Games with fairies

Chapter 281 Biting the Moon Dragon

[Blood and fire, death and grief, flooded this land like a black wave]

[The honor and status of our ancestors are forgotten by the world as time goes by]

[Even this supreme bloodline has long been silent in the bodies of the younger generations and disappeared without a trace]

[Until that day, the arrival of the Immortal One pierced the darkness like a ray of sunshine and tore open the gaps in the endless night.]

[The power of the ancestor’s bloodline has finally awakened in your body]

[In your sleep, you saw the terrifying scene of the rivers and seas turning upside down and the heaven and earth toppling]

[And that may be the future you control...]

Large black characters appeared in the CG of the picture scroll.

A transparent real dragon, ten thousand feet long, roared in the sky.

Endless thunder and lightning accompanied by flames rose around him, constantly blasting the strange black shadows on the earth.

This time, the opening CG is full of realism, and the sound effects are also full.

Even the transparent giant dragon gives people an extremely majestic and terrifying feeling.

It seemed that what Li Muyang saw was really a powerful real dragon that controlled thunder and fire, rather than a CG phantom.

Li Muyang sighed softly when he saw the opening CG.

"...The sense of reality is indeed getting stronger and stronger."

As his cultivation level increases, the realism of this system game also increases.

Li Muyang looked at the CG and the content in the CG screen. After waiting for a while, he realized that the CG was just a dynamic animation.

It always maintains the state of a giant dragon controlling thunder and killing strange black shadows.

Seeing this, Li Muyang no longer delayed and chose to enter the game.

The familiar character selection interface appeared in Li Muyang's field of vision.

【Please choose your character】

[Unknown Agent: Missing Heroic Shadow, Sudden Appearance] (cannot be selected)

[Mysterious Immortal: Unfathomable, Great Way to Simplicity] (Cannot choose)

[Moon-biting Jiao: Mountain Demon, True Dragon Bloodline] (recommended)

Seeing this familiar choice of three, Li Muyang shook his head speechlessly.

"Isn't there only one choice?"

The three character cards, Detective Wuming and Mysterious Immortal, are all gray and cannot be selected.

The only one that could be selected was a white dragon.

This game is really related to the bloodline of ancient alien beasts.

Li Muyang chose to bite the moon dragon and enter the game.

In an instant, Li Muyang's vision went dark.

Immediately afterwards, a white line was suddenly found in the center of the dark field of vision, crossing the entire screen.

Then the white line went up and down and divided into two, forming a picture that looked like a movie.

In the center of this movie-like scene, an extremely white dragon appeared.

The dragon roared down the water and rushed towards a fish swimming in the water.

The carp swam desperately and tried to escape, but was bitten by the dragon, and the blood mist dispersed in the water.

Li Muyang stared.

This dragon... is so small!

Is this worthy of being called a dragon?

Judging from its size compared with other fish swimming in the water, this dragon is probably only over one meter long.

Any python in the mountains can suppress it.

Li Muyang was shocked.

And the next second, a sudden change occurred.

I saw a sharp harpoon suddenly thrust into the water where the blood mist exploded.

The harpoon struck the moon-biting dragon accurately and fiercely. The moon-biting dragon, which had just successfully hunted, immediately struggled wildly.

But the harpoon penetrated its body and threw it out of the water.

As the body of the biting moon dragon flew out of the water, you could clearly see several strong men on the fishing boat on the river exclaiming in surprise.

"...What kind of snake is this? Does it have legs?"

The group of fishermen were all shocked.

Immediately afterwards, the Moon-biting Jiao was thrown to the deck and struggled desperately.

But the strong fishermen were experienced and easily threw the struggling dragon into the bucket.

The fishermen were surprised and talked around the bucket.

"What a strange thing. It's the first time I've seen it."

"Is this a water snake? Why does a water snake have legs?"

"It's a bit like the legendary dragon...but how can there be such a small dragon?"

"Tsk... What a magical thing. It's all white and looks like jade. If you take this thing back, you'll definitely be able to sell it for a good price!"

The fishermen were amazed.

The scene zoomed in. In the wooden barrel surrounded by fishermen, the dragon with three bloody holes in its body was twitched several times in the water... and then stopped moving.

The next second, Li Muyang felt a huge suction force capture him.

He began to spin as if falling into a whirlpool.

When this spinning feeling gradually disappeared, he could vaguely hear vague discussions around him.

The chatter seemed far away at first, but gradually it got closer.

"... He's not going to die, right?"

"If you die, you won't be able to sell it at a good price..."

"Hey! It's moving! This thing's tail is moving!"

Amidst those familiar exclamations and discussions, Li Muyang felt a little drowsy and opened his eyes.

What came into view was a wooden barrel covered in a lot of dirt.

He was huddled in the barrel, feeling the cold water flooding his body.

My weak and tired body felt a faint pain.

feeling of pain……

This is the first time Li Muyang has felt pain in a game.

Even though the realism level was maxed out before, it won’t hurt no matter how many times I die.

At this time, I felt a slight pain and a very strong feeling of weakness.

Li Muyang struggled to raise his head and saw several familiar big faces looking down at him in the wellhead-like sky above his head.

Surprisingly, they are the fishermen in the opening CG.

--Depend on! I traveled through time and became that moon-biting dragon!

Li Muyang immediately understood his situation.

This time the game is almost the same as traveling through time.

This powerful sense of reality and weakness has never been seen in previous games, as if Li Muyang had really traveled into the body of a dragon.

The only difference was the familiar game interface in his field of vision, reminding him that this was indeed a game.

[Initial mission: Escape from the barrel]

Li Muyang started thinking after seeing this mission.

Escape from the barrel?

Hmm... He tried to get familiar with the body. This moon-biting body was a little difficult to control.

He clearly gave the command to move, but his body's reaction was half a beat too slow.

This feeling is like playing a game in a previous life and getting stuck.

This moon-biting dragon was seriously injured and on the verge of death, and its physical condition was terrible.

"How can I escape from such a miserable state... I feel like I might die if I move."

Li Muyang thought about it, and instead of escaping in a hurry, he first became familiar with the rules of this game.

He skillfully opened the archive interface and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that he could archive.

Great, the archive is still there.

As long as the archived magical power is still there, everything is fine.

Li Muyang continued to check the status bar and found a skill under the status bar.

[True Dragon Bloodline LV1: The awakened True Dragon Bloodline can control water]

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