Gang of Yuusha
Shoji, who spent his childhood with an error knife, was originally a serious boy.
From the time I was tempted, I did the job of cutting cloths in the sewing factory during the day, and at night I was carrying drunks against them at a neighborhood bar as a boy boy.
Growing up and turning into a masculine figure, Shoji, who was disgusted by his mother, who immediately sifted the violence with sobriety, knocked on the swordsmanship school gateway to escape.
It's not like I liked swordsmanship.
Because I heard you could eat hungry meals in the army's lower division.
But he was talented.
He was blessed with a strong body and high physical ability.
In addition, he was also a hungry hard-worker.
He pushed away the schoolchildren alongside him to appear dizzy and heady, and completed his high grades in interpersonal and anti-demonic combat techniques.
In addition, the rank (class) shown to Shoji by the clergy serving the creator - the fact that the title it was supposed to determine individual abilities was "The Brave of Sensibility" also played a role in earning ambient expectations.
The title Brave Man is a talent for every tens of thousands of people.
It was decided to be the chosen one by birth.
It was honorable enough to make the birth of a poor neighborhood glorious.
Even the elders of the Swordsmanship School were already at the top of their list, and Shoji was blessed with talent that could be kicked in the foot, whether he was a skilled knight or not.
He won numerous martial arts tournaments and was able to butcher even the top demons, usually serving the army, single-handedly.
At the end of the day, Kingsguard Dragon Knight, who reports directly to the King. Internal Guard Directive to protect the security. It was even rumored to be with the governor of a colony spreading the state religion.
If he served as a knight apprentice in the War of Territorial Acquisition, his results stacked high.
His name appeared in the War Gazette and he was applauded by the people for lightning.
It was a dormitory without a back shield, but many letters sealed with beeswax were received from the noble.
It's an invitation to the social world. There's no other way for a civilian to get into the gentleman class than to establish military merit or be a civilian.
Shoji was young and wrapped in the glorious glow of the world, and his heart was about to come together when he was turned to glossy gaze by an amazingly beautiful lady.
It was also a pleasure for the coveted hero and mouth to profit from appearing in the bard's singing adventure play.
So - as one person with a decent spirit, it was weirder not to care good.
I am loved by destiny.
God and the Spirit are on our side.
So you shouldn't mind behaving a little freely.
So the demon descended at the top of the sky.
During the war, he slaughtered and killed his commander by negligence. Besides, the opponent was a royal blood taker.
You have committed an unforgivable crime against the civilian population.
There was also the circumstance of being in a time of war, and the time spent in the Royal Prison with the grace of the state was only about three years.
But Shoji was closed to officers.
Disgusted by all those in power, he can't even work as a husband in a decent trade union (guild) and look for a mouth.
There are no merchants who do not observe the complexion of the nobility.
Not to mention the big merchants who lead the trade unions.
Shoji, who became an ex-con, was wanted by people to live as sneaky as a dove rat.
I was able to cross into an enemy country that didn't speak any language at all, but more tragically, Shoji had a patriotism of military origin creeping in. Besides, I was confident that I was loved by the God of violence, but not by the God of wisdom.
In the end, I am back in the area and dull as a cripple in my life.
Alchemist's workshop (atelier) has a giant cauldron.
For mass production of potions and other chemicals. It exists just as there is a pizza cauldron in a pizzeria.
Shoji rode on the scaffolding platform with his nose crossed, turning the stirring rod (kanbo) in front of the bubbling cauldron.
Where the bodies of the murdered beasts are simmering with cot, the picture of the floating remains of blood oil floating on the water is a sight of relief.
Meanwhile, because the workshop (atelier) was earthbound, it was abandoned on a red-brown earthen floor, and Percibel, who had passed out, was trying to regain consciousness.
I wake up my upper body whilst roaring as I do one hand to my aching head.
I noticed perfectly the discomfort coming from my groin and got my hands under my dreaded skirt. Dry panties dipped in holy water. A little sticky wet my fingers. He smells the smell casually, looks nasty, and sighs deeply.
Are you awake?
"Fluff!? So what are you doing!
Speaking up, he shook his shoulders frighteningly and finally sensed Shoji's presence.
Is Percibel, blushing but angry, trying to delude shame?
Uh-huh. I glanced at him and suspected that he had witnessed a series of dementia, but the working shoji replied pale without turning around.
"He's melting the body, flushing it down the sewer, and hiding evidence of murder."
"Ah... oh yeah... you know what, you care? I didn't think about the later and it looked like I killed him impulsively..."
"It seemed like it could be done. Let me use the ingredients here."
At the foot of Shoji, the medicine bottle was rolling messily.
At first glance at the item, Percibel puts her finger up.
"Oh, yeah, but... the rotting silver falling acid (down misrill) your brother put in does melt human bones... but it also pulls the bottom of the stone cauldron out. Well, if you stay put, you won't be able to use the cauldron until it melts completely."
Fit and Shoji held hands.
It was a corpse disposal with semi-productive knowledge, but failure is troublesome.
"I can neutralize and degrade with another drug...... so will you give me a break?
"Can you handle a body?
"If it's enough to melt... you can"
Standing up, the Percivel takes a one-litre size round-bottom flask from the storage shelf, twists the lever of the distilled water tank, and perfectly aligns the running water with the scale of the glass surface.
The flask was fixed to the stand and the bottom was flattened with an alcohol lamp trout fire. The handle of the chemical shelf under the table was pulled, material bags such as bottled powder and plant roots were removed and placed on a weighing instrument.
When you have finished measuring, now fine-tune the gorilla and ingredients in a rind bowl.
Combine with the various powders and place the material made into the flask bottle mouth.
A series of tasks is not lost in judgment quickly.
Shoji was impressed as he put his arms together and reviewed Percibel.
She's a little girl, but it doesn't mean she was only a seller.
When the tablet in the shape of a star entered the flask, smoke broke out of the mouth of the bottle.
Percibel avoided the suspicious purple vapor with her face up.
Observe how the drug solution is made, and nod.
He approached Shoji as he lingered and reluctantly handed him the flask.
Shoji looked half-heartedly at the glass and then received it and put it into the cauldron.
Moments - the number of blisters that were surfacing on the water increased dramatically. It is not boiling. Something's happening.
Sparks scattered and sparked, so Shoji jumped backwards. In a matter of minutes, the bubble subsided and the contents of the cauldron had turned into a black and white marble pattern as he peered into the water in horror.
"Sounds like milk coffee to me."
"Oh, if you drink it, you'll die."
Mild attention flies.
The joke is hard to convey, but the puffy floating human bones have disappeared beautifully and refreshingly.
That's right, is the cake shop?
"Thank God."
"Oh, wow, wow... yeah... welcome."
Surprised by the honest words of gratitude, Percibel put her hands on the back of her head and, uh, lit up.
But - I immediately got a grip. You must have remembered that you would be sold off.
I'm scared, but when I say it, I tear my eyes out and make myself shrink.
Shoji passed beside the frightening Percivel, resting on the edge of the hallway for a rest.
Percibel, who wants to be put on and remains standing, has no place to be and is shifting his gaze everywhere.
Shoji tried to bump into the question as to why he wouldn't run away, but he stopped.
I can predict what I'm thinking. You're deciding you can't escape the horrible gang-style man in front of you, or you're still trying to pay back your debt somehow.
As for Shoji, he planned to take all his wealth - but the girl who is frightened is not pitiful.
"Wads Brothers is this thin, dirty city - an organization of beasts nested in error knives. I've often borrowed money from people who don't even know the concept of such a dirty shower."
"Ha, yes, no... well, if I borrowed from various places, I'd be in a snowman's ceremony before I knew it..."
"Well, as requested by the Underground Alliance (Quest), I have to get about 200,000 Eadles back."
Two hundred thousand Eadles was roughly the amount an adult man would get if he worked for a month.
It's no big deal. It's just gold. Percibel buried two men for such a sum without hesitation. Did Percibel feel an extra sense of fear, tending to ring the roots of her teeth.
"You can give me back about 200,000, right? So I forgive you."
"Oh my... I... I owe about five million Eadles... the cash is very..."
"How much do you have in hand?
"For about three hundred Eadles... it's no better than a kid's allowance... of all the over-the-counter potions and magic aids in the store, I've already sold what's going to be money... and honestly, I wonder if I'm going to have a homeless kid tomorrow"
"You, you're going to lose your job and your house at the same time, you're seriously going to have a blast"
"Ugh... it's a ruthless reality"
Depressed, Percibel drops her shoulders, carrying more and more dark clouds.
Shoji slapped his knee lightly.
"I know what's going on. I'm not as livestock as the beasts. I'm not saying anything inhuman about working in a whorehouse."
"So... is it okay to have no body to sell?
Hands together, forced to smile like sesame, Percibel tilted her torso obliquely. This is what a girl does when she sells her melancholy.
Shoji also lowered his licence with a bright face.
"I've also learned recently that there's life insurance in the world. It's an efficient and convenient product. I don't know why, but if you pretend to be a coincidence and get trampled by a carriage, you get a lot of money."
"It's a lot worse than selling your body - Ugh!
All you have to do is sign the paperwork, and Shoji took the folded shiitake paper out of his pocket, but he shakes his neck and refuses.
If it is to be a whore - to die.
Unless you are so purist, the former is better.
"Then let's think in a different direction. I have an easy job where I can make a lot of money just licking a perverted bastard's ass hole. Well, I've never done it before, but maybe it's like licking a potty. If you lose your mind a few times, it'll all be over soon."
"Ha, ha... at all, it's not easy. Shh! So you're not being treated like a human!
Percibel, who was on the verge of hyperventilating of stress, condemned with excitement.
Arm yourself with a fluff and turn to dissatisfaction.
It's a sweet, selfish attitude to pull a compromise from your opponent.
Understanding that the girl was on the diagram, Shoji warned in an unchallenged voice.
"You better remember what's going on with the guy who interrupted my business right now. I don't care if there's more milk in the cauldron."
"Ugh! Oh, it belongs to the store... If it's about 100,000, maybe I can still..."
"Lend me the communication stone. I'd like to talk to a nearby buyer - just in case, is there a string attached?
"Yeah... hey, go ahead... are you talking about a price tag with a string?
A string was a hidden word referring to stolen goods.
Doesn't mean I don't understand what it means.
It is a type of demonic stone that is out in the world - Percibel takes the communication stone out of her nostalgia and hands it off with both hands.
Shoji strokes a cross section of the communication stone and connects it with a force field that extends into the outside world.
Tap with your fingers as they are and the diverse colors will blink in response to the subtle magic that a person is born with.
The color scheme can be manipulated to select unique signals and communicate with the desired person.
If there is a difficulty, is the distance too far away or the magic line too disturbing to connect?
"Hello. Oh, it's me. Quick. Oh, buddy. That's right. No, it's not a big deal. That's right. Foreclosure. No, I didn't do that. I'm not talking about killing someone like that, or the smell of blood. Ha, don't be stupid. All I ever do is clean work. Credit is paramount in everything. When there's a dispute, it's the creed to settle it by discussion first. I believe in the power of peace and love. You know that. Street number..."
Percibel was half-eyed into an empty conversation, but offered where Shoji cut off communication.
"Um, will you let me clean up the workshop?
"My husband is coming. You don't have to do anything. Sell everything away at this time. Run for it. As long as I get my share."
Shoji watched Percivel's workshop (atelier) carefully to see what was golden.
Glass laboratory utensils are polished, but flasks and test tubes show traces of reinforced cracks, and the balance-measuring fittings are rusty. Close to hand, there would have been a bag of ingredients for the most demanding potions. The ground would have been empty, just soil with nothing blackened and discolored.
These days - I wouldn't even have smelted it properly.
I leave only the storefront to the public, and I know that my inner feelings are a fire train.
"As an alchemist, you seem to be finished."
Percibel was shocked by the painful word, or sneered as a shrine.
"I know... but this is your wife's important store... and this happened because of my bad arm. I want to make sure someone sells it to me."
Can't you help but move?
Percibel spoke of her past as she cleaned the earth with hoe. I guess that was also to sort out the mind.
Originally, this store belonged to my grandmother, an ancient alchemist.
Interested in alchemy while helping the store, it became a trail.
My late grandmother was a skilled alchemist to the point of retaining a patent (patent).
Needless to say, the potion is a mystical spirit medicine.
There is also a wide variety of methods and types.
Only a particularly limited number of alchemists can possess rights if they invent new psychotropic drugs and are approved by the Alchemists' Association and disseminate useful formula laws to the world.
In that sense, Percibel's grandmother was fortunate.
The special potion to repair the broken fine nerves showed a robust selling wobble, earning just enough money to do it in detail, even when the store was being run with diffusion.
My grandmother was enthusiastic about educating her grandson, but she couldn't teach me how to do good business.
If the patent expires, the source of income will also expire.
In the first place, it's not a sane shack, such as doing business outside unpopular downtown areas.
He's just a stinker, such as an anonymous alchemist who was eating at an earlier generation's estate.
"Alchemists have been chaining up these days, and instead of smelling old like ours, everyone goes to places that are open, accessible, and where hazy clerks are eager to serve customers."
Shoji agreed as he sat back on the edge of the hallway with his legs together.
It is also a common story that the second generation fails in management and falls.
Purseyed, Percibel soaked tears spilling with both fingers.
"Wow! We were only confident of quality. No!
"I don't care who makes the ingredients and recipes, though. If you have time to cry, you should have done it half-naked and with customer service."
"If you can handle that, do it right!
"You're motivated for nothing, you."
Shoji raised his hips and opened the door close to the fridge in the corner of the workshop (atelier).
If you're as confident in quality as you claim, you want to try the rest of the product.
From the cooling stones (ice locks) installed on the walls of the vault, the cold air flutters into the air and strokes his cheeks.
Shoji narrowed his eyes. The product is in good condition. Every bottle of that evidence is glossy. The alchemist, who doesn't know how to save it, dulls the color.
Even if you don't have management talent, your arms aren't rusty.
It is common knowledge to store the finished product refrigerated. Potions are lifelike because of their raw medication.
It can also be stored at room temperature, but it still deteriorates with the years.
The internal liquid is not fumigated with impurities, nor is it crumbling and precipitating with mixing.
Look at the colors and types of potions.
A healing system that heals white flesh damage.
A spiritual system that replenishes the blue magic.
Reinforced system that improves green sensory organs and muscle strength.
A perverted system that alters the nature of things in yellow.
Attack system for defeating red enemies.
Potions are divided into five categories.
The most eye-catching thing about the colorful vault was the liquid that was as beautiful as fresh snow. Is it in the middle of an experiment, or is it in a round-bottomed flask with a sign of scale, but with a misstep light intensity?
Tilting the container of a round bottle left a trajectory on the inner wall of the glass. It also has a moist thickness.
"Perfect Potion"
That's what the label says.
If the tone is a white recovery system, the three categories are basic: low potion, middle potion, and high potion. Other restoration systems fall under a special potion that is not available to the public, but I have never seen anything that has housed holy white light so far.
Take it in your hands with interest. I removed the cork stopper.
First, I'll just put one drop on my finger and lick it.
Up to this point, Shoji was alarmed.
At any rate, I assumed that it was not a big deal.
A small amount is only a taste.
But - my tongue burned.
A devastating shock thrust through the brain. My hands are trembling. My eyes flash against my will. I am caught in the illusion of being surrounded by the flames of life.
My vision shook all the time. I can't stand with joy. It's going to be too high and the sky can fly.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
My heart hits the early bell and it's noisy. Your arteries are pulsating hard and your nerves are awake.
I can see massive amounts of energy coming from somewhere circulating through my body.
There is heat in the breath thrown up from the gap between the teeth.
I tried to analyze the ingredients while walking around the earth without meaning, but in vain. It tastes like deep spiritual medicine. I can't even break through one kind.
Not to mention he couldn't contain his impulse and looked up into the sky.
"Nice one, here. Awesome! Oh, shit! Oh, my God! I've never met such a great bum! Come on, this! The guy who made it is a complete fucker! Much crazier than I am...... ugh! I've never had such an ultra-high purity recovery potion!
"Ah, well, thank you... I made that..."
Slightly - Percibel was in a pulling mood, but regardless, Shoji gazed ecstatically at the perfect potion.
Understand, the more seductively beautiful the color.
As a high-purity recovery potion, it is perfectly pure white.
This unclean, sober spirit medicine is not strange for the goddess of the sky to take frequently.
"Whoa! Okay, that's great...... whoa!
Shoji stood in front of Percibel.
A pair of hands rests basically on each small shoulder.
Excited hot exhales pass through Percivel's cheeks. Shoji's dazzling eyes are unspeakably awesome. The girl shrugged herself and fluttered.
"Why didn't you sell this! Mass production! It's definitely gonna be gold!
"Hey, hey, that's an embarrassing story... hey, it's powerful enough to go over degrees as a restorative potion... I haven't gotten approval from the Alchemist's Association..."
"When do I kill you? Say your name. I'll kill you."
"Shh, sorry... more than an association... blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It's just illegal. Haha, alchemy can suck if you pursue it too much...... you mean it's also one of the reasons for debt...... that's what I did, yes"
"The law? That's my most hated word. I feel nauseous. No, wait... should I go through the back? That's right. That's better. I'm losing my mind. This guy can do business."
Taking his hand off Percivel, Shoji conceived as he stroked his jaw (chin).
It's a powerful illegal potion. It's a waste to have a definite effect.
This flavor. This potency. This purity is a product of miracles.
I have no doubt that potion addicts change the color of their eyes, wanting them, like the city.
To calm down, Shoji stuck his hand in the herbal bag, the raw material for the potion that was on the cupboard.
I chewed it up and thought to myself that my heart would rest. Eating another magical lodged leaf diminishes the purity of the perfect potion.
"Ah, sir."
Rin, and the call bell at the front door rang.
Hand controlled Percivel, who honestly tried to pick him up, and Shoji walked down the hallway to the front door.
When you open the door, you know a magnificent merchant and five men who follow you.
Behind me is a front carriage.
It was the buyer's body Shoji called in earlier and a flavor of it.
"Oh, buddy. I'm here to pick up the merchandise. I guess you have a little gold eye thing, huh?
Body had a business pattern, a friendly affectionate laugh.
- Nonetheless, the upper back Shoji looked down cold.
"What are you talking about?
"No, I guess you called it in. You can't stand there and let me in."
"I don't know. Please go home."
Shoji, who decided to make me shine, tried to get rid of him with an unfamiliar face.
If the perfect potion is taken, the seeds of commerce that are likely to bud will disappear because of it.
Regardless, the unconvincing body struck out smiling and exasperated.
"Huh? You're kidding me! I said I have a job, so I came all the way here to arrange manpower. Can you go home with your bare hands?"
"Ugh! They killed you! Ahhh!? You all want to die here!
At the same time as intimidating him, Shoji slammed his iron fist into the nose of the body. Sometimes I drank potions and was in an excited state, and it broke off a little serious, not acting.
Body's front teeth are shattered and scattered, and his nasal bones are broken and submerged.
My nosebleeds scattered to the ground, and I fell to the big letters.
Body had already lost his mind by peeling his white eyes in the first shot, but Shoji had not hesitated to kick his flank and either set up a chase, floating the man's back in space.
"Why are you bothering me so much?!? I told you to go home! Why don't you listen to me! You have no idea what that means. Huh?
"Oh, hey, stop!
"You awful bastard! You're a terrible guy! You're not my partner!
Step on the face of the bodice with the soles of his shoes all the time with the todome.
Less tragic, to say the least, the haulier tried to go out to exercise his strengths.
Seeing signs from the side, Shoji turns around and scowls at the men with a grumpy eye.
"Ugh, die, do it!
The haulier who tried to reach out had muscle armor, but on its hard abdomen, Shoji hit a tornado-like torso kick.
The haulier floated his toe and was busted through the hollow with momentum - crashing into the dirt wall next to Percibel, which was unraveling at the door. The man who was hit bled out of his head, covered in yellow earthen smoke and shook at Percivel's side. He reached for help, but dropped his head all the way down and sank.
Naturally, the other four were wandering into a sudden outrage.
He finds himself confronted with an unusual deal, and leans back and away.
It's overwhelming violence. Asura is also like a demon.
Above all - I don't see why you're angry, what that means.
I just came because they called me.
"Pick up the trash you just rolled over and lose it! Look, don't ever call me a partner again! If you don't want to get killed!
Scared by the anger, the four carriers turned their backs and dispersed as they blued their faces.
Shoji was staring at its back, but when he tried to get back into the store to make sure he had walked away completely, he found Percibel fainting with bubbles when he bumped at the door.
With a weak heart, she had once again wet her groin and incontinence, but Shoji grabbed her collar (Erikubi) with one hand without even noticing it, and drifted off to the bathroom.
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