferences are more noble and elegant, and are separated from the low tastes of mortals.


But although I can understand it, I can't eat it while guarding such a charming beauty... What's the difference between this and going to jail?

After realizing this, Li Muyang looked at the charming fairy in the illusion and suddenly calmed down.

When he entered the game again, his mind was no longer confused, he could hold the sword steadily, and he was almost no longer affected by the illusion.

Even the sword spirit was surprised that his heart was as solid as stone.

"...You have such a strong mind and will, yet you are indifferent to such interference?"

Li Muyang grinned and charged directly at the inner demon in front of him.

Ignoring the sword spirit's exclamation.

As for the illusion on the side, he no longer looked at it. He just wanted to defeat this inner demon and clear the game as soon as possible.

In the fantasy world, Chu Qingxue and her husband Li Muyang are in sweet love, and the couple is harmonious.

The couple sometimes travels together, sometimes discussing Taoism in the mountains, or practicing Zen in the clouds.

Until one sunny afternoon, when the fairy in white was dancing with her husband with a sword, the sword in her hand suddenly trembled and fell to the ground.

The fairy also frowned slightly and held her stomach.

The husband hurriedly stepped forward: "Madam, what's wrong with you?"

At this moment, the bright sunshine fell on the fairy's face.

She lowered her head shyly, her face turning red.


The fairy glanced at her husband shyly. The moment the couple's eyes came into contact, the fairy hurriedly looked away like a frightened bird.

In the illusion world, Fairy Chu’s shy whispers resounded.

"Who told you to stay with your relatives lately..."

"She's pregnant with your child."


The moment Fairy Liuli's shy words rang out, Li Muyang, who was not far away, stopped holding his nerve, and the sword in his hand revealed a huge flaw that had never been seen before.

The inner demon stabbed him with a sword, and Li Muyang opened his eyes in the elegant room of the restaurant.

"What the hell...hahaha..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Li Muyang, who failed the game and was bounced back to reality, had no time to review the battle just now.

The first time he opened his eyes, he held his stomach and burst into thunderous laughter.

Everyone almost burst out laughing.

"Hahaha... you can get pregnant by kissing..."

This is really awesome.

At this moment, he finally understood.

No wonder there is no larger-scale illusion. It turns out that in the eyes of the cold fairy, kissing is already the largest interaction that can lead to pregnancy and birth of a baby.

He thought about many possibilities, but he could not guess this possibility.

This aloof and cold-blooded Liuli Fairy has a simple little woman character at heart, which is more interesting and cuter than imagined.

Li Muyang held his stomach and laughed for a long time, until tears came out of his eyes.

With great difficulty, he stopped smiling and sat up, but the expression on his face was still that he couldn't laugh or cry.

Fairy Chu's aloof and cold image completely collapsed in his heart.

This is not a cold-blooded fairy from the world, she is clearly a silly girl who doesn’t like the fireworks of the world!

So happy.

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