Games with fairies

Chapter 256 Ascension to Immortality

[Limited time game - "The Fall of the Fairy" has been cleared]

[Liu Li Fairy: Survival]

[Inner Demon: Defeated]

[Demon Warlock: Not Cleared]

[A special game with a time limit of three days, a dangerous situation, and strange inner demons, but they cannot stop you from saving. You successfully overcome all dangers, wandering around in danger with a zombie body, constantly trying and making mistakes, and finally succeeded in rescuing the imprisoned Liuli Fairy, at least her body... Although the hidden dangers in the city - those The demonized warlocks have not been eliminated, but I believe in the wisdom of Qintian Supervisor Shan Xiaolian, she will find a way to eliminate these evil spirits]

[Customs clearance evaluation: Unsatisfactory]

[Please claim your reward (choose one from three)]

[Cultivation level +1 (late stage of foundation building realm → early stage of pill forming realm)]

[Golden Chandan X3 (can develop the potential of the God of War in a small amount)]

[Prop Orb X1 (you can get a random system prop)]

Li Muyang shook his head when he saw the settlement rewards appearing in his field of vision.

"I knew that if those demonized warlocks were not dealt with, there would be consequences..."

The evaluation of this clearance was very average, and it failed to achieve a perfect ending.

If you want a perfect ending, then in the mirror world of the Qintian Prison Yamen, Li Muyang should join forces with Shan Xiaolian to clean up the demonized warlocks in the mirror world and eliminate the group of magicians who have been contaminated by evil things.

Only by destroying the demonized warlock and then rescuing Chu Qingxue can a perfect ending be achieved.

But after careful consideration, Li Muyang gave up this attempt.

First of all, there is not enough time. There is only more than one day left.

And his body this time is too weak, although the zombies can gain violent time by devouring blood energy and increase their attack power.

But there are too many demonized warlocks in the mirror world, and the Glazed Fairy Chu Qingxue must be rescued before dawn.

In the perfect ending, Li Muyang must defeat all the magicians in one night, defeat his inner demons and rescue the Glazed Fairy.

It's too difficult, and with the time remaining, it's almost impossible.

If he had a month or two, Li Muyang could give it a try, but there was no need for it now.

Now that Fairy Liuli has been rescued, Li Muyang chooses to trust the remaining magicians in Qintian Prison.

Even worse, there are still those blood demon cultivators from Sanhe City.

The Saints of the Blood Demon Path are all in Sanhe City, and I believe that those demonized warlocks cannot change the world.

In the game, after regaining consciousness, Fairy Liuli breaks through the siege with the help of the sword spirit and breaks out of Sanhe City. After that, Li Muyang ends the game.

This sword spirit is a back-up act exerted by Qingye Zhenren. It can wake up in critical moments and help Chu Qingxue display the true power of the fairy sword.

However, the first time Chu Qingxue activated the power of the fairy sword, she was disturbed by the inner demon, causing her mind to fall into the illusion of the inner demon.

Now that Li Muyang has helped her slay her inner demons and she has regained consciousness, and with the help of the Sword Spirit, it will be difficult for people from the Blood Demon Path to stop Chu Qingxue.

When Chu Qingxue escaped safely from Sanhe City, Li Muyang's game was completely over.

Looking at the settlement reward in front of him, he breathed a sigh of relief and chose to receive it.

This time, Li Muyang received the cultivation base.

Compared with the reward of realm +1, the other two rewards are not satisfactory.

As Li Muyang received his cultivation, he opened his eyes in reality.

The morning sun shone on him, and the prisoner's wailing begging for mercy could be faintly heard from deep inside the law enforcement hall.

The back hall where Li Muyang was located was quiet.

In such silence, he clearly felt the changes in his body.

A huge amount of spiritual power rose from Qi Hai Dantian and continuously merged into the bright nebula rotating in Li Muyang's Dantian.

At the late stage of Foundation Establishment Realm, the nebula in Li Muyang's Qi Sea Dantian was shining brightly, with many tiny star fragments condensed into it.

Now with the influx of spiritual power rewarded by the system, the rotation speed of the nebula in the dantian suddenly accelerated.

The fragments of stars twinkling in the nebula are also constantly colliding and reorganizing.

As the nebula rotates faster and faster, the star fragments in the nebula collide and aggregate rapidly.

Finally, the speed of the nebula's rotation almost reached its limit, and countless sparks ignited in the collision of star fragments.

These flames burn the impurities of the star fragments and refine the purest spiritual power.

A huge amount of spiritual power gathered in the nebula, absorbing all the stardust fragments in the nebula, and finally formed a huge star that shone with azure luster.

The moment this blue star emerged, a vast aura rose up in Li Muyang's body, spreading throughout his body in the blink of an eye.

In a trance, Li Muyang seemed to see the heaven and earth, mountains and rivers, vegetation, insects and fish, as well as the gods and Buddhas in the sky, and the ethereal heavenly palace.

The dreamlike scene flashed rapidly in front of his eyes.

He sat in a daze under the eaves, but his soul seemed to fly tens of thousands of miles away into space, overlooking the emerald green planet suspended in the dark universe.

The misty and vast clouds spread endlessly over the sea. The vast continent was shrouded in clouds and fog, isolated from all directions.

Between the clouds and mist on the sea, countless fairy mountains, heavenly palaces, and temples can be vaguely seen.

Li Muyang's heart started beating violently.

This is... Ascending Immortal?

Legend has it that a spiritual genius with the appearance of an immortal has a certain probability of becoming an immortal at the moment he forms an elixir.

After entering the state of ascending to immortality, the spiritual soul of the practitioner will temporarily transcend all things and can overlook everything in this world from the sky.

I actually became an immortal at the moment when I formed the elixir. Does this mean... I can become an immortal in the future?

Even in ancient times, there were very few practitioners who could achieve immortality. This is an extremely rare source of great blessing that will enhance the practitioner's understanding of the world.

I actually became an immortal... Is it because of the Martial God's hegemonic body?

The original Li Muyang was just an average person on the path of cultivation. But he didn't expect that after changing his physique to that of the Martial God, he would actually become an immortal, and even trigger the blessing of becoming an immortal at the moment when he formed the elixir...

Li Muyang was immersed in joy, standing in the void, overlooking the world, feeling this special state of transcendence, his soul was constantly being nourished by the origin of the world, and his understanding of the world was deepening.

But at this moment, a system prompt suddenly popped up in his field of vision.

[The birth of the Immortal is detected, the world seal is -1... Please return the host to the body as soon as possible to deal with the next spiritual storm]

【warn! The world seal is -1, the spiritual energy storm is being born! 】

The system's warning prompts kept flashing in his field of vision. Li Muyang was stunned and looked down at the ground beneath his feet.

Only then did he discover that this planet suspended in the dark universe was vaguely covered with layers of lavender transparent light films.

These light films are layered one after another, sealing off the entire planet like a seal.

But now, with Li Muyang's soul ascending to immortality, he seems to have broken through one of the light films.

On the ground beneath your feet, the vast spiritual energy condensed into substance is gathering and colliding in the void, as if a huge storm is brewing...

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