Games with fairies

Chapter 298 Secret

"...Is this the danger that the chat group experts are talking about?"

Li Muyang, who was in the state of ascending to immortality, looked at everything in front of him in disbelief, looking at the reality of the Demon Refining Sect's mountain gate.

Houses and palaces were built on top of the rotting corpses.

Every inner disciple of the Demon Sect lives on these corpses, with their feet stepping on the rotting flesh.

The streams flowing on the suspended island are the blood vessels and tendons of the devil.

The huge waterfall falling from the Snow Peak, the main peak of the Demon Sect, is the blood-stained purple corpse hair of the Demon God.

What he saw in his field of vision was shocking and terrifying.

Li Muyang stared at all this blankly. The mysterious and unpredictable state of immortality quietly ended, and he returned to his physical body.

Standing stiffly and sluggishly on the deck of the flying boat, Li Muyang looked forward again. The mountain gate of the Demon Refining Sect that was approaching in his field of vision returned to its usual appearance.

On the suspended islands, winding streams and flying waterfalls are dotted with pavilions, palaces and temples, and white cranes fly in groups in the air. This ethereal scene looks like a fairy home. of fairy mountains.

Even if Li Muyang turns on the pupil of spiritual vision, the suspended island in his field of vision will no longer change.

It seems that this weird and infiltrating scene can only be seen clearly in the [Ascended Immortal] state.

But Li Muyang still doesn't know how to trigger this extremely mysterious [immortality] state.

He just silently remembered everything he saw just now, and planned to ask Yan Xiaoru later.

This Demon Refining Sect really hides something very explosive.

But Li Muyang didn't look strange at all, and quickly stabilized his mood. As if nothing happened, he smiled and talked to the cheap sister next to him.

But Li Muyang looked as normal, while Li Yuechan beside him was a little absent-minded.

After the two chatted for a while, the girl suddenly made an excuse and said she had to go back to look for something, and left in a hurry.

Seeing his sister suddenly leave, Li Muyang stood on the deck and let out a long sigh of relief. Everything he saw in his ascended immortal state has been deeply imprinted in his mind.

Behind him, the girl Li Yuechan quickly left the deck and walked into the cabin.

The smile on her face suddenly disappeared.

His expression was full of disbelief.

"...Teacher, you said my brother is an ascended immortal?!"

What the teacher said just now on the deck shocked her.

The mysterious woman's voice sounded quietly in her ears.

The mysterious woman was also full of surprise at this special discovery.

"That's right, your brother is an ascended immortal... The ascended immortal who caused the spiritual turmoil in the world is your brother Li Muyang."

The mysterious woman who confirmed this had a somewhat complicated tone.

"I didn't expect that the ascended immortal we are looking for is right next to you."

Those who ascend to immortality overlook all sentient beings and look directly at the origin of the world. They will be tainted with the aura of the origin of the world when they ascend to immortality, which will be of great help to future practice and enlightenment.

This is an opportunity to become an immortal. Almost every person who ascends to immortality can become a true immortal.

If you can find the Ascended Immortal and devour him, you can steal the secret he gained.

The technique taught to Li Yuechan by the mysterious woman happened to have this method of swallowing.

When the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was in turmoil before, the mysterious woman had guessed the birth of the Immortal.

She originally wanted Li Yuechan to find the ascended immortal and seize his secret, but she didn't expect that the ascended immortal was beside her...

But as soon as she finished speaking, Li Yuechan shook her head suddenly and refused immediately.

"No! I can't devour my brother!"

The girl said with great determination: "He is my brother, I cannot harm him."

"Teacher, we don't want this secret of becoming an immortal anymore!"

The girl flatly refused and her attitude was very firm.

The mysterious woman was silent for a moment, and then said regretfully: "That was an opportunity to become an immortal... After the Age of Ending Dharma, there will be no more true immortals in this world."

The mysterious woman didn't offer much advice, she just sighed with regret.

The opportunity to become an immortal... is enough to drive the world crazy.

But Li Yuechan shook her head with a smile and said: "It is said that a person can achieve enlightenment and ascend to heaven. If my brother really becomes an immortal, it will be no different from me becoming an immortal."

"If he becomes an immortal, he will definitely take care of me."

"And if I don't have the chance, I may not be able to become an immortal by myself."

Li Yuechan's words were full of strong confidence.

As early as when she entered the inner gate, Li Yuechan was already at the level of pill formation.

Taking advantage of the turmoil in the Blood Lotus Sect, the girl quietly devoured many monks from the Blood Lotus Sect and the Demon Refining Sect.

Coupled with the recent spiritual energy riot and the skyrocketing cultivation level, Li Yuechan was already at the late stage of the Dongxuan Realm at this time, and was not far from the Immortal Movement Realm.

If you go to the outside world, you can even become an elder in the middle and lower sects. Even in a major demon sect like the Demon Refining Sect, it is enough to be worshiped by the sect.

With such cultivation at such a young age, she was full of confidence in herself.

Feeling the girl's confidence, the mysterious woman smiled and sighed: "You girl..."

In the cabin, Li Yuechan and the mysterious woman were talking.

On the deck, Li Muyang looked up and looked at the mountain gate of the Demon Refining Sect approaching rapidly, but the flying boat did not go in directly, but hovered outside the mountain gate.

Only the largest flying boat, which carried the ancient immortal artifact Sifang Cauldron and the ancient Blood Lotus, entered the Snow-Taking Peak first under the escort of the elders of the Demon Sect.

The rest of the escort flying boats were hovering outside the mountain gate. Only after everything had settled, would someone be assigned to guide the Demon Sect disciples and allies on each flying boat to leave.

This time to annihilate the Blood Lotus Sect, not only the Demon Sect disciples, but also many demon caves under the Demon Refining Sect were invited, and many big demons came.

These big demons were invited into the mountain gate of the Demon Refining Sect and placed on a hanging island specially designed to entertain distinguished guests.

As for Li Muyang and other inner disciples, they each returned to their homes and waited for their rewards.

It stands to reason that when you return to the sect, you should immediately start a celebration banquet to reward the Demon Sect disciples who have made meritorious service this time.

But the rumors he heard before turned out to be true. On the way back, Gong Yanghong, the leader of the Demon Sect, had sensed an opportunity for a breakthrough and reached a critical situation.

So the first thing the elders did after escorting the ancient immortal weapon into the Snow-Taking Peak was to protect the Demon Sect leader who had broken through the retreat.

Now everyone is waiting for the sect leader to successfully break through.

Li Muyang returned to his home at the Law Enforcement Hall. After returning home, he did not wander around, but directly "practiced" behind closed doors, crossing his legs and closing his eyes.

enter the game.

As Li Muyang logged into the game, he returned to the body of the moon-biting dragon again.

The familiar feeling of being submerged in darkness lasted for a few seconds. When the darkness around Li Muyang receded, he found that he was standing under the stars in the sky.

Ahead, there is a dark cave, exuding a vague evil spirit.

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