Liu Da knew very well that he had not heard wrong, Grand Master Jin Tao was called Grandmaster Fang Yu!

He looked at Fang Yu in disbelief, how could he never have thought that the person next to him would be a grandmaster.

Such a young grandmaster….

Is the world big?

However, this is impossible!

Liu Da is also a doctor!

Martial arts doctor!

It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to become martial arts doctors, they must be martial artists, and they also need to awaken the talents of related aspects.

He was well aware of the difficulty of cultivation!

Fang Yu became a grandmaster at such an age, he was really unimaginable.

After Grand Master Jin Tao walked to Fang Yu and Liu Da, he introduced Fang Yu and Liu Da.

“Hello, my name is Liu Da.”

“Hello, my name is Fang Yu.”

Fang Yu and Liu Da’s hands were held together.

From the mouth of Grand Master Jin Tao, Fang Yu also learned the purpose of Liu Dalai’s martial arts alliance.

Liu Da only came to check General Xu Muzhan to see if it was aggravated or stable, and did not come to treat General Xu Muzhan .

Because, no one can cure the damage to the meridians of General Xu Mu.

Under the leadership of Grand Master Jin Tao, Fang Yu and Liu Da both came to the residence of General Xu Mu.

“General Xu Mu!”

After greeting General Xu Mu, Liu Da took out various instruments and began to check General Xu Mu’s condition.

“General Xu Mu, I haven’t checked for a while, some time ago you practiced in the ancient tower to see if your condition stabilized.”

Liu Da said.

As Liu Da examined, the expression on his face became more and more shocked, as if he had encountered something unbelievable.

“General Xu Mu, your internal injuries have actually improved?”

Liu Da couldn’t believe it.

He was afraid that he had checked it wrong, so he quickly checked it again.

But the result of the examination let him know that he had not checked wrong at all, and Xu Muzhan’s damaged meridians had improved.

“This… How is this possible!!

Liu Da was stunned.

Logically speaking, General Xu Mu’s meridians have been damaged to the point of irreversible, how can there be a improvement.


Listening to Liu Da’s words, Xu Mu laughed loudly.

“It’s all because Fang Yu treated me, otherwise it wouldn’t have improved.”

Xu Mu said.


Liu Da heard Xu Mu’s words, and he froze.

It’s actually because, Fang Yu treated?

Suddenly, he seemed to understand a little what Fang Yu’s purpose was in coming to the Martial Arts Alliance today.

“General Xu Mu, I’ll treat you.”

After Fang Yu said to General Xu Mu, he began to treat General Xu Mu with absolute healing.

Liu Da has been watching from the side!

When Fang Yu’s treatment was over, he stepped aside and said to Xu Mu: “General Xu Mu, today’s treatment

is over.”

“Okay, thank you Fang Yu.”

Xu Mu smiled at Fang Yu.

“General Xu Mu, I… Can I check it on you again? Liu

Da was so shocked.

“No problem.”

After getting Xu Mu’s consent, Liu Da quickly began to check Xu Mu again.

But after the examination, Liu Da’s pupils contracted rapidly, and his face was not only shocked but still shocked.

What he didn’t expect was that Xu Muzhan would actually have a little better meridians.

Liu Da, as the most powerful martial arts doctor in Jiangnan City, faced Fang Yu, and he knelt directly.

“Fang Yu, you, you…” Liu

Da wanted to say something to Fang Yu, but he really didn’t know how to speak.

After a long time, Liu Da calmed his heart, and he said

to Fang Yu: “Fang Yu, I sincerely invite you to join our Jiangnan City Medical Association, if you can, I can give you the president.”

Liu Da said very seriously!

Fang Yu thought that Liu Da wanted to say something to him, but he didn’t expect that he wanted him to join the Medical Association.


Fang Yu tactfully rejected Liu Da.

“Okay then.”

Seeing Fang Yu’s refusal, Liu Da showed a hint of disappointment in his eyes and did not continue.

After leaving the Martial Arts Alliance, Fang Yu returned to the Tenglong Martial Pavilion, and he went to the SSS-level cultivation room to absorb the vitality.

Under the operation of the one thousand yuan cells in the body, the speed and value of Fang Yu’s absorption of yuan qi are simply not too terrifying.

After absorbing the vitality, Fang Yu returned to Villa 36, and tomorrow was Fang Xiaoxiao’s birthday.

The next day, afternoon!

Fang Yu’s family headed towards the Peony Golden Pavilion.

As the most prosperous restaurant in Jiangnan City, Peony Golden Court is naturally located in the center of Jiangnan City.

A moment later, Fang Yu’s family arrived outside the Peony Golden Pavilion.

Fang Xiaoxiao, who had never been to the Peony Golden Pavilion, looked very excited.


Fang Xiaoxiao took Fang Yu’s hand.

“Hello, to enter the Peony Golden Pavilion to eat, at least one warrior is required, this is our rule, please understand.”

A waitress bowed to Fang Yu and his family and said respectfully.

After speaking, the waitress pointed to the combat power detection machine next to her, and the meaning was very simple.

The waitress is also a warrior, but the realm is not high!

Fang Yu looked at the combat power detection machine in front of him, and he raised a finger.

The waitress looked at Fang Yu’s erected finger, and she couldn’t help but froze, not understanding what Fang Yu’s purpose was in erecting a finger.

But when she found Fang Yu pointing his finger towards the combat power detection machine, she understood.

After Fang Yu’s finger touched the combat power detection machine, a combat power index appeared on the screen of the combat power detection machine.

Combat power: 2050!

Looking at the combat power index that appeared on the screen of the combat power detection machine, the female staff member was stunned.

You must know that this is the combat power detected by one finger!

And the fingers are not charged, as if they are on the screen of the combat power detection machine.

In this way, all have so much combat power?

In fact, what the waitress didn’t know was that Fang Yu had also collected her strength, otherwise she might not have how much combat power she had checked.

After passing the test, Fang Yu’s family successfully entered the Peony Golden Pavilion.

“Hello, our Peony Golden Pavilion has ordinary private rooms, yellow-level private rooms, Xuan-level private rooms, ground-level private rooms, and heaven-level private rooms, what private rooms do you need?”

After arriving at the Peony Golden Pavilion, a waiter said respectfully to Fang Yu and several people.

“Heaven-level private room.”

Fang Yu thought in his heart that since he had come, then choose a better private room.

“Sir, the Heaven-level private room also requires a grandmaster to enter at least, so…”

Before the waiter’s words were finished, Fang Yu spoke.

“Good, okay.”

When the waiter saw Fang Yu say this, she didn’t dare to say anything more, and led Fang Yu’s family towards the heaven-level private room.

However, this waiter didn’t quite believe that Fang Yu and his family would have a grandmaster!

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