After this terrifying purple-gold blood dragon claw mark appeared in the sky, the life of this ninth-order peak-level ferocious beast disappeared forever.

At this moment, only the last ninth-order peak-level ferocious beast remained in the sky.

This ninth-order peak-level ferocious beast was already terrified and terrified.

“Human, please don’t kill me, otherwise…”

This ninth-order peak-level ferocious beast quickly begged Fang Yu for mercy.

As a ninth-order peak-level ferocious beast, it had never met such a human powerhouse.

“Let you go?”

Fang Yu looked at this ninth-order peak-level ferocious beast playfully, “Why are you so naïve? When

this ninth-order peak-level ferocious beast heard this, it certainly knew that Fang Yu would not let it go.

“Human, I fought with you!”

This ninth-order peak-level ferocious beast thought, since Fang Yu didn’t want to let it go, it had to fight with Fang Yu!

It’s a pity, how can this ninth-order peak-level ferocious beast be Fang Yu’s opponent?

Just when this ninth-order peak-level ferocious beast shot at it, Fang Yu also shot at it.

The purple-gold blood dragon claw has struck!


Suddenly, the body of this ninth-order peak-level ferocious beast turned into two halves, its pupils widened, and no matter what, it would never have thought that it would actually die like this.

After killing this ninth-order peak-level ferocious beast, there were no more powerful ferocious beasts in the air, and some high-level battle emperor-level ferocious beasts could not raise the grade at all.

“All-out counterattack!”

When the warriors above the West Dragon Defense Line and the ferocious beast legions on the ground were all shocked, the Dragon Lord spoke.

After the dragon lord’s voice fell, only then did the people above the West Dragon defense line come to their senses.

Immediately afterwards, the warriors on the West Dragon defense line launched a comprehensive counterattack against the fierce beast legion on the ground.


Fang Yu directly opened the second stage form of the six-clawed purple-gold blood dragon, and a six-clawed purple-gold blood dragon that was thousands of meters long appeared in the space.

“Endless killing!”

Fang Yu urged endless killing against the Cloud Country Ferocious Beast Legion on the ground.

After the endless killing is urged out, the real killing begins!

Countless ferocious beasts on the ground fell in pools of blood, and the whole scene was absolutely miserable.

Everyone looked at the combat power displayed by Fang Yu, and they were all shocked to the point of being beyond belief.

There was only one thought in their hearts now, that is, Fang Yu was too terrifying.

There was no doubt that after the three ninth-order peak-level ferocious beasts were killed by Fang Yu, the situation on the battlefield had already turned one-sided, and these ferocious beasts would never have any possibility of counterattacking.

The residents of the Dragon Kingdom who watched the live broadcast, they were all overjoyed when they saw such a scene.

For them, such a scene is really shocking!

When everyone came to their senses, there were cheers for a while.

Just because, in this battle on the West Dragon Defense Line, their Dragon Kingdom won.

The war is over.

The Dragon Lord and the seven high-level battle emperors arrived at Fang Yu’s side, and at this time Fang Yu had changed into his original form.

“Fang Yu, I didn’t expect you to grow to such a point.”

The Dragon Lord said to Fang Yu.

At that time, Fang Yu said that he could not come to the West Dragon Defense Line yet, because he still had important things.

Fang Yu also said that as long as he came to the West Dragon Defense Line, the pattern of the West Dragon Defense Line would change.

At that time, he was willing to believe Fang Yu.

After three ninth-order peak-level ferocious beasts appeared in the sky above the West Dragon Defense Line, he was desperate.

In his opinion, no matter how many adventures Fang Yu has obtained these days, he can’t face three ninth-order peak-level ferocious beasts at the same time.

What’s more, Fang Yu hasn’t appeared yet!

Just when he thought that Fang Yu had not had time to reach the West Dragon Defense Line, a miracle happened.

Fang Yu not only appeared on the West Dragon Defense Line in time, but also killed three ninth-order peak-level ferocious beasts in seconds.

Such a combat power is already a war emperor!

The seven high-level war emperors also looked at Fang Yu with great satisfaction, they didn’t understand how many good things the Dragon Kingdom had done, which was why an existence like Fang Yu appeared.

“Let’s go somewhere else.”

Fang Yu said to the Dragon Lord.

The Dragon Lord nodded when he heard this, and he led Fang Yu towards the hall on the West Dragon Defense Line.

It didn’t take long for Fang Yu to arrive at the hall on the West Dragon Defense Line.

“Fang Yu, what else do you want to say?”

The Dragon Lord looked at Fang Yu suspiciously.

The seven high-level battle emperors also looked at Fang Yu, all waiting for Fang Yu to speak next.

“It’s very simple,” Fang Yu smiled, “The residents of the Cloud Kingdom became fierce beasts because of the talents of the Demon Temple, and the people of the Demon Hall have not yet appeared in this battle of the West Dragon Defense Line, I don’t know if you have paid attention to this.” The

Dragon Lord and the seven high-level battle emperors in the hall listened to Fang Yu’s words, and they thought of this.

Yes, what about the people of the Demon Temple?

There were too many things in their minds these days, and now after listening to Fang Yu say this after the war, they remembered the Demon Temple.

“Fang Yu, what is your opinion?”

The Dragon Lord looked at Fang Yu.

He knew that Fang Yu was now the most powerful warrior in the Dragon Kingdom, so everything would naturally be centered on Fang Yu.

“Since the ferocious beast attacked our West Dragon Defense Line, I guess that the people of the Demon Hall are in the West Dragon Forest outside the West Dragon Defense Line, I don’t know what you think?”

Fang Yu said to everyone in the hall.

The people in the hall listened to this, they all looked at each other, and then nodded to show their agreement with Fang Yu’s thoughts.

“Then in that case, why don’t we go to the West Dragon Forest and take a look?”

The Dragon Lord thought that anyway, Fang Yu’s current strength was so strong, the Demon Hall should not be able to set off any storms in front of him.


The seven high-level battle emperors in the hall all nodded.

Immediately, their eyes all turned to Fang Yu, wanting to see what Fang Yu’s thoughts were.


Strike iron while it is hot, this is an old truth, and it is also an eternal truth.

After Fang Yu’s words fell, he got up and walked out of the hall.

Seeing this, the Dragon Lord and the seven high-level battle emperors hurriedly followed.

After they arrived outside the hall, they all turned into a golden streamer, and the golden streamer flew towards the forest of the West Dragon Defense Line.

Xilong Forest!

At an extremely fast flight speed, it didn’t take long for Fang Yu and the Dragon Lord and his group to reach the outside of the West Dragon Forest.

In the West Dragon Forest, there is a huge underground world, but I think that the fierce beasts in this underground world should come out and attack the West Dragon defense line.

“Fang Yu, are we looking separately or…”

the Dragon Lord asked Fang Yu.

“Let’s go together, after all, we don’t know how strong the final strength of the Demon Hall is.”

Fang Yu said.

The Dragon Lord and the seven high-level battle emperors all nodded, because if the people of the Demon Hall were strong, they would be broken one by one if they were looking for them separately!

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