Games with fairies

Chapter 293 It’s a dragon

At dusk, the sun sets in the west.

Outside Shitang Village, adults who had been busy in the fields for a day were returning home one after another.

The first thing all adults do after returning home is to call their children home.

"Han Liuwa! Come back quickly!"

"Sanyaozi! Go home for dinner!"

At the entrance of the village under the setting sun, six or seven children were squatting beside the ditch and licking the mud. They built a dam with thin mud to block the creek, then dug a hole to release water, and laughed happily looking at the blocked small pool.

The adults walked to the entrance of the village one after another to take the children home, and in the end only two and a half boys were left without anyone to take them away.

Their parents went shopping in the city today and haven't come home yet.

The younger brother looked at the setting sun and couldn't help but said: "Brother, go home. Adults say there are evil spirits in the bamboo forest and they will come out to eat children after dark. Don't go outside after dark."

The older brother, who looked about ten years old, held up a ball of mud that had finally been reconciled with his dirty hands and said: "It's not dark yet. Let's go home when it gets dark."

But at this moment, the neighbor's Aunt Wang ran over angrily, glared and cursed.

"You two little bastards, why don't you go home after dark!"

"Didn't your parents tell you before going out that you are not allowed to stay outside when the sun sets?"

The fierce-looking Aunt Wang ran over with her body like a bucket shaking, and pinched the ears of the two children with one hand, causing the two children to scream in pain.

She scolded and walked home with the two children in her arms.

"Your parents asked me to check on you before going out. You two little bastards are tired of living, aren't you?"

"Five children have died in the village. You don't want to live anymore?"

“I don’t know how many evil spirits are hidden in the bamboo forest outside. Even the dogs in the village dare not approach!”

"You go home and wait. See if your adults come back and beat you two brats to death."

Aunt Wang scolded and fiercely, but she did not dare to stop.

She grabbed the two children by their ears and walked quickly towards the village, looking back at the outside of the village from time to time.

There is a vast bamboo forest at the back side of the village.

Originally, the people in the village relied on the bamboo forest to make bamboo strips, and their village's strip craftsmanship was famous in villages all over the country.

But for some reason these days, there seems to be something evil going on in the bamboo forest. Someone saw a terrifying black shadow wandering in the bamboo forest.

There was also the mysterious disappearance of a little baby in the village, and her body was found deep in the bamboo forest, with all its internal organs removed and eaten.

The dogs, cattle and sheep in the village all dared not approach the bamboo forest.

No matter how ferocious the dog was, it was dragged into the bamboo forest and was too frightened to move, lying on the ground shivering.

People in the village said that there was an evil spirit coming out of the bamboo forest.

For a time, everyone was in danger and no longer dared to approach the bamboo forest. As soon as it gets dark, every household locks their doors and stays at home, not daring to run around.

Although Aunt Wang has a tough temperament, she does not dare to provoke evil spirits.

She grabbed the two children by their ears and carried them toward the village.

Behind the rolling mountains in the distance, the sun has completely set.

Even the afterglow of the setting sun is gradually fading in the sky.

The cold night wind blew, and the land was gradually enveloped in a layer of misty gray.

But at this moment, the two children who were being carried by Aunt Wang suddenly screamed.

"Monster! The monster is out!"

"No, it's not a monster, it's a dragon! It's a dragon!"

The two and a half-year-old children looked outside the village in shock.

I saw a tremor in the woods outside the village.

Immediately afterwards, the ground seemed to be shaking slightly.

Aunt Wang, who was already vigilant, was so frightened that she almost jumped when she saw this movement.

She looked in the direction pointed by the two dolls, and her eyes suddenly widened.

I saw a giant python as white as jade with two small horns on its head rushing out of the mountain forest not far from the village... Or should I say, a dragon?

Aunt Wang was stunned and watched in disbelief as the giant beast rushed out of the forest and plowed through the fields outside the village, crushing all the shrubs and straw along the way.

A long snake-like track suddenly appeared in the field where the straw was originally green.

In the blink of an eye, the huge and terrifying beast slid past a few meters in front of Aunt Wang and her two children, and rushed directly into the bamboo forest at the back of the village.


Seeing this horrifying scene, Aunt Wang was so frightened that her mind went blank. She subconsciously picked up the two little babies and ran towards the village, crying for their father and mother.

"The devil is out! The devil is out!"

"Mom! It's a giant snake!"

Aunt Wang cried and screamed, and was so frightened that she rolled and crawled and even lost her shoes.

The two little babies were strangled in her arms and struggled desperately, rolling on the ground several times.

Other people in the village soon heard the noise, and everyone rushed out holding manure forks, kitchen knives, and hoes.

But all I saw was Aunt Wang running around dragging two little babies, crying for their father and mother.

Everyone looked stunned: "Where did the evil spirit come from?"

They subconsciously looked at the bamboo forest behind the village, but saw no trace of the evil spirit.

Aunt Wang, who returned to the crowd, let go of the two little dolls as if she had saved her life, and sat slumped on the ground, pointing to the bamboo forest with a pale face.

"I saw with my own eyes that the evil spirit ran into the bamboo forest."

"It's a giant snake! It may be twenty or thirty meters long, but it seems to be fifty or sixty meters long! It's so long and scary!"

"It also has two horns on its head!"

Aunt Wang vividly described the terror of the evil spirit.

But the two little dolls shouted loudly: "It's not a snake! It's a dragon! It has four legs, it's the kind of dragon in the play!"

"Yes! It's a dragon! I saw it. It has three fingers on each foot. It's a three-clawed dragon! It's not a snake!"

The two little boys and Aunt Wang had different opinions, which made the villagers look at each other.

But at least they were sure that something terrible had really come to this small mountain village.

The other party ran into the bamboo forest, maybe it was really the evil spirit hiding in the bamboo forest and eating children.

The villagers were hesitant and discussed whether to go to the bamboo forest to have a look.

But at this moment, a shrill scream suddenly came from the bamboo forest.

Immediately afterwards, the ground shook wildly.

It seemed that a terrible battle took place in the bamboo forest.

The villagers hurriedly ran to the earthen wall outside the village and looked straight at the bamboo forest on the side and behind.

But in the bamboo forest, the bamboo leaves were trembling crazily, and the trembling movement was coming towards the outside of the village.

Immediately afterwards, two dark monsters with slender and flat limbs and bodies ran out of the bamboo forest.

They howled as they ran, and their piercing howls made people's scalp numb.

Some villagers immediately recognized the two evil creatures.

"...Yes! That's them! The ghosts I saw in the woods before were just like these!"

The villagers finally saw the true appearance of this evil thing.

One woman even saw one of the demons hanging the longevity lock of her doll around its neck.

"Evil demons! It was these two evil demons that ate the internal organs of my tiger!"

The evil spirits suddenly burst out of the bamboo forest, frightening the villagers.

They finally saw with their own eyes what the evil creature that was entrenched in the bamboo forest and killed five children in the village looked like.

But everything moved too fast.

The villagers were also shocked by the appearance of these two evil creatures, and an even more shocking picture emerged.

Behind the two howling evil creatures, the bamboo trees in the bamboo forest were crushed piece by piece.

A huge white shadow rushed out from the bamboo forest.

The ten-meter-long body is as huge as a giant beast in the eyes of mortals.

The terrifying momentum of the rampage was so frightening that all mortals' legs trembled and they almost fell to their knees.

But the terrifying giant beast rushing out of the mountain forest ignored the villagers next to it.

Under the horrified and shocked gazes of the villagers, she rushed past and caught up with one of the evil spirits on the road outside the village.

Immediately afterwards, the dragon roared, and red heavenly fire fell from the sky, falling directly on the evil demon.

The dark and slender demon moved quickly, but in the blink of an eye it was submerged by the sky fire, rolling on the ground wailing and screaming.

When the other demon saw this scene, he screamed in anger and rushed towards the giant beast like crazy.

However, Jiaolong's eyes turned cold, and another ball of heavenly fire fell from the sky, hitting the evil demon directly.

The two demons immediately turned into fireballs, rolling and howling crazily on the ground.

But after only a few breaths, the two demons stopped moving and lay limply on the ground.

Seeing this scene, the huge beast stepped forward with satisfaction, opened its bloody mouth, and directly ate the two demons into its mouth.


The crunching sound of the giant beast chewing was extremely harsh in the dead silence of the wilderness.

The villagers looked at the terrifying beast in awe and fear, fearing that the beast would rush towards them in the next second.

But the giant beast that chewed on the two demons left contentedly, without even looking at the people in the village.

It wasn't until the giant beast disappeared into the forest and left for a long time that the villagers trembled and spoke.

"Go...are you leaving..."

"What a terrifying giant beast..."

"The really a dragon! It has legs and horns!"

The villagers murmured in horror.

And among the crowd, someone thought about it.

"This dragon seems to be...the Jade River God? I've heard people say before that there is a white dragon god in the Jade River who often saves people..."

"White Dragon God of Yushui River? I've heard people say that..."

"Is he really the river god?"

The villagers looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief after knowing that the other party was the river god who would save people.

"It turned out to be the River God. No wonder he ate two evil spirits and left."

"The river god must have appeared and came here to subdue the demon!"

"The evil demon that killed that day also hung my tiger's longevity lock on his body... ugh... my miserable tiger!"

"Ahem... If it's really the River God who appears and helps us subdue the demons, then we in Shitang Village won't have to worry about the demons in the future?"

"Can we go into the bamboo forest?"

The villagers looked at each other and looked at each other.

Soon, a burst of cheers broke out under the night sky.

"The River God appears!"

"Thank you Lord River God!"

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