Gao Wu: After Severing The Relationship, He Awakened His S-Level Talent.

Chapter 57 Horrible, My Father Has Wanted To Kill Me Since I Was Born!

"When you practice contemplation for the first time, a lot of memory fragments will emerge, and beginners will generally be affected."

"If there is no one to protect the law and you are out of the illusion of memory, your mental strength will be damaged at the least, and your soul will be damaged and your spirit will be depressed at worst."

"So don't be reckless in your visualization, as it can easily hurt yourself."

Mengqiu did not hide anything and told all kinds of dangers.

Practice contemplation.

Break free from the illusion of memory.

Get a little clarity and shape in your soul.

This is the first difficulty for spiritual warriors.

Let’s put it in Ziweixing’s words.

Also called the Heart Demon Pass!

"In this case, please teacher, please protect me."

Zhang Muchen took the booklet.

One eye and ten lines.

Look through it quickly.

"Well, you go back and find more videos to enhance your understanding of Feixing, so..."

Meng Qiu was talking nonstop about his cultivation experience to prevent students from taking more detours.

No idea.

Zhang Muchen put down the pamphlet and said calmly:

"Teacher, I have already mastered the method of visualization."

Mengqiu's voice stopped suddenly.

A pair of beautiful eyes looked at Zhang Muchen in surprise.

After a while.

She took a deep breath, stretched out her hand and touched Zhang Muchen's eyebrows, and said:

"Okay, then you start visualizing the flying stars, and I will protect you."

A gentle person like her.

He would not threaten students.

But Zhang Muchen dared to lie.

Toying with her words.

Of course he needs to be punished.


Zhang Muchen's expression remained the same as before.

The lower jaw is slightly raised, like a man looking up at the stars.

He closed his eyes and gathered his thoughts, his mind went dark.

Nothing at all.

This means having a clear mind, pure thoughts, and no interference from external objects.

Suddenly a meteor streaked across the night sky, emitting endless light.

These lights shine down.

Pour it into Zhang Muchen's eyebrows and strengthen his soul.

"Is he really getting started!?"

Mengqiu felt Zhang Muchen's brows twitching, and was extremely shocked!

Martial arts test your understanding.

Physical training tests your patience.

Then the method of visualization is the most mysterious and tests spirituality!

Spirituality is a metaphysical concept.

There is never a right answer.

After all, no one can answer - what is the soul?

"The illusion of visualization can strengthen the soul, and the spiritual power is also extremely mysterious."

Zhang Muchen was completely unaware of the outside world.

He was absorbed in contemplation.

The imaginary starlight seems to contain some kind of power.

With continuous absorption.

Some memories hidden deep in the soul gradually emerged.

Zhang Muchen was so blessed that he opened his eyes and felt confused.

Mengqiu was not seen.

He is not in the classroom either.

Instead, there was an unfamiliar white ceiling.

"I, where is this?"

Zhang Muchen looked around blankly. There were some nurses busy there.


There were also many babies lying in boxes.

This environment seems to be in a hospital.

"Is this a memory from being a baby?"

Zhang Muchen was shocked when he found the answer.

I didn’t think of practicing meditation.

It can also bring out memories from when it was a baby.

Be aware that as the brain develops.

Memories from infancy will naturally disappear.

Memories about this period.

It is very possible that I added it myself in retrospect.

"Strange, why do I think of this memory?"

Zhang Muchen felt baffled, but there was nothing he could do.

After all, they are all babies and can't do anything.

Da da da.

The sound of footsteps sounded.

A person he knew very well came over - Zhang Xuanba!

At this time, Zhang Xuanba was still very young, in his early thirties.

He picked up Zhang Muchen, there was no tenderness in his eyes, but hatred!

"What's going on? I was just born. What reason does he have to hate me?"

Zhang Muchen's heart tightened instantly, and he was still a little nervous.

He guessed injured in memory.

There is a high probability that the soul will also be injured.

This is the danger of practicing contemplation!

"You are finally born, as long as I kill you, everything..."

Zhang Xuanba looked ferocious.

He reached out and pinched Zhang Muchen's neck.

Say something that the baby cannot understand at all and has no meaning.

"Tiger poison doesn't eat its seeds, what does Lao Deng want to do!"

Zhang Muchen was shocked and angry. His neck felt like it was clamped by an iron vise and he couldn't breathe.

Just ask a newborn baby.

How to fight adults?

The answer is simple.

There is no way!

Zhang Xuanba is serious.

He really wanted to kill Zhang Muchen, so he used all his strength to break his neck! ! !

It doesn’t take three seconds.

Zhang Muchen will suffocate to death!

"No! No matter it's an illusion or reality, you can't kill me!"

In despair.

Zhang Muchen burst out with strength in his heart.

This power turns into a shooting star, illuminating the spiritual world!

"Flying Star!"

A large amount of spiritual power surged out in an instant.

Turned into a starlight.

It hit Zhang Xuanba between his eyebrows.

There was a bang.

Everything is broken.

Zhang Muchen opened his eyes and saw a pair of eyes showing concern.

He knew he was out of memory.

Just this moment.

Really extremely tired.

My whole body was soaked with sweat.

[Host]: Zhang Muchen

[Realm]: Level 20

[Talent]: Eternal Azure Dragon (S)

[Qi and blood]: 2000


[Martial skills]: Water Dragon Yin (little success), Thunder Dragon Fury (beginner), Lightning Step (great success), Wave Palm (beginner)...

[Exercises]: Whale Sea Breathing Technique (Second Level of Perfection), True Scale Technique (Introduction), Flying Star Observation (Introduction)

[Evolution Points]: 1

When Zhang Muchen opened the panel and took a look, his heart sank.

This illusion.

It actually consumed 1,600 mental energy!

It can be seen that the danger is extremely high, and if you are not careful, your soul will be damaged.

The only good news.

The upper limit of mental power has not been reduced.

Just wait until you leave the classroom and look for opportunities to add more points.

"Are you okay? What memory did you recall that caused such a big reaction?"

Mengqiu rubbed Zhang Muchen's eyebrows to help him relieve his discomfort.

"Teacher, is the illusion real? Could it be fiction?"

Looking at Mengqiu who is very close at hand.

Zhang Muchen felt warm in his heart.

But he didn't explain.

This illusion is too weird.


My mind is filled with countless questions.

"Memory illusion is also called the inner demon. It is the deepest fear in your memory. Of course, it is something that really happened."

Mengqiu thought about it for a moment and said.

Real memories! ?

Zhang Muchen was shocked and couldn't believe it.

turn out to be.

From the moment he was born.

Zhang Xuanba!


The Zhang family just wanted to kill him!

"Why are you trying to kill me? Zhang Xuanba is a warrior, not Xiao Huangmao and Xiao Taimei. They have the ability to raise me!"

"In the era of warriors, population was extremely important. No matter which country it was, abandonment was strictly prohibited. This was a serious crime! Not to mention infanticide!"

"Why would Zhang Xuanba be willing to risk the death penalty to kill me?"

"And I don't see Zhang Yuanzhou in my memory. What's going on?"

Zhang Muchen prides himself on being a man of two generations and is extremely determined.

But today.

He is confused!

Countless questions came to mind one after another, and I was eager to find answers.

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