Games with fairies

Chapter 302 Is she better looking or am I?

The voice ringing in my ears was full of happiness and joy.

The moment this voice sounded, Li Muyang also noticed the changes after the upgrade.

After upgrading to LV7, a dim and insignificant dragon ball condensed into the body of the moon-biting dragon, which was the soul of this dragon.

With the appearance of the Dragon Ball, Li Muyang was finally able to look inside.

But the moment Li Muyang looked inside, he saw a woman with two small horns on her head.

She and Li Muyang were actually crowded in this dragon's body, and their souls were tightly connected.

The sudden change shocked Li Muyang.

This situation is like walking at night and suddenly finding a woman on your back...

Li Muyang looked shocked - where did this woman come from? It’s a ghost!

Why are you squeezed into the moon-biting dragon's body with him?

But he saw the woman with two small horns looking at him with joy and twisting her soul happily.

"Finally see you!"

The moment Biting Yue Jiao saw the man's spirit, he was extremely happy.

Li Muyang was silent for a few seconds, and soon thought of the woman's identity.

The hint is too obvious. The two small horns on this woman's head are exactly the same as the moon-biting dragon transformed into a human.

And what she said, Li Muyang has been guiding her and so on...

Damn it!

The protagonist of this game is not an empty shell like the Green Knife Mantis, but has his own consciousness?

Then every time Li Muyang entered the game, wouldn't he take her away by force?

After Li Muyang was silent for a few seconds, he said, "You don't seem to be hostile to me."

If someone forcefully takes away his body every once in a while and messes around with it... then Li Muyang will definitely be unhappy.

This feeling that life and death depends on others will breed a sense of crisis and hostility.

But the Moon-Bite Jiao is not hostile.

Instead, she asked with great curiosity: "Why are I hostile to you? You have been helping me."

Biting the Moon Jiao's eyes were confused.

The innocent eyes are full of sincerity.

Li Muyang smiled and said: "Very good, since you don't mind, let's continue walking."

Under the cautious gaze of the weasel on the side, Li Muyang, who suddenly froze on the spot, said nothing and continued walking forward.

The surging water gathered at her feet, seemingly consciously carrying Li Muyang and the weasel towards the location of the next evil spirit.

Still controlling the body, Li Muyang quickly calmed down even though he was aware of the existence of another soul in his body.

There was a sound in his ears, as if someone was whispering in his ear.

This state of being too close made him feel a little itchy in his ears for no reason.

"...Hmm, are you going to Yangshan Tun? This seems to be the direction to Yangshan Tun."

Seeing Li Muyang starting to move again, Long Nu asked curiously.

Li Muyang nodded: "Yes, go and prey on the evil creature in Yangshantun."

There is actually a soul in the body of this moon-biting dragon. When he offlined the game before, he also understood that the system automatically hung up to upgrade.

It's not that the system gave him a hang-up upgrade at all, but that after he went offline, the Moon-Bite Jiao imitated his example and hunted other evil creatures.

And when Biting the Moon Jiao was still walking alone, he saved many mortals on the Yushui River, and this was how he gained his initial reputation as the God of the Yushui River.

After thinking about this clearly, many things that Li Muyang had been confused about before were suddenly solved.

Although this dragon is a monster, it has a good nature and is not evil. It is also simple and kind-hearted and has saved countless people.

Although she looks like a stunning and beautiful fairy lady, she is lively and enthusiastic, more like a little girl who is curious about everything.

——In other words, she is a little girl.

According to the prompts on the system interface, this dragon is only 7 months old.

Before her bloodline awakened, she was just a baby snake in the mountains. Just six months after her birth, she grew in size and grew four claws due to her true dragon bloodline awakening.

In fact, the moon-biting dragon is just an ignorant young snake.

Without her bloodline awakening, she would still be a minor among snakes at only seven months old, and her body would not be fully developed.

According to Li Muyang's superficial knowledge of snakes from seeing the animal world in his previous life, adult snakes need to be at least two or three years old before they are fully developed and come into estrus for the first time.

If converted to human age, this moon-biting dragon would be a girl of about seven or eight years old.

However, due to the awakening of the true dragon bloodline and the increase in cultivation, she has grown rapidly in more than a month, and now she has transformed into a mature royal sister.

Thinking about this, Li Muyang gently exhaled a breath.

If this little dragon is not hostile to him, then it's easy to say.

It just so happens that this little girl is a blank slate and is ignorant about everything. Li Muyang can guide her to do good and become the Dragon God of Yushui River in the future, a true blessing.

That's not in vain for him to travel all the counties in the North.

Li Muyang was thinking about future plans in his mind, but Biting the Moon Jiao didn't have so many strange thoughts.

Seeing that Li Muyang had been silent, she said curiously.

"What's your name? Human beings all have names. Can you tell me your name?"

Biting Yue Jiao's eyes were full of sincerity.

Li Muyang pondered for a few seconds. Faced with Long Nu's sincere eyes, he gave up the idea of ​​giving a fake name and said, "My name is Li Muyang."

Li Muyang told him his real name.

The two parties' souls are so close to each other that they can even vaguely feel each other's mood.

If you lie, you will be easily noticed.

Li Muyang didn't want to lose the trust of this little dragon.

And Biting the Moon Jiao, who got Li Muyang's real name, was extremely happy.

"Okay, Li Muyang!" She shouted Li Muyang's name happily, with a joyful expression as if she had picked up an ancient spiritual treasure.

After calling out her name, she said enthusiastically: "By the way, Li Muyang, who were those two wandering gods just now? Why did they come to kill me?"

Biting the Moon Jiao told what happened outside Pingyao City.

After hearing this, Li Muyang realized that the little dragon had sensed the threat of Youshen before he did.

This little dragon is very alert.

Li Muyang thought for a moment and shook his head: "I don't know the details of You Shen, but my friend is coming to Northland soon. Maybe my friend can help us clear up the confusion."

"Before that, we continue to hunt evil things. Although the two wandering gods are evil, they have no magical powers to pursue us, so it is difficult to accurately find our location."

"While I'm away, just be careful and don't stay in the same place for too long."

Li Muyang told Long Nu to pay attention to safety.

Biting the Moon Jiao was very curious: "Is your friend the Glazed Fairy you mentioned?"

"I seem to have heard someone say before... that he is a practitioner from the south? He is very beautiful and powerful?"

"Will she help us deal with Youshen?"

Biting the Moon Jiao kept asking questions like a curious baby. .

Li Muyang smiled and nodded: "If possible, she will help."

Based on his friendship with Chu Qingxue, Chu Qingxue would not sit idly by if he asked for help.

But the next question from Biting the Moon Jiao silenced Li Muyang.

"Then this friend of yours, is she prettier than me?"

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