Games with fairies

Chapter 296 Dragon Girl

"... It is said that the Jade River God is a true dragon from the immortal world who descended to earth to quell the evil spirits in the world."

"With his thunderous methods and bodhisattva heart, the evil spirits in the world are shaken and the world is reset!"

"There is a poem praising:"

"White jade and ice crystals mold immortal bones, and sky fire and thunder refine hearts and souls."

"Destroy the evil spirits and kill them all, and return to a true dragon forever!"

On the banks of the Yushui River, the newly built River Temple was decorated with lights and a high platform.

The troupe's performance had just ended, and amid the sound of gongs and drums, the host invited the recently popular storyteller Li Bingjun to come on stage.

This man was originally a down-and-out scholar, living his days as a storyteller in a teahouse. Recently, it has become popular by telling the story of the legend of the river god slaying demons, and its reputation has gradually spread.

The story he told about the legend of the river god slaying demons was full of ups and downs and fascinating, and all the listeners applauded.

Nowadays, a new Yushui River Temple has been built outside the city of Pingyao Prefecture, and the owner of the temple has paid for this person to be the grand finale.

And as Li Bingjun was shocked and shouted, he told the legendary story of the River God slaying the monster, the crowds of people below the River God Temple suddenly burst into cheers.



Villagers in Pingyao City have already heard many legendary stories about the river god slaying demons.

But the superficial stories that the villagers often add to their gossips are not as exciting as the exciting stories told by professional storytellers.

Li Bingjun spoke loudly on the high platform, and the crowds below were cheering and applauding constantly.

And on the bank of the Yushui River on the edge of the crowd, a beautiful figure stood quietly among the crowd.

Wearing an emerald green dress, she outlines her slim figure. The light pink fringed skirt moves with the wind, and the white skin can be broken by blowing, and no flaws can be seen.

She stood quietly among the crowd, with the Yushui River not far behind her. She was crowded with many mortals, but there was no one within a foot of her.

It seemed that all mortals were subconsciously avoiding her.

No mortal even noticed this figure who was as beautiful as a celestial fairy.

She stood in the crowd, watching the performance on the high platform in the distance with great interest, and listened with great interest.

"...The story told by this storyteller is so beautiful."

As a person involved, Biting Yuejiao happily gave his comments.

"It's a pity that he's not here. It would be great if he came to listen."

Such an interesting story, although it is all made up and nonsense, is much more interesting than real demon slaying.

Thirty days and nights have passed since the first river temple in Baizhou Prefecture was built.

Nowadays, river temples have been established in many towns upstream and downstream of the Yushui River.

She listened to the prayers and wishes of those mortals every day, looking for content about the raging evil spirits, and went to the door to prey on those evil creatures one by one.

At this time, she had a huge incense wish power in her body.

His cultivation also became stronger, and he finally transformed into a human form, and his body reached an astonishing length of fifty meters.

And as her strength increases, her mysterious connection with this Jade River gradually strengthens.

Standing in the Yushui River Basin, she will possess many magical and mysterious powers.

For example, like today, standing in the crowd without being noticed by the world.

She could finally walk into a human town and curiously observe these people talking, writing, and quarreling... without causing any chaos.

But most of the time, she was still running on the road, hunting down the evil spirits mentioned in the wishes of the villagers and mortals one by one.

Although I am very curious about the human world and want to walk around and have fun.

But when that person took control of her body, he would run around in a hurry every time, as if something big would go wrong if he was slow to hunt down the demon.

That man was so diligent in hunting down demons that she was embarrassed to be lazy.

Tonight, she heard that her river temple was going to be built outside the city of Pingyao Prefecture, so she came here specially to enlighten the statue.

But I didn't expect that the performance of worshiping gods outside Pingyao City was so beautiful, and I was fascinated by it for a while.

Whether she was in the theater troupe, juggling, or now as a storyteller... she was very happy to watch the wonderful performances.

While she was busy killing evil spirits, this was the first time she discovered that there were so many interesting things among humans.

It's a pity that the person was not there and we didn't watch it together.


Biting the Moon Jiao in the crowd suddenly sighed in disappointment.

According to the previous practice, he should have come this morning, but the moon is already high in the sky, and the man has not come yet.

Did something happen to him? Still encountering any trouble?

She was used to having that person enter her body every other day and night. Now that the man didn't come, she felt a little uncomfortable.

Watching the storyteller on the high platform in the distance telling stories from a distance, in the River Temple behind the storyteller, the newly built statue of the River Goddess is extremely sacred in the dim candlelight.

——On the day she transformed into a human form, all the statues she had inspired also transformed from dragons into human forms.

After this miracle spread, everyone knew that the river god of their Yushui River turned out to be a dragon girl.

In the later built River Temple, the clay statues on the shrines will be shaped into her human form.

However, no matter how exquisite the craftsmanship of those mortal craftsmen is, it is difficult to describe her charm.

Now looking at the statue of the Dragon Goddess in the River Temple from a distance, she shook her head in despair.

"It seems that tonight's performance will still take a while..."

There's no way she could go into the temple and ignite the statue in front of everyone, right?

The former River Temple was newly built and there were also performances.

But this is the first time it has been as sensational as this one.

The dragon girl in the crowd turned around and prepared to leave. She didn't want to wait any longer and planned to wait until tomorrow night to ignite the new statue.

There are too many people tonight.

But just as she was about to leave, she smelled something cold and ominous following the light steam in the air.

This kind of smell floated from a very far away place, but the moment she smelled it, the hair and scales all over her body stood up.

As the Dragon Water God, she felt a little creepy at this moment.

She raised her head sharply and searched the crowd with vigilant eyes.

What is this?

The aura is actually weirder and weirder than those evil things that I hunt?

By the moonlight in the night sky and the burning torches and candles on the river bank, the dragon girl in the crowd quickly spotted two thin figures, one tall and one short, walking through the crowd outside the River Temple.

The two figures, one tall and one short, looked pale and thin, like two moving skeletons.

They were draped in pitch-black robes, with their thin hands tucked into the sleeves of their robes. They walked side by side and passed through the crowd with gloomy expressions.

The originally crowded crowd instinctively dispersed when the two arrived.

But no one paid attention to these two strange figures.

Following the moist vapor in the air, she vaguely heard the dark whispers of the two people.

"...After the new temple is completed, the dragon girl should come here to show her spiritual enlightenment, right?"

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