The spear was forged from a special blue alloy, and the surface of the spear was emitting electric light, as if it contained the power of thunder that could destroy the world.

The design of the spear tip was extremely unique, in a spiral shape, like a drill.

It looked weird.

But just imagine.

What would happen if a water element warrior used this spear to pierce a human body?

The water blade burst out along the spiral trajectory, enough to tear apart the fragile internal organs of all creatures.

The scene was extremely terrifying.

But Zhang Muchen liked it very much.

"There is also this Blood Burst Secret Book. You can take a look at it. It is a secret method from the army. It can increase the amount of Qi and blood in a short period of time, but it has certain side effects. You must use it with caution in the future."

Zhang Muchen nodded, picked up the secret book and flipped through it.

'Do you want to consume one thousand evolution points to improve the proficiency of the Blood Burst Secret Art? '

After flipping through it.

The system prompt also sounded in his mind.

The entry of the third-level mystery is only one hundred evolution points.

According to this inference.

This Blood Burst Secret Art is at least a fourth-level skill!


Must learn!

Zhang Muchen now has money in his pocket, and he is not stingy with these one thousand evolution points, so he decisively learns it!

"Haha, you don't have to rush. There is still some time before the plan starts. You can slowly master the Blood Burst Secret Art during this time."

Xu Hua laughed and felt that Zhang Muchen was still young and a little impatient.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Muchen returned the secret book to the soldier after flipping through it, and said frankly:

"Lieutenant General, I have already entered the door."

Xu Hua's smile froze, his eyes were full of doubt, and he looked him up and down.

The other warriors present heard this, although they did not speak, but their expressions were all unbelieving.

What a joke.

Even if the national champion is a genius.

How can he enter the door in such a short time!

Seeing that Zhang Muchen was confident and did not look like a liar.

Xu Hua's expression became very serious, and he asked seriously:


Zhang Muchen nodded, stretched out his hand, and activated the blood-bursting secret technique.

He did not use all his strength.

He only activated a little.

Immediately, a bright red color appeared on the surface of the skin.

This bright red color, as if breathing, is constantly changing between light and dark!

It is the characteristic of the blood-bursting secret technique!

He really entered the door!

Xu Hua's eyes flashed with shock. Fortunately, he had been in a high position for a long time, otherwise he would not be able to hold it!

"What! He mastered the secret technique so quickly!"

"Are you kidding? This guy is really a monster!"

"So terrifying! So terrifying!"

The warriors selected to participate in this mission are all elites.

No one would think.

This is a carefully choreographed drama.

This is the lieutenant general of the Northern Military Region. How could he play this trick with them? There is no need!

"Okay, okay, my Dragon Country has another heroic young man. I am very relieved!"

Xu Hua patted Zhang Muchen on the shoulder and no longer questioned.

At the same time, he was more determined.

One day, this genius must be pulled into the army!

Such a heroic genius is just right to shine in the army!

"Others don't have to worry. As long as you participate in the mission, the military district will also give preferential treatment, whether before or after! You will not be left out!"

Xu Hua glanced around the whole place, his stern eyes passed over every face.

After a few seconds.

No one still quit.

Seeing this, he was very satisfied and continued:

"Very good, then we will take a special plane and set off to the entrance of the cave!"

The style of the military district has always been vigorous and resolute.

Xu Hua led the team in front, and everyone immediately went to the airport.

There was a giant plane parked at the airport, waiting for the flight.

Enter the plane.

The seats were marked with everyone's name, and there was also a package.

Everyone found their seats and sat down.

Seeing this, Xu Hua nodded and ordered his men to set off.

Boom boom boom...

The huge plane quickly lifted up with the power of the engine and flew into the air.

"The package contains something tailor-made for you by military experts, which can enhance your strength."

"Don't worry, before sending you in, the military will bomb the dangerous area first to create an advantage for you."

"And I promise that after completing the mission, each person can get 500 merits and the rank will be promoted by one level!"

"Remember, your mission this time is to destroy the cult base, and don't worry about anything else!"

Wait until the plane takes off successfully.

Xu Hua revealed his plan.

Everyone heard this and felt

It's much more stable.

Although in this era, martial arts is king and hot weapons have to retreat to the second line,

but the high-power bombing is still not something that low-level martial artists can resist!

"The things are well prepared."

Zhang Muchen opened the package and counted the supplies.

A tactical watch.

Seven bottles of healing medicine, covering all internal and external injuries.

In addition, there are three small bombs. Holding them in my hand, I feel quite frightened.


The power of these small bombs is definitely not small!

Three hours later.

The plane landed.

The cabin door opened.

What came into view was a team of soldiers with live ammunition.

And in the most heavily defended place, there was a cave entrance.

"Aren't you afraid of being exposed with such a big battle, so that the cult can be prepared?"

Zhang Muchen scanned the whole place and thought to himself.

"Don't worry, the blood poison dangerous land has both advantages and disadvantages. There will be a vacuum period every three months!"

"The vacuum period lasts for 24 hours. Only during these 24 hours can you enter and exit freely. Otherwise, it is closed."

"Even if we are clear, the cult base knows nothing. What we want is to completely destroy these beasts within these three days!"

Xu Hua led the team to the entrance of the cave and explained at the same time.

The military district is using the information gap.

Before the Beast God Cult reacts.

Use the greatest force to destroy the base!

Everyone came to the entrance of the cave and saw a large number of soldiers carrying shells.

The number of shells is so large and continuous that it is jaw-dropping.

"With so many shells bombed, the cultists in the dangerous land will be blown to pieces even if they have three heads and six arms."

Zhang Muchen was amazed and put on a tactical watch.

This is the first time to participate in a military district operation.

So everything he sees is new.

"Let's go into the cave!"

Xu Hua waved his hand and led everyone into the cave.

Unlike Cave No. 1.

This unknown cave has a very short passage.

One minute later.

In front of them, a desolate and boundless world appeared.

In this vast land, there is nothing.

There are only scar-like gullies crisscrossing.


There are also artillery vehicles and mortars all over the mountains!


All you can see are shells!

Zhang Muchen was suspicious.

With such a terrifying firepower bombing.

Is it necessary to send warriors into the dangerous place?

"Here in front of you is the blood poison dangerous place!"

Half an hour later.

Xu Hua led people to the entrance of a crack in the ground and looked out a hundred meters away.

A layer of red poisonous fog filled the entrance in the distance, making people feel uncomfortable.

As time passed.

The red poisonous fog faded visibly.

The vacuum period has arrived!

Xu Hua's eyes flashed with cold light, and he roared:

"No matter what, let's blast the big ones first! Fire!"

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